1000 resultados para Comte, Auguste, 1798-1857


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The Giant Long-Armed Prawn, Macrobrachium lar is a freshwater species native to the Indo-Pacific. M. lar has a long-lived, passive, pelagic marine larval stage where larvae need to colonise freshwater within three months to complete their development. Dispersal is likely to be influenced by the extensive distances larvae must transit between small oceanic islands to find suitable freshwater habitat, and by prevailing east to west wind and ocean currents in the southern Pacific Ocean. Thus, both intrinsic and extrinsic factors are likely to influence wild population structure in this species. The present study sought to define the contemporary broad and fine-scale population genetic structure of Macrobrachium lar in the south-western Pacific Ocean. Three polymorphic microsatellite loci were used to assess patterns of genetic variation within and among 19 wild adult sample sites. Statistical procedures that partition variation implied that at both spatial scales, essentially all variation was present within sample sites and differentiation among sites was low. Any differentiation observed also was not correlated with geographical distance. Statistical approaches that measure genetic distance, at the broad-scale, showed that all south-western Pacific Islands were essentially homogeneous, with the exception of a well supported divergent Cook Islands group. These findings are likely the result of some combination of factors that may include the potential for allelic homoplasy, through to the effects of sampling regime. Based on the findings, there is most likely a divergent M. lar Cook Islands clade in the south-western Pacific Ocean, resulting from prevailing ocean currents. Confirmation of this pattern will require a more detailed analysis of nDNA variation using a larger number of loci and, where possible, use of larger population sizes.


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During spermatogenesis, giant tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) from Queensland, eastern Australia had a high proportion of testicular spermatids that appeared 'hollow' because their nuclei were not visible with the haematoxylin and eosin stain. When examined by transmission electron microscopy, the nuclei of hollow spermatids contained highly decondensed chromatin, with large areas missing fibrillar chromatin. Together with hollow spermatids, testicular pale enlarged (PE) spermatids with weakly staining and marginated chromatin were observed. Degenerate-eosinophilic-clumped (DEC) spermatids that appeared as aggregated clumps were also present in testes tubules. Among 171 sub-adult and adult P. monodon examined from several origins, 43% displayed evidence of hollow spermatids in the testes, 33% displayed PE spermatids and 15% displayed DEC spermatids. These abnormal sperm were also found at lower prevalence in the vas deferens and spermatophore. We propose 'Hollow Sperm Syndrome (HSS)' to describe this abnormal sperm condition as these morphological aberrations have yet to be described in penaeid shrimp. No specific cause of HSS was confirmed by examining either tank or pond cultured shrimp exposed to various stocking densities, temperatures, salinities, dietary and seasonal factors. Compared with wild broodstock, HSS occurred at higher prevalence and severity among sub-adults originating from farms, research ponds and tanks. Further studies are required to establish what physiological, hormonal or metabolic processes may cause HSS and whether it compromises the fertility of male P. monodon.


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Genealogy; childhood in Tuebingen as the youngest of 14 brothers; student life in Tuebingen; professional career; because of his being Jewish no possibility to enter career as public prosecutor; active membership in National Liberal Party and in Free Mason Lodge; World War I; closing of his law office in 1933. Contains transcriptions of numerous congratulations for his golden wedding and his 80th birthday in 1937.


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Documents pertaining to the protected Jew Lion Eppenstein in Berlin; 1798-1813


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Parte 1 - Atos do Poder Legislativo


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Aspects of the reproductive biology of Mugil cephalus in the Bonny estuary (Nigeria) were studied between January and December 1996. Males were observed to be more slender than females while the females have deeper bodies. The male:female ratio (1:0:95) was not significantly different. The minimum size at maturity was 16.6cm (0.5 yr). Fish matured at 24.3cm TL(1.76 yr) with median maturity size of 19.5cm TL(0.71 yr). Median maturity for male and female fish were 16.4cm TL(0.41 yr) and 18.2cm TL(0.60 yr) respectively. Breeding occurred once a year between September and December, from late rainy season to early dry season. Mean absolute fecundity was 1,403, 808 eggs (range 107, 729-4,445, 423 eggs) for fish of TL (mean 22.5cm TL). Fecundity correlated positively with fish total weight, length, ovary weight and age


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O objetivo da pesquisa foi buscar, por meio de um estudo aprofundado, informações relevantes da ação política do Apostolado Positivista do Brasil na transição entre a Monarquia e a República. O recorte temporal (1889-1891) remete o trabalho ao período do primeiro governo da república, chamado de governo provisório, que teve como Presidente, o Marechal Deodoro da Fonseca. O trabalho foi dividido em três capítulos: o primeiro ressalta o contexto do surgimento do pensamento positivista por intermédio da atuação de seu mentor Augusto Comte no debate intelectual da França. A partir disso, destacam-se aspectos que servem para esclarecer a cisão entre positivistas ortodoxos e heterodoxos e posteriormente, como as idéias positivistas se espalharam no contexto brasileiro. No mesmo capítulo, foi ressaltado ainda, o surgimento da Igreja Positivista do Brasil, as trajetórias de Miguel Lemos e Raimundo Teixeira Mendes até assumirem a direção e vice-direção do Apostolado. No segundo foi apresentada a ação política do Apostolado na tentativa de encaminhar o governo provisório para um regime político de ditadura definitiva. Tendo seu projeto político fracassado, o grupo passou a defender o cumprimento de artigos da constituição de 1891, que por diferentes motivos tivessem aspectos que se assemelhavam com a política tida pelo Apostolado como adequada. No terceiro foi mostrada a influência do positivismo em diferentes temas importantes no Brasil naquele momento, como, ensino, separação entre Estado e Igreja e movimento trabalhista. A persistência do lema positivista ordem e progresso na bandeira nacional até hoje, está entre os símbolos desta militância ortodoxa. Os membros do Apostolado Positivista não tiveram seu projeto de ditadura sacramentado apesar do forte influência da doutrina positivista no Brasil por dois aspectos, o primeiro por seguirem a recomendação de Comte de negar cargos políticos, o segundo pela doutrina positivista não ser orgânica a oligarquia cafeeira que iria nortear as bases de estruturação do país.


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo promover um estudo sobre a vida e obra política de Júlio de Castilhos, político do Rio Grande do Sul que nos primórdios da República, entre 1895 e 1898, governou aquele Estado instituindo ali um regime republicano de base autoritária segundo os preceitos da doutrina do Positivismo formulada pelo pensador francês Augusto Comte, mas que naquele momento colocava-se em aberta oposição à tradição do pensamento brasileiro fundado no ideário liberal. Uma trajetória política ainda mais significativa, pois presta-se ao estudo inicial da questão que dá sentido maior aos nossos estudos e que vem a ser as bases do autoritarismo brasileiro inscrito na História do país por dois episódios de governos autoritários em 1937 e 1964. Os governos estes que apresentam identificação com o projeto político de Júlio de Castilhos.


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Penaeus monodon (Fabricius, 1798) is a popular cultivable species and valuable foreign exchange earning item among all the fishery commodities in Bangladesh. At present with semi-intensive and intensive shrimp culture practices, disease is a problem. Protozoan infection, caused by the Zoothamnium sp. is one of the causes of damage in the total production by growth retardation and mortality. No work has yet been done on shrimp disease in Bangladesh. The present account therefore, constitutes the first report on it from the shrimp culture ponds of Cox's Bazar. The present work includes the occurrence and prevalence of protozoan disease, its seasonal variations and level of infestation in different length groups in Penaeus monodon.


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Historians of Ireland have devoted considerable attention to the Presbyterian origins of modern Irish republicanism in the 1790s and their overwhelming support for the Union with Great Britain in the 1880s. On the one hand, it has been argued that conservative politics came to dominate nineteenth-century Presbyterianism in the form of Henry Cooke who combined conservative evangelical religion with support for the established order. On the other hand, historians have long acknowledged the continued importance of liberal and radical impulses amongst Presbyterians. Few historians of the nineteenth century have attempted to bring these two stories together and to describe the relationship between the religion and politics of Presbyterians along the lines suggested by scholars of Presbyterian radicalism in the last quarter of the eighteenth century. This article argues that a distinctive form of Presbyterian evangelicalism developed in the nineteenth century that sought to bring the denomination back to the theological and spiritual priorities of seventeenth-century Scottish and Irish Presbyterianism. By doing so, it encouraged many Presbyterians to get involved in movements for reform and liberal politics. Supporters of ‘Covenanter Politics’ utilised their denominational principles and traditions as the basis for political involvement and as a rhetoric of opposition to Anglican privilege and Catholic tyranny. These could be the prime cause of Presbyterian opposition to the infringement of their rights, such as the marriage controversy and the Disruption of the Church of Scotland in the early 1840s, and they could also be employed as a language of opposition in response to broader social and political developments, such as the demands for land reform stimulated by the agricultural depression that accompanied the Famine. Despite their opposition to ascendancy, however, the Covenanter Politics of Presbyterian Liberals predisposed them towards pan-protestant unionism against the threat of ‘Rome Rule’.