996 resultados para Colorant degradation


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The degradation efficiencies and behaviors of caffeic acid (CaA), p-coumaric acid (pCoA) and ferulic acid (FeA) in aqueous sucrose solutions containing the mixture of these hydroxycinnamic acids (HCAs) mixtures were studied by the Fenton oxidation process. Central composite design and multi-response surface methodology were used to evaluate and optimize the interactive effects of process parameters. Four quadratic polynomial models were developed for the degradation of each individual acid in the mixture and the total HCAs degraded. Sucrose was the most influential parameter that significantly affected the total amount of HCA degraded. Under the conditions studied there was < 0.01% loss of sucrose in all reactions. The optimal values of the process parameters for a 200 mg/L HCA mixture in water (pH 4.73, 25.15 °C) and sucrose solution (13 mass%, pH 5.39, 35.98 °C) were 77% and 57% respectively. Regression analysis showed goodness of fit between the experimental results and the predicted values. The degradation behavior of CaA differed from those of pCoA and FeA, where further CaA degradation is observed at increasing sucrose and decreasing solution pH. The differences (established using UV/Vis and ATR-FTIR spectroscopy) were because, unlike the other acids, CaA formed a complex with Fe(III) or with Fe(III) hydrogen-bonded to sucrose, and coprecipitated with lepidocrocite, an iron oxyhydroxide.


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This project has determined angiogenic and anti-angiogenic factors in osteoarthritis cartilage. The work has expanded our knowledge and understanding of the importance of anti-angiogenic factors in maintaining cartilage homeostasis. This study also tested the concept of topical application of anti-angiogenic treatment strategy for osteoarthritis.


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The stability of five illicit drug markers in wastewater was tested under different sewer conditions using laboratory-scale sewer reactors. Wastewater was spiked with deuterium labelled isotopes of cocaine, benzoyl ecgonine, methamphetamine, MDMA and 6-acetyl morphine to avoid interference from the native isotopes already present in the wastewater matrix. The sewer reactors were operated at 20 °C and pH 7.5, and wastewater was sampled at 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 6, 9 and 12 h to measure the transformation/degradation of these marker compounds. The results showed that while methamphetamine, MDMA and benzoyl ecgonine were stable in the sewer reactors, cocaine and 6-acetyl morphine degraded quickly. Their degradation rates are significantly higher than the values reportedly measured in wastewater alone (without biofilms). All the degradation processes followed first order kinetics. Benzoyl ecgonine and morphine were also formed from the degradation of cocaine and 6-acetyl morphine, respectively, with stable formation rates throughout the test. These findings suggest that, in sewage epidemiology, it is essential to have relevant information of the sewer system (i.e. type of sewer, hydraulic retention time) in order to accurately back-estimate the consumption of illicit drugs. More research is required to look into detailed sewer conditions (e.g. temperature, pH and ratio of biofilm area to wastewater volume among others) to identify their effects on the fate of illicit drug markers in sewer systems.


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The long-term stability of methylammonium lead triiodide (MAPbI3) perovskite in moist environments is a paramount challenge to realise the commercialization of perovskite solar cells. In an attempt to address this concern, we have carried out systematic first-principles studies on the MAPbI3 perovskite with a hydrophobic graphene layer interfaced as a water barrier. We find there is a charge transfer at the graphene/MAPbI3 interface and electrons can be excited from graphene into the perovskite surface, leading to well separated electron–hole pairs, i.e. reduced recombination. By studying the optical properties, we find the hybrid graphene/MAPbI3 nanocomposite displays enhanced light absorption compared with the pristine MAPbI3. Furthermore, from an ab initio molecular dynamics simulation, the graphene/MAPbI3 nanocomposite is confirmed to be able to resist the reaction with water molecules, highlighting a great advantage of this nanocomposite in promoting long-term photovoltaic performance.


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This thesis investigates the use of fusion techniques and mathematical modelling to increase the robustness of iris recognition systems against iris image quality degradation, pupil size changes and partial occlusion. The proposed techniques improve recognition accuracy and enhance security. They can be further developed for better iris recognition in less constrained environments that do not require user cooperation. A framework to analyse the consistency of different regions of the iris is also developed. This can be applied to improve recognition systems using partial iris images, and cancelable biometric signatures or biometric based cryptography for privacy protection.


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The photocatalytic and thermal degradations of poly(methyl methacrylate), poly(butyl acrylate), and their copolymers of different compositions were studied. The photocatalytic degradation was investigated in o-dichlorobenzene in the presence of two different catalysts, namely, Degussa P-25 and combustion synthesized nanotitania (CSN-TiO2). The samples were analyzed by using gel permeation chromatography (GPC) to obtain the molecular weight distributions (MWDs) as a function of reaction time. Experimental data indicated that the photodegradation of these polymers occurs by both random and chain end scission. A continuous distribution kinetic model was used to determine the degradation rate coefficients by fitting the experimental data with the model. Both the random and specific rate coefficients of the copolymers decreased with increasing percentage of butyl acrylate (BA). Thermal degradation of the copolymers was investigated by thermo-gravimetry. The normalized weight loss profiles for the copolymers showed that the thermal stability of the copolymers increased with mole percentage of BA in the copolymer (PMMABA). The Czawa method was used to determine the activation energies at different conversions. At low acrylate content in the copolymer, the activation energy depends on conversion, indicating multiple degradation mechanisms. At high acrylate content in the copolymer, the activation energy is independent of conversion, indicating degradation by a one-step mechanism.


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The thermal degradation processes of two sulfur polymers, poly(xylylene sulfide) (PXM) and poly(xylylene disulfide) (PXD), were investigated in parallel by direct pyrolysis mass spectrometry (DPMS) and flash pyrolysis GC/MS (Py-GC/MS). Thermogravimetric data showed that these polymers decompose with two separate steps in the temperature ranges of 250-280 and 600-650 degrees C, leaving a high amount of residue (about 50% at 800 degrees C). The pyrolysis products detected by DPMS in the first degradation step of PXM and PXD were terminated by three types of end groups, -CH3, -CH2SH, and -CH=S, originating from thermal cleavage reactions involving a series of homolytic chain scissions followed by hydrogen transfer reactions, generating several oligomers containing some intact xylylene sulfide repeating units. The presence of pyrolysis compounds containing some stilbene-like units in the first degradation step has also been observed. Their formation has been accounted for with a parallel cleavage involving the elimination of H2S from the PXM main chains. These unsaturated units can undergo cross-linking at higher temperatures, producing the high amount of char residue observed. The thermal degradation compounds detected by DPMS in the second decomposition step at about 600-650 degrees C were constituted of condensed aromatic molecules containing dihydrofenanthrene and fenanthrene units. These compounds might be generated from the polymer chains containing stilbene units, by isomerization and dehydrogenation reactions. The pyrolysis products obtained in the Py-GC/MS of PXM and PXD at 610 degrees C are almost identical. The relative abundance in the pyrolysate and the spectral properties of the main pyrolysis products were found to be in generally good agreement with those obtained by DPMS. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were also detected by Py-GC/MS but in minor amounts with respect to DPMS. This apparent discrepancy was due to the simultaneous detection of PAHs together with all pyrolysis products in the Py-GC/MS, whereas in DPMS they were detected in the second thermal degradation step without the greatest part of pyrolysis compounds generated in the first degradation step. The results obtained by DPMS and PSI-GC/MS experiments showed complementary data for the degradation of PXM and PXD and, therefore, allowed the unequivocal formulation of the thermal degradation mechanism for these sulfur-containing polymers.


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The ultrasonic degradation of poly(acrylic acid), a water-soluble polymer, was studied in the presence of persulfates at different temperatures in binary solvent Mixtures of methanol and water. The degraded samples were analyzed by gel permeation chromatography for the time evolution of the molecular weight distributions. A continuous distribution kinetics model based on midpoint chain scission was developed, and the degradation rate coefficients were determined. The decline in the rate of degradation of poly(acrylic acid) with increasing temperature and with an increment in the methanol content in the binary solvent mixture of methanol and water was attributed to the increased vapor pressure of the solutions. The experimental data showed an augmentation of the degradation rate of the polymer with increasing oxidizing agent (persulfate) concentrations. Different concentrations of three persulfates-potassium persulfate, ammonium persulfate, and sodium persulfate-were used. It was found that the ratio of the polymer degradation rate coefficient to the dissociation rate constant of the persulfate was constant. This implies that the ultrasonic degradation rate of poly(acrylic acid) can be determined a priori in the presence of any initiator.


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Adenine nucleotides and their related compounds were determined in muscle extracts from two species of fish that were stored in ice after thawing. The fish were the closely related species, Australian barramundi (Lates calcarifer ) and Kenyan Nile perch (Lates niloticus ) which had different process histories. For all samples, adenine nucleotides did not exceed 6% of the total nucleotide pool. Inosine monophosphate (IMP) decreased steadily with storage. Hypoxanthine (Hx) was the major product of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) degradation in both barramundi and Nile perch, showing a steady increase with days of iced storage. The Hx level did not reach a maximum during the 9d storage period. The K-value also increased regularly with time of storage and for the later stages (i.e., 7 and 9d) and was significantly different (P < 0.01) for the two species. The iced storage life of these typical samples of barramundi and Nile perch was estimated to be 3d after thawing using a K-value of < 30% to indicate excellent quality. Despite the differences in process history the nucleotide profiles were remarkably similar during storage. This precludes the use of nucleotide levels as a means of differentiating between these species.


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In open-cut strip mining, waste material is placed in-pit to minimise operational mine costs. Slope failures in these spoil piles pose a significant safety risk to personnel, along with a financial risk from loss of equipment and scheduling delays. It has been observed that most spoil pile failures occur when the pit has been previously filled with water and then subsequently dewatered. The failures are often initiated at the base of spoil piles where the material can undergo significant slaking (disintegration) over time due to overburden pressure and water saturation. It is important to understand how the mechanical properties of base spoil material are affected by slaking when designing safe spoil pile slope angles, heights, and dewatering rates. In this study, fresh spoil material collected from a coal mine in Brown Basin Coalfield of Queensland, Australia was subjected to high overburden pressure (0 – 900 kPa) under saturated condition and maintained over a period of time (0 – 6 months) allowing the material to slake. To create the above conditions, laboratory designed pressure chambers were used. Once a spoil sample was slaked under certain overburden pressure over a period of time, it was tested for classification, permeability, and strength properties. Results of this testing program suggested that the slaking of saturated coal mine spoil increase with overburden pressure and the time duration over which the overburden pressure was maintained. Further, it was observed that shear strength and permeability of spoil decreased with increase in spoil slaking.


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The effect of cobalt salicylate on the oxidative degradation and ignition of polystyrene has been studied. It was found that cobalt salicylate sensitizes both the degradation and ignition of polystyrene by facilitating electron-transfer processes in the propagation step. From thermochemical and kinetic studies it was found that the cobalt ion, owing to its ability to exist in variable valence states, promotes electron transfer in the propagation step of polymer degradation, increasing the rate of propagation and consequently the overall rate. Using solid-phase thermal ignition theory, an attempt has been made to explain the sensitization of ignition by the cobalt ion.


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A profluorescent nitroxide possessing an isoindoline nitroxide moiety linked to a perylene fluorophore was developed to monitor radical mediated degradation of melamine-formaldehyde crosslinked polyester coil coatings in an industry standard accelerated weathering tester. Trapping of polyester-derived radicals (most likely C-radicals) that are generated during polymer degradation leads to fluorescent closed-shell alkoxy amines, which was used to obtain time-dependent degradation profiles to assess the relative stability of different polyesters towards weathering. The nitroxide probe couples excellent thermal stability and satisfactory photostability with high sensitivity and enables detection of free radical damage in polyesters under conditions that mimic exposure to the environment on a time scale of hours rather than months or years required by other testing methods. There are indications that the profluorescent nitroxide undergoes partial photo-degradation in the absence of polymer-derived radicals. Unexpectedly, it was also found that UV-induced fragmentation of the NO–C bond in closed-shell alkoxy amines leads to regeneration of the profluorescent nitroxide and the respective C-radical. The maximum fluorescence intensity that could be achieved with a given probe concentration is therefore not only determined by the amount of polyester radicals formed during accelerated weathering, but also by the light-driven side reactions of the profluorescent nitroxide and the corresponding alkoxy amine radical trapping products. Studies to determine the optimum probe concentration in the polymer matrix revealed that aggregation and re-absorption effects lowered the fluorescence intensity at higher concentrations of the profluorescent nitroxide, but too low probe concentrations, where these effects would be avoided, were not sufficient to trap the amount of polyester radicals formed upon weathering. The optimized experimental conditions were used to assess the impact of temperature and UV irradiance on polymer degradation during accelerated weathering.


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The relative induction of FSH and LH receptors in the granulosa cells of immature rat ovary by pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG) has been studied. A single injection of PMSG (15 IU) brought about a 3- and 12-fold increase in FSH and LH receptor concentration,respectively, in the granulosa cells. Maximal concentration was reached by 72 h but the receptor levels showed a sharp decline during the next 24–48 h. The kinetic properties of the newly formed FSH receptors were indistinguishable from the pre-existing ones. The induced FSH receptors were functional as demonstrated by an increase in the in vitro responsiveness of the cells to exogenous FSH in terms of progesterone production. Treatment of immature rats with cyanoketone, an inhibitor of Δ5,3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, prior to PMSG injection effectively reduced the PMSG-stimulated increase in the serum estradiol, uterine weight and LH receptors but had no effect on the FSH receptor induction. The ability of PMSG to induce gonadotropin receptors can be arrested at any given time by injecting its antibody, thereby suggesting a continuous need for the hormonal inducer. Estrogen in the absence of the primary inducer was unable to maintain the induced LH and FSH receptor concentration. Inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis using indomethacin also had no effect on either the induction or degradation of gonadotropin receptors. Administration of PMSG antiserum, 48 h after PMSG injection, brought about a rapid decline in the induced receptors over the next 24 h, with a rate constant and \iota 1/2 of 0.078 h−1 and 8.9 h for FSH receptors and 0.086 h−1 and 8.0 h for the LH receptors, respectively.


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Gossypol, a polyphenolic compound isolated from cotton plant was found to degrade pBR322 DNA Image in a reaction which required the presence of a metal ion, a reducing agent (2-mercaptoethanol) and oxygen as revealed after agarose gel electrophoresis. Fe3+ and Co2+ showed maximum degradation whereas addition of Ca2+ and Mg2+ prevented the gossypol mediated DNA damage. Gossypol caused degradation of rat liver DNA incubated Image even in the absence of added metal ions and 2-mercaptoethanol. Incubation of intact rat liver nuclei with gossypol reveled DNA degradation and nuclei isolated from rats treated with gossypol Image showed higher succestibility to DNA fragmentation when incubated with gossypol Image than control nuclei. EcoRl and AIuI digestion of DNA isolated from gossypol treated rats gave clear cut evidence for DNA degradation. These observations indicate that gossypol is genotoxic and considereable care has to be exercised in its use. SDS, sodium dodecayl sulphate; TE buffer, Tris-HCL-EDTA buffer.