945 resultados para Chlamydia trachomatis, Chlamydia muridarum, female genital tract, ascending infection, inflammation, hydrosalpinx, vaccine development, timing of vaccination, persistent infection


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The effects of vaccination on avian blood parameters are poorly understood. The present study was designed to evaluate whether different strains (Ulster 2C, B1, live LaSota and inactivated LaSota) of Newcastle disease vaccines had an effect on the haematological profile of female turkeys. Seventy-five female turkeys were allocated to treatment groups according to vaccination strain. All the birds, except those in the control group, were vaccinated at 32 weeks of age and revaccinated at 40 and 48 weeks of age. Blood samples were obtained for haematological analyses and serum samples for the haemagglutination inhibition test. Haemoglobin concentration was significantly lower (p < 0.05) in vaccinated female turkeys than in the control birds 28 days after vaccination. Monocytes were significantly higher (p < 0.05) in 44-week-old female turkeys vaccinated with inactivated LaSota strain compared with the other groups. Turkeys vaccinated with the B1 strain showed significantly higher (p < 0.05) total white blood cell counts compared with the other groups vaccinated with various commercial strains of the Newcastle disease virus. In conclusion, female turkeys showed significant differences in haemoglobin concentrations, monocytes and white blood cell counts when vaccinated against Newcastle disease.


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This paper characterizes the developmental stages of the testes and vasa deferentia of the Panulirus echinatus Smith, 1869 through comparisons between microscopic findings, macroscopic aspects, and gonadosomatic index (GSR). The lobsters were sampled monthly (November 1999 to October 2000) using seine nets and a total of 1716 males were obtained at Tamandare Bay. Each carapace was cut to allow evaluation of the reproductive organs; the testes and vasa deferentia were dissected, weighed, fixed in Bouin`s solution up to 12 hours and submitted for histological analysis to determine the presence and/or absence of spermatozoa. These measures, along with change in color, size, diameter, development of the spermatophores and the GSR allowed the caracterization of three development stages: immature, intermediate and ripe. In conclusion, the maturity of the testes precedes the maturity of the vasa deferentia. To evaluate if gonadosomatic relation was a good quantitative indicator of the maturity stage, t tests (alpha = 0,05) were used and verified significant difference in the averages of GSR. The statistics corroborated that GSR can be used as indicative of the developmental stages for P. echinatus.


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Genital prolapse is frequent and can be found in about 50% of parous women. Its etiology is complex and multifactorial. Predisposing factors include: genetics (connective tissue disorders, family history); general state (age, parity, weight, smoking, obstructive pulmonary disease); trauma (carrying heavy loads, intense physical exercise); or iatrogenic (post hysterectomy). Treatment can be conservative or surgical and depends mainly on the severity of symptoms. Developments in surgical techniques and synthetic material in the last 20 years enabled us to use minimally invasive procedures with improved post operative course and decreased recurrence rates.


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A 77-year-old woman underwent aortic valve replacement and coronary bypass grafting in 2007 in the Emirates. Evolution was uneventful until December 2011. After repeated episodes of unspecific infections, a computed tomographic scan showed a large pseudoaneurysm of the distal ascending aorta. The site of aortic rupture was closed with a Gore-Tex patch and a Staphylococcus aureus infection treated appropriately. Two months later, a small cutaneous lesion on the cranial part of the sternotomy started bleeding. Computed tomographic scan demonstrated recurrence of a false aneurysm with erosion of the sternum and a large subcutaneous hematoma caused by the fistula. The patient was transferred to our institution. The challenges of this case included safe surgical approach (sternotomy, cannulation, perfusion, cerebral protection) as well as complete removal and extensive debridement of the infected material and reconstruction of the aortic arch. Using fully biological material, reconstruction of the ascending aorta and proximal arch was successfully performed.


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The female reproductive tract (FRT) develops midway through embryogenesis, and consists of oviducts, uterine horns, cervix and upper part of the vagina. The uterine horns are composed of an epithelial layer, luminal (LE) and glandular epithelium (GE), surrounded by a mesenchymal layer, the stroma and myometrium. Interestingly, in most mammals the GE forms after birth and it only becomes fully differentiated as the female reaches sexual maturity. Uterine glands (UG) are made up of GE and are present in all mammals. They secrete nutrients, cytokines and several other proteins, termed histotroph, that are necessary for embryo implantation and development. Experiments in ewes and mice have revealed that females who lack UGs are infertile mainly due to impaired implantation and early pregnancy loss, suggesting that UGs are essential for fertility. Fortunately for us, UGs develop after birth allowing us to peer into the genetic mechanism of tubulogenesis and branching morphogenesis; two processes that are disrupted in various adenocarcinomas (cancer derived from glands). We created 3D replicas of the epithelium lining the FRT using optical projection tomography and characterized UG development in mice using lineagetracing experiments. Our findings indicate that mouse UGs develop as simple tubular structures and later grow multiple secretory units that stem from the main duct. The main aim of this project was to study the role of SOX9 in the UGs. Preliminary studies revealed that Sox9 is mostly found in the nucleus of the GE. vii This observation led to the hypothesis that Sox9 plays a role in the formation and/or differentiation of the GE. To study the role of Sox9 in UGs differentiation, we conditionally knocked out and overexpressed Sox9 in both the LE and GE using the progesterone receptor (Pgr) promoter. Overexpressing Sox9 in the uterine epithelium, parts of the stroma, and myometrium led to formation of multiple cystic structures inside the endometrium. Histological analysis revealed that these structures appeared morphologically similar to structures present in histological tissue sections obtained from patients with endometrial polyps. We have accounted for the presence of simple and complex hyperplasia with atypia, metaplasia, thick-walled blood vessels, and stromal fibrosis; all “hallmarks” that indicate overexpressing Sox9 leads to development of a polyp-like morphology. Therefore, we can propose the use of Sox9-cOE mice to study development of endometrial cystic lesions and disease progression into hyperplastic lesions.


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Added t. p., engr.


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Background The Malawi government has endorsed voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) as a biomedical strategy for HIV prevention after a decade of debating its effectiveness in the local setting. The “policy” recommends that male circumcision (MC) should be clinically based, as opposed to the alternative of traditional male circumcision (TMC). Limited finances, acceptability concerns, and the health system’s limited capacity to meet demand are among the challenges threatening the mass rollout of VMMC. In terms of acceptability, the gender of clinicians conducting the operations may particularly influence health facility-based circumcision. This study explored the acceptability, by male clients, of female clinicians taking part in the circumcision procedure. Methods Six focus group discussions (FGDs) were conducted, with a total of 47 newly circumcised men from non-circumcising ethnic groups in Malawi participating in this study. The men had been circumcised at three health facilities in Lilongwe District in 2010. Data were audio recorded and transcribed verbatim. Data were analysed using narrative analysis. Results Participants in the FGDs indicated that they were not comfortable with women clinicians being part of the circumcising team. While few mentioned that they were not entirely opposed to female health providers’ participation, arguing that their involvement was similar to male clinicians’ involvement in child delivery, most of them opposed to female involvement, arguing that MC was not an illness that necessitates the involvement of clinicians regardless of their gender. Most of the participants said that it was not negotiable for females to be involved, as they could wait until an all-male clinician team could be available. Thematically, the arguments against female clinicians’ involvement include sexual undertones and the influences of traditional male circumcision practices, among others. Conclusion Men preferred that VMMC should be conducted by male health providers only. Traditionally, male circumcision has been a male-only affair shrouded in secrecy and rituals. Although being medical, this study strongly suggested that it may be difficult for VMMC to immediately move to a public space where female health providers can participate, even for men coming from traditionally non-circumcising backgrounds.


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Aims The objective of the 5th International Consultation on Incontinence (ICI) chapter on Adult Conservative Management was to review and summarize the new evidence on conservative management of urinary incontinence (UI) and pelvic organ prolapse (POP) in order to compile a current reference source for clinicians, health researchers, and service planners. In this paper, we present the review highlights and new evidence on female conservative management. Methods Revision and updates of the 4th ICI Report using systematic review covering years 2008–2012. Results Each section begins with a brief definition and description of the intervention followed by a summary, where possible, of both the state and level of evidence for prevention and treatment, and ends with a “grade of recommendation.” The paper concludes with areas identified as requiring further research. Conclusions For UI, there are no prevention trials on lifestyle interventions. There are, however, few new intervention trials of lifestyle interventions involving weight loss and fluid intake with improved levels of evidence and grade of recommendation. Outside of pre- and post-natal pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) trials for the prevention of female UI, there is a dearth of PFMT prevention trials for women with UI. PFMT remains the first-line treatment for female UI with high levels of evidence and grades of recommendation. Bladder training levels of evidence and grades of recommendation are maintained. For POP, new evidence supports the effectiveness of physiotherapy in the treatment of POP and there are now improved levels of evidence and grades of recommendation.


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Aims The objective of the 5th International Consultation on Incontinence (ICI) chapter on Adult Conservative Management was to review and summarize the new evidence on conservative management of urinary incontinence (UI) and pelvic organ prolapse (POP) in order to compile a current reference source for clinicians, health researchers, and service planners. In this paper, we present the review highlights and new evidence on female conservative management. Methods Revision and updates of the 4th ICI Report using systematic review covering years 2008–2012. Results Each section begins with a brief definition and description of the intervention followed by a summary, where possible, of both the state and level of evidence for prevention and treatment, and ends with a “grade of recommendation.” The paper concludes with areas identified as requiring further research. Conclusions For UI, there are no prevention trials on lifestyle interventions. There are, however, few new intervention trials of lifestyle interventions involving weight loss and fluid intake with improved levels of evidence and grade of recommendation. Outside of pre- and post-natal pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) trials for the prevention of female UI, there is a dearth of PFMT prevention trials for women with UI. PFMT remains the first-line treatment for female UI with high levels of evidence and grades of recommendation. Bladder training levels of evidence and grades of recommendation are maintained. For POP, new evidence supports the effectiveness of physiotherapy in the treatment of POP and there are now improved levels of evidence and grades of recommendation.


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1. We investigated the effect of a persistent carrageenin- or nystatin-induced inflammatory reaction on heterotopic ossification produced by the subcutaneous implant of a demineralized bone matrix in female Swiss mice (25 to 35 g).2. Subcutaneous carrageenin injection (0.3 ml of a 2% solution in saline) into mice induced an inflammatory reaction characterized by a mature granuloma predominantly of macrophages containing particles of the irritant in their cytoplasm and which remained unchanged until the end of the experiment (40th day).3. Subcutaneous nystatin inoculation (30,000 IU in 0.3 ml saline) induced an inflammatory reaction consisting initially of macrophages (4th day) but later turning into an epithelioid granuloma (7th day) consisting predominantly of epithelioid cells and which was present up to the 2 lst day when it was gradually replaced by adipocytes up to the 30th day.4. An intramuscular implant of demineralized bone matrix (DBM, approximately 10 mg) induced the formation of cartilage and bone tissue and of hemopoietic bone marrow (heterotopic ossification) in 100% of the control animals (N = 5). An intramuscular DBM implant in animals that received carrageenin (N = 19) or nystatin (N = 21) induced heterotopic ossification in 100 and 57% (P<0.01)) of the animals, respectively.5. The response to a dorsal subcutaneous DBM implant was essentially negative in control animals (N = 5), whereas implants performed near the site injected with carrageenin (N = 28) or nystatin (N = 31) produced a response in 71 (P <0.01) and 36 % (P<0.01) of the animals, respectively. A DBM implant into the contralateral (control) dorsal subcutaneous tissue of the same animals that received carrageenin (N = 25) or nystatin (N = 29) resulted in heterotopic ossification in 64 (P<0.01) and 7% of the animals, respectively.6. The results suggest that the macrophages present in the mature granuloma induced by carrageenin somehow favored the development of metaplastic plates after subcutaneous DBM implant and that this effect may be systemic since the same response was observed in contralateral subcutaneous tissue.