964 resultados para Ciências (Primeiro grau) – Estudo e ensino


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This research aims to show how children can learn the meaning of forgiveness in order to build their autonomy and moral . Research is essential to support teachers to work morale within the classroom with their students , so that conflicts a re minimized or even eliminated . Through Piagetian clinical method was observed and interviewed students from the first year of elementary school , trying to identify those who can take a perspective other than you r own . All this in order to inve stigate the possibility of these becoming autonomous and can measure th e consequences of their actions . To develop the moral and intellectual autonomy of the students , Piaget (1994 ) shows the importance of children to act properly by choice , not by pres sure punishments or rewards , and that they have the correct answers , not because someone showed you , but because found . Through research , we found that students are able to forgive, but often requiring that the colleague is also punished in some way. Fo r in fact the children act autonomously it is necessary that the school provides situations where they can experience the cooperation , reciprocity, mutual respect , and thus gradually build their autonomy


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This work aims at identifying, in literature and in the design of some elementary school teachers I, (s) concept (s) of school failure. This investigation was made from literature review, also had a period of data collection, which occurred through questionnaires sent to teachers in state schools. The first part of this work is aimed to study the literature on school failure. Looking up this part to understand the different concepts that underlie the subject. From this the questionnaires were organized by teachers of a school State elementary school in a city in the state of São Paulo, seeking to uncover the concepts they had on the subject. Subsequently the questionnaires was made comparing the data obtained from the literature. With the results of the questionnaires, we found that many historical perspectives remain in the design of teachers, especially those perspectives that relate to individual causes school failure and family. To counteract the data found with signs placed in the literature it can be stated that the teachers surveyed did not recognize the theory of social and cultural reproduction, as in this research as a source of explanation of school failure. Note that all the teachers who participated in the study said they believe experiences of failure can be overcome


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According to the Brazilian National Curriculum Parameters (PCN), the teaching of astronomy must provide subjects to the teaching/learning processes of basic education, acquisition of skills and competencies in order to form a critical, reflective and conscious citizen. Several surveys on teaching astronomy show that some changes need to be made in educational, aiming to provide to participants (students and teachers) of the teaching/learning real and significant conditions of knowledge aiming to astronomy. Thus, by prior construction, implementation and evaluation, of a course on astronomy, thought and implemented by the author in a public school in elementary school and high school in a town in São Paulo state, aimed to this work: know the challenges that teachers face in teaching Astronomy and identify possible contributions in formative processes of these teachers in service. So, the study revealed that teachers have many difficulties to teach the concepts of astronomy because of the deficit in their formations, both in specific and pedagogical knowledge that was the main problem pointed out by them. In view of this, it was possible to say here that the lack of specific knowledge about astronomy and pedagogical knowledge of how to teach this area are two hotspots in the dynamics of these school teachers who have the challenge of teach an area that really do not know


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The theme of the reading in the first year of the literacy cycle has become recurrent in academic papers, research groups, discussion forums, conferences etc. and raised different positions depending on the theoretical framework with which it is studied. While it is granted that reading instruction this school year is to ensure the ability to encode and decode and learn and understand the meanings and the meanings of what we read. In this work, it formed a general objective to investigate how reading skills are being developed in the classroom and the strategies used to develop decoding and understanding of meanings. The question that formed the north to the survey was as follows: The strategies and procedures being used in the teaching of reading in the early literacy process develop the coding and decoding skills beyond the grasp and understanding of the meanings of ideas? The specific objectives were established: a) investigate how is the teaching of reading in the first grade of elementary school; b) identify the teaching strategies and the design of reading and reader that the teacher of the class has observed and relate it to the way he teaches; c) verify that the teaching of reading in the first year of the literacy process, develop the early reading skills, decoding, and favors the development of the apprehension and understanding of the meanings of what we read. The methodology included field research, from a qualitative interpretation approach and had as direct data source the natural environment in which the teaching of reading has been developed. The work then displays data results analyzed in the light of literacy concepts distinguished by Soares (2011), and reading by Silva (1983), Foucambert (1994), Solé (1998), among others. The results were extracted inferences and interpretations. It is hoped that this work raises in literacy teachers, reflections on the teaching of reading in the literacy cicle, in order to establish the...


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The theme of the reading in the first year of the literacy cycle has become recurrent in academic papers, research groups, discussion forums, conferences etc. and raised different positions depending on the theoretical framework with which it is studied. While it is granted that reading instruction this school year is to ensure the ability to encode and decode and learn and understand the meanings and the meanings of what we read. In this work, it formed a general objective to investigate how reading skills are being developed in the classroom and the strategies used to develop decoding and understanding of meanings. The question that formed the north to the survey was as follows: The strategies and procedures being used in the teaching of reading in the early literacy process develop the coding and decoding skills beyond the grasp and understanding of the meanings of ideas? The specific objectives were established: a) investigate how is the teaching of reading in the first grade of elementary school; b) identify the teaching strategies and the design of reading and reader that the teacher of the class has observed and relate it to the way he teaches; c) verify that the teaching of reading in the first year of the literacy process, develop the early reading skills, decoding, and favors the development of the apprehension and understanding of the meanings of what we read. The methodology included field research, from a qualitative interpretation approach and had as direct data source the natural environment in which the teaching of reading has been developed. The work then displays data results analyzed in the light of literacy concepts distinguished by Soares (2011), and reading by Silva (1983), Foucambert (1994), Solé (1998), among others. The results were extracted inferences and interpretations. It is hoped that this work raises in literacy teachers, reflections on the teaching of reading in the literacy cicle, in order to establish the...


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Este trabalho pretende descrever e interpretar a Prática de Ensino Supervisionada no âmbito das práticas de Ensino Aprendizagem no domínio da Expressão e Comunicação no Primeiro Ciclo do Ensino Básico. O objetivo principal deste estudo, é verificar algumas características do método observado e implementado ao longo Prática de Ensino Supervisionada na aprendizagem da leitura e da escrita. Como tal, o trabalho apresenta e discute as práticas que, na PES, tiveram o objetivo de desenvolver as capacidades cognitivas e intelectuais dos alunos neste campo. O presente trabalho é considerado um estudo qualitativo, na área da aprendizagem da Língua Portuguesa onde o grupo de alunos estudado, tinha como base a Cartilha Maternal João de Deus de forma adaptada. Nesta perspetiva, dinamizaram-se atividades cujo objetivo incidia na aprendizagem da leitura e escrita. Algumas das dificuldades, que se manifestam nas escolas, poderiam ser ultrapassadas se as metodologias abrangessem os princípios básicos que orientam a linguagem oral. A compreensão do impacto, que os diferentes métodos de leitura e escrita provocam, colocam a quem aprende, algumas questões relevantes relativamente à forma como se ensina e na relação com a capacidade de aprender a ler e escrever. A competência para ler e escrever não é considerada uma aprendizagem inata, por necessitar de um ensino sistematizado e consistente para que esta competência seja alcançada. Durante o período de iniciação da aprendizagem da leitura e escrita os alunos utilizam estratégias de substituição, isto é, substituem uma palavra que lhes seja desconhecida por uma que se adapte ao contexto. Sendo que, no fim do primeiro ano de escolaridade, muitos alunos já deixaram de utilizar as ditas estratégias de substituição, passando a dominar as estratégias que envolvem o uso de relações entre ortografia e o sistema fonético.


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Studies and reflections about the current trends on teaching Science show us the importance of include in the teaching practice, activities with a investigative and problematic approach, that allow to the learners to understand and to apply concepts and phenomena scientifics. On this perspective, the teacher continuing education is essential to effect the practice of this approach in the classroom. Therefore, this research has as an objective to contribute with Science teacher continuing formation in the basic education, in the use of the investigative approach, with a view to overcoming obstacles and making change in pedagogical practice using this research elements. For this, a qualitative research with science teachers of basic schools in the city of Natal/ RN/ Brazil was held, who attended the training course on teaching by investigation in 2012, through the project entitled "Em Busca de Novos Talentos para a Ciência: uma intervenção no ensino público" (Searching New Talents for Science: an intervention in public education).The research was conducted in four stages: Diagnosis of the conceptions of education for research and incorporation into practice after the New Talents course; projection of the intervention, intervention and evaluation. To obtain the data it was made a questionnaire, semi-structured interviews, group studies, written records and participant observation. It was analyzed that the course had significant contributions to the participating teachers to promote the approach and the motivation for incorporation of the investigative approach in practice. The permanence of weaknesses related to the theoretical basis was found, the wear resistance, difficulty in planning activities and the change in practice, diagnosed the previous course of this research. It was also noticed certain lack of domain of teaching principles of investigation by the teachers, who despite being well understood in theory, reveal gaps in practice. Despite not having been exploited the full potential of investigative activity is apparent that the inclusion of activities with an investigative approach to science and biology classes is essential for an active, critical and reflective posture of the students as well as the interest in learning about science. It was demonstrated that intervention with moments of reflection, engagement, knowledge exchange, it was effective in overcoming difficulties identified at baseline as well as providing greater motivation to face the innovations and changes in education, suggesting an important format to considered in the course of continuing education. This is because the planning and replanning allow teachers to reflect and evaluate their practice, contributing to overcoming difficulties of teachers on a daily basis.


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Studies and reflections about the current trends on teaching Science show us the importance of include in the teaching practice, activities with a investigative and problematic approach, that allow to the learners to understand and to apply concepts and phenomena scientifics. On this perspective, the teacher continuing education is essential to effect the practice of this approach in the classroom. Therefore, this research has as an objective to contribute with Science teacher continuing formation in the basic education, in the use of the investigative approach, with a view to overcoming obstacles and making change in pedagogical practice using this research elements. For this, a qualitative research with science teachers of basic schools in the city of Natal/ RN/ Brazil was held, who attended the training course on teaching by investigation in 2012, through the project entitled "Em Busca de Novos Talentos para a Ciência: uma intervenção no ensino público" (Searching New Talents for Science: an intervention in public education).The research was conducted in four stages: Diagnosis of the conceptions of education for research and incorporation into practice after the New Talents course; projection of the intervention, intervention and evaluation. To obtain the data it was made a questionnaire, semi-structured interviews, group studies, written records and participant observation. It was analyzed that the course had significant contributions to the participating teachers to promote the approach and the motivation for incorporation of the investigative approach in practice. The permanence of weaknesses related to the theoretical basis was found, the wear resistance, difficulty in planning activities and the change in practice, diagnosed the previous course of this research. It was also noticed certain lack of domain of teaching principles of investigation by the teachers, who despite being well understood in theory, reveal gaps in practice. Despite not having been exploited the full potential of investigative activity is apparent that the inclusion of activities with an investigative approach to science and biology classes is essential for an active, critical and reflective posture of the students as well as the interest in learning about science. It was demonstrated that intervention with moments of reflection, engagement, knowledge exchange, it was effective in overcoming difficulties identified at baseline as well as providing greater motivation to face the innovations and changes in education, suggesting an important format to considered in the course of continuing education. This is because the planning and replanning allow teachers to reflect and evaluate their practice, contributing to overcoming difficulties of teachers on a daily basis.


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico.


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O sistema educativo de Timor-Leste tem assistido, desde o momento da independência do país, a uma reorganização e a um desenvolvimento no sentido de aperfeiçoar os níveis de formação e de qualificação dos cidadãos timorenses. A intencionalidade é a de permitir o progresso social, económico, tecnológico e cultural de que o país precisa. Neste quadro, a formação inicial e contínua de professores assume um papel fulcral para o cumprimento das metas estabelecidas, sendo este o contexto principal onde a minha atividade profissional se desenvolveu. Este estudo situou-se na supervisão e colaboração de práticas letivas com uma professora de ensino básico, do sexto ano, no ensino das ciências, tendo por base os pressupostos teóricos da educação em ciências. O estudo que foi desenvolvido numa Escola Básica Central, em Díli, Timor- Leste, tem por base os pressupostos inerentes à supervisão, designadamente: os encontros de pré observação, observação e pós-observação, sustentados pela colaboração da investigadora no processo de desenvolvimento profissional da professora participante Os principais objetivos do estudo centraram-se em identificar e compreender quais as conceções da professora participante no estudo relativamente ao ensino das ciências e, simultaneamente, a implementação de práticas de ensino relacionadas com a didática das ciências, assumindo como referencial que as conceções em ciências que os professores possuem têm implicações no modo como ensinam (Praia, Cachapuz & Pérez, 2002). Mais especificamente, pretendeu-se analisar e compreender a forma como a professora responsável pelo ensino da disciplina de estudo do meio no numa turma do 6º ano desenvolve as suas atividades letivas . A disciplina de estudo do meio contém conteúdos da área das ciências da natureza e das ciências sociais, no entanto, este estudo desenvolveu-se apenas no âmbito das ciências naturais, por se tratar da minha área específica de formação e aquela que escolhi para aprofundar os meus conhecimentos. A investigação desenvolvida assumiu o paradigma qualitativo/interpretativo e enquadrou-se num design de estudo de caso. Para Coutinho & Chaves (2002), um aluno, um professor, uma turma, uma escola, a prática de um professor ou uma política educativa são apenas alguns exemplos de variáveis educativas para as quais o estudo de caso é a metodologia que melhor se aplica. A recolha de informação para a investigação realizou-se no decorrer dos encontros de preparação das atividades letivas, da observação de aulas e do registo realizado, dos encontros pós-observação, das entrevistas e da análise documental de interesse sobre o tema.