975 resultados para Chicago Veterinary College
Mode of access: Internet.
Publication suspended 1938-1953.
Mode of access: Internet.
Includes bibliographies and index.
The results of two years' investigations made by and for the Advisory group of college libraries of the Carnegie corporation of New York, W. W. Bishop, chairman. cf. chapter I.
Later editions have title: Synopsis of veterinary materia medica.
Preface to English edition signed: Alice Hayes.
v.1. The administration of the schools by the director of the survey; The business management of the schools, by F. Engelhardt; Financing the schools, by J. K. Norton; The educational personnel of the schools, by L. Dix; The social services of the public schools, by N. H. Hegel.--v.2. Fitting the school to the pupil, by P. R. Mort, W. W. Wright, and W. B. Featherstone; Secondary education in Chicago, by M. H. Stewart and D. H. Eikenberry; Higher education in the public school system, by E. S. Evenden and F. B. O'Rear.--v.3. The curricula of the schools, by J. H. Newton, H. B. Bruner, L. T. Hopkins, P. R. Hanna, and L. Dix; Teaching and supervision in the elementary schools, by J. R. McGaughy, E. H. Reeder, and J. Betzner; Health and physical education, by J. F. Williams, and F. W. Maroney; Vocational education, by L. A. Wilson.--v.4. Housing of the schools, by F. W. Hart, and N. L. Engelhardt; The operation of the school plant, by G. F. Womrath.--v.5. Summary of findings and recommendations, by G. D. Strayer.
"An enlarged edition of a mimeographed edition by Stephens College for limited distribution."
Basic materials were prepared by Walter E. Collins, D.V.M., project director, SUNY Agricultural and Technical College at Delhi, pursuant to a contract with the U. S. Office of Education.
Mode of access: Internet.
Includes index.
Blank pages at end of book for "select prescriptions."
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.