991 resultados para Classical Finite Polar Spaces


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According to the Mickael's selection theorem any surjective continuous linear operator from one Fr\'echet space onto another has a continuous (not necessarily linear) right inverse. Using this theorem Herzog and Lemmert proved that if $E$ is a Fr\'echet space and $T:E\to E$ is a continuous linear operator such that the Cauchy problem $\dot x=Tx$, $x(0)=x_0$ is solvable in $[0,1]$ for any $x_0\in E$, then for any $f\in C([0,1],E)$, there exists a continuos map $S:[0,1]\times E\to E$, $(t,x)\mapsto S_tx$ such that for any $x_0\in E$, the function $x(t)=S_tx_0$ is a solution of the Cauchy problem $\dot x(t)=Tx(t)+f(t)$, $x(0)=x_0$ (they call $S$ a fundamental system of solutions of the equation $\dot x=Tx+f$). We prove the same theorem, replacing "continuous" by "sequentially continuous" for locally convex spaces from a class which contains strict inductive limits of Fr\'echet spaces and strong duals of Fr\'echet--Schwarz spaces and is closed with respect to finite products and sequentially closed subspaces. The key-point of the proof is an extension of the theorem on existence of a sequentially continuous right inverse of any surjective sequentially continuous linear operator to some class of non-metrizable locally convex spaces.


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An example of a sigma -compact infinite-dimensional pre-Hilbert space H is constructed such that any continuous linear operator T: H --> H is of the form T = lambdaI + F for some lambda is an element of R and for a finite-dimensional continuous linear operator F. A class of simple examples of pre-Hilbert spaces nonisomorphic to their closed hyperplanes is given. A sigma -compact pre-Hilbert space H isomorphic to H x R x R and nonisomorphic to H x R is also constructed.


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In this paper, we present new methods for constructing and analysing formulations of locally reacting surfaces that can be used in finite difference time domain (FDTD) simulations of acoustic spaces. Novel FDTD formulations of frequency-independent and simple frequency-dependent impedance boundaries are proposed for 2D and 3D acoustic systems, including a full treatment of corners and boundary edges. The proposed boundary formulations are designed for virtual acoustics applications using the standard leapfrog scheme based on a rectilinear grid, and apply to FDTD as well as Kirchhoff variable digital waveguide mesh (K-DWM) methods. In addition, new analytic evaluation methods that accurately predict the reflectance of numerical boundary formulations are proposed. numerical experiments and numerical boundary analysis (NBA) are analysed in time and frequency domains in terms of the pressure wave reflectance for different angles of incidence and various impedances. The results show that the proposed boundary formulations structurally adhere well to the theoretical reflectance. In particular, both reflectance magnitude and phase are closely approximated even at high angles of incidence and low impedances. Furthermore, excellent agreement was found between the numerical boundary analysis and the experimental results, validating both as tools for researching FDTD boundary formulations.


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Ultracold polar molecules, in highly anisotropic traps and interacting via a repulsive dipolar potential, may form one-dimensional chains at high densities. According to classical theory, at low temperatures there exists a critical value of the density at which a second-order phase transition from a linear to a zigzag chain occurs. We study the effect of thermal and quantum fluctuations on these self-organized structures using classical and quantum Monte Carlo methods, by means of which we evaluate the pair correlation function and the static structure factor. Depending on the parameters, these functions exhibit properties typical of a crystalline or of a liquid system. We compare the thermal and the quantum results, identifying analogies and differences. Finally, we discuss experimental parameter regimes where the effects of quantum fluctuations on the linear-zigzag transition can be observed.


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An approximate analysis of gas absorption with instantaneous reaction in a liquid layer of finite thickness in plug flow is presented. An approximate solution to the enhancement factor for the case of unequal diffusivities between the dissolved gas and the liquid reactant has been derived and validated by numerical simulation. Depending on the diffusivity ratio of the liquid reactant to the dissolved gas (?), the enhancement factor tends to be either lower or higher than the prediction of the classical enhancement factor equation based on the penetration theory (Ei,pen) at Fourier numbers typically larger than 0.1. An empirical correlation valid for all Fourier numbers is proposed to allow a quick estimation of the enhancement factor, which describes the prediction of the approximate solution and the simulation data with a relative error below 5?% under the investigated conditions (? = 0.34, Ei,pen = 21000).


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We prove that a continuous linear operator T on a topological vector space X with weak topology is mixing if and only if the dual operator T' has no finite dimensional invariant subspaces. This result implies the characterization of hypercyclic operators on the space $\omega$ due to Herzog and Lemmert and implies the result of Bayart and Matheron, who proved that for any hypercyclic operator T on $\omega$, $T\oplus T$ is also hypercyclic.


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Reversible work extraction from identical quantum systems via collective operations was shown to be possible even without producing entanglement among the sub-parts. Here, we show that implementing such global operations necessarily imply the creation of quantum correlations, as measured by quantum discord. We also reanalyze the conditions under which global transformations outperform local gates as far as maximal work extraction is considered by deriving a necessary and sufficient condition that is based on classical correlations.


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We describe some unsolved problems of current interest; these involve quantum critical points in
ferroelectrics and problems which are not amenable to the usual density functional theory, nor to
classical Landau free energy approaches (they are kinetically limited), nor even to the Landau–
Kittel relationship for domain size (they do not satisfy the assumption of infinite lateral diameter)
because they are dominated by finite aperiodic boundary conditions.


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We explore the challenges posed by the violation of Bell-like inequalities by d-dimensional systems exposed to imperfect state-preparation and measurement settings. We address, in particular, the limit of high-dimensional systems, naturally arising when exploring the quantum-to-classical transition. We show that, although suitable Bell inequalities can be violated, in principle, for any dimension of given subsystems, it is in practice increasingly challenging to detect such violations, even if the system is prepared in a maximally entangled state. We characterize the effects of random perturbations on the state or on the measurement settings, also quantifying the efforts needed to certify the possible violations in case of complete ignorance on the system state at hand.


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In this paper, we develop finite-sample inference procedures for stationary and nonstationary autoregressive (AR) models. The method is based on special properties of Markov processes and a split-sample technique. The results on Markovian processes (intercalary independence and truncation) only require the existence of conditional densities. They are proved for possibly nonstationary and/or non-Gaussian multivariate Markov processes. In the context of a linear regression model with AR(1) errors, we show how these results can be used to simplify the distributional properties of the model by conditioning a subset of the data on the remaining observations. This transformation leads to a new model which has the form of a two-sided autoregression to which standard classical linear regression inference techniques can be applied. We show how to derive tests and confidence sets for the mean and/or autoregressive parameters of the model. We also develop a test on the order of an autoregression. We show that a combination of subsample-based inferences can improve the performance of the procedure. An application to U.S. domestic investment data illustrates the method.


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In the theory of the Navier-Stokes equations, the proofs of some basic known results, like for example the uniqueness of solutions to the stationary Navier-Stokes equations under smallness assumptions on the data or the stability of certain time discretization schemes, actually only use a small range of properties and are therefore valid in a more general context. This observation leads us to introduce the concept of SST spaces, a generalization of the functional setting for the Navier-Stokes equations. It allows us to prove (by means of counterexamples) that several uniqueness and stability conjectures that are still open in the case of the Navier-Stokes equations have a negative answer in the larger class of SST spaces, thereby showing that proof strategies used for a number of classical results are not sufficient to affirmatively answer these open questions. More precisely, in the larger class of SST spaces, non-uniqueness phenomena can be observed for the implicit Euler scheme, for two nonlinear versions of the Crank-Nicolson scheme, for the fractional step theta scheme, and for the SST-generalized stationary Navier-Stokes equations. As far as stability is concerned, a linear version of the Euler scheme, a nonlinear version of the Crank-Nicolson scheme, and the fractional step theta scheme turn out to be non-stable in the class of SST spaces. The positive results established in this thesis include the generalization of classical uniqueness and stability results to SST spaces, the uniqueness of solutions (under smallness assumptions) to two nonlinear versions of the Euler scheme, two nonlinear versions of the Crank-Nicolson scheme, and the fractional step theta scheme for general SST spaces, the second order convergence of a version of the Crank-Nicolson scheme, and a new proof of the first order convergence of the implicit Euler scheme for the Navier-Stokes equations. For each convergence result, we provide conditions on the data that guarantee the existence of nonstationary solutions satisfying the regularity assumptions needed for the corresponding convergence theorem. In the case of the Crank-Nicolson scheme, this involves a compatibility condition at the corner of the space-time cylinder, which can be satisfied via a suitable prescription of the initial acceleration.


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We analyze a finite horizon, single product, periodic review model in which pricing and production/inventory decisions are made simultaneously. Demands in different periods are random variables that are independent of each other and their distributions depend on the product price. Pricing and ordering decisions are made at the beginning of each period and all shortages are backlogged. Ordering cost includes both a fixed cost and a variable cost proportional to the amount ordered. The objective is to find an inventory policy and a pricing strategy maximizing expected profit over the finite horizon. We show that when the demand model is additive, the profit-to-go functions are k-concave and hence an (s,S,p) policy is optimal. In such a policy, the period inventory is managed based on the classical (s,S) policy and price is determined based on the inventory position at the beginning of each period. For more general demand functions, i.e., multiplicative plus additive functions, we demonstrate that the profit-to-go function is not necessarily k-concave and an (s,S,p) policy is not necessarily optimal. We introduce a new concept, the symmetric k-concave functions and apply it to provide a characterization of the optimal policy.


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This paper investigates finite-stretching corrections to the classical Milner-Witten-Cates theory for semi-dilute polymer brushes in a good solvent. The dominant correction to the free energy originates from an entropic repulsion caused by the impenetrability of the grafting surface, which produces a depletion of segments extending a distance $\mu \propto L^{-1}$ from the substrate, where $L$ is the classical brush height. The next most important correction is associated with the translational entropy of the chain ends, which creates the well-known tail where a small population of chains extend beyond the classical brush height by a distance $\xi \propto L^{-1/3}$. The validity of these corrections is confirmed by quantitative comparison with numerical self-consistent field theory.