993 resultados para Cleaner production (CP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FEIS
Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC
A cadeia de carne bovina no Brasil ocupa posição de destaque no contexto da economia rural brasileira, ocupando vasta área do território nacional e respondendo pela geração de emprego e renda de milhões de brasileiros. Mas com o crescimento desta atividade veio acompanhado de possíveis impactos ambientais negativos que contrapõe o equilíbrio dinâmico da sustentabilidade. Desta forma se fez necessário caracterizar esses impactos ambientais negativos relacionados aos recursos hídricos nas fases da cadeia produtiva da carne bovina: Bovinocultura e nos matadouros/frigoríficos. Na pesquisa foram enfatizados o consumo de água e a geração de rejeitos de origem bovina que causa potencial poluição dos recursos hídricos delimitado nas mesorregiões do estado do Pará. Como metodologia utilizou-se de pesquisa qualitativa e quantitativa de dados bibliográficos e estatísticos, tendo como colaboradores instituições federais e estaduais e a análise dos dados foi apresentada através de gráficos e tabelas e da estimativa de alguns indicadores de poluição. Como resultados confirma-se a grande poluição gerada aos recursos hídricos receptores de rejeitos bovinos com grande aumento da DBO (Demanda Bioquímica de Oxigênio) tanto na atividade da Bovinocultura como em matadouros/Frigoríficos, onde é gerada uma grande quantidade de matéria orgânica. Concluiu-se a grande importância do uso de medidas de produção sustentáveis como o reaproveitamento de subprodutos bovinos de matadouro e o uso de estratégias de Produção + Limpa.
The leather footwear industry is an important sector in the Brazilian economy. The tannery industry accounted for $ 2.05 billion to exports in 2011, which represents a contribution of 6.86% to the Brazilian balance of trade. However, it is a highly polluting industry generating highly toxic and hazardous waste. Therefore, it is extremely important to search for environmental management actions that allow a cleaner production and waste recycling to prevent its discharge into the environment resulting in the deterioration of nature and quality of human life. Thus, based on a literature review and exploratory research, this study consisted of an analysis of some environmental management actions adopted by the leather industry in Franca - SP verifying if the industries have certifications or follow standards that characterize a responsible environmental management. This study is justified by the fact that tanneries and footwear industries produce highly hazardous waste, and therefore environmental actions are necessary to treat the waste effectively in order to minimize its environmental impacts. The literature review and empirical research conducted demonstrated the development of new techniques and technologies aiming at mitigating the impacts of leather waste in the environment. These actions are crucial for companies to remain competitive and focused on sustainability in this rapidly growing market.
The goal of this study was to analyze international scientific production in the area of constant-production green supply chain management from 2001 to 2012 using the Business Source Complete database (EBSCO Host). The database was checked for cooperation between authors and institutions, author entrants, production and continuity categories, regularity of publication and distribution of publications over time. Ninety articles were included in the sample, and the results showed a reduction in the number of publishing authors, concentrated in one-timers category with 68.90%. The highest yield for a single author was 10 articles, and the most prolific periodical was the Journal of Cleaner Production, with 12 articles published on the subject. Clark University (USA) stood out in terms of output, with 12 affiliated authors. It was concluded that the subject had experienced a significant rise in published literature over that time period.
Efficient implementation of recycling networks requires appropriate logistical structures for managing the reverse flow of materials from users to producers. The steel sheet distributor studied had established a protocol for scrap recovery with the steel plant and its customers. The company invested in producing containers, hiring a specialized labor force and in purchasing trucks for container transportation to implement the logistics network for recycling. That network interconnected the company with two kinds of customers: the ones returning scrap and the ones who preferred to continue business-as-usual. The logistical network was analyzed using emergy synthesis, and the data obtained were used to evaluate and compare the system's environmental costs and benefits from the perspective of the distributor and the steel plant operator. The use of emergy ternary diagrams provided a way to assess recycle strategies to compare the relative economic and environmental benefits of the logistical network implemented. The minimum quantity of scrap that the distributor must recover to improve environmental benefits was determined allowing decision on whether it is worth keeping the system running. The new assessment method proposed also may help policy-makers to create strategies to reward or incentive users of reverse logistics, and help to establish regulations, by decreasing taxes or stimulating innovation, for effectively implement the National Policy on Solid Waste. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Human health and environmental concerns are not usually considered at the same time. Tin-lead solders are still widely used in several countries, including Brazil, by manufacturers of electronic assemblies. One of the options to reduce or eliminate lead from the manufacturing environment is its replacement with lead-free alloys. This paper applies emergy synthesis and the DALY indicator (Disability Adjusted Life Years) to assess the impact of manufacturing soft solder using tin, lead and other metals on the environment and on human health. The results are presented together with the company's financial results and the results calculated from the Brazilian statistical value of life. The calculation of emergy per unit showed that more resources are used to produce one ton of lead-free solders than to produce one ton of tin-lead solders, with and without the use of consumer waste recovered through a reverse logistics system. The assessment of air emissions during solder production shows that the benefits of the lead-free solution are limited to the stages of manufacturing and assembling. The tin-lead solder appears as the best option in terms of resource use efficiency and with respect to emissions into the atmosphere when the mining stage is included. A discussion on the influence of the system's boundaries on the decision-making process for materials substitution is presented. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB
In a recent paper, "A combined tool for environmental scientists and decision makers: ternary diagrams and emergy accounting." [Giannettti BF, Barrella FA, Almeida CMVB. A combined tool for environment scientists and decision makers: ternary diagrams and emergy accounting. J Clean Prod, in press http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2004.09.002] Ternary diagrams were proposed as a graphical tool to assist emergy analysis. The graphical representation of the emergy accounting data makes it possible to compare processes and systems with and without ecosystem services, to evaluate improvements and to follow the system performance over time. The graphic tool is versatile and adaptable to represent products, processes, systems, countries, and different periods of time.The use and the versatility of ternary diagrams for assisting in performing emergy analyses are illustrated by means of five examples taken from the literature, which are presented and discussed. It is shown that emergetic ternary diagram's properties assist the assessment of the system of the system efficiency, its dependance upon renewable and non-renewable inputs and the environmental support for dilution and abatement of process emissions. With the aid of ternary diagrams, details such as the interaction between systems and between systems and the environment are recognized and evaluated. Such a tool for graphical analysis allows a transparent presentation of the results and can serve as an interface between emergy scientists and decision makers, provided the meaning of each line in the diagram is carefully explained and understood. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Understanding the genesis of green supply chain management: lessons from leading Brazilian companies
This work discusses the internal structuring processes of leading companies when adopting green supply chain management (GSCM) practices. A multiple case study approach was adopted as the research methodology, with four large Brazilian companies that are leaders in their market segments. The introduction of green products is a key step towards initiating concern for the environment among suppliers and customers. This study's results show the importance of having green teams, a dedicated functional area, and/or green jobs that support the discussion of environmental management among a business and beyond. The practical results of this study offer new insights into the behavior of companies that are adopting GSCM practices, thereby generating new evidence for the extension of GSCM theory. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The goal of this study is to present and test a conceptual framework that describes the technical aspects (TA), human/organizational aspects (HOA) of the adoption of green product development (GPD) practices and the effect of these practices on firms'environmental (EP), operational (OP) and market performance (MP). To this end, after reviewing the literature on these themes, a conceptual framework with 5 hypotheses is proposed. These hypotheses were tested on 62 Brazilian companies through structural equation modeling using SmartPLS 2.0M3. The main results of this study are as follows: (a) in general, the proposed framework obtained adequate goodness of fit statistics (GoF); (b) technological factors are shown to have an influence on the adoption of GPD practices, and those practices are related to company EP, OP and MP, thus confirming 4 hypotheses of the study; and (c) one of the study's hypotheses is not validated, indicating that the relationship of human/organizational aspects to GPD must be further analyzed. This work extends the literature because: (a) the conceptual framework tested in this study establishes several concepts that have been only partially tested in the previous literature; (b) this work presents evidence about Brazil, where the themes addressed herein have not been yet been thoroughly investigated; and (c) the non-validation of the hypothesis regarding the relationship between human/ organizational aspects with respect to the adoption of product-related environmental practices requires attention. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)