577 resultados para Composé diazoïque


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The thermal degradation behavior of banana fiber and polypropylene/banana fiber composites has been studied by thermogravimetric analysis. Banana fiber was found to be decomposing in two stages, first one around 320 degrees C and the second one around 450 degrees C. For chemically treated banana fiber, the decomposition process has been at a higher temperature, indicating thermal stability for the treated fiber. Activation energies for thermal degradation were estimated using Coats and Redfern method. Calorific value of the banana fiber was measured using a constant volume isothermal bomb calorimeter. rystallization studies exhibited an increase in the crystallization temperature and crystallinity of polypropylene upon the addition of banana fiber. POLYM. COMPOS., 31:1113-1123, 2010. (C) 2009 Society of Plastics Engineers.


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Conditions for the preparation of stoichiometric barium zirconyl oxalate heptahydrate (BZO) have been standardized. The thermal decomposition of BZO has been investigated employing TG, DTG and DTA techniques and chemical and gas analysis. The decomposition proceeds through four steps and is not affected much by the surrounding gas atmosphere. Both dehydration and oxalate decomposition take place in two steps. The formation of a transient intermediate containing both oxalate and carbonate groups is inferred. The decomposition of oxalate groups results in a carbonate of composition Ba2Zr2O5CO3, which decomposes between 600 and 800° and yields barium zirconate. Chemical analysis, IR spectra and X-ray powder diffraction data support the identity of the intermediate as a separate entity.Die Bedingungen für die Herstellung von stöchiometrischem Barium-zirconyl-oxalat Heptahydrat (BZO) wurden standardisiert. Die thermische Zersetzung von BZO wurde unter Einsatz der TG-, DTG- und DTA, sowie der chemischen und Gasanalyse untersucht. Die Zersetzung verläuft über vier Stufen und wird von der umgebenden Gasathmosphäre nicht besonders beeinflusst. Sowohl die Dehydratisierung als auch die Oxalatzersetzung erfolgt in zwei Stufen. Die Bildung einer intermediären Übergangsverbindung mit sowohl Oxalat- als auch Carbonatgruppen wirken hierbei mit. Die Zersetzung der Oxalatgruppen ergibt ein Carbonat der Zusammensetzung Ba2Zr2O5CO3, das zwischen 600 und 800° zersetzt wird und Bariumzirconat ergibt. Die Angaben der chemischen Analyse, der IR-Spekren und der Röntgen-Pulver-Diffraktion unterstützen die Identität der Intermediärverbindung als eine separate Einheit.On a standardisé les conditions de préparation de l'oxalate heptahydraté de zirconyle et de baryum (BZO) stoechiométrique. On a étudié la décomposition thermique de BZO par TG, TGD et ATD ainsi que par analyses chimiques et analyses des gaz. La décomposition a lieu en quatre étapes et n'est pas trop influencée par l'atmosphère ambiante. La déshydratation et la décomposition de l'oxalate ont lieu en deux étapes. Il se forme un composé intermédiaire de transition contenant à la fois les groupes oxalate et carbonate. La décomposition des groupes oxalate fournit un carbonate de composition Ba2Zr2O5CO3 qui se décompose entre 600 et 800° pour fournir du zirconate de baryum. L'analyse chimique, les spectres IR et la diffraction des rayons X sur poudre, apportent les preuves de l'existence d'un composé intermédiaire comme entité séparée.


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The three-point bending behavior of sandwich beams made up of jute epoxy skins and piecewise linear functionally graded (FG) rubber core reinforced with fly ash filler is investigated. This work studies the influence of the parameters such as weight fraction of fly ash, core to thickness ratio, and orientation of jute on specific bending modulus and strength. The load displacement response of the sandwich is traced to evaluate the specific modulus and strength. FG core samples are prepared by using conventional casting technique and sandwich by hand layup. Presence of gradation is quantified experimentally. Results of bending test indicate that specific modulus and strength are primarily governed by filler content and core to sandwich thickness ratio. FG sandwiches with different gradation configurations (uniform, linear, and piecewise linear) are modeled using finite element analysis (ANSYS 5.4) to evaluate specific strength which is subsequently compared with the experimental results and the best gradation configuration is presented. POLYM. COMPOS., 32:1541-1551, 2011. (C) 2011 Society of Plastics Engineers


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New compos~tiong radient solid electrolytes are developed which have application in high temperature solid state galvanic sensors and provide a new tool for thermodynamic measurements. The electrolyte consists oi a solid solution between two ionic conductors with a common mobile ion and spatial variation in composition of otber coxup nents. Incorporation of the composite electrolyte in sensors permits the use oi dissimilar gas electrodes. It is demonsuated, both experimentall y and theoretically, that the composition gradient of the relativeiy immobile species does not give rise to a diffusion potential.The emi of a cell is determined by the activity of the mobile species at the two eiectrodes. The thermodynamic properties of solid solutions can be measured using the gradient solid electrolyte. The experimental stuay is based on model systems A?(COj)x(S04)l-x (A=Na,K),where S \.aria across the electrolyte. The functionally gradient solid electrolytes used for activity measurements consist of pure carbonate at one ena and the solid solution under stuav at the other. The identical vaiues of activity, obtained h m t hree different modes of operation of the ceil. indicate unit transport number for the ddi metal ion in the graciient electrolyte. Tlle activities in the solid solutions exhibit moderate positive deviations from Raoult 's law.


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A methodology using sensitivity analysis is proposed to measure the effective permeability which includes the interaction of the resin and the reinforcement. Initially, mold-filling experiments were performed at isothermal conditions on the test specimen and the positions of the flow front were tracked with time using a flow visualization method. Following this, mold-filling experiments were simulated using a commercial software to obtain the positions of the flow front with time at the process conditions used for experiments. Several iterations were performed using different trial values of the permeability until the experimentally tracked and simulated positions of the flow front with time were matched. Finally, the value of the permeability thus obtained was validated by comparing the positions obtained by performing the experiments at different process conditions with the positions obtained by simulating the experiments. In this study, woven roving and chopped strand mats of E-class glass fiber and unsaturated polyester resin were used for the experiments. From the results, it was found that the measured permeabilities were consistent with varying process conditions. POLYM. COMPOS., 2012. (c) 2012 Society of Plastics Engineers


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In this work, a hybrid-polymer nanocomposite film, based on polyvinyl butyral/amino-silane functionalized nano alumina, was fabricated by melt processing. The calcium degradation measurements suggest the functionalized nanocomposite films exhibit higher resistance towards moisture penetration as compared to the neat alumina loaded films. Thermal stability, mechanical strength, and contact angle studies of the composites were also conducted to evaluate the performance of the functionalized alumina loaded films. These nanocomposite films were encapsulated over Al/P3HT/ITO Schottky structured device. The changes observed in the current density of the devices to the applied voltage before and after accelerated aging conditions are presented. The nanocomposite with functionalized alumina films exhibits 50% change in current density, which is superior to that attained with neat and non-functionalized films. POLYM. COMPOS., 35:1426-1435, 2014. (c) 2013 Society of Plastics Engineers


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The present study focuses on developing functionally graded syntactic foams (FGSFs) based on a layered co-curing technique. The FGSFs were characterized for compressive and flexural properties and compared with plain syntactic foams. The results showed that the specific compressive modulus was 3-67% higher in FGSFs compared to plain syntactic foams. FGSF exhibited 5-34% and 34-87% higher specific modulus and strength, respectively in flexural mode. The microscopic examinations of comparative responses of the filler and matrix to deformation suggest that the failure is dominated by the matrix. The gradient in the composition of syntactic foams helps in effectively distributing the stress throughout the microstructure and results in improved mechanical performance of syntactic foams. From the microscopy studies, it is evident that, the failure mechanism in the FGSF under flexural loading is governed by a crack that initiated on the tensile side of the specimen and propagated through the thickness to cause complete fracture. The microscopic observations further clearly demonstrate the existence of seamless interfaces between the layers and a clear difference in the cenosphere concentration across the interface, affirming the gradation in the prepared samples. The results show that appropriate compositions of FGSFs can be selected to develop materials with improved mechanical performance. POLYM. COMPOS., 36:685-693, 2015. (c) 2014 Society of Plastics Engineers


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[ES] El conjunto industrial achelense de Puyo (Lannemezan, Hautes-Pyrénées), descubierto por G. Laplace en 1954 en posición estratigráfica rissiense, está compuesto por 360 ejemplares líticos tallados en cuarcita local. Este efectivo industrial se reparte entre: 218 piezas retocadas (en las que se han definido 226 tipos primarios), 136 lascas y 6 núcleos. Tecnológicamente, la mayor parte de las industrias parecen estar en relación con un debitado sobre yunque; técnica de talla que ha procurado unas lascas con unos atributos muy específicos, en las que, en varios casos, son más que evidentes sus analogías morfológicas con los "hachereaux". En este sentido, la elevada presencia de "hachereaux" bien formateados y de otras piezas hacheroides más elementales, menos elaboradas, así como de varias formas particulares de utillaje macrolítico (ojivas, puntas), nos ha llevado a plantear una propuesta de definición y clasificación analítica particular para estos temas. La contribución global de estas piezas macrolíticas es superior a la de los útiles convencionales o más habituales. Por último, en lo que concierne a la valoración tipológica, este original complejo achelense está definido esencialmente, además de por los más numerosos tipos hacheroides, por una casi similar presencia de denticulados y una importante contribución de puntas carenoides. Más complementariamente, deben estimarse las aportaciones de ojivas y raederas, y son francamente minoritarios los restantes grupos tipológicos considerados (de cantos tallados, truncaduras, puntas planas, abruptos, raspadores, "becs", fragmentos de piezas bifaciales indeterminadas y "écaillés").


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Esta tese é um estudo sobre os relacionamentos afetivo-conjugais interculturais, a saber, entre homens suíços e mulheres de países em desenvolvimento. O objetivo é buscar compreender esses relacionamentos e seu aumento através do que aqui denomino turismo afetivo-conjugal e migração afetivo-conjugal. Por um lado, e através dos discursos dos homens suíços, perceber como constroem seus projetos de vida, suas masculinidades, as motivações de suas escolhas pelo relacionamento com alguém de um país e cultura diferente da sua de origem, as causas dessas escolhas, como se percebem como homens e pais de família, suas percepções acerca das vivências e tensões na sociedade suíça face às ressignificações atuais da família e do casamento. Por outro lado, por estarem, todas as esposas em um contexto de migração, captar em que circunstâncias acontece a trajetória migratória feminina na atualidade, a feminina para a Suíça e, para o propósito específico desta tese, a migração em um contexto afetivo-conjugal intercultural. E, através dos discursos das migrantes pretende-se apreender suas escolhas, assim como as dificuldades vivenciadas por algumas delas. A amostra foi composta por vinte entrevistas: uma tailandesa divorciada, um suíço divorciado e nove casais constituídos por suíços e mulheres de quatro países em desenvolvimento. A amostra foi reunida após exaustiva busca via internet, Facebook, Orkut e através outras estratégias: ida a bares e restaurantes da cidade, sugestões e conhecimentos dos colegas do alojamentos e faculdade. A análise das falas dos entrevistados permite concluir que os suíços, ao buscarem relacionamentos afetivos-conjugais com mulheres de países em desenvolvimento, na verdade, desejam constituir uma família coesa, unida que valorize os valores tradicionais. Assim, mulheres de países em desenvolvimento são escolhidas por seus valores familiares mais tradicionais, ou seja, pelas suas qualidades como companheira de vida. Através da análise do discurso dos sujeitos perquiridos e dos dados estatísticos fornecidos pelo Centro de Estatística Suíço foi possível verificar como a migração e o turismo constituíram meios pelos quais os entrevistados conseguem formar uma família intercultural, como se organizam para tal, suas estratégias e projetos de vida. As falas das esposas migrantes mostram mulheres com agency, mas também possíveis dificuldades vivenciadas no país de destino, por se encontrarem longe de casa, de sua família e país de origem. As motivações por um relacionamento afetivo-conjugal intercultural mostram o desejo de ter para si uma família onde seus membros sejam menos independentes entre si.