961 resultados para Charge-transfer salts
We report the energy-transfer mechanisms and emission quantum yield measurements of sol-gel-derived Eu3+-based nanohybrids. The matrix of these materials, classified as diureasils and termed U(2000) and U(600), includes urea cross-links between a siliceous backbone and polyether-based segments of two molecular weights, 2000 and 600, respectively. These materials are full-color emitters in which the Eu3+ (5)Do --> F-7(0-4) lines merge with the broad green-blue emission of the nanoscopic matrix's backbone. The excitation spectra show the presence of a large broad band (similar to 27000-29000 cm(-1)) undoubtedly assigned to a ligand-to-metal charge-transfer state. Emission quantum yields range from 2% to 13.0% depending on the polymer molecular weight and Eu3+ concentration. Energy transfer between the hybrid hosts and the cations arises from two different and independent processes: the charge-transfer band and energy transfer from the hybrid's emitting centers. The activation of the latter mechanisms induces a decrease in the emission quantum yields (relative to undoped nanohybrids) and permits a fine-tuning of the emission chromaticity across the Comission Internacionalle d'Eclairage diagram, e.g., (x, y) color coordinates from (0.21, 0.24) to (0.39, 0.36). Moreover, that activation depends noticeably on the ion local coordination. For the diureasils with longer polymer chains, energy transfer occurs as the Eu3+ coordination involves the carbonyl-type oxygen atoms of the urea bridges, which are located near the hybrid's host emitting centers. on the contrary, in the U(600)-based diureasils, the Eu3+ ions are coordinated to the polymer chains, and therefore, the distance between the hybrid's emitting centers and the metal ions is large enough to allow efficient energy-transfer mechanisms.
Solvent effects play a major role in controlling electron-transfer reactions. The solvent dynamics happens on a very high-dimensional surface, and this complex landscape is populated by a large number of minima. A critical problem is to understand the conditions under which the solvent dynamics can be represented by a single collective reaction coordinate. When this unidimensional representation is valid, one recovers the successful Marcus theory. In this study the approach used in a previous work [V. B. P. Leite and J. N. Onuchic; J. Phys. Chem. 100, 7680 (1996)] is extended to treat a more realistic solvent model, which includes energy correlation. The dynamics takes place in a smooth and well behaved landscape. The single shell of solvent molecules around a cavity is described by a two-dimensional system with periodic boundary conditions with nearest neighbor interaction. It is shown how the polarization-dependent effects can be inferred. The existence of phase transitions depends on a factor y proportional to the contribution from the two parameters of the model. For the present model, γ suggests the existence of weak kinetic phase transitions, which are used in the analysis of solvent effects in charge-transfer reactions. © 1999 American Institute of Physics.
Moun-transfer reactions from muonic hydrogen to carbon and oxygen nuclei employing a full quantum-mechanical few-body description of rearrangement scattering were studied by solving the Faddeev-Hahn-type equations using close-coupling approximation. The application of a close-coupling-type ansatz led to satisfactory results for direct muon-transfer reactions from muonic hydrogen to C6+ and O8+.
The proposed role of anthocyanins in protecting plants against excess solar radiation is consistent with the occurrence of ultrafast (525 ps) excited-state proton transfer as the major de-excitation pathway of these molecules. However, because natural anthocyanins absorb mainly in the visible region of the spectra, with only a narrow absorption band in the UV-B region, this highly efficient deactivation mechanism would essentially only protect the plant from visible light. On the other hand, ground-state charge-transfer complexes of anthocyanins with naturally occurring electron-donor co-pigments, such as hydroxylated flavones, flavonoids, and hydroxycinnamic or benzoic acids, do exhibit high UV-B absorptivities that complement that of the anthocyanins. In this work, we report a comparative study of the photophysics of the naturally occurring anthocyanin cyanin, intermolecular cyanincoumaric acid complexes, and an acylated anthocyanin, that is, cyanin with a pendant coumaric ester co-pigment. Both inter- and intramolecular anthocyaninco-pigment complexes are shown to have ultrafast energy dissipation pathways comparable to those of model flavylium cationco-pigment complexes. However, from the standpoint of photoprotection, the results indicate that the covalent attachment of co-pigment molecules to the anthocyanin represents a much more efficient strategy by providing the plant with significant UV-B absorption capacity and at the same time coupling this absorption to efficient energy dissipation pathways (ultrafast internal conversion of the complexed form and fast energy transfer from the excited co-pigment to the anthocyanin followed by adiabatic proton transfer) that avoid net photochemical damage.
To assist rational compound design of organic semiconductors, two problems need to be addressed. First, the material morphology has to be known at an atomistic level. Second, with the morphology at hand, an appropriate charge transport model needs to be developed in order to link charge carrier mobility to structure.rnrnThe former can be addressed by generating atomistic morphologies using molecular dynamics simulations. However, the accessible range of time- and length-scales is limited. To overcome these limitations, systematic coarse-graining methods can be used. In the first part of the thesis, the Versatile Object-oriented Toolkit for Coarse-graining Applications is introduced, which provides a platform for the implementation of coarse-graining methods. Tools to perform Boltzmann inversion, iterative Boltzmann inversion, inverse Monte Carlo, and force-matching are available and have been tested on a set of model systems (water, methanol, propane and a single hexane chain). Advantages and problems of each specific method are discussed.rnrnIn partially disordered systems, the second issue is closely connected to constructing appropriate diabatic states between which charge transfer occurs. In the second part of the thesis, the description initially used for small conjugated molecules is extended to conjugated polymers. Here, charge transport is modeled by introducing conjugated segments on which charge carriers are localized. Inter-chain transport is then treated within a high temperature non-adiabatic Marcus theory while an adiabatic rate expression is used for intra-chain transport. The charge dynamics is simulated using the kinetic Monte Carlo method.rnrnThe entire framework is finally employed to establish a relation between the morphology and the charge mobility of the neutral and doped states of polypyrrole, a conjugated polymer. It is shown that for short oligomers, charge carrier mobility is insensitive to the orientational molecular ordering and is determined by the threshold transfer integral which connects percolating clusters of molecules that form interconnected networks. The value of this transfer integral can be related to the radial distribution function. Hence, charge mobility is mainly determined by the local molecular packing and is independent of the global morphology, at least in such a non-crystalline state of a polymer.
In this thesis we have extended the methods for microscopic charge-transport simulations for organic semiconductors. In these materials the weak intermolecular interactions lead to spatially localized charge carriers, and the charge transport occurs as an activated hopping process between diabatic states. In addition to weak electronic couplings between these states, different electrostatic environments in the organic material lead to a broadening of the density of states for the charge energies which limits carrier mobilities.rnThe contributions to the method development includern(i) the derivation of a bimolecular charge-transfer rate,rn(ii) the efficient evaluation of intermolecular (outer-sphere) reorganization energies,rn(iii) the investigation of effects of conformational disorder on intramolecular reorganization energies or internal site energiesrnand (iv) the inclusion of self-consistent polarization interactions for calculation of charge energies.These methods were applied to study charge transport in amorphous phases of small molecules used in the emission layer of organic light emitting diodes (OLED).rnWhen bulky substituents are attached to an aromatic core in order to adjust energy levels or prevent crystallization, a small amount of delocalization of the frontier orbital to the substituents can increase electronic couplings between neighboring molecules. This leads to improved charge-transfer rates and, hence, larger charge-mobility. We therefore suggest using the mesomeric effect (as opposed to the inductive effect) when attaching substituents to aromatic cores, which is necessary for example in deep blue OLEDs, where the energy levels of a host molecule have to be adjusted to those of the emitter.rnFurthermore, the energy landscape for charges in an amorphous phase cannot be predicted by mesoscopic models because they approximate the realistic morphology by a lattice and represent molecular charge distributions in a multipole expansion. The microscopic approach shows that a polarization-induced stabilization of a molecule in its charged and neutral states can lead to large shifts, broadening, and traps in the distribution of charge energies. These results are especially important for multi-component systems (the emission layer of an OLED or the donor-acceptor interface of an organic solar cell), if the change in polarizability upon charging (or excitation in case of energy transport) is different for the components. Thus, the polarizability change upon charging or excitation should be added to the set of molecular parameters essential for understanding charge and energy transport in organic semiconductors.rnWe also studied charge transport in self-assembled systems, where intermolecular packing motives induced by side chains can increase electronic couplings between molecules. This leads to larger charge mobility, which is essential to improve devices such as organic field effect transistors, where low carrier mobilities limit the switching frequency.rnHowever, it is not sufficient to match the average local molecular order induced by the sidernchains (such as the pitch angle between consecutive molecules in a discotic mesophase) with maxima of the electronic couplings.rnIt is also important to make the corresponding distributions as narrow as possible compared to the window determined by the closest minima of thernelectronic couplings. This is especially important in one-dimensional systems, where charge transport is limited by the smallest electronic couplings.rnThe immediate implication for compound design is that the side chains should assist the self-assemblingrnprocess not only via soft entropic interactions, but also via stronger specific interactions, such as hydrogen bonding.rnrnrnrn
In dieser Dissertation wird die Ladungsträgergeneration und -rekombination in neuen polymeren Absorbermaterialien für organische Solarzellen untersucht. Das Verständnis dieser Prozesse ist wesentlich für die Entwicklung neuer photoaktiver Materialsysteme, die hohe Effizienzen erzielen und organische Solarzellen konkurrenzfähig im Bereich der erneuerbaren Energien machen. Experimentell verwendet diese Arbeit hauptsächlich die Methode der transienten Absorptionsspektroskopie, die sich für die Untersuchung photophysikalischer Prozesse auf einer Zeitskala von 100 fs bis 1 ms als sehr leistungsfähig erweist. Des Weiteren wird eine soft-modeling Methode vorgestellt, die es ermöglicht, photophysikalische Prozesse aus einer gemessenen transienten Absorptions-Datenmatrix zu bestimmen, wenn wenig a priori Kenntnisse der Reaktionskinetiken vorhanden sind. Drei unterschiedliche Donor:Akzeptor-Systeme werden untersucht; jedes dieser Systeme stellt eine andere Herangehensweise zur Optimierung der Materialien dar in Bezug auf Lichtabsorption über einen breiten Wellenlängenbereich, effiziente Ladungstrennung und schnellen Ladungstransport. Zuerst wird ein Terpolymer untersucht, das aus unterschiedlichen Einheiten für die Lichtabsorption und den Ladungstransport besteht. Es wird gezeigt, dass es möglich ist, den Fluss angeregter Zustände vom Chromophor auf die Transporteinheit zu leiten. Im zweiten Teil wird der Einfluss von Kristallinität auf die freie Ladungsträgergeneration mit einer Folge von ternären Mischungen, die unterschiedliche Anteile an amorphem und semi-kristallinem Polymer enthalten, untersucht. Dabei zeigt es sich, dass mit steigendem amorphen Polymeranteil sowohl der Anteil der geminalen Ladungsträgerrekombination erhöht als auch die nicht-geminale Rekombination schneller ist. Schlussendlich wird ein System untersucht, in dem sowohl Donor als auch Akzeptor Polymere sind, was zu verbesserten Absorptionseigenschaften führt. Die Rekombination von Ladungstransferzuständen auf der unter 100 ps Zeitskala stellt hier den hauptsächliche Verlustkanal dar, da freie Ladungsträger nur an Grenzflächen erzeugt werden können, an denen Donor und Akzeptor face-to-face zueinander orientiert sind. Darüber hinaus wird festgestellt, dass weitere 40-50% der Ladungsträger durch die Rekombination von Grenzflächenzuständen verloren gehen, die aus mobilen Ladungsträgern geminal gebildet werden.
Die vorliegende Dissertation dient dazu, das Verständnis des Ladungstransportes in organischen Solarzellen zu vertiefen. Mit Hilfe von Computersimulationen wird die Bewegung von Ladungsträgern in organischen Materialien rekonstruiert, und zwar ausgehend von den quantenmechanischen Prozessen auf mikroskopischer Ebene bis hin zur makroskopischen Skala, wo Ladungsträgermobilitäten quantifizierbar werden. Auf Grundlage dieses skalenübergreifenden Ansatzes werden Beziehungen zwischen der chemischen Struktur organischer Moleküle und der makroskopischen Mobilität hergestellt (Struktur-Eigenschafts-Beziehungen), die zu der Optimierung photovoltaischer Wirkungsgrade beitragen. Das Simulationsmodell beinhaltet folgende drei Schlüsselkomponenten. Erstens eine Morphologie, d. h. ein atomistisch aufgelöstes Modell der molekularen Anordnung in dem untersuchten Material. Zweitens ein Hüpfmodell des Ladungstransportes, das Ladungswanderung als eine Abfolge von Ladungstransferreaktionen zwischen einzelnen Molekülen beschreibt. Drittens ein nichtadiabatisches Modell des Ladungstransfers, das Übergangsraten durch drei Parameter ausdrückt: Reorganisationsenergien, Lageenergien und Transferintegrale. Die Ladungstransport-Simulationen richten sich auf die Materialklasse der dicyanovinyl-substituierten Oligothiophene und umfassen Morphologien von Einkristallen, Dünnschichten sowie amorphen/smektischen Mesophasen. Ein allgemeiner Befund ist, dass die molekulare Architektur, bestehend aus einer Akzeptor-Donor-Akzeptor-Sequenz und einem flexiblen Oligomergerüst, eine erhebliche Variation molekularer Dipolmomente und damit der Lageenergien bewirkt. Diese energetische Unordnung ist ungewöhnlich hoch in den Kristallen und umso höher in den Mesophasen. Für die Einkristalle wird beobachtet, dass Kristallstrukturen mit ausgeprägter π-Stapelung und entsprechend großer Transferintegrale zu verhältnismäßig niedrigen Mobilitäten führen. Dieses Verhalten wird zurückgeführt auf die Ausbildung bevorzugter Transportrichtungen, die anfällig für energetische Störungen sind. Für die Dünnschichten bestätigt sich diese Argumentation und liefert ein mikroskopisches Verständnis für experimentelle Mobilitäten. In der Tat korrelieren die Simulationsergebnisse sowohl mit gemessenen Mobilitäten als auch mit photovoltaischen Wirkungsgraden. Für die amorphen/smektischen Systeme steigt die energetische Unordnung mit der Oligomerlänge, sie führt aber auch zu einer unerwarteten Mobilitätsabnahme in dem stärker geordneten smektischen Zustand. Als Ursache dafür erweist sich, dass die smektische Schichtung der räumlichen Korrelation der energetischen Unordnung entgegensteht.
Electron transfer cross sections have been measured for reactions of Ar2+ ions with Ar, N2, O2, CO2, CH4 and C2H6. Time-of-flight techniques have been used to measure both fast neutral Ar0 and fast Ar+ products from single- and double-electron transfer processes involving Ar2+ ions with 4.0 to 7.0 keV impact energies. Incident Ar2+ ions have produced by controlled electron impact ionisation of argon atoms. Reactions have been examined as a function of ionising electron energy and cross sections determined for ground state Ar2+(3P) ions. Charge transfer cross sections have been determined to be in the range of 3*10-16 cm2 for the systems examined. Double-electron transfer cross sections are the same order of magnitude as those measured for the corresponding single-electron transfer reactions. The state distribution of the reactant ion beam has been estimated and electron transfer cross sections obtained for single- and double-electron transfer reactions of metastable Ar2+ions. The magnitudes of electron transfer cross sections in individual systems are similar for both ground and metastable state Ar2+ reactions.
The synthesis and the photophysical properties of the complex [Ru(TTF-dppz)(2)(Aqphen)](2+) (TTF = tetrathiafulvalene, dppz = dipyrido-[3,2-a:2',3'-c]phenazine, Aqphen = anthraquinone fused to phenanthroline via a pyrazine bridge) are described. In this molecular triad excitation into the metal ligand charge transfer bands results in the creation of a long-lived charge separated state with TTF acting as electron donor and anthraquinone as terminal acceptor. The lifetime of the charge-separated state is 400 ns in dichloromethane at room temperature. A mechanism for the charge separation involving an intermediate charge-separated state is proposed based on transient absorption spectroscopy.
Accurate quantum mechanical simulations of the primary charge transfer in photosynthetic reaction centers are reported. The process is modeled by three coupled electronic states corresponding to the photoexcited chlorophyll special pair (donor), the reduced bacteriopheophytin (acceptor), and the reduced accessory chlorophyll (bridge) that interact with a dissipative medium of protein and solvent degrees of freedom. The time evolution of the excited special pair is followed over 17 ps by using a fully quantum mechanical path integral scheme. We find that a free energy of the reduced accessory chlorophyll state approximately equal to 400 cm(-1) lower than that of the excited special pair state yields state populations in agreement with experimental results on wild-type and modified reaction centers. For this energetic configuration electron transfer is a two-step process.
We have investigated the isomeric distribution and rearrangement of complexes of the type [CoXLn](2+,3+) (where X = Cl-, OH-, H2O, and L-n represents a pentadentate 13-, 14-, and 15-membered tetraaza or diaza-dithia (N-4 or N2S2) macrocycle bearing a pendant primary amine). The preparative procedures for chloro complexes produced almost exclusively kinetically preferred cis isomers (where the pendant primary amine is cis to the chloro ligand) that can be separated by careful cation-exchange chromatography. For L-13 and L-14 the so-called cis-V isomer is isolated as the kinetic product, and for L-15 the cis-VI form (an N-based diastereomer) is the preferred, while for the L-14(S) complex both cis-V and trans-I forms are obtained. All these complexes rearrange to form stable trans isomers in which the pendent primary amine is trans to the monodentate aqua or hydroxo ligand, depending on pH and the workup procedure. In total 11 different complexes have been studied. From these, two different trans isomers of [CoCIL14S](2+) have been characterized crystallographically for the first time in addition to a new structure of cis-V-[CoCIL14S](2+); all were isolated as their chloride perchlorate salts. Two additional isomers have been identified and characterized by NMR as reaction intermediates. The remaining seven forms correspond to the complexes already known, produced in preparative procedures. The kinetic, thermal, and baric activation parameters for all the isomerization reactions have been determined and involve large activation enthalpies and positive volumes of activation. Activation entropies indicate a very important degree of hydrogen bonding in the reactivity of the complexes, confirmed by density functional theory studies on the stability of the different isomeric forms. The isomerization processes are not simple and even some unstable intermediates have been detected and characterized as part of the above-mentioned 11 forms of the complexes. A common reaction mechanism for the isomerization reactions has been proposed for all the complexes derived from the observed kinetic and solution behavior.
Tbe formation of Pd(TeR)n and (CuTeR)n from the reaction between telluroesters and Pd(II)or Cu(II) suggested that these organatellurium reagents may be useful precursors of RTe- ligands in reactions with transition-metal substrates. Also the formation of telluronium salts Me2RTeI- from the reaction between telluroesters and methyl iodide, together with the above, confirm the cleavage of -cõ-Te bonds rather than -C-Te bonds. The formation of a carboxylic acid from the toluene solution of a ditelluride d palladium(O) complex in the presence of light oxygen (from air) is demonstrated. When the solvent employed is p-xylene an aldehyde is formed.The reaction proceeds via the free radical, RTeO, with Pd(PPh3)4 as a catalyst.It has also been shown that the oxidation of aldehydes to carboxylic acids is catalysed by ditelluride. Spin trapping experiments with PhCH=N(O)But (phenyl-t-butyl-nitrone) have provided evidence that the oxidative addition of an alkyl halide (RX=Mei, BunBr, BusecBr, ButBr, BrCH2-CH=CHCH2Br, and Br(CH2)4Br) to diphenyltelluride and reductive elimination of CH3SCN from Ph2(CH3)Te(NCS) proceeds via radical pathways. A mechanism is proposed for oxidative addition which involves the preformation of a charge transfer complex of alkyl halide and diphenyltelluride.The first step is the formation of a charge transfer complex, and the initial product of the oxidative addition is a "covalent" form of the tellurium(IV)compound. When the radical R is more stable, Ph2TeX2 may be the major tellurium(IV)product. The reaction of RTeNa (R=p-EtOC6H4, Ph) with organic dihalides X2(CH2)n (n=1,2,3,4) affords telluronium salts (n=3,4; X=Cl, Br) the nature of which is discussed.For n=l (X=Br, I)the products are formulated as charge transfer complexes of stoichiometry (RTe)2(CH2).CH2X2• For n=2, elimination of ditelluride occurs with the formation of an alkene. Some 125’Te Mõssbauer data are discussed and it is suggested that the unusually low value of 6 (7.58 mm.s-1 ) for p-EtO.C6H4.Te)2(cH2)cH2Br2 relates to removal of 5's electronsfrom the spare pair orbltal via the charge transfer interaction. 125Te Mossbauer data for (p-EtO.C6H4)Te(CH2)4Br are typical of a tellurium (IV) compound and in particular ∇ is in the expected range for a telluronium salt. The product of the reaction of Na Te (C6H4.OEt), with 1,3-dibromopropane is, from the Mössbauer data, also a telluronium salt.
The synthesis and detailed characterization of a few samples of the compound RbMn[Fe(CN)]·zHO are described. The composition of the materials significantly depends on the applied preparative conditions. Analysis of spectroscopic results (FTIR, Raman, Fe Mössbauer, XPS) and X-ray powder-diffraction data yielded a further assessment of the difference in structural features in terms of the amount of Fe(CN)6 vacancies and the associated number of water molecules. The characteristic individual magnetic behavior, as well as the metal-to-metal charge-transfer capabilities of the various samples, could be related to significant changes within the structures that appear to be associated with the synthetic method used.
Nature is challenged to move charge efficiently over many length scales. From sub-nm to μm distances, electron-transfer proteins orchestrate energy conversion, storage, and release both inside and outside the cell. Uncovering the detailed mechanisms of biological electron-transfer reactions, which are often coupled to bond-breaking and bond-making events, is essential to designing durable, artificial energy conversion systems that mimic the specificity and efficiency of their natural counterparts. Here, we use theoretical modeling of long-distance charge hopping (Chapter 3), synthetic donor-bridge-acceptor molecules (Chapters 4, 5, and 6), and de novo protein design (Chapters 5 and 6) to investigate general principles that govern light-driven and electrochemically driven electron-transfer reactions in biology. We show that fast, μm-distance charge hopping along bacterial nanowires requires closely packed charge carriers with low reorganization energies (Chapter 3); singlet excited-state electronic polarization of supermolecular electron donors can attenuate intersystem crossing yields to lower-energy, oppositely polarized, donor triplet states (Chapter 4); the effective static dielectric constant of a small (~100 residue) de novo designed 4-helical protein bundle can change upon phototriggering an electron transfer event in the protein interior, providing a means to slow the charge-recombination reaction (Chapter 5); and a tightly-packed de novo designed 4-helix protein bundle can drastically alter charge-transfer driving forces of photo-induced amino acid radical formation in the bundle interior, effectively turning off a light-driven oxidation reaction that occurs in organic solvent (Chapter 6). This work leverages unique insights gleaned from proteins designed from scratch that bind synthetic donor-bridge-acceptor molecules that can also be studied in organic solvents, opening new avenues of exploration into the factors critical for protein control of charge flow in biology.