981 resultados para Composite models


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Composite Applications on top of SAPs implementation of SOA (Enterprise SOA) enable the extension of already existing business logic. In this paper we show, based on a case study, how Model-Driven Engineering concepts are applied in the development of such Composite Applications. Our Case Study extends a back-end business process which is required for the specific needs of a demo company selling wine. We use this to describe how the business centric models specifying the modified business behaviour of our case study can be utilized for business performance analysis where most of the actions are performed by humans. In particular, we apply a refined version of Model-Driven Performance Engineering that we proposed in our previous work and motivate which business domain specifics have to be taken into account for business performance analysis. We additionally motivate the need for performance related decision support for domain experts, who generally lack performance related skills. Such a support should offer visual guidance about what should be changed in the design and resource mapping to get improved results with respect to modification constraints and performance objectives, or objectives for time.


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Low-velocity impact damage can drastically reduce the residual strength of a composite structure even when the damage is barely visible. The ability to computationally predict the extent of damage and compression-after-impact (CAI) strength of a composite structure can potentially lead to the exploration of a larger design space without incurring significant time and cost penalties. A high-fidelity three-dimensional composite damage model, to predict both low-velocity impact damage and CAI strength of composite laminates, has been developed and implemented as a user material subroutine in the commercial finite element package, ABAQUS/Explicit. The intralaminar damage model component accounts for physically-based tensile and compressive failure mechanisms, of the fibres and matrix, when subjected to a three-dimensional stress state. Cohesive behaviour was employed to model the interlaminar failure between plies with a bi-linear traction–separation law for capturing damage onset and subsequent damage evolution. The virtual tests, set up in ABAQUS/Explicit, were executed in three steps, one to capture the impact damage, the second to stabilize the specimen by imposing new boundary conditions required for compression testing, and the third to predict the CAI strength. The observed intralaminar damage features, delamination damage area as well as residual strength are discussed. It is shown that the predicted results for impact damage and CAI strength correlated well with experimental testing without the need of model calibration which is often required with other damage models.


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The capability to numerically model the crushing behaviour of composite structures will enable the efficient design of structures with high specific energy absorption capacity. This is particularly relevant to the aerospace and automotive industries where cabin structures need to be shown to be crashworthy. In this paper, a three-dimensional damage model is presented, which accurately represents the behaviour of composite laminates under crush loading. Both intralaminar and interlaminar failure mechanisms are taken into account. The crush damage model was implemented in ABAQUS/Explicit as a VUMAT subroutine. Numerical predictions are shown to agree well with experimental results, accurately capturing the intralaminar and interlaminar damage for a range of stacking sequences, triggers and composite materials. The use of measured material parameters required by the numerical models, without the need to ‘calibrate’ this input data, demonstrates this computational tool's predictive capabilities


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The development of a virtual testing environment, as a cost-effective industrial design tool in the design and analysis of composite structures, requires the need to create models efficiently, as well as accelerate the analysis by reducing the number of degrees of freedom, while still satisfying the need for accurately tracking the evolution of a debond, delamination or crack front. The eventual aim is to simulate both damage initiation and propagation in components with realistic geometrical features, where crack propagation paths are not trivial. Meshless approaches, and the Element-Free Galerkin (EFG) method, are particularly suitable for problems involving changes in topology and have been successfully applied to simulate damage in homogeneous materials and concrete. In this work, the method is utilized to model initiation and mixed-mode propagation of cracks in composite laminates, and to simulate experimentally-observed crack migration which is difficult to model using standard finite element analysis. N


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The accurate determination of non-linear shear behaviour and fracture toughness of continuous carbon-fibre/polymer composites remains a considerable challenge. These measurements are often necessary to generate material parameters for advanced computational damage models. In particular, there is a dearth of detailed shear fracture toughness characterisation for thermoplastic composites which are increasingly generating renewed interest within the aerospace and automotive sectors. In this work, carbon fibre (AS4)/ thermoplastic Polyetherketoneketone (PEKK) composite V-notched cross-ply specimens were manufactured to investigate their non-linear response under pure shear loading. Both monotonic and cyclic loading were applied to study the shear modulus degradation and progressive failure. For the first time in the reported literature, we use the essential work of fracture approach to measure the shear fracture toughness of continuous fibre reinforced composite laminates. Excellent geometric similarity in the load-displacement curves was observed for ligament-scaled specimens. The laminate fracture toughness was determined by linear regression, of the specific work of fracture values, to zero ligament thickness, and verified with computational models. The matrix intralaminar fracture toughness (ply level fracture toughness), associated with shear loading was determined by the area method. This paper also details the numerical implementation of a new three-dimensional phenomenological model for carbon fibre thermoplastic composites using the measured values, which is able to accurately represent the full non-linear mechanical response and fracture process. The constitutive model includes a new non-linear shear profile, shear modulus degradation and load reversal. It is combined with a smeared crack model for representing ply-level damage initiation and propagation. The model is shown to accurately predict the constitutive response in terms of permanent plastic strain, degraded modulus as well as load reversal. Predictions are also shown to compare favourably with the evolution of damage leading to final fracture.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2012


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An experimental and Finite Element study was performed on the bending behaviour of wood beams of the Pinus Pinaster species repaired with adhesively-bonded carbon–epoxy patches, after sustaining damage by cross-grain failure. This damage is characterized by crack growth at a small angle to the beams longitudinal axis, due to misalignment between the wood fibres and the beam axis. Cross-grain failure can occur in large-scale in a wood member when trees that have grown spirally or with a pronounced taper are cut for lumber. Three patch lengths were tested. The simulations include the possibility of cohesive fracture of the adhesive layer, failure within the wood beam in two propagation planes and patch interlaminar failure, by the use of cohesive zone modelling. The respective cohesive properties were estimated either by an inverse method or from the literature. The comparison with the tests allowed the validation of the proposed methodology, opening a good perspective for the reduction of costs in the design stages of these repairs due to extensive experimentation.


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To study the behaviour of beam-to-column composite connection more sophisticated finite element models is required, since component model has some severe limitations. In this research a generic finite element model for composite beam-to-column joint with welded connections is developed using current state of the art local modelling. Applying mechanically consistent scaling method, it can provide the constitutive relationship for a plane rectangular macro element with beam-type boundaries. Then, this defined macro element, which preserves local behaviour and allows for the transfer of five independent states between local and global models, can be implemented in high-accuracy frame analysis with the possibility of limit state checks. In order that macro element for scaling method can be used in practical manner, a generic geometry program as a new idea proposed in this study is also developed for this finite element model. With generic programming a set of global geometric variables can be input to generate a specific instance of the connection without much effort. The proposed finite element model generated by this generic programming is validated against testing results from University of Kaiserslautern. Finally, two illustrative examples for applying this macro element approach are presented. In the first example how to obtain the constitutive relationships of macro element is demonstrated. With certain assumptions for typical composite frame the constitutive relationships can be represented by bilinear laws for the macro bending and shear states that are then coupled by a two-dimensional surface law with yield and failure surfaces. In second example a scaling concept that combines sophisticated local models with a frame analysis using a macro element approach is presented as a practical application of this numerical model.


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Es desenvolupa una eina de disseny per l'anàlisi de la tolerància al dany en composites. L'eina pot predir el inici i la propagació de fisures interlaminars. També pot ser utilitzada per avaluar i planificar la necessitat de reparar o reemplaçar components durant la seva vida útil. El model desenvolupat pot ser utilitzat tan per simular càrregues estàtiques com de fatiga. El model proposat és un model de dany termodinàmicament consistent que permet simular la delaminació en composites sota càrregues variables. El model es formula dins el context de la Mecànica del Dany, fent ús dels models de zona cohesiva. Es presenta un metodologia per determinar els paràmetres del model constitutiu que permet utilitzar malles d'elements finits més bastes de les que es poden usar típicament. Finalment, el model és també capaç de simular la delaminació produïda per càrregues de fatiga.


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La majoria de les fallades en elements estructurals són degudes a càrrega per fatiga. En conseqüència, la fatiga mecànica és un factor clau per al disseny d'elements mecànics. En el cas de materials compòsits laminats, el procés de fallada per fatiga inclou diferents mecanismes de dany que resulten en la degradació del material. Un dels mecanismes de dany més importants és la delaminació entre capes del laminat. En el cas de components aeronàutics, les plaques de composit estan exposades a impactes i les delaminacions apareixen facilment en un laminat després d'un impacte. Molts components fets de compòsit tenen formes corbes, superposició de capes i capes amb diferents orientacions que fan que la delaminació es propagui en un mode mixt que depen de la grandària de la delaminació. És a dir, les delaminacions generalment es propaguen en mode mixt variable. És per això que és important desenvolupar nous mètodes per caracteritzar el creixement subcrític en mode mixt per fatiga de les delaminacions. El principal objectiu d'aquest treball és la caracterització del creixement en mode mixt variable de les delaminacions en compòsits laminats per efecte de càrregues a fatiga. Amb aquest fi, es proposa un nou model per al creixement per fatiga de la delaminació en mode mixt. Contràriament als models ja existents, el model que es proposa es formula d'acord a la variació no-monotònica dels paràmetres de propagació amb el mode mixt observada en diferents resultats experimentals. A més, es du a terme un anàlisi de l'assaig mixed-mode end load split (MMELS), la característica més important del qual és la variació del mode mixt a mesura que la delaminació creix. Per a aquest anàlisi, es tenen em compte dos mètodes teòrics presents en la literatura. No obstant, les expressions resultants per l'assaig MMELS no són equivalents i les diferències entre els dos mètodes poden ser importants, fins a 50 vegades. Per aquest motiu, en aquest treball es porta a terme un anàlisi alternatiu més acurat del MMELS per tal d'establir una comparació. Aquest anàlisi alternatiu es basa en el mètode dels elements finits i virtual crack closure technique (VCCT). D'aquest anàlisi en resulten importants aspectes a considerar per a la bona caracterització de materials utilitzant l'assaig MMELS. Durant l'estudi s'ha dissenyat i construït un utillatge per l'assaig MMELS. Per a la caracterització experimental de la propagació per fatiga de delaminacions en mode mixt variable s'utilitzen diferents provetes de laminats carboni/epoxy essencialment unidireccionals. També es du a terme un anàlisi fractogràfic d'algunes de les superfícies de fractura per delaminació. Els resultats experimentals són comparats amb les prediccions del model proposat per la propagació per fatiga d'esquerdes interlaminars.


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Composites of wind speeds, equivalent potential temperature, mean sea level pressure, vertical velocity, and relative humidity have been produced for the 100 most intense extratropical cyclones in the Northern Hemisphere winter for the 40-yr ECMWF Re-Analysis (ERA-40) and the high resolution global environment model (HiGEM). Features of conceptual models of cyclone structure—the warm conveyor belt, cold conveyor belt, and dry intrusion—have been identified in the composites from ERA-40 and compared to HiGEM. Such features can be identified in the composite fields despite the smoothing that occurs in the compositing process. The surface features and the three-dimensional structure of the cyclones in HiGEM compare very well with those from ERA-40. The warm conveyor belt is identified in the temperature and wind fields as a mass of warm air undergoing moist isentropic uplift and is very similar in ERA-40 and HiGEM. The rate of ascent is lower in HiGEM, associated with a shallower slope of the moist isentropes in the warm sector. There are also differences in the relative humidity fields in the warm conveyor belt. In ERA-40, the high values of relative humidity are strongly associated with the moist isentropic uplift, whereas in HiGEM these are not so strongly associated. The cold conveyor belt is identified as rearward flowing air that undercuts the warm conveyor belt and produces a low-level jet, and is very similar in HiGEM and ERA-40. The dry intrusion is identified in the 500-hPa vertical velocity and relative humidity. The structure of the dry intrusion compares well between HiGEM and ERA-40 but the descent is weaker in HiGEM because of weaker along-isentrope flow behind the composite cyclone. HiGEM’s ability to represent the key features of extratropical cyclone structure can give confidence in future predictions from this model.


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We examine whether a three-regime model that allows for dormant, explosive and collapsing speculative behaviour can explain the dynamics of the S&P 500. We extend existing models of speculative behaviour by including a third regime that allows a bubble to grow at a steady rate, and propose abnormal volume as an indicator of the probable time of bubble collapse. We also examine the financial usefulness of the three-regime model by studying a trading rule formed using inferences from it, whose use leads to higher Sharpe ratios and end of period wealth than from employing existing models or a buy-and-hold strategy.


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The time discretization in weather and climate models introduces truncation errors that limit the accuracy of the simulations. Recent work has yielded a method for reducing the amplitude errors in leapfrog integrations from first-order to fifth-order. This improvement is achieved by replacing the Robert--Asselin filter with the RAW filter and using a linear combination of the unfiltered and filtered states to compute the tendency term. The purpose of the present paper is to apply the composite-tendency RAW-filtered leapfrog scheme to semi-implicit integrations. A theoretical analysis shows that the stability and accuracy are unaffected by the introduction of the implicitly treated mode. The scheme is tested in semi-implicit numerical integrations in both a simple nonlinear stiff system and a medium-complexity atmospheric general circulation model, and yields substantial improvements in both cases. We conclude that the composite-tendency RAW-filtered leapfrog scheme is suitable for use in semi-implicit integrations.


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Extratropical cyclones produce the majority of precipitation in many regions of the extratropics. This study evaluates the ability of a climate model, HiGEM, to reproduce the precipitation associated with extratropical cyclones. The model is evaluated using the ERA-Interim reanalysis and GPCP dataset. The analysis employs a cyclone centred compositing technique, evaluates composites across a range of geographical areas and cyclone intensities and also investigates the ability of the model to reproduce the climatological distribution of cyclone associated precipitation across the Northern Hemisphere. Using this phenomena centred approach provides an ability to identify the processes which are responsible for climatological biases in the model. Composite precipitation intensities are found to be comparable when all cyclones across the Northern Hemisphere are included. When the cyclones are filtered by region or intensity, differences are found, in particular, HiGEM produces too much precipitation in its most intense cyclones relative to ERA-Interim and GPCP. Biases in the climatological distribution of cyclone associated precipitation are also found, with biases around the storm track regions associated with both the number of cyclones in HiGEM and also their average precipitation intensity. These results have implications for the reliability of future projections of extratropical precipitation from the model.


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We obtained long-slit spectra of high signal-to-noise ratio of the galaxy M32 with the Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph at the Gemini-North telescope. We analysed the integrated spectra by means of full spectral fitting in order to extract the mixture of stellar populations that best represents its composite nature. Three different galactic radii were analysed, from the nuclear region out to 2 arcmin from the centre. This allows us to compare, for the first time, the results of integrated light spectroscopy with those of resolved colour-magnitude diagrams from the literature. As a main result we propose that an ancient and an intermediate-age population co-exist in M32, and that the balance between these two populations change between the nucleus and outside one effective radius (1r(eff)) in the sense that the contribution from the intermediate population is larger at the nuclear region. We retrieve a smaller signal of a young population at all radii whose origin is unclear and may be a contamination from horizontal branch stars, such as the ones identified by Brown et al. in the nuclear region. We compare our metallicity distribution function for a region 1 to 2 arcmin from the centre to the one obtained with photometric data by Grillmair et al. Both distributions are broad, but our spectroscopically derived distribution has a significant component with [Z/Z(circle dot)] <= -1, which is not found by Grillmair et al.