975 resultados para Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Conde de, 1694-1773.


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At the end of 1773 an Indian elephant, brought for the royal ménagerie at Aranjuez, was shown in the streets of Madrid. The resulting public fascination provoked by the intrusion of this exotic animal can be traced through poems (Tomás de Iriarte), short plays (Ramón de la Cruz), articles in the periodical press, popular and scientific prints representing the animal, and even in the costumbrista pastels of Lorenzo Tiepolo. The mythic and premodern knowledge of animal nature collides in a debate with the new scientific observation. In the final decades of the 18th century, the image of the captive elephant acquired in Europe a new symbolic meaning linked with the political fight against slavery. All these very different elements converge in Goya's Disparate de bestia.


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El conde Partinuplés (first published 1653) is one of only two extant plays written by the Sevillan poet/dramatist Ana Caro Mallén de Soto (‘la décima musa sevillana’). Despite McKendrick's dismissal of the play as ‘extremely bad’, it has been the object of substantial critical scrutiny since the 1970s, impelled in great part by the production of modern editions (Luna and Delgado) and by Kaminsky's bio-biographical study (1973). Two responses have dominated: analysis of the play's imaginative reconceptualization of source material (most notably the Classical myth of Cupid and Psyche as contained in Apuleius and transmitted via the anonymous French chivalric romance Portonopeus de Blois; and more contemporary models, such as Calderón's La vida es sueño); discussions of the play from a gender/feminist perspective. There is some inevitable entanglement in these approaches, areas of ideological concurrence, but also of contradiction. This article will offer a critical synthesis of these lines of enquiry around an analysis of the play's patterns of non-identical repetition and, following Hubert's theory of ‘double movement’, will move beyond these to consider the generative and potentially transcendent nature of the interplay of inscription (text) and transcription (interpretive performance). A subversive strategy of elusion underpins this interference, a dynamic, mobile frame within which ‘envidia’ (‘celos’) functions as a prominent dramatic catalyst, directed outwards, and mobilized both as a potent catalyst for the female dramatist's artistic creativity and as an antagonistic interrogation of broader socio-cultural forms of inequality. The play's (new) marvellous versions and inversions expand the functions of the sign beyond Renaissance resemblance and repetition, challenging its promotion of unity and stable identity, and opening up an interactive space between the represented (world/product) and the representing (stage/process). The power of authorities, as figured in/through the dramatic and rhetorical devices of the play, is self-consciously precarious, but it is this very anxious articulation that challenges the very authority of power.


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Sendo a tradição portuguesa particularmente fértil em versões contaminadas do romance Conde Claros em hábito de frade, e sabendo que o conjunto de temas contaminadores é considerável num tema tão abundantemente recolhido, tem como propósito o presente estudo descrever o comportamento das contaminações no seio deste romance. Numa primeira instância, e obedecendo a pressupostos diacrónicos de metodologia, observamos o traçado fabular do romance no século XVI e confrontamo-lo com a fábula que a tradição portuguesa apresenta, daí retirando algumas ilações quanto à posição das contaminações. Estas estão concentradas, regularmente, no início das versões, adquirindo o estatuto de enquadramento contextual da trama do Conde Claros em hábito de frade. Uma vez delimitada a lista de temas contaminadores, damos início à interpretação, do efeito potenciado pela presença de segmentos temáticos pertencentes aos temas contaminadores sobre a fábula do romance principal. A contaminação pode, não raro, produzir resultados subversivos, nomeadamente no que respeita ao retrato da personagem principal, o conde Claros.