912 resultados para Chicken egg yolk
In the field, mosquitoes characteristically feed on sugars soon after emergence and intermittently during their adult lives. Sugar meals are commonly derived from plant nectar and homopteran honeydew, and without them, adults can only survive for a few days on larval reserves. In addition to sugar, females of most species rely on blood for the initiation and maintenance of egg development; thus their reproductive success depends to some extent on the availability of blood hosts. Males, on the other hand, feed exclusively on sugars. Consequently, their sexual maturation and reproductive success is largely dependent upon access to sugar sources. Plant nectar and homopteran honeydew are the two main sugar sources utilized by mosquitoes in the wild. Previous laboratory studies had shown that differences between nectar sources can affect the survivorship and biting frequency of disease vectoring mosquitoes. However, little is known on how sugar composition influence the reproductive processes in male mosquitoes. Male mosquitoes transfer accessory gland proteins and other hormones to their mates along with sperm during mating. In the female, these seminal fluid constituents exert their influence on reproductive genes that control ovulation and vitellogenesis. The present study tests the hypothesis that the mates of males consuming different sugar meals will exhibit varying levels of induction of vitellogenin (a gene which regulates the expression of egg yolk precursor proteins). Real-time quantitative RT-PCR was used to investigate how each sugar meal indirectly influences vitellogenin mRNA abundance in female Anopheles stephensi following mating. Results indicate that mates of nectar-fed males exhibit 2-fold greater change in vitellogenin expression than the mates of honeydew-fed males. However, this response did not occur in non-blood fed controls. These findings suggest that the stimulatory effect of mating on vitellogenesis in blood meal-reliant (i.e. anautogenous) mosquitoes may only be synergistic in nature. The present study also sought to compare the potential fitness costs of mating incurred by females that do not necessarily require a blood meal to initiate a reproductive cycle (i.e., exhibit autogeny). Females of the facultatively autogenous mosquito, Culex molestus were allowed to mate with males sustained on either nectar or honedyew. Mean lifetime fecundity and survivorship of females under the two different mating regimes were then recorded. Additionally, one-dimensional gel electrophoresis was used to verify the transfer of male accessory gland proteins to the sperm storage organs of females during mating.While there was no significant difference in survival between the test treatments, the mates of nectar-fed males produced 11% more eggs on average than mates of honeydew-fed males. However, additional data are needed to justify the extrapolation of these findings to natural settings. These findings prompt further investigation as the differences caused by diet variation in males may be reflected across other life history traits such as mating frequency and insemination capacity.
Les infections à Salmonella Enteritidis chez les humains sont associées à la consommation d’œufs ou d’ovoproduits contaminés. La vaccination est un outil utilisé pour diminuer les risques d’infection à SE chez la volaille, mais avec des résultats variables. Au Canada deux bactérines, MBL SE4C et Layermune, sont couramment utilisées pour lutter contre SE. Cependant, leur efficacité n’a pas été complètement déterminée chez les poules pondeuses plus âgées. Par ailleurs, la capacité de ces vaccins à prévenir la transmission verticale et horizontale n’a pas encore été étudiée. L’objectif principal de cette étude était d’évaluer l’effet des deux bactérines sur la réponse immunitaire chez les poules pondeuses, de vérifier la protection conférée par ces vaccins contre l’infection expérimentale à SE, et d’identifier des protéines immunogènes afin de développer un vaccin sous-unitaire. Les oiseaux ont été vaccinés avec deux protocoles d’immunisation en cours d’élevage (soit à 12 et 18, ou à 16 semaines d’âge). Le groupe contrôle a été injecté avec la solution saline. Les oiseaux ont été inoculés per os avec 2 x 109 CFU de la souche SE lysotype 4 à 55 ou à 65 semaines d’âge. Les anticorps (IgG et IgA) ont été mesurés à différents temps avec un ELISA maison en utilisant l’antigène entier de SE. La phagocytose, flambée oxydative, les populations des splénocytes B et T ont été analysées en utilisant la cytométrie en flux. Les signes cliniques, l’excrétion fécale, la contamination des jaunes d’œufs et l’invasion des salmonelles dans les organes ont été étudiés pour évaluer l’efficacité de protection. La transmission horizontale a aussi été étudiée en évaluant l’infection à SE chez les oiseaux mis en contact avec les oiseaux inoculés. Les protéines immunogènes ont été identifiées par SDS-PAGE et Western blot à l’aide d’antisérums prélevés suite à la vaccination et/ou à l’infection expérimentale/naturelle, puis caractérisées par la spectrométrie de masse. Le protocole de vaccination avec deux immunisations a généré un niveau élevé de séroconversion à partir de 3 jusqu’à 32-34 semaines post-vaccination par rapport à celui avec une seule immunisation (p < 0.02), mais il n’y avait plus de différence entre les groupes à 54 et 64 semaines d’âge. Il n’y a pas eu de corrélation entre les niveaux d’IgG et les taux d’isolement des salmonelles dans les organes et des jaunes d’œuf. La production des IgA n’a été observée que chez les oiseaux vaccinés avec 2 injections de MBL SE4C (p ≤ 0.04). Après l’infection expérimentale, la production des IgA a été significativement plus élevée aux jours 1 et 7 p.i dans l’oviducte des oiseaux vaccinés (sauf pour le groupe vacciné avec 2 injections de Layermune) par comparaison avec le groupe contrôle (p ≤ 0.03). Seule la bactérine MBL SE4C a eu un effet protecteur contre la contamination des jaunes d’œuf chez les oiseaux infectés. Ce vaccin réduit partiellement en utilisant deux immunisations, le taux d’excrétion fécale des salmonelles chez les oiseaux inoculés et les oiseaux horizontalement infectés (p ≤ 0.02). Cinq des protéines identifiées par la spectrométrie de masse sont considérées comme des protéines potentiellement candidates pour une étude plus approfondie de leur immonogénicité: Lipoamide dehydrogenase, Enolase (2-phosphoglycerate dehydratase) (2-phospho-D-glycerate hydro-lyase), Elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu), Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) et DNA protection during starvation protein. En général, les bactérines ont induit une immunité humorale (IgG et IgA) chez les poules pondeuses. Cette réponse immunitaire a protégé partiellement les oiseaux quant à l’élimination des salmonelles, la contamination des jaunes d’œuf, ainsi que la transmission horizontale. Dans cette étude, la bactérine MBL SE4C (avec deux immunisations) s’est montrée plus efficace pour protéger les oiseaux que la bactérine Layermune. Nos résultats apportent des informations objectives et complémentaires sur le potentiel de deux bactérines pour lutter contre SE chez les poules pondeuses. Étant donné la protection partielle obtenue en utilisant ces vaccins, l’identification des antigènes immunogènes a permis de sélectionner des protéines spécifiques pour l’élaboration éventuelle d’un vaccin plus efficace contre SE chez les volailles.
Le lait écrémé est utilisé depuis plus d’un demi-siècle comme diluant protecteur des spermatozoïdes de mammifères. Depuis quelques années, il existe une demande grandissante pour des diluants exempts de produits d’origine animale. Toutefois, le mécanisme par lequel le lait protège les spermatozoïdes n’est pas connu, ce qui rend difficile de lui trouver un substitut. Les protéines majeures du plasma séminal de taureau, les protéines « Binder of SPerm » (BSP), sont néfastes lors de la conservation de la semence. Les spermatozoïdes sont en contact avec une grande concentration de protéines BSP qui stimulent une extraction continuelle de cholestérol/phospholipides de leur membrane plasmique. Les lipoprotéines de faible densité (LDL) du jaune d’oeuf, un autre composé utilisé dans les diluants, empêcheraient les protéines BSP de se lier à la membrane des spermatozoïdes de taureaux et de stimuler un efflux des lipides membranaires, ce qui les protégerait durant la conservation. Notre hypothèse était que les protéines du lait protègent les spermatozoïdes durant la conservation en séquestrant les protéines BSP. Premièrement, nous avons démontré par filtration sur gel qu’il y a une interaction entre les protéines BSP bovines et les protéines du lait. Le lait écrémé a été fractionné en trois fractions : F1 (alpha-lactalbumine, bêta-lactoglobuline et caséine kappa), F2 (toutes les protéines du lait) et F3 (sels, sucres et petits peptides). Les protéines BSP1 et BSP5 ont une affinité plus grande pour F1 que BSP3, tandis que toutes les protéines BSP ont une affinité pour F2. Le titrage calorimétrique isotherme a permis de confirmer l’interaction entre les protéines BSP et les protéines du lait. L’association entre la protéine BSP1 bovine et les micelles de caséines est caractérisée par une constante d’affinité (Ka) de 3.5 × 10^5 M-1 et un paramètre stoichiométrique (n) de 4,5 BSP1 pour une caséine. L’association entre la protéine BSP1 bovine et l’alpha-lactalbumine (une protéine du sérum principale), est caractérisée par un Ka de 2.4 × 10^5 M-1 et une valeur “n” de 0,8. Ces résultats indiquent que le lait protège les spermatozoïdes bovins en séquestrant les protéines BSP grâce à une interaction protéine : protéine, tandis que le jaune d’oeuf les protège grâce à une interaction protéine : lipoprotéine. Deuxièmement, nous avons démontré par filtration sur gel que les protéines homologues aux BSP bovines retrouvées dans le plasma séminal de porc, d’étalon et de bélier ont une affinité avec les protéines du lait, ce qui suggère que le mécanisme de protection des spermatozoïdes par le lait pourrait être le même chez ces espèces. Troisièmement, nous avons caractérisé l’interaction entre BSP1 bovine et les LDL du jaune d’oeuf qui a un Ka de 3.4 ± 0.4 × 10^6 M-1 et une valeur de « n » de 104 BSP1 pour une particule de LDL, indiquant qu’il existe des différences entre le mécanisme de protection des spermatozoïdes par le lait et le jaune d’oeuf. Nous croyons que les résultats présentés dans cette thèse aideront à créer de nouveaux diluants ne contenant pas de produits d’origine animale afin de cryoconserver les spermatozoïdes des mammifères.
We have studied 'food grade' sialyloligosaccharides (SOS) as anti-adhesive drugs or receptor analogues, since the terminal sialic acid residue has already been shown to contribute significantly to the adhesion and pathogenesis of the Vibrio cholerae toxin (Ctx). GM1-oligosaccharide (GM1-OS) was immobilized into a supporting POPC lipid bilayer onto a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) chip, and the interaction between uninhibited Ctx and GM1-OS-POPC was measured. SOS inhibited 94.7% of the Ctx binding to GM1-OS-POPC at 10 mg/mL. The SOS EC50 value of 5.521 mg/mL is high compared with 0.2811 mu g/mL (182.5 pM or 1.825 x 10(-10) M) for GM1-OS. The commercially available sialyloligosaccharide (SOS) mixture Sunsial E (R) is impure, containing one monosialylated and two disialylated oligosaccharides in the ratio 9.6%. 6.5% and 17.5%, respectively, and 66.4% protein. However, these inexpensive food-grade molecules are derived from egg yolk and could be used to fortify conventional food additives, by way of emulsifiers, sweeteners and/or preservatives. The work further supports our hypothesis that SOS could be a promising natural anti-adhesive glycomimetic against Ctx and prevent subsequent onset of disease. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved
The objective of this study was to apply response surface methodology to estimate the emulsifying capacity and stability of mixtures containing isolated and textured soybean proteins combined with pectin and to evaluate if the extrusion process affects these interfacial properties. A simplex-centroid design was applied to the model emulsifying activity index (EAI), average droplet size (D-[4.3]) and creaming inhibition (Cl%) of the mixtures. All models were significant and able to explain more than 86% of the variation. The high predictive capacity of the models was also confirmed. The mean values for EAI, D-[4.3] and Cl% observed in all assays were 0.173 +/- 0.015 mn, 19.2 +/- 1.0 mu m and 53.3 +/- 2.6%, respectively. No synergism was observed between the three compounds. This result can be attributed to the low soybean protein solubility at pH 6.2 (<35%). Pectin was the most important variable for improving all responses. The emulsifying capacity of the mixture increased 41% after extrusion. Our results showed that pectin could substitute or improve the emulsifying properties of the soybean proteins and that the extrusion brings additional advantage to interfacial properties of this combination. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Vitamin A deficiency is a serious public health problem in developing countries, and it causes death and blindness among children in the developing countries. The fortification of food could be an important source of vitamins to control deficiency. 60 Coturnix coturnix japonica quails were used in a randomized design with duration of seven weeks. The birds were assigned into five treatments with four repetitions. The objective was to evaluate the influence of the supplementation with different levels of retinyl palmitate (2,000 IU, 4,000 IU, 8,000IU and 16,000 IU) in quails under the levels of retinyl in egg yolks. The method used to dose retinyl in yolks of quail eggs was High Performance Liquid Chromatography and the enzymatic method to quantify the cholesterol concentration. The weight and production of eggs was significantly modified by the supplementation with retinyl in the birds. The results showed a gradual increase in the incorporation of retinyl in the egg yolk as a response to the supplementation, reaching values 384% higher than the control values. By the end of the supplementations a significant reduction in the concentrations of retinyl in the eggs yolk was observed. The most lasting supplementations were with 8,000 IU and 16,000 IU which lasted for three weeks. The cholesterol content in eggs was not significantly modified. The consumption of one egg enriched with 16000UI of retinol palmitate in the present study, by day, would probably reach 10 and 7,3% of the daily recommendations of this micronutrient for children of 1 to 3 years of age, and for 4 to 8 years, respectively. The nutritional value of eggs, related to the vitamin A, can be improved by supplementation of quails
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência do diluidor do sêmen no desenvolvimento in vitro de ovócitos bovinos após a maturação e fecundação in vitro. Ejaculado de um reprodutor foi fracionado e submetido a três diluidores: Lactose/gema de ovo (LG), Citrato/gema de ovo (CG) e Tris/gema de ovo (TG). Amostras deste material foram envasadas, congeladas e estocadas em N² e, posteriormente, descongeladas; a fração móvel foi separada por gradiente descontínuo de Percoll. A concentração espermática foi ajustada para 10 x 10(6)/mL e a capacitação espermática, induzida com 10 µg/mL de heparina. Após 24 horas de cultura para maturação in vitro, os ovócitos, aspirados de folículos ovarianos, foram inseminados com sêmen diluído em meio TALP e, após 48 horas de cultura, os zigotos foram transferidos para gotas de meio TCM 199, com 5% de soro fetal bovino, 5% de soro de vaca em estro e suspensão de células epiteliais do oviduto bovino, cobertas com óleo de silicone, e mantidos em cultura por nove dias. Todas as culturas foram realizadas a 38,5ºC em atmosfera com 5% de CO2. Os dados foram analisados pelo teste do qui-quadrado e houve diferença com relação à taxa de clivagem (TC), sendo as médias de 66,0; 69,3; e 54,4% para LG, CG e TG, respectivamente. Não houve diferença entre tratamentos com relação às taxas de mórulas/blastocistos ou de eclosão. O diluidor do sêmen não teve efeito sobre o desenvolvimento in vitro de embriões bovinos, embora a TC tenha sido afetada.
The experiment was carried out to verify if total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol and triacylglicerol plasma levels are affected when laying hens are fed rations containing different dietary oil sources. One hundred sixty 50 week-old hens, assigned to four treatments with five replicates using 8 hens per replicate were used. The experimental period was of 84 days divided in 3 cycles of 28 days each. In the last day of each cycle, blood samples of 2 hens per replicate were randomly choose and blood samples were collected. on the other hand, blood was also collected at 7 am, 11 am and 3 pm aiming to study the daily changes of these lipids. Blood lipid parameters were not affected by different dietary oil sources (p > 0.05); however, HDL-cholesterol did change during the day, giving evidence that this lipid is indeed involved in the egg yolk formation.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
OBJETIVO: Verificar a aterogenicidade do modelo de hipercolesterolemia por suplementação alimentar com gema de ovo em coelhos e seu uso como modelo de aterosclerose experimental de baixo custo. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram utilizados 14 coelhos divididos em dois grupos de sete animais: grupo controle (G1), que recebeu ração comercial ad libitum, e grupo tratado (G2), que foi alimentado com dieta suplementada com gema de ovo. Ambos os grupos foram alimentados por 90 dias. Foram realizadas dosagens do perfil lipídico dos animais nos momentos 0, 30, 60 e 90 dias. Ao término do período experimental, os animais foram submetidos a eutanásia e retirada da aorta e de seus ramos diretos para realização de estudo anatomopatológico. RESULTADOS Apenas no grupo G2 houve aumento significativo nos níveis de colesterol total e frações. Ao exame macroscópico, foram observadas estrias gordurosas no arco aórtico e aorta abdominal e, à microscopia, acúmulos lipídicos discretos na íntima da aorta abdominal, renal, carótida, transição toracoabdominal e femoral. Portanto, a dieta com gema de ovo provocou aterosclerose leve no animal de experimentação e alterações equivalentes àquelas provocadas pelo colesterol purificado comercial quando fornecido em baixa dosagem. Assim sendo, a gema de ovo pode ser utilizada como fonte de colesterol alimentar de baixo custo em modelos de aterosclerose experimental.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi detectar traços de farinha de carne e ossos bovinos, em ovos de poedeiras alimentadas com dietas comerciais com inclusão de ingredientes vegetais alternativos e leveduras. A detecção foi feita pela técnica dos isótopos estáveis do carbono e do nitrogênio. Foram utilizadas 384 poedeiras, distribuídas aleatoriamente em oito tratamentos. Os tratamentos consistiram de uma dieta-controle - à base de milho e farelo de soja - e sete dietas com inclusão de farinha de carne e ossos bovinos, acrescidas ou não de outros ingredientes (farelo de trigo, quirera de arroz, farelo de algodão, glúten de milho, levedura de cana e levedura de cerveja). No 35º dia, foram tomados aleatoriamente 24 ovos por tratamento: 12 para análise de ovo e 12 para análise de gema e albúmen, em separado. Após análise isotópica de carbono e nitrogênio, os resultados foram submetidos à análise multivariada de variância. As médias dos pares isotópicos dos ovos, gema e albúmen, em todos os tratamentos, diferiram daquelas do tratamento-controle. A técnica dos isótopos estáveis permite detectar, nos ovos, gema e albúmen, a farinha de carne e ossos bovinos utilizada na dieta de poedeiras, mesmo com a inclusão de outros ingredientes vegetais e leveduras.
Objetivou-se com este estudo rastrear a inclusão de farinha de carne e ossos bovinos em dietas para poedeiras comerciais, por meio da análise dos ovos e de suas frações (gema e albúmen), pela técnica dos isótopos estáveis do carbono e nitrogênio e avaliar o índice analítico mínimo detectável. Foram utilizadas 240 galinhas poedeiras da linhagem Shaver White de 73 semanas de idade, distribuídas em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com cinco tratamentos e seis repetições. Foram avaliados cinco níveis de inclusão (0; 1,5; 3,0; 4,5 e 6,0%) de farinha de carne e ossos bovinos em uma dieta à base de milho e farelo de soja. No 35º dia, foram tomados aleatoriamente 24 ovos por tratamento: 12 serviram para amostragem de gema e albúmen e os outros 12 para amostragem do ovo (gema + albúmen). Os resultados isotópicos foram submetidos à análise multivariada de variância e, a partir das matrizes de erro, com 95% de confiança, foram determinadas elipses para identificar as diferenças entre os resultados obtidos com o fornecimento das dietas experimentais e a dieta controle, sem farinha de carne e ossos bovinos. No ovo e na gema, a partir do par isotópico da dieta com 3,0% de farinha de carne e ossos, houve diferenciação do par do tratamento controle, enquanto, no albúmen, a diferenciação ocorreu a partir do nível de 1,5% de farinha de carne e ossos bovinos na dieta. Pela técnica dos isótopos estáveis, é possível rastrear o uso de farinha de carne e ossos bovinos na alimentação de poedeiras; no albúmen, o nível mínimo de inclusão detectável é de 1,5% e, no ovo e na gema, 3,0%.
O experimento teve como objetivo estudar os efeitos de níveis de cantaxantina sobre o desempenho e a coloração das gemas dos ovos de galinhas poedeiras. Foram utilizadas 384 galinhas da linhagem Hisex Brown, em um delineamento em blocos ao acaso, contendo seis tratamentos (0, 12, 24, 36, 48 e 60 ppm de cantaxantina), com oito repetições de oito aves por parcela. O período experimental foi de 56 dias. A coleta de ovos foi realizada diariamente e a análise de coloração dos ovos foi efetuada com o abanico colorimétrico da Roche. Durante os 14 dias do período inicial do experimento, a melhor coloração das gemas foi obtida com a adição de 60 ppm de cantaxantina, atingindo-se a cor plateau de 14,3 do leque colorimétrico Roche aos 5,43 dias de inclusão do pigmentante. Considerando-se o período experimental total, os níveis de cantaxantina utilizados melhoraram de forma quadrática a coloração das gemas, sem influenciar os parâmetros produtivos e demais características de qualidade dos ovos de poedeiras comerciais.
The objective of this study was to determine morphological and functional characteristics of semen retrieved from the feline epididymis before and after cooling. Sixteen adult male cats were orchiectomized. The distal portion of the epididymis and proximal part of the deferent ducts were dissected and squeezed to obtain their content. After centrifugation, the supernatant was removed, sperm were resuspended in a 0.9 mL Tris-fructose-citric acid extender containing 20% egg yolk, aliquoted into three 0.3 mL samples, placed in a refrigerator (4.8 degrees C) and cooled (0.5 degrees C/min). Semen evaluations were performed on four occassions: immediately after epididymal sperm retrieval (TO), and at 24 h (T-1), 48 h (T-2) and 72 h (T-3) after cooling. on each occasion, progressive motility, vigor and sperm morphology were determined. Mean motility and vigor decreased (P < 0.05) between each successive examination. Although the majority of sperm cell damage occurred within the first 24 h, there was a decrease (P < 0.05) in mean percentage of morphologically normal sperm between To and each evaluated time (T-1, T-2, T-3) after cooling, due to an increase in coiled and bent sperm tails. Further studies are needed to evaluate the effects of cooling on the fertilizing capacity of cat epididymal spermatozoa in assisted reproduction programs. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The aim of present study was to evaluate frozen canine semen with ACP-106 (R) (Powder Coconut Water) using an in vitro sperm-oocyte interaction assay (SOIA). Ten ejaculates from five stud dogs were diluted in ACP-106 (R) containing 20% egg yolk, submitted to cooling in a thermal box for 40 min and in a refrigerator for 30 min. After this period, a second dilution was performed using ACP-106 (R) containing 20% egg yolk and 12% glycerol. Samples were thawed at 38 degrees C for 1 min. Post-thaw motility was evaluated by light microscopy and by using a computer aided semen analysis (CASA). Plasma membrane integrity and sperm morphology/acrosomal status were evaluated by fluorescent probes (C-FDA/PI) and Bengal Rose respectively. Moreover, frozen-thawed semen was analysed by a SOIA. Subjective post-thaw motility was 52.0 +/- 14.8% and it was significant higher than the total motility estimated by CASA (23.0 +/- 14.8%) because this system considered the egg yolk debris as immotile spermatozoa. Although normal sperm rate and acrosomal integrity evaluated by Bengal Rose stain was 89.6 +/- 3.1 % and 94.3 +/- 3.1 %, respectively, post-thaw percentage of intact plasma membrane was only 35.1 +/- 14.3%. Regarding SOIA, the percentage of interacted oocytes (bound, penetrated and bound and/or penetrated) was 75.3%. Using regression analysis, it was found significant relations between some CASA patterns and data for SOIA. In conclusion, the freezing-thawing procedure using ACP-106 (R) was efficient for maintain the in vitro fertility potential of dog spermatozoa.