966 resultados para Cina Web Marketing Dolce Gabbana
E-atmospherics have motivated an emerging body of research which reports that both virtual layouts and atmospherics encourage consumers to modify their shopping habits. While the literature has analyzed mainly the functional aspect of e-atmospherics, little has been done in terms of linking its characteristics’ to social (co-) creation. This paper focuses on the anatomy of social dimension in relation to e-atmospherics, which includes factors such as the aesthetic design of space, the influence of visual cues, interpretation of shopping as a social activity and meaning of appropriate interactivity. We argue that web designers are social agents who interact within intangible social reference sets, restricted by social standards, value, beliefs, status and duties embedded within their local geographies. We aim to review the current understanding of the importance and voluntary integration of social cues displayed by web designers from a mature market and an emerging market, and provides an analysis based recommendation towards the development of an integrated e-social atmospheric framework. Results report the findings from telephone interviews with an exploratory set of 10 web designers in each country. This allows us to re-interpret the web designers’ reality regarding social E-atmospherics. We contend that by comprehending (before any consumer input) social capital, daily micro practices, habits and routine, deeper understanding of social e-atmospherics preparatory, initial stages and expected functions will be acquired.
The article discusses various reports published within the issue, including one by Movando et al. concerning marketing measures and constructs, and an article by Grandcolas et al. concerning research methodologies and the future of web-based survey research.
Calibration of consumer knowledge of the web refers to the correspondence between accuracy and confidence in knowledge of the web. Being well-calibrated means that a person is realistic in his or her assessment of the level of knowledge that he or she possesses. This study finds that involvement leads to better calibration and that calibration is higher for procedural knowledge and common knowledge, as compared to declarative knowledge and specialized knowledge. Neither usage, nor experience, has any effect on calibration of knowledge of the web. No difference in calibration is observed between genders. But, in agreement with previous findings, this study also finds that males are more confident in their knowledge of the web. The results point out that calibration could be more a function of knowledge-specific factors and less that of individual-specific factors. The study also identifies flow and frustration with the web as consequences of calibration of knowledge of the web and draws the attention of future researchers to examine these aspects.
Firms’ contemporary selling practices often not only demand that salespeople meet sales quotas, but also that they build strong, profitable relationships with customers. Given the belief that relationship-building activities can develop closer customer ties and improve sales performance, scholars have increasingly studied salesperson behaviors aimed at nurturing buyer-salesperson relations. However, while previous sales research has investigated the effects of a number of relational activities on performance outcomes in isolation, knowledge about their effectiveness in comparison to other important performance drivers is virtually absent. The present study provides some first theoretical and empirical insights into this research gap by simultaneously examining the role of specific salesperson relationship-building activities, and product-focused variables, in retail buyers’ new product purchase decisions. Following an extensive literature review, a two-part qualitative field study was conducted to explore salesperson relationship-building activities that are regarded as important by retail buyers. Two key relational behaviors were suggested by the customer-centric and retail industry-specific data; salesperson consultation (communication-based) and salesperson helping behavior (action-based). Drawing on this as well as extant literature, a conceptual framework was developed concerning the influences of these relationship-building activities and other product-focused factors on retail buyers’ new product acceptance. The study’s quantitative component contained a mail and web survey of U.S. retail buyers, resulting in a total dataset of 192 responses. After a comprehensive measure validation process, the theoretical hypotheses were tested using logistic regression analysis. Contrary to existing assertions, the results suggest that salesperson relationship-building activities themselves do not directly and/or indirectly influence purchase decisions, but instead can moderate the effects of product-focused determinants on retail buyers’ new product selections. Data on actual purchase decisions provide a high level of external validity to the findings. The study closes with a concluding discussion, including theoretical and managerial implications of the findings, limitations of the research, and directions for future inquiry.
Purpose ‐ This study provides empirical evidence for the contextuality of marketing performance assessment (MPA) systems. It aims to introduce a taxonomical classification of MPA profiles based on the relative emphasis placed on different dimensions of marketing performance in different companies and business contexts. Design/methodology/approach ‐ The data used in this study (n=1,157) were collected using a web-based questionnaire, targeted to top managers in Finnish companies. Two multivariate data analysis techniques were used to address the research questions. First, dimensions of marketing performance underlying the current MPA systems were identified through factor analysis. Second, a taxonomy of different profiles of marketing performance measurement was created by clustering respondents based on the relative emphasis placed on the dimensions and characterizing them vis-á-vis contextual factors. Findings ‐ The study identifies nine broad dimensions of marketing performance that underlie the MPA systems in use and five MPA profiles typical of companies of varying sizes in varying industries, market life cycle stages, and competitive positions associated with varying levels of market orientation and business performance. The findings support the previously conceptual notion of contextuality in MPA and provide empirical evidence for the factors that affect MPA systems in practice. Originality/value ‐ The paper presents the first field study of current MPA systems focusing on combinations of metrics in use. The findings of the study provide empirical support for the contextuality of MPA and form a classification of existing contextual systems suitable for benchmarking purposes. Limited evidence for performance differences between MPA profiles is also provided.
The purpose of the paper is to present an automated system for realization of effective internet marketing campaign (ASEIMC). The constantly growing number of websites available online brings more problems for the contemporary enterprises to reach their potential customers. Therefore the companies have to discover novel approaches to increase their online sales. The presented ASEIMC system gives such an approach and helps small and medium enterprises to compete for customers with big corporations in the Internet space.
This chapter investigates the conflicting demands faced by web designers in the development of social e-atmospherics that aim to encourage e-value creation, thus strengthening and prolonging market planning strategies. While recent studies have shown that significant shifts are occurring concerning the importance of users’ generated content by way of social e-communication tools (e.g. blogs), these trends are also creating expectations that social and cultural cues ought to become a greater part of e-atmospherics and e-business strategies. Yet, there is growing evidence that organizations are resisting such efforts, fearing that they will lose control of their e-marketing strategy. This chapter contributes to the theory and literature on online cross-cultural understanding and the impact website designers (meso-level) can have on improving the sustainability of e-business planning, departing from recent studies that focus mainly on firms’ e-business plans (macro-level) or final consumers (micro-level). A second contribution is made with respect to online behavior regarding the advancement of technologies that facilitate the development and shaping of new social e-atmospherics that affect users’ behavior and long term e-business strategies through the avoidance of traditional, formal decision making processes and marketing strategy mechanisms implemented by firms. These issues have been highlighted in the literature on the co-production and co-creation of value, which few organizations have thus far integrated in their strategic and pragmatic e-business plans. Drawing upon fifteen online interviews with web designers in the USA, as key non-institutional actors at the meso-level who are developing what future websites will be like, this chapter analyzes ways in which identifying points of resistance and conflicting demands can lead to engagement with the debate over the online co-creation of value and more sustainable future e-business planning. A number of points of resistance to the inclusion of more e-social atmospherics are identified, and the implications for web designers’ roles and web design planning are discussed along with the limitations of the study and potential future research for e-business studies.
We have witnessed a rising interest – by both academic and managerial field – in the marketing application of Web 2.0 techniques. Yet the effective impact and change it brings is still unclarified. The importance of Web 2.0 is constantly on the rise. We see consumers join social networks, using social tools in an ever greater number, therefor it gives companies a new and effective tool for marketing communication and other marketing-related activities. In our research, we first aim to clarify the definition and boundaries of Web 2.0. Then through a literature review we collect some of the most important areas of marketing to be affected by this seemingly technological change. We also have a brief overview of challenges and risks firms face in this new environment.
Negli ultimi vent'anni con lo sviluppo di Internet, il modo di comunicare tra le persone �è totalmente cambiato. Grazie a Internet si sono ridotte le distanze e soprattutto tramite i siti web le aziende hanno una propria vetrina sul mondo sempre accessibile. Tutto ci�ò ha portato a nuovi comportamenti da parte dei consumatori che divengono sempre pi�u esigenti nella vastità di informazioni presenti sul Web. Perciò è necessario che le web companies riescano a produrre website efficienti e usabili per favorire l'interazione con l'utente. Inoltre il web ha avuto una rapida espansione per quanto concerne le metodologie di sviluppo e analisi del comportamento del consumatore. Si cercano sempre nuovi spunti per poter acquisire quello che �è il percorso di un utente affinché porti a termine una determinata azione nel proprio dominio. Per questo motivo, oltre agli strumenti gi�à consolidati come il riempimento di questionari o il tracking per mezzo di piattaforme come Google Analytics, si �è pensato di andare oltre e cercare di analizzare ancora pi�u a fondo il "consumAttore". Grazie ad un eye-tracker �è possibile riconoscere quelli che sono i modelli cognitivi che riguardano il percorso di ricerca, valutazione e acquisto di un prodotto o una call to action, e come i contenuti di una web application influenzano l'attenzione e la user experience. Pertanto l'obiettivo che si pone questo studio �è quello di poter misurare l'engagement della navigazione utente di una web application e, nel caso fosse necessario, ottimizzare i contenuti al suo interno. Per il rilevamento delle informazioni necessarie durante l'esperimento, mi sono servito di uno strumento a supporto delle decisioni, ovvero un eye-tracker e della successiva somministrazione di questionari.
O principal objectivo deste relatório é documentar a experiência como estagiário na empresa The Silver Factory – Marketing, Design e Gestão Comercial, Lda, no âmbito da unidade curricular de Estágio do Mestrado em Engenharia-Informática – Computação Móvel (MEI-CM). Sendo este estágio uma parte integrante para a obtenção do grau de Mestre, foram postos em prática conhecimentos adquiridos ao longo do meu percurso universitário (Licenciatura e 1º ano de Mestrado) de modo a concluir com sucesso todos os projetos que me foram propostos. Durante este estágio trabalhei na área da comunicação online, através do desenvolvimento de websites e auxiliando na gestão do alojamento dos clientes. O principal objetivo foi desenvolver um backoffice e os seus respetivos componentes. Dos vários componentes desenvolvidos os mais importantes foram o Content Management System que permite fazer a gestão do conteúdo apresentado em frontend, e o Projetct Management Tool, que permite a uma empresa gerir os seus clientes, e os projetos que desenvolve para os mesmos, com a possibilidade de visualização do progresso de desenvolvimento desses projetos utilizando um gráfico de Gantt interativo.
Internet and the Web have changed the way that companies communicate with their publics, improving relations between them. Also providing substantial benefits for organizations. This has led to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to develop corporate sites to establish relationships with their audiences. This paper, applying the methodology of content analysis, analyzes the main factors and tools that make the Websites usable and intuitive sites that promote better relations between SMEs and their audiences. Also, it has developed an index to measure the effectiveness of Webs from the perspective of usability. The results indicate that the Websites have, in general, appropriate levels of usability.
Currently the media have made many new tools on their websites in order to broaden the dialogue with its users, a feature that has been called interactivity. The objective of this research is to describe the interactive resources of Chilean media websites. The analysis was conducted at 20 sites using a pattern of six dimensions with interactive forms which are today using identified. The findings indicate that digital media Chileans are expanding the possibilities of dialogue with users on social media, especially Twitter and Facebook, and the mediauser interaction is monological, that is to say, from the media to the user, but with very low feedback.