171 resultados para Communitarian


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This study is the result of a bibliographical research on the performance of the Third Sector in the current society. From references the study tried to locate the sprouting of the Third Sector in the international scene, whit the bankruptcy of welfare state, until its insertion in the Brazilian scene. Following this historical context, the paper of Communitarian Communication, Social Marketing and Communitarian Public Relations is discussed the importance of the communication of this Sector. Moreover, it has the effort of making one brief conceptualization and definition of the present terms. Working whit the concepts of Communitarian Communication and Communitarian Public Relations the study tried to focus the importance of creating a bond whit the development of a new educational model. Finally, the relation and the paper of the Communication in the construction of a new conception of citizenship was discussed. The hypothesis that crossed this study with respect to the potentialities of the Third Sector are considered an answer to the current social economic and political questions. Confiding, thus, a dynamic and stimulating field for the professional of Public Relations that, opposing what some studies had tries to show, are not necessarily the service of the market or private interests, but can collaborate whit its expertise to help to rescues the ethical values capable to change the life into a more solidary society


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Our twenty-first century society and the rhythm of life and work we have to face in our daily routine compel us to spend most of our lifetime in closed environments, in our houses, educational institutions, hospitals, airports, amongst as many others. The study of the air quality in internal environments (IAQ) is very important for monitoring people’s health effects and their environmental comfort in these locations. One essential parameter to analyze this measure is to evaluate the concentration of dispersed particulates in the air, specially focusing on those thinner particles (below the diameter of 2,5 μm), they can pose serious risks for human being because they can remain in the lungs, penetrate through the pores of our skin, amongst other harmful effects on human’s health. In this work the air quality inside the public library Profª Josina Vasques Ferrari and at Unesp public state library was evaluated, both located in Itapeva, as well as a third one, inside the Communitarian Library of the Federal University in Carlos (UFSCar) from march to may in 2012. In those environments it was analyzed if the concentration of particulates pose any real treat to the users. The equipment used for particle sampling in real time was DataRam 4 (Model DR 4000). The results given for those concentrations of particulates in both internal and external environments revealed figures within the safe standard established by the WHO (World Health Organization), from 25 to μg/m³, the only exception occurred on the fifth floor of the UFSCar library, where the average for concentration stayed at 25,30 of μg/m³


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This paper presents the principles of a strategy for the integration of slums in the city. From an extensive literature search, it analyzes the environment of the slums, the culture of peace as a future desirable situation and the fundamental value of popular participation. It proposes a strategy based on the theories and practice of the communitarian public relations. It realizes that this is a long process and requires the complicity of various social actors, in particular the State through a manager committee of communal integration, which managements the integration of actions


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The Urban Plans are technical and politician tools and their elaboration must have citizen involvement. Thus, several aspects must be taken into account while preparing it including both technical and communitarian urban development besides environmental and sanitation features. The paper aim is to present the applied techniques and to discuss the results obtained from physical and environmental diagnostic made to prepare Rio Claro and Iracemápolis Urban Plans. From the presented experiences it was possible to identify adequate technical proceedings as well as to verify general problems that can emerge during Urban Plan diagnostic phase.


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This paper proposes a model of educative content structuring for interactive digital television programs. Its intent was to provide references for collaborative production processes and content organization in learning networks associated with university and educative television broadcasting services. The model defines terms, actors, events, environments, as well as content categories, classes and attributes, indicating criteria for their synchronic or asynchronic association in a dynamic television schedule. The model is presented in both descriptive and visual formats, with the use of conceptual maps. The results indicate that interactive use of digital television in education requires systematic content models covering communitarian participation in both media production and distribution processes, in order to enhance learning instruments beyond vertical, hierarchical and centralized communication sustained by traditional broadcast channels.


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As discussões sobre o novo significado de cidadania, valorização da diferença e respeito à diversidade de saberes trazem a questão de como as políticas públicas podem ser localmente enraizadas para garantir que essa diversidade seja contemplada em seus processos. Esta incorporação é ainda mais relevante quando tratamos de políticas de saúde, onde a interação entre implementadores e beneficiários é essencial para compreender os resultados da política. O Programa Saúde da Família (PSF) tem tentado mudar as relações entre Estado e beneficiários, aproximando profissionais da saúde dos cotidiano vividos pelos beneficiários onde, muitas vezes, há (re)produção dos componentes que levam às situações de insegurança, insalubridade e doença. No caso desse programa, a análise das políticas públicas deve levar em conta os processos de interação e a ação dos atores envolvidos na implementação do PSF. Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar o papel dos Agentes Comunitários de Saúde enquanto implementadores do PSF. Através de pesquisas etnográficas acompanhando as atividades dos ACS em diferentes municípios, buscamos compreender como eles lidam com seus múltiplos saberes, ativam e desativam referências e adaptam ação para colocar em prática o Programa. A partir de análises de 24 Agentes Comunitários de diferentes municípios, avanlaos na compreensão de como se dão as mediações e as interações em suas práticas e como constroem as políticas públicas enraizando ações a partir dos cotidianos locais, construindo formas alternativas de implementação dessas políticas.


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The aim of my project is to find operational strategies for increasing the commercial exploitation of fish in Apulia region and to acquire a thorough knowledge of several important aspects of this system order to propose concrete, suitable and appropriate development tools. The plan is to analyze the impact that the socio-economic context has on blue fish systems of fishing and marketing in the various maritime regions. The sector of fishery is typified by a settled downward trend due to both communitarian policies driving towards a reduction of the fishery effort and to reduction of fishing resources. In the same time in Italy a increasing of costs (expecially fuel) and a reduction of market prices, because of the increasing of imports, are observed. Although a big part of Italian fishing fleet is to be referred to Apulia region, this dynamics are worsen, here, also because of market inefficiency and lack of integration and cooperation among fishermen. In this first part of my work I have investigated two areas that are relevant for regional fishery. On a first step I have evaluated fish amount for each kind of dealer working in each one of the two areas than, according to Porter's value chain analysis theory. Than i have applied the approach of value system to evaluate the value chains of the firm's supplier, the firm of fishery itself, and the firms distribution channels. Distribution of value has been resulted different but very unfavorable to fisherman in both investigated areas. The second step of my study has been the evaluation of the social capital value in both areas, defining the networks of fishery consistence and number of their mutual relationship. Results lay stress on a relation to an higher social capital value and a distribution of value system more profitable for fishermen.


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The European External Action Service (EEAS or Service) is one of the most significant and most debated innovations introduced by the Lisbon Treaty. This analysis intends to explain the anomalous design of the EEAS in light of its function, which consists in the promotion of external action coherence. Coherence is a principle of the EU legal system, which requires synergy in the external actions of the Union and its Members. It can be enforced only through the coordination of European policy-makers' initiatives, by bridging the gap between the 'Communitarian' and intergovernmental approaches. This is the 'Union method' envisaged by A. Merkel: "coordinated action in a spirit of solidarity - each of us in the area for which we are responsible but all working towards the same goal". The EEAS embodies the 'Union method', since it is institutionally linked to both Union organs and Member States. It is also capable of enhancing synergy in policy management and promoting unity in international representation, since its field of action is delimited not by an abstract concern for institutional balance but by a pragmatic assessment of the need for coordination in each sector. The challenge is now to make sure that this pragmatic approach is applied with respect to all the activities of the Service, in order to reinforce its effectiveness. The coordination brought by the EEAS is in fact the only means through which a European foreign policy can come into being: the choice is not between the Community method and the intergovernmental method, but between a coordinated position and nothing at all.


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Recent publishing on the migration phenomena in the communitarian and globalized Europe, puts in evidence a fundamental racism which is capable of making cultural processes grow and feed both chaos and social disorder. As a matter of fact we are approaching the ending debates on multicultural citizenship as well as on solidary integration and antiracism. Since the appearing of these phenomena, namely the huge post colonial migration in the nineteen-eighties, by which the colonized countries became almost “emigrant nurseries”, one could expect their stabilization. On the contrary, globalization and migration (twin subjects) everywhere still produce, at various levels, social disturbances together with some chauvinistic limitations as an ultimate kind of western prosperity defense. The peculiar European features of this new racism, less than ideological (superiority, homogeneity and civilizing mission), are confined to the concepts of patriotism, inequality and exclusion. In these terms one can understand why the new economic expansionism and the quest for new world markets makes European policies unstable, which remain undecided between conservatism, liberalism and extreme right. All this explains at least two things: the existing ambiguities of some European policies aiming to enhance particular forms of protectionism, and the difficulties in which the antiracist thought seems to be embedded. Indeed, according to what Walter Lorenz has already made clear, by using a well founded methodology, which prevents any fruitless protestations, it is impossible to contrast racism and nationalism. In such context, the educational field should try to use an operative epistemology. In other words the antiracist thought should dispose of competences and skills and, especially, personal and reflective capabilities. All this in order to avoid that which, in different historical scenes, permit the revival of the sense of moral opprobrium could not be identified with the political alibi to maintain privileges as well as advantages for the exclusive benefit of wealthy countries.


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Social and political change in Europe, increasing labour mobility, development of the new European social policy and increasingly global nature of the social problems had a profound effect on the socio-cultural and socio-educational work in community and on its objectives. In order to keep these new communitarian standards of social policy, the first steps have to be made in fostering local community with the perspective it will reach the western European communitarian level. That is the reason why university in these changes started to turn more and more to the society and first of all has put a great emphasis on the community research. This initiative was induced by non-existence of civic tradition during the communist period, the gap in the development of civil society and its culture, the weakness and the poorness of the third sector. This paper is based on the analysis of the community and civil society research conducted during recent years by the researchers of Kaunas University of Technology, Faculty of Social Sciences. The paper involves a review of the research methodology, interpretation of the received data and summary of the results. It discusses both theoretical and empirical possibilities of building and developing inclusive community.


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It is a challenging time to be a social scientist. Many of the concepts and categories we took for granted have been revealed as temporally and geographically specific. It is now widely accepted that the nation-state is no longer the sole container for economic, political and social processes, if indeed it ever was. This is where Kevin Stenson begins his paper. He traces the re-ordering of both state and nation, highlighting recent discussions about the unbundling and rescaling of the state and outlining how increasing ethnic and cultural diversity challenge homogeneous conceptions of the nation. In Stenson’s account these are largely empirical processes that are the basis for the important questions he raises about changing understandings of publics and social order, and their implications for the local governance of community safety. He contrasts two alternative positions; the ‘universal human rights position’ which refuses to privilege the interests of majority populations, and a more ‘communitarian and nationalistic position’ which he argues is most likely to be deployed by right wing politicians and interests groups. Drawing from extensive research in the Thames Valley region of the United Kingdom, he shows how these two understandings have both shaped the local policy response to crime and disorder.


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En la primera parte de esta indagación histórica se explora la imagen de los sobrevivientes en la sociedad general, con el trasfondo de la política inmigratoria argentina del peronismo entre 1946-50 que discriminaba a los refugiados judíos; después se indaga el lugar de la ayuda a esos sobrevivientes dentro de las prioridades de la comunidad judía organizada. Finalmente, se aborda un aspecto aún no investigado: el esfuerzo solitario de sus familiares residentes en Argentina para procurar, de organizaciones locales comunitarias e internacionales judías, el ingreso y socorro a los sobrevivientes que fueron localizados en los campos de personas desplazadas (DPs) y en otros lugares de Europa. Además se explora el impacto y memoria de la Shoa en los esfuerzos de reconstitución comunitaria a nivel institucional y educativa de la Kheila de Buenos Aires, realizados durante los primeros años de posguerra cuando la ayuda a los sobrevivientes que empezaban a arribar a Argentina quedó librada a la solitaria solidaridad de sus familiares locales y de asociaciones de coterráneos. Dada su extensión, aquí se publica la primera parte de este trabajo, el cual será completado en el número siguiente


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En los últimos años, el teatro comunitario ha ido abriéndose camino en los barrios de Mendoza, de la mano de hacedores culturales y vecinos. Actualmente, existen grupos conformados que trabajan en los departamentos mendocinos San Martín, Godoy Cruz y Luján de Cuyo, y día a día se gestan nuevas agrupaciones. Este trabajo estudia la labor que estos grupos desempeñan en sus zonas de inherencia, teniendo en cuenta los procesos creativos, de transformación e inclusión social, los rasgos locales y las posibles conexiones con experiencias similares realizadas en otros puntos del país y de Latinoamérica.


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The idea of Territorial Intelligence emphasizes the participation of different types from actors in the decisions that concern to the local territory. Between the communitarian actors, the ocal organizations are fundamental because they have an existential knowledge of the geographic space who share the neighbors. That knowledge, is focused generally in the deficiencies of the district or of the district and it is constituted in its reason of being, like average for the defense as opposed to the authority of the local government. This so shared in common function is left lamentably to a quite traditional relation like intermediary between municipality and community annotated. A special case constitutes the cooperative calls of rural services or vicinal organizations that are in charge to administer the service of potable water, those that are generally led by people greater or small proprietors of traditional agriculture. A strong territorial identity can be observed that, as opposed to the transformations and modernization of the field, subsists exactly by that feeling of root. In the province of Mendoza, the importance of the ocal organizations was increased during the decade of the' 90 with the decentralization processes, to canalize house policies, some public works and services in the districts. From a perspective of associated management, projects of economic, cultural, environmental development would have to revitalize their function like organizations able to also agglutinate not only demands but that they promote to the local territory from other dimensions. With these motivations and the purpose of proposing strategies to induce practices of ocal work with territorial intelligence, a set of reflections that allow to compare the space distribution and the characteristics of these organizations between 90 years' and the present time, in some departments of the province of Mendoza appears. The most important result is expressed in a tipología of ocal unions, with a cartography that ties feasible territory and social actors to collaborate to generate transformations social, specially in rural areas