987 resultados para Carolus linnaeus


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Age, growth and reproductive biology were investigated for whiting (Merlangius merlangus) captured from the Celtic Sea (ICES division Vllg), for the period January 2001 to January 2002. Females dominated the sex ratio of 1: 2.25. The relative abundance of females exceeded the number of males in all length classes. The relationship between weight (g) and total length (cm) was the same for male and female whiting. A total of 973 fish were aged and the maximum age recorded was 11 years. Results from an intercalibration exercise showed 87% agreement in age readings between the author and an expert in ageing whiting at the Marine Institute. Females were dominated by 2 year olds, while males were dominated by 3 year olds. Lx was estimated as 38cm and a growth rate was calculated K = 0.3769 year'1. Females were fully recruited to the fishery at 3 years of age, while the age at full recruitment (tr) for males was 4 years. Female whiting spawned from late February to June 2001 and matured at a total length of 23 cm in their first year. Female whiting reached L5o at a total length of 28 cm and 2.7 years of age. Male whiting spawned from February to June 2001. They matured at a total length of 21 cm and in their first year. Male whiting reached L50 at a total length of 30.4 cm and 3.6 years of age. The following critical points should be taken into account in the management of the Celtic Sea whiting stock: An Fpa should be established in order to assess the current level of fishing mortality; The maturity ogives need further study; The extent of gutting of large fish before landing by fishers in the fleet should be investigated and the apparent decline in size of 4 - 7 year old fish in the Celtic Sea between 1996 and 2001 needs to be assessed.


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Êste trabalho tem por objetivo contribuir para o conhecimento da Brassolis astyra God. e B. sophorae (L.), espécies muito nocivas ao coqueiro da Bahia (Cocos nucifera L.), carnaubera (Copernicia cerifera Mart.) e outras Palmáceas. Contém a sinonímia, resumo da bibliografia e a distribuição geográfica das duas espécies. Contém, além de dados biológicos, importância econômica e a natureza dos estragos causados pelos insetos, a lista das plantas hospedeiras. Apontam-se medidas de combate que incluem medidas culturais, artificiais, química, biológicas, inclusive a manutenção de parasitas. Trata também de todos os insetos parasitas das duas espécies de Brassolis. Os autores limitaram-se a dar a sinonímia, distribuição geográfica, resumo da literatura e lista dos insetos hospedeiros dos parasitas que não foram vistos. Dos parasitas obtidos pelos autores, dão-se também algumas notas biológicas e sistemáticas.


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Die Arbeit zeichnet die Verbreitung des Bibers (Castor fiber LINNEAUS 1758) im Biosphärenreservat Oberlausitzer Heide- und Teichlandschaft für das Jahr 2014 nach. Auf Grundlage der zwei wöchigen Feldarbeit im Februar 2014 wurden Aktivitätsspuren gesichtet und mit einem GPS Gerät registriert und fotografisch dokumentiert. Daraus werden Verbreitungskarten mit genauer Lage und Umfang der einzelnen Reviere dargestellt. Insgesamt wurden sieben Reviere entdeckt. Davon befinden sich vier Reviere an der Spree und ein Revier am Schwarzen Schöps. Die restlichen zwei Reviere wurden in Teichgruppen, die sich in der unmittelbaren Nähe der Spree befinden, verzeichnet. Des Weiteren erfolgte der Kontakt zu unterschiedlichen Akteuren die sich mit der Verbreitung des Bibers in Ost-Sachsen befassen. Zu den ermittelten Ergebnissen wurden die anderen Standorte eingebunden und kartografisch in einer Verbreitungskarte dargestellt.


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We document the expansion of the breeding distribution of the Little Blue Heron Egretta caerulea (Linnaeus, 1758) to 850 km beyond its previous southern limit in South America. In addition we present data on abundance, breeding biology and food of the species in the Patos Lagoon estuary, the area which the species recently colonized. The maximum abundance recorded in the breeding colony and in a nocturnal roosting site was 53 and 49 individuals respectively. Nesting occurred from September to March. Birds nested in a mixed breeding colony together with about 3,000 breeding pairs of seven other species of Pelecaniformes, in a swampy forest near the margin of the estuary. Five nests were between 1.5 and 4.3 m from the ground, on the shrub Daphnopsis racemosa (Thymelaeaceae), on the trees Sebastiana brasiliensis (Euphorbiaceae) and Mimosa bimucronata (Leguminosae), or on the bamboo Bambusa sp. (Poaceae). Four nests produced two fledglings each, while one nest was abandoned. Of 13 grouped samples of food regurgitated by five nestlings, Pink Shrimp Farfantepenaeus paulensis (Perez-Farfante, 1967) constituted 70% in mass, while total length of ingested fishes and shrimps varied mostly between 20 and 50 mm. Estuarine prey items represented 99% of the total food mass. The recent southward expansion of the breeding range of the Little Blue Heron in South America may be a response to climate warming of the Patos Lagoon estuary. Degradation of estuaries in the southwestern Atlantic may also be forcing the birds to breed in areas outside previous geographical range.


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Dysdercus ruficollis [Linnaeus, 1764), vulgarmente conhecidos como "percevejos manchadores do algodão", foram tratados no início do 5º estádio ninfal com um análogo do hormônio juvenil (N(5-cloro-2-metilfenil)-3,7-dimetil-2,6-octadienilamina), através da aplicação tópica na base das asas. Após a muda os insetos apresentaram aspecto ressecado, alterações morfológicas externas bastante acentuadas na cabeça, tórax, patas, asas e abdômen, dificultando suas atividades normais. Entretanto, a genitália externa de ambos os sextos mostrou-se inalterada. A aplicação da substância foi capaz de alterar e interromper o ciclo biológico destes insetos.


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Amblyomma dissimile is a common ectoparasite of cold blooded animals and is an accidental ectoparasite of some wild mammals. Details of the biology of specimens from the State of Amapá were studied in the laboratory in a humidity chamber at an average environmental temperature of 19.5 °C, using Bufo marinus as host for the time in Brazil. We also report the first record of this species in the State of Minas Gerais.


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The intermediate host of Fasciola hepatica, Lymnaea columella, collected in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, was reared in our laboratory. The aim of the current study was to standardize a rearing and maintenance technique. Two kinds of diet were tested: fresh lettuce (A) and rodent ration + 10% CaCO3 plus fresh lettuce (B). The age for the beginning of oviposition ranged from 27 to 57 days. Ten days after oviposition at 24.7°C, 100% eclosion occurred. The complete life cycle varied from 37 to 67 days. The average numbers of eggs per egg mass were 26.3 and 31.1 with diets (A) and (B), respectively. The lettuce and ration fed snails presented a increased growth although the difference was not statistically significant (p > 0.05). The mortality rate varied from 40 to 64% after 90 days. The maximum longevity was 183 days, 21.5 mm length and 11 mm wide. The methodology to mass breed and maintain these snails was found to be suitable in the laboratory


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Dirofilaria immitis (Leidy 1856), a nematode parasite, is the etiologic agent of canine heartworm disease and mosquitoes are essential intermediate hosts. Mosquito susceptibility to the worms differ with species, strains and also among individuals of the same strain. To evaluate the degree of susceptibility of Rio de Janeiro laboratory raised strain of Aedes aegypti, we fed mosquitoes on canine blood with different densities of microfilariae (mf). There was no significant difference in the rate of development among the three different densities of mf. Infective larvae were found in the head and proboscis of all mosquitoes provided bloodmeals with different densities of mf after the 11th day post-infection. The infection rate of mosquitoes after ingestion of blood containing 3,000 mf/ml, 5,000 mf/ml and 7,000 mf/ml were 55.3%, 66.7% and 100%, respectively. The vector efficiency indices ranged from 1.6 to 9.3. The finding of L3 stage larvae, high infection rates and vector efficiency indices suggest that Ae. aegypti, Rio de Janeiro laboratory strain, is a potential vector of D. immitis, although of low efficiency.


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The identification of arthropod bloodmeals is important in many epidemiological studies, as, the understanding of the life cycle of vectors and the patogens they transmit, as well as helping to define arthropods' control strategies. The precipitin test has been used for decades, but ELISA is slowly becoming more popular. To compare the two tests for sensitivity, specificity and accuracy to detect small insect bloodmeals, Aedes aegypti or Ae. fluviatilis mosquitoes were fed either on feline, canine or human hosts. Mosquitoes were frozen at 6, 12, 24, 48 or 72 h after feeding. Precipitin test showed better specificity and accuracy and ELISA test showed higher sensitivity. Better results with both tests were achieved when mosquitoes were frozen within 48 h from feeding.


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The objective of this study was to isolate and identify fungal species found in natural association with adults of Musca domestica. The adult insects were collected from two natural breeding grounds: hog pens and an urban sanitary landfill. The isolated fungi were identified as: Aspergillus flavus (23.8%), A. niger var. niger (14.4%), Penicillium corylophilum (21.4%), P. fellutanum (11.9%), Cladosporium cladosporoides (4.7%), Fusarium sp. (4.7%), Alternaria alternata (11.9%), Curvularia brachyspora (2.4%), Mycelia sterilia (2.4%) and the Mucorales order (2.4%).


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The latex action of Euphorbia splendens var. hislopii (Christ's Crown) against snails Lymnaea columella, intermediate host of Fasciola hepatica, derived from irrigation ditches of the Station of Pisciculture at Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, was studied in the laboratory. Lab bioassays, using aqueous solutions of the latex, varying between 0.1 and 10 mg/l, have proven molluscicidal activity of the product collected on the same day the tests were performed, during the four seasons of the year, finding the following lethal concentrations (LC90): 1.51 mg/l in the spring; 0.55 mg/l in the summer; 0.74 mg/l in the fall and 0.93 mg/l in winter, after 24 h exposure of the snails, showing significant differences among the seasons of the year (ANOVA test, F = 11.01, G.L.= 3/33, p < 0.05), as well as among the concentrations (ANOVA test, F = 27.38, G.L.= 11/33, p < 0.05). In the summer, mortality reached 100% from concentration at 0.6 mg/l, the same during fall and in winter as of 1 mg/l, while in spring it only reached 100% mortality as of 2 mg/l. Mortality in the controls was low, reaching 5% in the summer and winter and 10% in the fall and spring. None of the samples died. During the assay, with an aqueous solution of the latex at a concentration of 5 mg/l, in order to check the time of duration of the product effect, in the laboratory, it was observed that the molluscicidal activity remained stable up to the 15th day after the beginning of the test with 100% mortality of L. columella, gradually losing its effect until the 23rd day, when we no longer observed animal mortality. In the control group, there was a random daily variation in mortality rate ranging 0-50% after 48 h of observation for 30 days.


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We report the first evidence of natural infection of Lymnaea columella with Fasciola hepatica in Argentina. A sample of 601 snails was collected in May 2003 in northeastern Corrientes, a province bounded on the north by Paraguay, on the east by Brazil and on the southeast by Uruguay. Among 500 examined snails, 44 (8.8%) were exclusively infected with F. hepatica. Parasite identification was based on morphological features of cercariae from snails, and of eggs and adult flukes from Wistar rats. We discuss the events suggesting that an enzootic transmission cycle of F. hepatica has been recently established in northeastern Corrientes.