930 resultados para Concentrated Thermoelectric Solar Power (CSP)


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The engineering of solar power applications, such as photovoltaic energy (PV) or thermal solar energy requires the knowledge of the solar resource available for the solar energy system. This solar resource is generally obtained from datasets, and is either measured by ground-stations, through the use of pyranometers, or by satellites. The solar irradiation data are generally not free, and their cost can be high, in particular if high temporal resolution is required, such as hourly data. In this work, we present an alternative method to provide free hourly global solar tilted irradiation data for the whole European territory through a web platform. The method that we have developed generates solar irradiation data from a combination of clear-sky simulations and weather conditions data. The results are publicly available for free through Soweda, a Web interface. To our knowledge, this is the first time that hourly solar irradiation data are made available online, in real-time, and for free, to the public. The accuracy of these data is not suitable for applications that require high data accuracy, but can be very useful for other applications that only require a rough estimate of solar irradiation.


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Summary. The transformation of Germany’s energy sector will further exacerbate current network fluctuations and intensify the need for modifications in Europe’s power system. Cross-border power transfers will have to increase in order to overcome national limitations for absorbing large volumes of intermittent renewables like wind and solar power. In order to establish such an infrastructure on a European scale, the energy transition needs to be guided by an economic approach designed to prevent further fractures in the Internal Electricity Market. Moreover, constructive negotiations with neighbouring countries on market designs and price signals will be important preconditions for a successful energy transition in Europe.


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The outlook for natural gas demand is often considered bright, especially for gas used to generate electricity. This is because gas is the cleanest of all fossil fuels. The carbon intensity of modern gas-fired power stations is less than 50% that of modern coal plants. Moreover, gas-fired units are well-suited to follow rapid swings in supply and demand due to their flexibility. In the future, these balancing tasks will become more and more important given the intermittent character of the supply of wind and solar power. Gas seems to hold out the promise of being a key pillar of the energy transition and the perfect partner of renewables. Given the EU’s long-term climate policy goals, however, there is strong evidence that demand for gas for purposes of power generation peaked as early as 2010.


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Issued in parts.


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Report year ends Sept. 30.


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Issued in parts.


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Description based on: Fiscal year 1986.


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Issued in parts.


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On cover : Shawnee Solar Project.


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A solar power satellite is paid attention to as a clean, inexhaustible large- scale base-load power supply. The following technology related to beam control is used: A pilot signal is sent from the power receiving site and after direction of arrival estimation the beam is directed back to the earth by same direction. A novel direction-finding algorithm based on linear prediction technique for exploiting cyclostationary statistical information (spatial and temporal) is explored. Many modulated communication signals exhibit a cyclostationarity (or periodic correlation) property, corresponding to the underlying periodicity arising from carrier frequencies or baud rates. The problem was solved by using both cyclic second-order statistics and cyclic higher-order statistics. By evaluating the corresponding cyclic statistics of the received data at certain cycle frequencies, we can extract the cyclic correlations of only signals with the same cycle frequency and null out the cyclic correlations of stationary additive noise and all other co-channel interferences with different cycle frequencies. Thus, the signal detection capability can be significantly improved. The proposed algorithms employ cyclic higher-order statistics of the array output and suppress additive Gaussian noise of unknown spectral content, even when the noise shares common cycle frequencies with the non-Gaussian signals of interest. The proposed method completely exploits temporal information (multiple lag ), and also can correctly estimate direction of arrival of desired signals by suppressing undesired signals. Our approach was generalized over direction of arrival estimation of cyclostationary coherent signals. In this paper, we propose a new approach for exploiting cyclostationarity that seems to be more advanced in comparison with the other existing direction finding algorithms.


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Flapping Wing Aerial Vehicles (FWAVs) have the capability to combine the benefits of both fixed wing vehicles and rotary vehicles. However, flight time is limited due to limited on-board energy storage capacity. For most Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) operators, frequent recharging of the batteries is not ideal due to lack of nearby electrical outlets. This imposes serious limitations on FWAV flights. The approach taken to extend the flight time of UAVs was to integrate photovoltaic solar cells onto different structures of the vehicle to harvest and use energy from the sun. Integration of the solar cells can greatly improve the energy capacity of an UAV; however, this integration does effect the performance of the UAV and especially FWAVs. The integration of solar cells affects the ability of the vehicle to produce the aerodynamic forces necessary to maintain flight. This PhD dissertation characterizes the effects of solar cell integration on the performance of a FWAV. Robo Raven, a recently developed FWAV, is used as the platform for this work. An additive manufacturing technique was developed to integrate photovoltaic solar cells into the wing and tail structures of the vehicle. An approach to characterizing the effects of solar cell integration to the wings, tail, and body of the UAV is also described. This approach includes measurement of aerodynamic forces generated by the vehicle and measurements of the wing shape during the flapping cycle using Digital Image Correlation. Various changes to wing, body, and tail design are investigated and changes in performance for each design are measured. The electrical performance from the solar cells is also characterized. A new multifunctional performance model was formulated that describes how integration of solar cells influences the flight performance. Aerodynamic models were developed to describe effects of solar cell integration force production and performance of the FWAV. Thus, performance changes can be predicted depending on changes in design. Sensing capabilities of the solar cells were also discovered and correlated to the deformation of the wing. This demonstrated that the solar cells were capable of: (1) Lightweight and flexible structure to generate aerodynamic forces, (2) Energy harvesting to extend operational time and autonomy, (3) Sensing of an aerodynamic force associated with wing deformation. Finally, different flexible photovoltaic materials with higher efficiencies are investigated, which enable the multifunctional wings to provide enough solar power to keep the FWAV aloft without batteries as long as there is enough sunlight to power the vehicle.


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Renewable energy technologies have long-term economic and environmental advantages over fossil fuels, and solar power is the most abundant renewable resource, supplying 120 PW over earth’s surface. In recent years the cost of photovoltaic modules has reached grid parity in many areas of the world, including much of the USA. A combination of economic and environmental factors has encouraged the adoption of solar technology and led to an annual growth rate in photovoltaic capacity of 76% in the US between 2010 and 2014. Despite the enormous growth of the solar energy industry, commercial unit efficiencies are still far below their theoretical limits. A push for thinner cells may reduce device cost and could potentially increase device performance. Fabricating thinner cells reduces bulk recombination, but at the cost of absorbing less light. This tradeoff generally benefits thinner devices due to reduced recombination. The effect continues up to a maximum efficiency where the benefit of reduced recombination is overwhelmed by the suppressed absorption. Light trapping allows the solar cell to circumvent this limitation and realize further performance gains (as well as continue cost reduction) from decreasing the device thickness. This thesis presents several advances in experimental characterization, theoretical modeling, and device applications for light trapping in thin-film solar cells. We begin by introducing light trapping strategies and discuss theoretical limits of light trapping in solar cells. This is followed by an overview of the equipment developed for light trapping characterization. Next we discuss our recent work measuring internal light scattering and a new model of scattering to predict the effects of dielectric nanoparticle back scatterers on thin-film device absorption. The new model is extended and generalized to arbitrary stacks of stratified media containing scattering structures. Finally, we investigate an application of these techniques using polymer dispersed liquid crystals to produce switchable solar windows. We show that these devices have the potential for self-powering.


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Today’s power system network is more complex with enhanced responsibility to maintain reliable, stable and quality supply of power at transmission and distribution level. Maintaining grid balance is a bigger issue, in case of any unexpected generation shortage or grid disturbance or any participation of an intermittent nature of renewable energy sources like wind and solar power in the energy mix. In order to compensate such imbalance and improve reliability, and stability of power system, an energy storage system (ESS) can be considered as a vital solution. Also ESS can be used to mitigate associated issues of renewable energy sources while integration into the power system network. Thus ESS supports to get a reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by means of integrating more renewable energy sources to the grid effectively. There are various types of Energy Storage (ES) technologies which are being used in power systems network for large scale (MW) to small scale (KW) level. Based on the type and characteristics, each storage technology is suitable for a particular role of applications. This paper presents an extensive review study on various types of ES technologies in characteristics and applications point of view. It also demonstrates various applications of ESS in detail. Finally, with the aid of ES-selectTM tool software, a feasibility analysis has been carried out to identify a suitable ES technology for appropriate applications at different grid locations and also helps to develop a smart hybrid storage system for grid applications in future.


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Penetration of renewable energy resources, such as wind and solar power, into power systems significantly increases the uncertainties on system operation, stability, and reliability in smart grids. In this paper, the nonparametric neural network-based prediction intervals (PIs) are implemented for forecast uncertainty quantification. Instead of a single level PI, wind power forecast uncertainties are represented in a list of PIs. These PIs are then decomposed into quantiles of wind power. A new scenario generation method is proposed to handle wind power forecast uncertainties. For each hour, an empirical cumulative distribution function (ECDF) is fitted to these quantile points. The Monte Carlo simulation method is used to generate scenarios from the ECDF. Then the wind power scenarios are incorporated into a stochastic security-constrained unit commitment (SCUC) model. The heuristic genetic algorithm is utilized to solve the stochastic SCUC problem. Five deterministic and four stochastic case studies incorporated with interval forecasts of wind power are implemented. The results of these cases are presented and discussed together. Generation costs, and the scheduled and real-time economic dispatch reserves of different unit commitment strategies are compared. The experimental results show that the stochastic model is more robust than deterministic ones and, thus, decreases the risk in system operations of smart grids.


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This paper describes some new wireless sensor hardware developed for pastoral and environmental applications. From our early experiments with Mote hardware we were inspired to develop our devices with improved radio range, solar power capability, mechanical and electrical robustness, and with unique combinations of sensors. Here we describe the design and evolution of a small family of devices: radio/processor board, a soil moisture sensor interface, and a single board multi-sensor unit for animal tracking experiments.