879 resultados para Children of same-sex couples


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Nous présontons l'étalonnage d'un test mnésique de recognition dans un échantillon de 180 adultes francophones de la Suisse Romande. Le test comprend trois formes utilisant un matériel verbal (mots) ou non verbal (visages ou paysages). Une attention particulière est accordée à l'âge dans la présentation des résultats. Celui-ci affecte plus précocement et plus intensément la performance aux formes non verbales qu'à la forme verbale du test. Il induit également une importante augmentation du nombre de fausses reconnaissances pour les formes non verbales.


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An attractive way to improve our understanding of sex determination evolution is to study the underlying mechanisms in closely related species and in a phylogenetic perspective. Hymenopterans are well suited owing to the diverse sex determination mechanisms, including different types of Complementary Sex Determination (CSD) and maternal control sex determination. We investigated different types of CSD in four species within the braconid wasp genus Asobara that exhibit diverse life-history traits. Nine to thirteen generations of inbreeding were monitored for diploid male production, brood size, offspring sex ratio, and pupal mortality as indicators for CSD. In addition, simulation models were developed to compare these observations to predicted patterns for multilocus CSD with up to ten loci. The inbreeding regime did not result in diploid male production, decreased brood sizes, substantially increased offspring sex ratios nor in increased pupal mortality. The simulations further allowed us to reject CSD with up to ten loci, which is a strong refutation of the multilocus CSD model. We discuss how the absence of CSD can be reconciled with the variation in life-history traits among Asobara species, and the ramifications for the phylogenetic distribution of sex determination mechanisms in the Hymenoptera.


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Arthropods exhibit a large variety of sex determination systems both at the chromosomal and molecular level. Male heterogamety, female heterogamety, and haplodiploidy occur frequently, but partially different genes are involved. Endosymbionts, such as Wolbachia, Cardinium,Rickettsia, and Spiroplasma, can manipulate host reproduction and sex determination. Four major reproductive manipulation types are distinguished: cytoplasmic incompatibility, thelytokous parthenogenesis, male killing, and feminization. In this review, the effects of these manipulation types and how they interfere with arthropod sex determination in terms of host developmental timing, alteration of sex determination, and modification of sexual differentiation pathways are summarized. Transitions between different manipulation types occur frequently which suggests that they are based on similar molecular processes. It is also discussed how mechanisms of reproductive manipulation and host sex determination can be informative on each other, with a special focus on haplodiploidy. Future directions on how the study of endosymbiotic manipulation of host reproduction can be key to further studies of arthropod sex determination are shown.


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Mono- and bi-allelic mutations in the low-density lipoprotein receptor related protein 5 (LRP5) may cause osteopetrosis, autosomal dominant and recessive exudative vitreoretinopathy, juvenile osteoporosis, or persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous (PHPV). We report on a child affected with PHPV and carrying compound mutations. The father carried the splice mutation and suffered from severe bone fragility since childhood. The mother carried the missense mutation without any clinical manifestations. The genetic diagnosis of their child allowed for appropriate treatment in the father and for the detection of osteopenia in the mother. Mono- and bi-allelic mutations in LRP5 may cause osteopetrosis, autosomal dominant and recessive exudative vitreoretinopathy, juvenile osteoporosis, or PHPV. PHPV is a component of persistent fetal vasculature of the eye, characterized by highly variable expressivity and resulting in a wide spectrum of anterior and/or posterior congenital developmental defects, which may lead to blindness. We evaluated a family diagnosed with PHPV in their only child. The child presented photophobia during the first 3 weeks of life, followed by leukocoria at 2 months of age. Molecular resequencing of NDP, FZD4, and LRP5 was performed in the child and segregation of the observed mutations in the parents. At presentation, fundus examination of the child showed a retrolental mass in the right eye. Ultrasonography revealed retinal detachment in both eyes. Thorough familial analysis revealed that the father suffered from many fractures since childhood without specific fragility bone diagnosis, treatment, or management. The mother was asymptomatic. Molecular analysis in the proband identified two mutations: a c.[2091+2T>C] splice mutation and c.[1682C>T] missense mutation. We report the case of a child affected with PHPV and carrying compound heterozygous LRP5 mutations. This genetic diagnosis allowed the clinical diagnosis of the bone problem to be made in the father, resulting in better management of the family. It also enabled preventive treatment to be prescribed for the mother and accurate genetic counseling to be provided.


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Sex change in the protandrous fish Amphiprion akallopisos Bleeker, 1853 (F.Pomacentridae) has been analysed. Experiments consisted of placing males together after being separated from their mates, and observe changes in gonad histology at different periods, in order to identify signs of the sex change process. The presence of a first invagination on the male gonad wall, and the observation of the first cortical alveoli oocytes as an indication of the beginning of the vitellogenesis process, was the first symptom of the sex change, which has been detected after 18 days in one of the males. Period needed for the sex changing process was size independent. The process by which wall invagination is converted into ovarian lumen in the future mature ovary is also described


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The aim of the present study was to determine the prevalence of celiac disease in children of short stature and to assess whether some of the routine laboratory examinations performed to determine the cause of short stature could suggest the presence of celiac disease. A total of 106 children of short stature and no gastrointestinal symptoms were studied. An extensive endocrine work-up had been negative for all of them and an additional investigation was performed by measuring the concentration of antiendomysial antibody. Patients who were positive for antiendomysial antibody ( > or = 1:10) or who exhibited IgA deficiency (less than 5 mg/dl) were referred for an endoscopic intestinal biopsy. We detected a pathological titer of antiendomysial IgA in six of these patients. Five of them showed histological abnormalities compatible with celiac disease and one had normal histology and was considered to have potential celiac disease. The prevalence of celiac disease in the population studied was 4.7% (with another 0.9% of the subjects being considered to have potential celiac disease). The children with celiac disease did not differ in any of the parameters tested when compared to those without celiac disease, though they showed an improvement in growth velocity after treatment with a gluten-free diet. We conclude that it is important to test all children with short stature for celiac disease by measuring antiendomysial IgA.


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In the present study, 470 children less than 72 months of age and presenting acute diarrhea were examined to identify associated enteropathogenic agents. Viruses were the pathogens most frequently found in stools of infants with diarrhea, including 111 cases of rotavirus (23.6% of the total diarrhea cases) and 30 cases of adenovirus (6.3%). The second group was diarrheogenic Escherichia coli (86 cases, 18.2%), followed by Salmonella sp (44 cases, 9.3%) and Shigella sp (24 cases, 5.1%). Using the PCR technique to differentiate the pathogenic categories of E. coli, it was possible to identify 29 cases (6.1%) of enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC). Of these, 10 (2.1%) were typical EPEC and 19 (4.0%) atypical EPEC. In addition, there were 26 cases (5.5%) of enteroaggregative E. coli, 21 cases (4.4%) of enterotoxigenic E. coli, 7 cases (1.4%) of enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC), and 3 cases (0.6%) of enterohemorrhagic E. coli. When comparing the frequencies of diarrheogenic E. coli, EPEC was the only category for which significant differences were found between diarrhea and control groups. A low frequency of EIEC was found, thus EIEC cannot be considered to be a potential etiology agent of diarrhea. Simultaneous infections with two pathogens were found in 39 diarrhea cases but not in controls, suggesting associations among potential enteropathogens in the etiology of diarrhea. The frequent association of diarrheogenic E. coli strains was significantly higher than the probability of their random association, suggesting the presence of facilitating factor(s).


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Our objective was to investigate the distributions of six single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) MS4A2 E237G, MS4A2 C-109T, ADRB2 R16G, IL4RA I75V,IL4 C-590T, and IL13 C1923T in Mauritian Indian and Chinese Han children with asthma. This case-control association study enrolled 382 unrelated Mauritian Indian children, 193 with asthma and 189 healthy controls, and 384 unrelated Chinese Han children, 192 with asthma and 192 healthy controls. The SNP loci were genotyped using polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-restriction fragment length polymorphism for the Chinese Han samples and TaqMan real-time quantitative PCR for the Mauritian Indian samples. In the Mauritian Indian children, there was a significant difference in the distribution of IL13 C1923T between the asthma and control groups (P=0.033). The frequency of IL13 C1923T T/T in the Mauritian Indian asthma group was significantly higher than in the control group [odds ratio (OR)=2.119, 95% confidence interval=1.048-4.285]. The Chinese Han children with asthma had significantly higher frequencies ofMS4A2 C-109T T/T (OR=1.961, P=0.001) and ADRB2 R16G A/A (OR=2.575, P=0.000) than the control group. The IL13 C1923T locus predisposed to asthma in Mauritian Indian children, which represents an ethnic difference from the Chinese Han population. TheMS4A2 C-109T T/T and ADRB2 R16G A/Agenotypes were associated with asthma in the Chinese Han children.


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This research looked at conditions which result in the development of integrated letter code information in the acquisition of reading vocabulary. Thirty grade three children of normal reading ability acquired new reading words in a Meaning Assigned task and a Letter Comparison task, and worked to increase skill for known reading words in a Copy task. The children were then assessed on their ability to identify the letters in these words. During the test each stimulus word for each child was exposed for 100 msec., after which each child reported as many of his or her letters as he or she could. Familiar words, new words, and a single letter identification task served as within subject controls. Following this, subjects were assessed for word meaning recall of the Meaning Assigned words and word reading times for words in all condi tions • The resul ts supported an episodic model of word recognition in which the overlap between the processing operations employed in encoding a word and those required when decoding it affected decoding performance. In particular, the Meaning Assigned and Copy tasks. appeared to facilitate letter code accessibility and integration in new and familiar words respectively. Performance in the Letter Comparison task, on the other hand, suggested that subjects can process the elements of a new word without integrating them into its lexical structure. It was concluded that these results favour an episodic model of word recognition.


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This study explores the perceptions and experiences of middle-class women, mostly mothers, regarding the elementary school education of their children of mixed heritage. Because it endeavours to provide a forum in which the voices of women are considered a source of valuable information for educators, this study contributes to the fields of feminist and mothering research. Participants assign meanings to their lived experiences (Schon, 1983; van Manen 1997) and contemplate the various ways in which a mixed heritage mayor may not affect a child's schooling. Four main participants were interviewed who are mothers whose children of mixed heritage presently attend public elementary schools in Ontario, Canada. The study had an emergent design, thus allowing the researcher to make decisions as the study progressed. Three additional participants were included in the study to provide a wider perspective on the topic. These 3 additional women were the researcher herself as she explored her self-conceptual baggage (Kirby & McKenna. 1989); the researcher's mother in an attempt to consider the motherline (Lowinsky, 1992); and a volunteer non-mother of mixed ethnicity. The study involved a total of 12 individual interviews of approximately 2 hours in length. The 4 main participants and the researcher were each interviewed twice; the researcher's mother and the volunteer non-mother were each interviewed once. The researcher also attempted a focus group and kept a journal throughout the research process. Much of the analysis centers on women's interpretations of the mixed heritage experience and on their suggestions for elementary school educators. It concludes pondering on the invisibility (Chiong, 1998) of such children within the school system and calling for increased teacher education as a way to bring the mixed heritage experience out of the shadows.


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Dossier : Should Polygamy be Recognized in Canada ? Ethical and Legal Considerations


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Cette recherche a pour objectif général de rendre compte de l’expérience de l’intimité, de la famille à l’amitié, tel qu’elle est quotidiennement vécue dans la vie de différentes personnes dans mon réseau personnel. Elle tient compte du contexte postmoderne du vécu de l’intimité, caractérisé par des relations plus flexibles et une multiplication des modèles (Allan, 2008 ; Stacey, 1991). J’y problématise l’intimité sous l’angle des tensions qui émergent dans notre expérience quotidienne par rapport aux normes et aux idéaux d’intimité. M’inspirant de la pensée queer, j’aborde l’intimité d’un point de vue critique, à partir de plusieurs auteures (notamment Berlant, 2000 et Butler, 2002) qui remettent en question les normes d’une intimité durable, associée notamment à l’amour familial et un idéal communicationnel de dévoilement de soi. L’expérience personnelle constitue alors un lieu où des tensions s’expriment et peuvent être saisies, un lieu qui est un point de départ pour développer une critique nuancée. L’ethnographie que j’ai réalisée auprès de gens dans la vingtaine et la trentaine a mobilisé un ensemble de méthodes : observation, réflexivité, entrevues individuelles et de groupes avec treize personnes, méthodes visuelles (création de schémas et de dessins). Ancrée en communication, elle constitue une recherche transdisciplinaire qui mobilise notamment des études sociologiques et des textes critiques. Elle propose un portrait de l’intimité spécifique au Québec et à mon réseau personnel, constitué de petits groupes et de relations dyadiques. Ce réseau est majoritairement composé de jeunes adultes ouverts à certaines intimités non traditionnelles (comme les couples de même sexe) et vivant dans la région métropolitaine de Montréal. Mes analyses explorent d’abord les formes d’intimité caractérisant mon réseau, tant conventionnelles, comme le couple et la famille, que moins conventionnelles, comme le célibat. Ainsi, je me penche sur certaines normes d’intimité, comme celle du couple, en analysant comment elles s’accomplissent, produisent du sens et ont des effets inégaux sur différents sujets. Mes analyses lient des idéaux à des pratiques concrètes et matérielles, notamment l’investissement de l’intimité dans la maison et la propriété privée. Je me tourne également vers certaines formes d’intimité moins souvent abordées, principalement les petits groupes d’amis. J’aborde la communication de manière à décentrer le dévoilement de soi entre deux personnes, souvent perçu comme élément central à l’intimité (Jamieson, 1998), et à prendre en compte les dynamiques de groupe et leurs effets de pouvoir. Ciblant l’idéal de dévoilement, j’analyse en quoi il s’articule à des normes (de couple, familiales, des groupes d’amis) et côtoie différentes autres pratiques communicationnelles comme celles impliquant les médias mobiles et numériques. En guise de discussion finale, je reviens sur les grandes lignes du projet et je développe une réflexion sur les défis posés par la combinaison d’approches critiques et ethnographiques. En somme, la contribution de ma recherche consiste à analyser le vécu de l’intimité en regard de concepts issus d’études culturelles et critiques.