982 resultados para Class II division 1


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This prospective clinical investigation evaluates the dentoalveolar and skeletal cephalometric changes produced by the Herbst appliance during treatment of mixed dentition patients with Class II division 1 malocclusion. Thirty individuals (15 male and 15 female individuals; initial mean age nine years 10 months) were treated with the Herbst appliance for a period of 12 months. For comparison, the records of 30 untreated Class II children (15 boys, 15 girls; initial mean age nine years eight months) were followed without treatment for a period of 12 months. The results indicated that the treatment effects produced in the mixed dentition patients were primarily dentoalveolar in nature. The mandibular incisors were tipped labially, and the maxillary incisors were retruded; a significant increase in mandibular posterior dentoalveolar height occurred, and there was a restriction in the vertical development of the maxillary molars. There was no difference in the forward growth of the maxilla between the two groups. In comparison with the controls, however, the Herbst treatment produced a modest but statistically significant increase in total mandibular length. This increase in total mandibular length, however, was less than that observed in adolescent Herbst patients in other studies. © 2005 by The EH Angle Education and Research Foundation, Inc.


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Objective: the purpose of this prospective study was to cephalometrically analyze the dentoalveolar and soft tissue changes after the orthodontic treatment followed by the extraction of four premolars. Material and methods: the sample was comprised by 30 Class II division 1 patients with mean initial age of 12 years and 4 months. Two lateral cephalograms were obtained from each patient at the beginning and at the end of the treatment. The variables analyzed were the nasalabial changes and upper and lower incisors changes in relation to a vertical and horizontal x and y reference lines. Results: upper and lower incisors retraction was 3.4 and 1.8mm, respectively. The SNA angle was decresead by 1.7 degrees followed by a retraction of point A mainly due to the upper incisor retraction. There was a significant decrease of the Wits and ANB variables. There was an increase in the lower anterior facial height. Upper incisor retraction was followed by an increase in the nasolabial angle (ratio 1:2.8 degrees). However, a wide range of individual variability was found. Conclusions: the present study did not support the simple expectation that treatment with extractions of four premolars will result in a dished in face. It appeared that facial changes were more related to a normal facial growth, the amount of incisor retraction and the anchorage control during the upper and lower incisor.


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The present study aimed at analyzing and comparing longitudinally the EMG (electromyographic activity) of the superior orbicularis oris muscle according to the breathing mode. The sample, 38 adolescents with Angle Class II Division 1 malocclusion with predominantly nose (PNB) or mouth (PMB) breathing, was evaluated at two different periods, with a two-year interval between them. For that purpose, a 16-channel electromyography machine was employed, which was properly calibrated in a PC equipped with an analogue-digital converter, with utilization of surface, passive and bipolar electrodes. The RMS data (root mean square) were collected at rest and in 12 movements and normalized according to time and amplitude, by the peak value of EMG, in order to allow comparisons between subjects and between periods. Comparison of the muscle function of PNB and PMB subjects at period 1 (P1), period 2 (P2) and the variation between periods (Δ) did not reveal statistically significant differences between groups (p < 0.05). However, longitudinal evaluation of the muscle function in PNB and PMB subjects demonstrated different evolutions in the percentage of required EMG for accomplishment of the movements investigated. It was possible to conclude that there are differences in the percentage of electric activity of the upper lip with the growth of the subjects according to the breathing mode.


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Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the facial profile changes induced by Balters' bionator appliance in Class II division 1 patients, at mixed dentition stage. Methods: The sample consisted of 28 prepubertal individuals at stages 1 and 2 of skeletal maturation (CVM), which were divided in two groups. The experimental group consisted of 14 individuals (7 boys and 7 girls, initial mean age of 8y12m) which were treated with Balters' bionator appliance for 14.7 months. The effects of treatment were compared to a control group of 14 subjects (7 boys and 7 girls, initial mean age of 8y5m) with Class II malocclusion, division 1, not orthodontically treated, which were followed up for 15.4 months. The statistical analysis was performed using Student's t test, at a significance level of 5%. Results: The results showed that the Balters' bionator appliance promoted a significant increase on the mentolabial angle, in addition to demonstrating a tendency to reduce the facial skeletal convexity, to restrict the maxillary growth and to increase the nasolabial angle and the lower anterior facial height. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the Balters' bionator appliance improved the facial profile of children treated at mixed dentition stage. © 2013 Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Odontológicas - FOAR


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Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOA


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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INTRODUCTION: This study evaluated posteroanterior cephalograms before and after treatment and long term follow-up of Class II division 1 patients treated with bionator. OBJECTIVE: The objective was to demonstrate the transverse growth of maxilla and mandible during and after bionator therapy. METHODS: Measurement of transverse dimensions between posterior maxillary and mandibular implants, as well as the distances between the buccal, gonial and antegonial points were recorded. Measurements were analyzed at three periods: T1 = before bionator therapy, T2 = after bionator therapy and T3 = 5.74 years after T2. RESULTS: There was statistically significant transverse increase due to growth and/or treatment for all variables, except for the distance between the anterior maxillary implants. CONCLUSIONS: During the study period only the anterior maxillary area did not show transverse growth.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Odontológicas - FOAR


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the vertical and horizontal dentoskeletal changes induced by the Klammt Open Elastic Activator in the treatment of the Class II Division 1 malocclusion. The sample of 34 children was divided into two groups of 17 subjects each (ten girls, seven boys), matched by age and gender and with an initial mean age of 8.5 years. The data was analyzed using a Student's t-test for intragroup and intergroup comparison. The results showed that the appliance promoted dentoalveolar restriction of the maxilar growth within normal anteroposterior and vertical growth of the maxillary apical base; increment in the vertical displacement the mandibular symphysis associated with normal horizontal growth of the mandible; palatal tipping of the upper incisors; restriction of the anterior migration of the upper molars; greater eruption pattern and normal anterior displacement of the lower incisors and molars. It was concluded that Klammt appliance induce changes that are predominantly horizontal dentoalveolar in upper arch and vertical dentoalveolar in lower arch and vertical skeletal changes in the mandible.