936 resultados para Carbeto de nióbio. Aço ferrítico 15Kh2MFA. Metalurgia do pó.Moagem de alta energia e materiais compósitos


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In heterogeneous catalysis, numerous elements such as titanium and iron have been studied as nanoscale catalysts, but little is known about the use of niobium in nanocatalysis. The nanostructured particles have intrinsic and different physicochemical characteristics with great potential for use in industrial scale. Brazil having the largest known worldwide niobium reserve has the great challenge of creating pioneering technologies with the metal. Biodiesel is an alternative fuel and renewable substitute for regular diesel. Being biodegradable, non-toxic and have CO2 emissions lower than regular diesel, it contributes to the environment and to the independence from oil. The aim of this work was initially synthesize nanoscale particles of niobium pentoxide (Nanospheres, nanorods, nanofibers, nanocubes) from the sol-gel technique. The characterization of different nanoscale structures obtained was performed using different analytical techniques such as x-ray diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The synthesized nanometer niobium oxide will be used as a heterogeneous catalyst in biodiesel synthesis from commercial soybean oil, checking in detail what the effect of morphology is presented (Nanospheres, nanorods, nanofibers, nanocubes) in the yield of biodiesel synthesis, comparing these results with those already described in literature for the amorphous niobium oxide and other oxide catalysts. The biodiesel obtained was characterized by gas chromatography system equipped with a FID detector


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En este trabajo se determina la tolerancia al daño de un acero inoxidable austeno-ferrítico trefilado hasta obtener resistencia propias del acero de pretensado. Para ello se han realizado ensayos de fractura sobre alambres con secciones transversales debilitadas por fisuras de fatiga propagadas desde la superficie exterior. La medida de la tolerancia al daño adoptada es la curva empírica carga de rotura-profundidad de fisura. Para valorar cuantitativamente los resultados, se utilizan las curvas de dos aceros de pretensar eutectoides, respectivamente fabricados por trefilado y por tratamiento térmico de templado y revenido, así como un modelo elemental de colapso plástico por tracción para alambres fisurados. La microestructura austeno-ferrítico de los alambres inoxidables adquiere una marcada orientación en la dirección de trefilado, que induce una fuerte anisotropía de fractura en los alambres y condiciona su mecanismo macroscópico de colapso a tracción cuando están Asurados. Para observar este mecanismo se ha utilizado la técnica VIC-2D de adquisición y análisis computerizado de imágenes digitales en ensayos mecánicos, aplicándola a ensayos de fractura a tracción realizados con probetas planas de alambre inoxidable trefilado Asuradas transversalmente. Damage tolerance of a high strength cold-drawn ferritic-austenitic stainless steel is assessed by means of tensile fracture tests of cracked wires. A fatigue crack was transversally propagated from the wire surface. The damage tolerance curve of the wires results from the empirical failure load when given as a function of crack depth. As a consequence of cold drawing, the wire microstructure is orientated along its longitudinal axis and anisotropic fracture behavior is found at macrostructural level at the tensile failure of the cracked specimens. An in situ optical technique known as video image correlation VIC-2D was used to get an insight into this failure mechanism by tensile testing transversally fatigue cracked plañe specimens extracted from the cold-drawn wires. Additionally, the experimentally obtained damage tolerance curve of the cold-drawn ferritic-austenitic stainless steel wires is compared with that of the two types of high strength eutectoid wires currently used as prestressing steel for concrete. An elementary plástic collapse model for tensile failure of surface cracked wires is used to assess the damage tolerance curves.


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Cribas en cascada para el tratamiento de zanjas finas en un aparato de conos.


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La Sociedad Española Minera "El Porvenir" dedicada al beneficio del azogue fue fundada en 1842 y reorganizada en 1859.Tiene su domicilio social en Madrid y en la actualidad explota las minas de cinabrio de "La Peña" y "La Esperanza".


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El objetivo principal del presente proyecto es implantar un sistema de calidad en un laboratorio de caracterización de residuos, con el fin de obtener la acreditación otorgada por la Entidad Nacional de Acreditación (ENAC) como laboratorio de caracterización de residuos metalúrgicos no férreos. El sistema de calidad a implantar se basa en la Norma UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 (requisitos generales para la competencia de los laboratorios de ensayo y calibración). Se trata por tanto de determinar los principales residuos de proceso y operación, de la metalurgia del Al, Cu, Zn y Pb, para posteriormente y mediante las normas UNEEN-CEN identificar los ensayos normalizados de caracterización de dichos residuos. y adecuar dichos ensayos a la norma. Finalmente se describe el proceso de implantación del sistema de calidad basado en la citada norma, y se hace un estudio económico que incluye tanto los gastos de inversión en equipos como los gastos de operación y mantenimiento (CAPEX y OPEX). Todo ello para poder ser acreditados por un organismo como ENAC.


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O nióbio possui potencial para ser um metal de grande aplicabilidade, tanto na engenharia como na área médica; porém a literatura médica a respeito deste material é escassa. Para que o nióbio de pureza 97,47% possa ser utilizado como material de implante e permita a osteointegração se faz necessário avaliá-lo quanto a sua biocompatibilidade e potencial de mineralização. Para tanto é importante compreender os eventos celulares e moleculares que ocorrem na interface nióbio-célula. Neste estudo foram utilizadas as técnicas laboratoriais de Alamar Blue, coloração de Alizarin Red, assim como a expressão de genes, importantes na ocorrência de mineralização e manutenção das células osteoblásticas, utilizando a técnica de qPCR. As células em contato direto com o nióbio obtiveram atividade celular indiferente em relação ao material controle. O nióbio possibilita a aposição de depósitos de cálcio e a adesão celular em sua superfície, comprovando a osteoindução, osteocondução e osteogênese. A análise do qPCR comprovou estatisticamente pelo método Livak que o nióbio é um material com potencial de osteointegração. O entendimento dos resultados obtidos nos testes de biocompatibilidade, mineralização e expressão gênica comprovaram que o metal nióbio é biocompatível e possui propriedades osteointegrativas, pode ser indicado como um material para implante e que permite a osteointegração.


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The preparation of nanostructured materials using natural clays as support, has been studied in literature under the same are found in nature and consequently, have a low price. Generally, clays serve as supports for metal oxides by increasing the number of active sites present on the surface and can be applied for various purposes such as adsorption, catalysis and photocatalysis. Some of the materials that are currently highlighted are niobium compounds, in particular, its oxides, by its characteristics such as high acidity, rigidity, water insolubility, oxidative and photocatalytic properties. In this scenario, the study aimed preparing a composite material oxyhydroxide niobium (NbO2OH) / sodium vermiculite clay and evaluate its effectiveness with respect to the natural clay (V0) and NbO2OH. The composite was prepared by precipitation-deposition method and then characterized by X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy (XRD), energy dispersive X-ray (EDS), thermal analysis (TG/DTG), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), N2 adsorption-desorption and investigation of distribution of load. The application of the material NbO2OH/V0 was divided in two steps: first through oxidation and adsorption methods, and second through photocatalytic activity using solar irradiation. Studies of adsorption, oxidation and photocatalytic oxidation monitored the percentage of color removal from the dye methylene blue (MB) by UV-Vis spectroscopy. The XRD showed a decrease in reflection d (001) clay after modification; the FTIR indicated the presence of both the clay when the oxyhydroxide niobium to present bands in 1003 cm-1 related to Si-O stretching bands and 800 cm-1 to the Nb-O stretching. The presence of niobium was also confirmed by EDS indicated that 17 % by mass amount of the metal. Thermal analysis showed thermal stability of the composite at 217 °C and micrographs showed that there was a decrease in particle size. The investigation of the surface charge of NbO2OH/V0 found that the material exhibits a heterogeneous surface with average low and high negative charges. Adsorption tests showed that the composite NbO2OH/V0 higher adsorption capacity to remove 56 % of AM, while the material removed from V0 only 13 % showed no NbO2OH and adsorptive capacity due to the formation of H-aggregates. The percent removal of dye color for the oxidation tests showed little difference from the adsorption, being 18 and 66 % removal of dye color for V0 and NbO2OH/V0 respectively. The NbO2OH/V0 material shows excellent photocatalytic activity managing to remove just 95,5 % in 180 minutes of the color of MB compared to 41,4 % and 82,2 % of V0 the NbO2OH, proving the formation of a new composite with distinct properties of its precursors.


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Lubricants and cutting middle distillates typically have large amounts of n-paraffins to increase its freezing point and fluidity. Accordingly, the removal of n-paraffins of long chain lubricants oils and diesel is essential to get a product with good cold flow properties. The development of new catalysts, which exhibit thermal stability and catalytic activity for the hydroisomerization reaction is still a challenge. Thus, silicoaluminophosphates (SAPO) were synthesized by different routes. Have been used also post-synthesis treatment for obtaining hybrid structures and others synthesis have been carried out with mesoporous template (soft and hard-template). Therefore, SAPO have been impregnated with H2PtCl6 solution by the incipient wetness method. Then assessments of catalytic activities in hydroisomerization and hydrocracking reactions of hexadecane have been held. Besides SAPO, niobium phosphate - NbP - were also impregnated with platinum and evaluated in the same reaction. After impregnation, these catalysts have been characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), nitrogen adsorption, infrared spectroscopy with adsorbed pyridine (IV-PY), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and resonance nuclear magnetic 29Si (29Si-NMR). The characterization results by XRD have shown that it has been possible to obtain mesoporous SAPOs. However, for the syntheses with soft template there was collapse of the structure after removal of the organic template. Even so, these catalysts have been actives. It was possible to obtain hybrid materials through the synthesis of SAPO-11 made with hard templates and by means of post-synthesis treatments samples of SAPO-11. Moreover, NbP has shown characteristic XRD of amorphous materials, with high acidity and were active in the conversion of hexadecane.


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Lubricants and cutting middle distillates typically have large amounts of n-paraffins to increase its freezing point and fluidity. Accordingly, the removal of n-paraffins of long chain lubricants oils and diesel is essential to get a product with good cold flow properties. The development of new catalysts, which exhibit thermal stability and catalytic activity for the hydroisomerization reaction is still a challenge. Thus, silicoaluminophosphates (SAPO) were synthesized by different routes. Have been used also post-synthesis treatment for obtaining hybrid structures and others synthesis have been carried out with mesoporous template (soft and hard-template). Therefore, SAPO have been impregnated with H2PtCl6 solution by the incipient wetness method. Then assessments of catalytic activities in hydroisomerization and hydrocracking reactions of hexadecane have been held. Besides SAPO, niobium phosphate - NbP - were also impregnated with platinum and evaluated in the same reaction. After impregnation, these catalysts have been characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), nitrogen adsorption, infrared spectroscopy with adsorbed pyridine (IV-PY), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and resonance nuclear magnetic 29Si (29Si-NMR). The characterization results by XRD have shown that it has been possible to obtain mesoporous SAPOs. However, for the syntheses with soft template there was collapse of the structure after removal of the organic template. Even so, these catalysts have been actives. It was possible to obtain hybrid materials through the synthesis of SAPO-11 made with hard templates and by means of post-synthesis treatments samples of SAPO-11. Moreover, NbP has shown characteristic XRD of amorphous materials, with high acidity and were active in the conversion of hexadecane.