965 resultados para Cholesterol, VLDL
Background: Several studies have demonstrated clinical benefits of fish consumption for the cardiovascular system. These effects are attributed to the increased amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids in these foods. However, the concentrations of fatty acids may vary according to region. Objective: The goal of this study was to determine the amount of,cholesterol and fatty acids in 10 Brazilian fishes and in a non-native farmed salmon usually consumed in Brazil. Methods: The concentrations of cholesterol and fatty acids, especially omega-3, were determined in grilled fishes. Each fish sample was divided in 3 sub-samples (chops) and each one was extracted from the fish to minimize possible differences in muscle and fat contents. Results: The largest cholesterol amount was found in white grouper (107.6 mg/100 g of fish) and the smallest in badejo (70 mg/100 g). Omega-3 amount varied from 0.01 g/100 g in badejo to 0.900 g/100 g in weakfish. Saturated fat varied from 0.687 g/100 g in seabass to 4.530 g/100 g in filhote. The salmon had the greatest concentration of polyunsaturated fats (3.29 g/100 g) and the highest content of monounsaturated was found in pescadinha (5.98 g/100 g). Whiting and boyfriend had the best omega-6/omega 3 ratios respectively 2.22 and 1.19, however these species showed very little amounts of omega-3. Conclusion: All studied Brazilian fishes and imported salmon have low amounts of saturated fat and most of them also have low amounts of omega-3.
Abstract Background: Hemorheological and glycemic parameters and high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol are used as biomarkers of atherosclerosis and thrombosis. Objective: To investigate the association and clinical relevance of erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), fibrinogen, fasting glucose, glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), and HDL cholesterol in the prediction of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) and coronary heart disease (CHD) in an outpatient population. Methods: 708 stable patients who visited the outpatient department were enrolled and followed for a mean period of 28.5 months. Patients were divided into two groups, patients without MACE and patients with MACE, which included cardiac death, acute myocardial infarction, newly diagnosed CHD, and cerebral vascular accident. We compared hemorheological and glycemic parameters and lipid profiles between the groups. Results: Patients with MACE had significantly higher ESR, fibrinogen, fasting glucose, and HbA1c, while lower HDL cholesterol compared with patients without MACE. High ESR and fibrinogen and low HDL cholesterol significantly increased the risk of MACE in multivariate regression analysis. In patients with MACE, high fibrinogen and HbA1c levels increased the risk of multivessel CHD. Furthermore, ESR and fibrinogen were significantly positively correlated with HbA1c and negatively correlated with HDL cholesterol, however not correlated with fasting glucose. Conclusion: Hemorheological abnormalities, poor glycemic control, and low HDL cholesterol are correlated with each other and could serve as simple and useful surrogate markers and predictors for MACE and CHD in outpatients.
The liver secretes triglyceride-rich VLDLs, and the triglycerides in these particles are taken up by peripheral tissues, mainly heart, skeletal muscle, and adipose tissue. Blocking hepatic VLDL secretion interferes with the delivery of liver-derived triglycerides to peripheral tissues and results in an accumulation of triglycerides in the liver. However, it is unclear how interfering with hepatic triglyceride secretion affects adiposity, muscle triglyceride stores, and insulin sensitivity. To explore these issues, we examined mice that cannot secrete VLDL [due to the absence of microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (Mttp) in the liver]. These mice exhibit markedly reduced levels of apolipoprotein B-100 in the plasma, along with reduced levels of triglycerides in the plasma. Despite the low plasma triglyceride levels, triglyceride levels in skeletal muscle were unaffected. Adiposity and adipose tissue triglyceride synthesis rates were also normal, and body weight curves were unaffected. Even though the blockade of VLDL secretion caused hepatic steatosis accompanied by increased ceramides and diacylglycerols in the liver, the mice exhibited normal glucose tolerance and were sensitive to insulin at the whole-body level, as judged by hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp studies. Normal hepatic glucose production and insulin signaling were also maintained in the fatty liver induced by Mttp deletion. Thus, blocking VLDL secretion causes hepatic steatosis without insulin resistance, and there is little effect on muscle triglyceride stores or adiposity
OBJECTIVE: To assess the relationships and possible interactions between polymorphisms related to HDL levels and alcohol consumption. METHODS: Cross-sectional population-based study including 2863 women and 2546 men aged 35-75 years (CoLaus study). Alcohol intake was assessed by the reported alcohol consumption of the last 7 days. Nineteen candidate genes known to influence HDL levels were studied. RESULTS: Alcohol consumption increased HDL cholesterol levels in both genders. After multivariate adjustment for gender, age, body mass index, smoking, hypolipidaemic drug treatment, physical activity and alcohol consumption, APOA5, CETP, LIPC and LPL gene polymorphisms were significantly (10(-5) threshold) related with HDL cholesterol levels, while no genexalcohol intake interaction was found for all SNPs studied. ABCA1 polymorphisms were related to HDL cholesterol levels on bivariate analysis but the relationship was no longer significant after multivariate analysis. CONCLUSION: Our data confirm the association of alcohol consumption and of APOA5, CETP, LIPC and LPL gene polymorphisms with HDL cholesterol levels. Conversely, no genexalcohol consumption interactions were found, suggesting that the effect of alcohol consumption on HDL cholesterol levels is not mediated via a modulation of HDL related genes.
Elevated plasma cholesterol, high blood pressure and cigarette smoking are three major risk factors for coronary heart disease. Within the framework of Switzerland's participation in the multicenter study MONICA (MONItoring of trends and determinants in CArdiovascular disease), proposed by the WHO, a first risk factor survey was conducted in a representative sample of the population (25-74 years) of two reporting units (cantons of Vaud and Fribourg, canton of Tessin). A high blood cholesterol level (>6,7 mmol/l) is the most common risk factor for coronary heart disease among the studied population. Among men, about 13% have elevated blood pressure, the proportion being about one in ten among women; these proportions increase with age and are slightly above these values in Tessin. Cigarette smoking is still a common behavior; between 25 and 45 years one third of the population (male and female) regularly smoke cigarettes.
Silymarin is the flavonoids extracted from the seeds of Silybum marianum (L) Gearth as a mixture of three structural isomers: silybin, silydianin and silychristin, the former being the most active component. Silymarin protects liver cell membrane against hepatotoxic agents and improves liver function in experimental animals and humans. It is generally accepted that silymarin exerts a membrane-stabilizing action preventing or inhibiting membrane peroxidation. The experiments with soybean lipoxygenase showed that the three components of silymarin brought about a concentration-dependent non-competitive inhibition of the lipoxygenase. The experiments also showed an analogous interaction with animal lipoxygenase, thus showing that an inhibition of the peroxidation of the fatty acid in vivo was self-evident. Silybin almost completely suppressed the formation of PG at the highest concentration (0.3 mM) and proved to be an inhibitor of PG synthesis in vitro. In our experiments, silybin at lower dose (65 mg/Kg) decreased liver lipoperoxide content and microsomal lipoperoxidation to 84.5% and 68.55% of those of the scalded control rats respectively, and prevented the decrease of liver microsomal cytochrome p-450 content and p-nitroanisole-0-demethylase activity 24 h post-scalding. Effects of silymarin on cardiovascular systen have been studied in this university since 1980. O. O silymarin 800 mg/Kg/d or silybin 600 mg/Kg/d reduced plasma total cholesterol, LDL-C and VLDL-C. They however, enhanced HDL-C in hyperlipenic rats. Further studies showed that silymarin enhanced HDL-C in hyperlipemic rats. Further studies showed that silymarin enhanced HDL-C but didn't affect HDL-C, a property of this component which is beneficial to treatment of atherosclerosis. The results showed silymarin 80 mg or silybin 60 mg decreased in vitro platelet aggregation (porcentagem) in rats. The maximal platelet aggregation induced by ADP declined significantly, and time to reach maximal platelet aggregation and five-minute disaggregation didn't change. In our experiments, iv silybin 22,4 mg/kg lowered the amplitude and duration of diastolic blood pressure (DBP) more than those of systolic (SBP), but the descending aortic blood flow, cardiac contractility and ECG did not change significantly in anesthetized open-chest cats. The results indicated a reduction of peripheral resistance and dilatatory action on the resistant blood vessels. These effects are beneficial to coronary heart disease. We also observed the effects of silybin on morphological change, the release of glutamic oxaloacetate aminotrasferase (GOT) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) as well as the radioactivity of 3H-TdR incorporated into DNA in normal cardiac cells and cells infected by coxsackie B5, virus os newborn rats. The results showed that silynin did not affect the morphology of normal cell, and that the pathological change of cells infected by virus was delayed and reduced as compared to control. We have investigated the effect of silybin on synthesis and release of LTs in the cultured porcine cerebral basilar arteries (PCBA). Silybin 100 and 500 µmol/L declined the amounts of LTs released from the PCBA incubsated in the presence of A 23187, AA and indomenthacin. The result suggests that silybin can inhibit the activity of 5-lipoxygenase of cerebral blood vessel and may protect the brain from ischemia.
The T-cell antigen receptor (TCR) exists in monomeric and nanoclustered forms independently of antigen binding. Although the clustering is involved in the regulation of T-cell sensitivity, it is unknown how the TCR nanoclusters form. We show that cholesterol is required for TCR nanoclustering in T cells and that this clustering enhances the avidity but not the affinity of the TCR-antigen interaction. Investigating the mechanism of the nanoclustering, we found that radioactive photocholesterol specifically binds to the TCRβ chain in vivo. In order to reduce the complexity of cellular membranes, we used a synthetic biology approach and reconstituted the TCR in liposomes of defined lipid composition. Both cholesterol and sphingomyelin were required for the formation of TCR dimers in phosphatidylcholine-containing large unilamellar vesicles. Further, the TCR was localized in the liquid disordered phase in giant unilamellar vesicles. We propose a model in which cholesterol and sphingomyelin binding to the TCRβ chain causes TCR dimerization. The lipid-induced TCR nanoclustering enhances the avidity to antigen and thus might be involved in enhanced sensitivity of memory compared with naive T cells. Our work contributes to the understanding of the function of specific nonannular lipid-membrane protein interactions.
Objective: Limited information is available on the quantitative relationship between family history and the corresponding underlying traits. We analyzed these associations for blood pressure, fasting blood glucose, and cholesterol levels. Methods: Data were obtained from 6,102 Caucasian participants (2,903 men and 3,199 women) aged 35-75 years using a population-based cross-sectional survey in Switzerland. Cardiovascular disease risk factors were measured, and the corresponding family history was self-reported using a structured questionnaire. Results: The prevalence of a positive family history (in first-degree relatives) was 39.6% for hypertension, 22.3% for diabetes, and 29.0% for hypercholesterolemia. Family history was not known for at least one family member in 41.8% of participants for hypertension, 14.4% for diabetes, and 50.2% for hypercholesterolemia. A positive family history was strongly associated with higher levels of the corresponding trait, but not with the other traits. Participants who reported not to know their family history of hypertension had a higher systolic blood pressure than participants with a negative history. Sibling histories had higher positive predictive values than parental histories. The ability to discriminate, calibrate, and reclassify was best for the family history of hypertension. Conclusions: Family history of hypertension, diabetes, and hypercholesterolemia was strongly associated with the corresponding dichotomized and continuous phenotypes.
Macrophages play a central role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis by accumulating cholesterol through increased uptake of oxidized low-density lipoproteins by scavenger receptor CD36, leading to foam cell formation. Here we demonstrate the ability of hexarelin, a GH-releasing peptide, to enhance the expression of ATP-binding cassette A1 and G1 transporters and cholesterol efflux in macrophages. These effects were associated with a transcriptional activation of nuclear receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)gamma in response to binding of hexarelin to CD36 and GH secretagogue-receptor 1a, the receptor for ghrelin. The hormone binding domain was not required to mediate PPARgamma activation by hexarelin, and phosphorylation of PPARgamma was increased in THP-1 macrophages treated with hexarelin, suggesting that the response to hexarelin may involve PPARgamma activation function-1 activity. However, the activation of PPARgamma by hexarelin did not lead to an increase in CD36 expression, as opposed to liver X receptor (LXR)alpha, suggesting a differential regulation of PPARgamma-targeted genes in response to hexarelin. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays showed that, in contrast to a PPARgamma agonist, the occupancy of the CD36 promoter by PPARgamma was not increased in THP-1 macrophages treated with hexarelin, whereas the LXRalpha promoter was strongly occupied by PPARgamma in the same conditions. Treatment of apolipoprotein E-null mice maintained on a lipid-rich diet with hexarelin resulted in a significant reduction in atherosclerotic lesions, concomitant with an enhanced expression of PPARgamma and LXRalpha target genes in peritoneal macrophages. The response was strongly impaired in PPARgamma(+/-) macrophages, indicating that PPARgamma was required to mediate the effect of hexarelin. These findings provide a novel mechanism by which the beneficial regulation of PPARgamma and cholesterol metabolism in macrophages could be regulated by CD36 and ghrelin receptor downstream effects.
alpha-Tocopherol is a lipid-soluble antioxidant that helps to prevent oxidative damage to cellular lipids. alpha-Tocopherol is absorbed by the intestine and is taken up and retained by the liver; it is widely presumed that alpha-tocopherol is then delivered to peripheral tissues by the secretion of VLDL. To determine whether VLDL secretion is truly important for the delivery of alpha-tocopherol to peripheral tissues, we examined alpha-tocopherol metabolism in mice that lack microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (Mttp) expression in the liver and therefore cannot secrete VLDL (Mttp(Delta/Delta) mice). Mttp(Delta/Delta) mice have low plasma lipid levels and increased stores of lipids in the liver. Similarly, alpha-tocopherol levels in the plasma were lower in Mttp(Delta/Delta) mice than in controls, whereas hepatic alpha-tocopherol stores were higher. However, alpha-tocopherol levels in the peripheral tissues of Mttp(Delta/Delta) mice were nearly identical to those of control mice, suggesting that VLDL secretion is not critical for the delivery of alpha-tocopherol to peripheral tissues. When fed a diet containing deuterated alpha-tocopherol, Mttp(Delta/Delta) and control mice had similar incorporation of deuterated alpha-tocopherol into plasma and various peripheral tissues. We conclude that the absence of VLDL secretion has little effect on the stores of alpha-tocopherol in peripheral tissues, at least in the mouse.
Exogenous oxidized cholesterol disturbs both lipid metabolism and immune functions. Therefore, it may perturb these modulations with ageing. Effects of the dietary protein type on oxidized cholesterol-induced modulations of age-related changes in lipid metabolism and immune function was examined using differently aged (4 weeks versus 8 months) male Sprague-Dawley rats when casein, soybean protein or milk whey protein isolate (WPI) was the dietary protein source, respectively. The rats were given one of the three proteins in diet containing 0.2% oxidized cholesterols mixture. Soybean protein, as compared with the other two proteins, significantly lowered both the serum thiobarbituric acid reactive substances value and cholesterol, whereas it elevated the ratio of high density lipoprotein-cholesterol/cholesterol in young rats, but not in adult. Moreover, soybean protein, but not casein and WPI, suppressed the elevation of Delta6 desaturation indices of phospholipids in both liver and spleen, particularly in young. On the other hand, WPI, compared to the other two proteins, inhibited the leukotriene B4 production of spleen, irrespective of age. Soybean protein reduced the ratio of CD4(+)/CD8(+) T-cells in splenic lymphocytes. Therefore, the levels of immunoglobulin (Ig)A, IgE and IgG in serum were lowered in rats given soybean protein in both age groups except for IgA in adult, although these observations were not shown in rats given other proteins. Thus, various perturbations of lipid metabolism and immune function caused by oxidized cholesterol were modified depending on the type of dietary protein. The moderation by soybean protein on the change of lipid metabolism seems to be susceptible in young rats whose homeostatic ability is immature. These observations may be exerted through both the promotion of oxidized cholesterol excretion to feces and the change of hormonal release, while WPI may suppress the disturbance of immune function by oxidized cholesterol in both ages. This alleviation may be associated with a large amount of lactoglobulin in WPI. These results thus showed a possibility that oxidized cholesterol-induced perturbations of age-related changes of lipid metabolism and immune function can be moderated by both the selection and combination of dietary protein.