820 resultados para Comparative Effectiveness Research


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This paper compares continuity and change in homelessness policy in Ireland, Scotland and Norway with a particular focus on the period of post-crisis austerity measures (2008-2016). The analytical approach draws on institutional theory and the notion of path dependency, which has rarely been applied to comparative homelessness research. The paper compares welfare and housing systems in the three countries prior to presenting a detailed analysis of the conceptualisation and measurement of homelessness; the institutions which address homelessness; and the evidence of change in the post-2008 period. The analysis demonstrates that challenges remain in comparing the nature of homelessness and policy responses across nation states, even where they have a number of similar characteristics, and despite some EU influence towards homelessness policy convergence. Similarly, national-level homelessness policy change could not be interpreted as entirely a result of the external shock of the 2008 general financial crisis, as existing national policy goals and programmes were also influential. Overall, embedded national frameworks and institutions were resilient, but sufficiently flexible to deliver longer term policy shifts in response to the changing nature of the homelessness problem and national policy goals. Institutionalism and path dependency were found to be useful in developing the comparative analysis of homelessness policy change and could be fruitfully applied in future longitudinal, empirical research across a wider range of countries.


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As intervenções alternativas são medidas que não devem ser rechaçadas por nenhum governante. O sistema de encarceramento penal existente no Brasil, assim como em muitas nações mundo afora, vem mostrando há décadas, ser um sistema falido, vez que é impossível (res)socializar alguém em cadeias que são verdadeiras masmorras. Não há condições de melhoramento, nem na esfera física ou psíquica deste sistema nefasto, que só funciona para pegar pobres, pretos, analfabetos e moradores das periferias. Dentro dos maiores problemas apontados por pesquisas atuais, a superlotação, a violência, o tráfico de drogas, o abuso sexual e a falta de uma ocupação que garanta a (res)socialização, forma verdadeiras faculdades do crime, onde o preso ou o adolescente chega como estagiário e sai como mestre na arte da criminalidade delinquente. Esta pesquisa em Criminologia e direito comparado, com foco no Brasil (Recife) e na Alemanha (Freiburg), faz uma contextualização histórica do tema, de forma geral e mais focada nos países comparados. Após esta contextualização, o trabalho retrata e analisa a situação dos jovens em conflito com a Lei, e explana as intervenções alternativas à internação, aconselhando a solução do acolhimento por famílias madrinhas.


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The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the short- and long-term effectiveness of a prefabricated occlusal appliance (R) on patients with myofascial pain and headache by comparing it with the treatment of the stabilization appliance (S). Another aim was to evaluate the effect of appliance treatment on stress-related salivary parameters like cortisol and IgA, as well as on flow rate values in these patients. Sixty-five patients diagnosed with myofascial temporomandibular disorder (TMD) pain, of whom 94% suffered concomitantly from headache, at two centres for Stomatognathic Physiology, one in Sweden and one in Finland, were included in this randomized controlled trial using Research Diagnostic Criteria for TMD (RDC/TMD), with history questionnaires and clinical examinations performed at baseline and at 6- and 10-weeks, and 6- and 12-month follow-ups. Patients were randomly assigned either to the R or the S group. Treatment outcome was measured according to IMMPACT (Initiative on Methods, Measurements, and Pain Assessment in Clinical Trials), i.e. four chronic pain outcome domains: pain intensity, overall improvement, physical and emotional functioning. Changes in frequency and intensity of headache were recorded. Thirty-nine patients participated in the saliva study. Salivary analyses were performed at 6 and 10 weeks. The results revealed no differences between groups at baseline. At all follow-ups, all four outcome measures, as well as frequency and intensity of headache, showed statistically significant within-group improvement compared to baseline, without significant differences between groups. No treatment-induced changes in saliva parameters could be registered. In conclusion, the effectiveness of the prefabricated appliance seemed to be similar to that of the stabilization appliance in alleviating myofascial pain, and frequency and intensity of headache, in the short as well as the long term. However, no changes in salivary parameters were observed during treatment.


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In the Innovation Union Scoreboard of 2011, Latvia ranked last amongst the EU countries in innovation performance. Even though there is sufficient scientific and technological basis, the results remain modest or low in most of the indicators concerning innovations. Several aspects influence the performance a national innovation system. In Latvia, the low effectiveness is often attributed to lack of financial support tools. As a comparison, Finland was chosen because of its well-established and documented innovation system. The aim of this study is to research the efficiency and effectiveness of the current financial innovation support tool system in Latvia from the point of view of an innovating company. It also attempts to analyze the support tool system of Latvia and compare to the relevant parts of the Finnish system. The study found that it is problematic for innovative companies in Latvia to receive the necessary funding especially for start-ups and SMEs due to the low number of grant programs, funds and lacking offer from banks, venture capital and business angels. To improve the situation, the Latvian government should restructure the funding mechanisms putting a bigger emphasis on innovative start-ups and SMEs. That would lay a foundation for future growth and boost research and scientific activities in Latvia.


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Entomopathogenic nematodes, Steinernema carpocapsae, S. feltiae (Steinernematids) Heterorhabditis indica and H. bacteriophora (Heterorhabditids) were studied to control nymphs of desert locust Schistocerca gregaria. Results of all experiments showed a significant difference in mortality percentage among all isolates. All nematodes were found more effective when exposure time was increased up to 10 days. On the other hand, both Heterorhabditids caused maximum mortality as compared to Steinernematids at 30 degree C. When different moisture levels were tested in the sand arena, a medium level of moisture (1%) caused maximum insect mortality in all isolates. However, highest concentration of each isolate (200 IJs per ml) proved to be most appropriate for maximum insect death. Similarly, both Heterorhabditis nematodes when orally applied to insects killed maximum nymphs as compared to other two Steinernematids. A similar response was observed in infectivity test when maximum percentage of IJs of both isolates of Heterorhabditis successfully penetrated into the body of locust nymphs. This research suggests some useful basic findings in developing biocides with suitable virulent of entomopathogenic nematode for controlling nymphs of desert locust.


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This study evaluated color change, stability, and tooth sensitivity in patients submitted to different bleaching techniques. Material and methods: In this study, 48 patients were divided into five groups. A half-mouth design was conducted to compare two in-office bleaching bleaching techniques (with and without light activation): G1: 35% hydrogen peroxide (HP) (Lase Peroxide - DMC Equipments, Sao Carlos, SP, Brazil) + hybrid light (HL) (LED/Diode Laser, Whitening Lase II DMC Equipments, Sao Carlos, SP, Brazil); G2: 35% HP; G3: 38% HP (X-traBoost - Ultradent, South Jordan UT, USA) + HL; G4: 38% HP; and G5: 15% carbamide peroxide (CP) (Opalescence PF - Ultradent, South Jordan UT, USA). For G1 and G3, HP was applied on the enamel surface for 3 consecutive applications activated by HL. Each application included 3x3' HL activations with 1' between each interval; for G2 and G4, HP was applied 3x15' with 15' between intervals; and for G5, 15% CP was applied for 120'/10 days at home. A spectrophotometer was used to measure color change before the treatment and after 24 h, 1 week, 1, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months. A VAS questionnaire was used to evaluate tooth sensitivity before the treatment, immediately following treatment, 24 h after and finally 1 week after. Results: Statistical analysis did not reveal any significant differences between in-office bleaching with or without HL activation related to effectiveness; nevertheless the time required was less with HL. Statistical differences were observed between the result after 24 h, 1 week and 1, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months (integroup). Immediately, in-office bleaching increased tooth sensitivity. The groups activated with HL required less application time with gel. Conclusion: All techniques and bleaching agents used were effective and demonstrated similar behaviors.


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The most natural mode of family firm succession is the intergenerational ownership transfer. Statistical evidence, however, suggests that in most cases the succession process fails. There can be several reasons as a lot of personal, emotional and structural factors can act as an inhibitor to succession. The effectiveness of the implementation of any succession strategy is strongly dependent on the efficiency of intergenerational knowledge transfer, which is related to the partiesâ absorptive capacity and willingness to learn. The paper is based on the experiences learned from the INSIST project. In the framework of the project different aspects of family business succession have been investigated in three participating countries (Hungary, Poland and the United Kingdom). The aim of the paper is to identify the patterns of management, succession, knowledge transfer and learning in family businesses. Issues will be examined in detail such as the succession strategies of companies investigated and the efforts family businesses and their managers make in order to harmonize family goals (such as emotional stability, harmony, and reputation) with business- related objectives (e.g. survival, growth or profitability).


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: To compare the analgesic effectiveness and aesthetic appearance associated with topical, subconjunctival, and peribulbar anesthesia for intravitreal bevacizumab injection. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Sixty consecutive patients undergoing their first intravitreal bevacizumab injection were randomized to receive one of three forms of anesthesia: proxymetacaine eye drops, subconjunctival injection of 2% xylocaine, and peribulbar injection of 2% xylocaine. Pain associated with the intravitreal injection and with the entire procedure (including anesthesia administration) was recorded using a Visual Analog Scale 15 minutes after intravitreal injection. Anterior segment evaluation was performed 24 hours after injection to measure the number of clock hours of subconjunctival hemorrhage. RESULTS: Median injection-related pain score was significantly lower in the peribulbar group compared with the topical and subconjunctival groups (P < .05). Median entire procedure pain score was significantly higher In the peribulbar group compared with the topical and subconjunctival groups (P < .05). The median extent of subconjunctival hemorrhage was significantly lower in the topical group compared with the other groups (P < .05). CONCLUSION: Among the three anesthetic techniques, peribulbar anesthesia was associated with greater effectiveness in controlling injection-related pain but was least effective in controlling entire procedure pain. There was no significant difference in pain scores between the topical and subconjunctival groups, and topical anesthesia was associated with less subconjunctival hemorrhage.


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The MASS III Trial is a large project from a single institution, The Heart Institute of the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil (InCor), enrolling patients with coronary artery disease and preserved ventricular function. The aim of the MASS III Trial is to compare medical effectiveness, cerebral injury, quality of life, and the cost-effectiveness of coronary surgery with and without of cardiopulmonary bypass in patients with multivessel coronary disease referred for both strategies. The primary endpoint should be a composite of cardiovascular mortality, cerebrovascular accident, nonfatal myocardial infarction, and refractory angina requiring revascularization. The secondary end points in this trial include noncardiac mortality, presence and severity of angina, quality of life based on the SF-36 Questionnaire, and cost-effectiveness at discharge and at 5-year follow-up. In this scenario, we will analyze the cost of the initial procedure, hospital length of stay, resource utilization, repeat hospitalization, and repeat revascularization events during the follow-up. Exercise capacity will be assessed at 6-months, 12-months, and the end of follow-up. A neurocognitive evaluation will be assessed in a subset of subjects using the Brain Resource Center computerized neurocognitive battery. Furthermore, magnetic resonance imaging will be made to detect any cerebral injury before and after procedures in patients who undergo coronary artery surgery with and without cardiopulmonary bypass.


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The treatment of relapsing chronic infections (RCI) encounters many difficulties. In the present study, the use of the immuno adjuvant P40 either alone or in association with vaccinotherapy for the treatment of RCI turned out to be very effective, whereas vaccinotherapy alone was not. It is hypothesized that cell-mediated immunity may play a major role in controlling RCI, since the clinical improvement of the patients kept up with the positivation of previously negative skin tests carried out with either the specific infecting agent or with recall-anti gens.


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DEET (N,N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide) is nowadays the most effective mosquito repellent available, however, its use can present some topical and systemic side effects. Some botanical compositions, as Andiroba (Carapa guianensis), have been proved repellent properties at low cost and toxicity. An experimental study was driven involving four volunteers submitting their forearms covered with Andiroba oil at 100%, DEET 50%, refined soy oil, Andiroba oil 15% and in the absence of products, directly to healthy females of Aedes sp. The times of first and third bites were checked. The results showed that the median of the first bite without any product was 17.5s and the third bite, 40.0s. In the soy oil, the bites happened in 60.0s and 101.5s, in the presence of Andiroba oil 100%, in 56.0s and 142.5s and in Andiroba oil 15%, in 63.0s and 97.5s. The volunteers using DEET 50% had not received bites after 3600s in most of the experiments (p < 0.001 Wilcoxon). Pure Andiroba oil compared to the soy oil, forearm without product and Andiroba oil 15%, showed discreet superiority (p < 0.001 Wilcoxon). Our conclusion is that this study demonstrated that the pure Andiroba oil presents discreet repellent effect against bite of Aedes sp., being significantly inferior to DEET 50%.