941 resultados para Communication channel


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Based on the definitions of Public Communication, Political Marketing, Public Interest Information and Communication as a Tool of Governance, the study notes the use of the news section of the websites of the City Christmas and Mossoro, Rio Grande do Norte, in regard to strengthening citizenship and encouraging participatory management, from the characterization of materials like pieces of Political Marketing and Public Communication. Data collection in qualitative research was conducted from August to September 2011 and content analysis showed that the appropriation of public property for personal use is a reality, despite legal requirements to the detriment of strategic communication and governance for results from the dissemination of information of public interest and the establishment of a communication channel between State Government and Society. Elements of this study suggest the need for further research to deepen the discussion


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SOUZA, Rodrigo B. ; MEDEIROS, Adelardo A. D. ; NASCIMENTO, João Maria A. ; GOMES, Heitor P. ; MAITELLI, André L. A Proposal to the Supervision of Processes in an Industrial Environment with Heterogeneous Systems. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE IEEEOF THE INDUSTRUI ELECTRONICS SOCIETY,32., Paris, 2006, Paris. Anais... Paris: IECON, 2006


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This thesis reports on an investigation of the feasibility and usefulness of incorporating dynamic management facilities for managing sensed context data in a distributed contextaware mobile application. The investigation focuses on reducing the work required to integrate new sensed context streams in an existing context aware architecture. Current architectures require integration work for new streams and new contexts that are encountered. This means of operation is acceptable for current fixed architectures. However, as systems become more mobile the number of discoverable streams increases. Without the ability to discover and use these new streams the functionality of any given device will be limited to the streams that it knows how to decode. The integration of new streams requires that the sensed context data be understood by the current application. If the new source provides data of a type that an application currently requires then the new source should be connected to the application without any prior knowledge of the new source. If the type is similar and can be converted then this stream too should be appropriated by the application. Such applications are based on portable devices (phones, PDAs) for semi-autonomous services that use data from sensors connected to the devices, plus data exchanged with other such devices and remote servers. Such applications must handle input from a variety of sensors, refining the data locally and managing its communication from the device in volatile and unpredictable network conditions. The choice to focus on locally connected sensory input allows for the introduction of privacy and access controls. This local control can determine how the information is communicated to others. This investigation focuses on the evaluation of three approaches to sensor data management. The first system is characterised by its static management based on the pre-pended metadata. This was the reference system. Developed for a mobile system, the data was processed based on the attached metadata. The code that performed the processing was static. The second system was developed to move away from the static processing and introduce a greater freedom of handling for the data stream, this resulted in a heavy weight approach. The approach focused on pushing the processing of the data into a number of networked nodes rather than the monolithic design of the previous system. By creating a separate communication channel for the metadata it is possible to be more flexible with the amount and type of data transmitted. The final system pulled the benefits of the other systems together. By providing a small management class that would load a separate handler based on the incoming data, Dynamism was maximised whilst maintaining ease of code understanding. The three systems were then compared to highlight their ability to dynamically manage new sensed context. The evaluation took two approaches, the first is a quantitative analysis of the code to understand the complexity of the relative three systems. This was done by evaluating what changes to the system were involved for the new context. The second approach takes a qualitative view of the work required by the software engineer to reconfigure the systems to provide support for a new data stream. The evaluation highlights the various scenarios in which the three systems are most suited. There is always a trade-o↵ in the development of a system. The three approaches highlight this fact. The creation of a statically bound system can be quick to develop but may need to be completely re-written if the requirements move too far. Alternatively a highly dynamic system may be able to cope with new requirements but the developer time to create such a system may be greater than the creation of several simpler systems.


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Este artículo resume el proceso de implementación del Laboratorio de Televisión Digital (DTV) de la Universidad de Cuenca, que surge como un entorno confiable de experimentación e investigación que hace uso de las características asociadas al estándar ISDB-Tb adoptado por Ecuador en el año 2010 para la transmisión de señales de televisión abierta. El objetivo de este artículo es documentar los aspectos que se han considerado para simular un escenario real en el que un Transport Stream (TS) formado por contenido audiovisual y aplicaciones interactivas, primero se genera, para luego transmitirse a través del canal de comunicaciones, y finalmente ser recibido en una televisión con receptor ISDB-Tb. Así, se facilita el desarrollo y la experimentación de nuevos servicios aprovechando el nuevo formato de DTV.


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Esta dissertação desenvolve uma plataforma de controlo interactiva para edifícios inteligentes através de um sistema SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition). Este sistema SCADA integra diferentes tipos de informações provenientes das várias tecnologias presentes em edifícios modernos (controlo da ventilação, temperatura, iluminação, etc.). A estratégia de controlo desenvolvida implementa um controlador em cascada hierárquica onde os "loops" interiores são executados pelos PLC's locais (Programmable Logic Controller), e o "loop" exterior é gerido pelo sistema SCADA centralizado, que interage com a rede local de PLC's. Nesta dissertação é implementado um controlador preditivo na plataforma SCADA centralizada. São apresentados testes efectuados para o controlo da temperatura e luminosidade de salas com uma grande área. O controlador preditivo desenvolvido tenta optimizar a satisfação dos utilizadores, com base nas preferências introduzidas em várias interfaces distribuídas, sujeito às restrições de minimização do desperdício de energia. De forma a executar o controlador preditivo na plataforma SCADA foi desenvolvido um canal de comunicação para permitir a comunicação entre a aplicação SCADA e a aplicação MATLAB, onde o controlador preditivo é executado. ABSTRACT: This dissertation develops an operational control platform for intelligent buildings using a SCADA system (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition). This SCADA system integrates different types of information coming from the several technologies present in modem buildings (control of ventilation, temperature, illumination, etc.). The developed control strategy implements a hierarchical cascade controller where inner loops are performed by local PLCs (Programmable Logic Controller), and the outer loop is managed by the centralized SCADA system, which interacts with the entire local PLC network. ln this dissertation a Predictive Controller is implemented at the centralized SCADA platform. Tests applied to the control of temperature and luminosity in huge­area rooms are presented. The developed Predictive Controller tries to optimize the satisfaction of user explicit preferences coming from several distributed user-interfaces, subjected to the constraints of energy waste minimization. ln order to run the Predictive Controller at the SCADA platform a communication channel was developed to allow communication between the SCADA application and the MATLAB application where the Predictive Controller runs.


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Based on the definitions of Public Communication, Political Marketing, Public Interest Information and Communication as a Tool of Governance, the study notes the use of the news section of the websites of the City Christmas and Mossoro, Rio Grande do Norte, in regard to strengthening citizenship and encouraging participatory management, from the characterization of materials like pieces of Political Marketing and Public Communication. Data collection in qualitative research was conducted from August to September 2011 and content analysis showed that the appropriation of public property for personal use is a reality, despite legal requirements to the detriment of strategic communication and governance for results from the dissemination of information of public interest and the establishment of a communication channel between State Government and Society. Elements of this study suggest the need for further research to deepen the discussion


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Com o rápido aumento da utilização da internet no mundo, os consumidores utilizam cada vez mais os websites para comparação, compra e venda de produtos. Atualmente os utilizadores da internet deixaram de procurar exclusivamente informação e tornaram-se eles próprios fornecedores de experiências através de comunidades online, que continuam em grande crescimento. Seguindo essa tendência, muitas indústrias escolheram a internet como canal de comunicação preferido e a indústria hoteleira não foge à regra. Assim a presente dissertação resulta numa pesquisa, em que o principal objetivo é entender de que forma os diversos fatores de informação presentes nos comentários online realizados nos websites de comparação de hotéis influenciam a utilização da informação pelo consumidor. Na presente metodologia é utilizado o modelo de Filieri e McLeay (2014), o tipo de inquérito utilizado é um questionário online para analisar quais os fatores que mais influenciam os consumidores a utilizarem a informação disponível nos comentários online. Os principais resultados obtidos neste estudo indicam que a precisão da informação, a consistência da informação e o ranking do alojamento influenciam a utilização da informação presente nos comentários online.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide novel insights into arts consumption behaviour and patterns of communication displayed by arts consumers using Peterson’s theoretical framework, and to identify differences in the use of communication channels across arts segments.

– The authors conducted an a priori market segmentation study, with two variables serving as segmentation criteria, namely, the frequency of and the variety of arts events attended. The authors tested for differences in communication patterns.

Findings – Four segments were created: low-frequency univores, low-frequency multivores, high-frequency multivores and high-frequency omnivores. They differ in their communication patterns and online behaviours, including their online activities before and after attending arts events. Printed materials and e-mail newsletters were the most effective communication channel for raising awareness of all arts consumers.

Research limitations/implications
– Understanding these communication patterns can help arts marketers to increase the attendance of low-frequency segments and broaden the variety of arts events attended by the univore and multivore segments. The generalisability of the findings is limited as the survey was conducted among online Australian arts consumers only.

– The paper adds the dimension of arts consumption frequency to the taxonomy of omnivores and univores proposed by Peterson, which is based on the variety of consumed arts only. The paper contributes to communication and arts marketing literature by identifying key differences in communication patterns across segments of arts consumers and the most promising communication channels to engage them.


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Aim: To examine evidence-based strategies that motivate appropriate action and increase informed decision-making during the response and recovery phases of disasters.


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This thesis presents a novel idea for an adaptive prioritized cross-layer design (APCLD) control algorithm to achieve comprehensive channel congestion control for vehicular safety communication based on DSRC technology. An appropriate evaluation metric and two control parameters have been established. Simulation studies have evaluated the DSRC network performance in different traffic scenario and under different channel conditions. The APCLD algorithm is derived from the results of the simulation analysis.


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Our aim is to examine evidence-based strategies to motivate appropriate action and increase informed decision-making during the response and recovery phases of disasters. We combine expertise in communication, consumer psychology and marketing, disaster and emergency management, and law. This poster presents findings from a social media work package, and preliminary findings from the focus group work package on emergency warning message comprehension.


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In Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing and Discrete Multitone transceivers, a guard interval called Cyclic Prefix (CP) is inserted to avoid inter-symbol interference. The length of the CP is usually greater than the impulse response of the channel resulting in a loss of useful data carriers. In order to avoid long CP, a time domain equalizer is used to shorten the channel. In this paper, we propose a method to include a delay in the zero-forcing equalizer and obtain an optimal value of the delay, based on the location of zeros of the channel. The performance of the algorithms is studied using numerical simulations.


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We develop a communication theoretic framework for modeling 2-D magnetic recording channels. Using the model, we define the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for the channel considering several physical parameters, such as the channel bit density, code rate, bit aspect ratio, and noise parameters. We analyze the problem of optimizing the bit aspect ratio for maximizing SNR. The read channel architecture comprises a novel 2-D joint self-iterating equalizer and detection system with noise prediction capability. We evaluate the system performance based on our channel model through simulations. The coded performance with the 2-D equalizer detector indicates similar to 5.5 dB of SNR gain over uncoded data.


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An optical communication scheme of 2-D pattern transfer based on imaging optics for submarine laser uplink communication (SLUC) is suggested. Unlike the methods aiming at avoiding neighboring crosstalk used in traditional multi-channel optical beam transferring, we make full use of the overlapping of each spreading beam other than controlling divergence effect of each beam to avoid interference noise. The apparent parameters have been introduced to simplify theoretical analysis of optical pattern transfer problem involving underwater condition, with the help of which the complex beam propagation inside two kinds of mediums can be easily reduced to brief beam transfer only inside air medium. In this paper, optical transmission path and receiver terminal optics geometry have been described in detail. The link range equation and system uplink performance analysis have also been given. At last, results of a proof-of-concept experiment indicate good feasibility of the proposed SLUC model. © 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.