930 resultados para Capital Structure
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The importance of the capital market to Brazilian economic development, linked to the the fragility of a theoretical framework on the issue, case for developing this research. The agents operating in the capital market seek security and confidence for decision making on their investment in that sense we seek to address the concept and values of Corporate Governance to pay in the Brazilian capital market. The Corporate Governance, in its essence, is the system by which companies are directed and monitored, involving the relationship between shareholders and the board of companies, as well as a set of mechanisms and factors intended to minimize market failures. Seeking to confirm adherence to a more advanced system of corporate governance can result in a favorable financial performance, companies were investigated operating in the financial sector (intermediation, various services and insurance), listed by BM&FBOVESPA. The stock market ranks the corporate governance systems in three levels: Level 1 (rudimentary), Level 2 (intermediate) and New Market Level (advanced). To earn the impact of different levels of Corporate Governance for the outcome of the selected companies were calculated and analyzed accounting ratios of profitability, capital structure and liquidity from the Standardized Financial Statements (DFP), base year 2011, 2012 and 2013
This thesis work aims to bring a better viewing on an atypical case of financial analysis. The lstituto per le Opere di Religione (IOR), commonly known as the Vatican Bank, has peculiarities according to its goals as a bank. Belonging to a Catholic religious congregation, IOR has been used to manage the resources of the church, and ensure that these resources are used for the operation of it and, also for religious works. However the financial transactions made by the bank remained secret throughout its existence until mid 2012. This feature of not providing relevant information at the local and international community brought harm. Several cases of corruption and money laundering came up, bringing scandals that cause bad looks for the religious entity. In order to interact with the international community and understanding the importance of it, the Roman Apostolic Catholic Church decides to joing the international accounting procedures (IFRS) and went on to provide yearly financial statement reports and other information from its bank from 2012 . Thus, this thesis work takes on the role of analyzing the financial statements of the IOR and present its economic and financial health from the Capital Structure ratios, liquidity and profitability in the period 2012-2014. Overall, there has been a significant reduction in indebtedness 548% in 2012 to 362% in 2014. However, such an index showing is still high. In addition, the debt profile remained bad (87.47% short-term in 2014). The Liquidity ratios, both indices fell during the analysed period. Noteworthy is that even with retractions, the indices are equal or greater than 1, which indicates financial footing able to pay off debts. Regarding profitability, in 2013 it represented atypical moment, considering the economic performance of the IOR in the investigated period. There was decrease in profits this year, which resulted in great loss of the indicators in 2013. For the previous and subsequent...
L’analisi condotta nella tesi mira ad indagare le determinanti del debito delle piccole e medie imprese italiane: la domanda di ricerca è indirizzata a capire se la struttura finanziaria di queste ultime segue i modelli teorici sviluppati nell’ambito della letteratura di Corporate Finance o se, d’altro canto, non sia possibile prescindere dalle peculiarità delle piccole e medie imprese per spiegare il ricorso alle diverse fonti di finanziamento. La ricerca empirica effettuata nella dissertazione vuole essere un tentativo di coniugare le teorie di riferimento e le evidenze empiriche relative alle piccole e medie imprese italiane, analizzandone il comportamento attraverso lo studio del campione di dati fornito da Capitalia, relativo alla Nona Indagine per il periodo 2001-2003. Il campione in oggetto fa riferimento a circa 4000 imprese con più di 10 addetti, prevalentemente del settore manifatturiero. Per indagare le determinanti del debito nelle sue componenti più tradizionali, si sono prese in considerazione il debito commerciale e il debito bancario a breve termine come forme di finanziamento correnti mentre, tra le forme di finanziamento di medio-lungo periodo, le variabili usate sono state il ricorso al debito bancario a lungo termine e a strumenti obbligazionari. Inoltre, si è ricorso anche a misure più tradizionali di leva finanziaria, quali il rapporto di indebitamento, la proporzione tra debiti bancari, sia di breve che di lungo periodo, e l’ammontare dei finanziamenti esterni rispetto al valore dell’impresa, distinguendo anche qui, tra finanziamenti a breve e a lungo termine. L’analisi descrittiva ha mostrato il massiccio ricorso al debito bancario e, in generale, alle forme di indebitamento a breve. Le imprese di dimensioni minori, più giovani e opache tendono a ricorrere alle fonti interne e a forme di indebitamento a breve, mentre le imprese maggiormente dimensionate mostrano una struttura del debito più articolata. Questo ha suggerito la definizione di una diversa misura di debito, che tiene conto della complessità della sua struttura all’interno delle imprese, in base ad un ricorso di tipo gerarchico alle fonti di finanziamento: il grado di complessità dipende dalle tipologie e dalla quantità dei contratti di debito conclusi dall’impresa . E’ plausibile pensare che le imprese ricorrano prima alle fonti interne di finanziamento, perché prive di costi, e poi all’indebitamento nei confronti di diversi stakeholders: rispetto alla prossimità e alla facilità dell’ottenimento del finanziamento, è sembrato naturale pensare che un’impresa ricorra dapprima al debito commerciale, poi al debito bancario e solo infine all’emissione di obbligazioni, in un ordine gerarchico. Ne consegue che se un’impresa (non) ha contratto debiti con fornitori, banche e mercato, la complessità della struttura del suo debito è massima (nulla). L’analisi econometrica successiva è stata indirizzata in tre direzioni. In primis, l’analisi longitudinale dei dati è stata volta ad evidenziare se la struttura finanziaria delle PMI risponde ad un particolare modello teorico, in accordo con le teoria tradizionali di riferimento. In secondo luogo, l’analisi delle determinanti si è allargata allo studio degli aspetti peculiari delle imprese medio-piccole. Infine, si è indagato se, nell’ambito delle imprese di dimensioni minori, si osservano comportamenti omogenei oppure se determinate scelte nelle fonti di finanziamento sono da ricondurre all’esistenza di alcuni vincoli. Quindi, partendo dalla rassegna dei principali riferimenti nella letteratura, costituiti dalla Trade-off theory (Modigliani e Miller, 1963, De Angelo e Masulis, 1980, Miller, 1977), dalla Pecking order theory (Myers 1984, Myers e Majluf, 1984) e dalla Financial growth cycle theory (Berger e Udell, 1998), una prima serie di analisi econometriche è stata rivolta alla verifica empirica delle teorie suddette. Una seconda analisi mira, invece, a capire se il comportamento delle imprese possa essere spiegato anche da altri fattori: il modello del ciclo di vita dell’impresa, mutuato dalle discipline manageriali, così come il contesto italiano e la particolarità del rapporto bancaimpresa, hanno suggerito l’analisi di altre determinanti al ricorso delle diverse fonti di debito. Di conseguenza, si sono usate delle opportune analisi econometriche per evidenziare se la struttura proprietaria e di controllo dell’impresa, il suo livello di complessità organizzativa possano incidere sulla struttura del debito delle imprese. Poi, si è indagato se il massiccio ricorso al debito bancario è spiegato dalle peculiarità del rapporto banca-impresa nel nostro Paese, rintracciabili nei fenomeni tipici del relationship lending e del multiaffidamento. Ancora, si sono verificati i possibili effetti di tale rapporto sulla complessità della struttura del debito delle imprese. Infine, l’analisi della letteratura recente sulla capital structure delle imprese, l’approccio sviluppato da Fazzari Hubbard e Petersen (1988) e Almeida e Campello (2006 , 2007) ha suggerito un ultimo livello di analisi. La presenza di vincoli nelle decisioni di finanziamento, legati essenzialmente alla profittabilità, alla dimensione delle imprese, alle sue opportunità di crescita, e alla reputazione verso l’esterno, secondo la letteratura recente, è cruciale nell’analisi delle differenze sistematiche di comportamento delle imprese. Per di più, all’interno del lavoro di tesi, così come in Almeida e Campello (2007), si è ipotizzato che la propensione agli investimenti possa essere considerata un fattore endogeno rispetto alla struttura del debito delle imprese, non esogeno come la letteratura tradizionale vuole. Per questo motivo, si è proceduto ad un ultimo tipo di analisi econometrica, volta a rilevare possibili differenze significative nel comportamento delle imprese rispetto al ricorso alle fonti di finanziamento a titolo di debito: nel caso in cui esse presentino una dimensione contenuta, una bassa redditività e una scarsa reputazione all’esterno infatti, vi dovrebbe essere un effetto di complementarietà tra fonti interne ed esterne. L’effetto sarebbe tale per cui non sussisterebbe, o per lo meno non sarebbe significativa, una relazione negativa tra fonti interne ed esterne. Complessivamente, i risultati delle analisi empiriche condotte, supportano sia le teorie classiche di riferimento nell’ambito della disciplina della Corporate finance, sia la teoria proposta da Berger e Udell (1998): le variabili che risultano significative nella spiegazione della struttura del debito sono principalmente quelle relative alla dimensione, all’età, al livello e alla qualità delle informazioni disponibili. Inoltre, il ricorso a fonti interne risulta essere la primaria fonte di finanziamento, seguita dal debito. Il ricorso a fonti esterne, in particolare al debito bancario, aumenta quanto più l’impresa cresce, ha una struttura solida e la capacità di fornire delle garanzie, e ha una reputazione forte. La struttura del debito, peraltro, diventa più complessa all’aumentare della dimensione, dell’età e del livello di informazioni disponibili. L’analisi della struttura proprietaria e della componente organizzativa all’interno delle imprese ha evidenziato principalmente che la struttura del debito aumenta di complessità con maggiore probabilità se la proprietà è diffusa, se vi è un management indipendente e se la piramide organizzativa è ben definita. Relativamente al rapporto banca-impresa, i principali risultati mostrano che l’indebitamento bancario sembra essere favorito dai fenomeni di relationship lending e dal multiaffidamento. Tali peculiarità assumono tratti diversi a seconda della fase del ciclo di vita delle imprese della Nona Indagine. Infine, per quanto attiene all’ultima tipologia di analisi condotta, le evidenze empiriche suggeriscono che le piccole e medie imprese possano essere soggette a delle restrizioni che si riflettono nell’ambito delle loro politiche di investimento. Tali vincoli, relativi alla dimensione, ai profitti conseguiti e alla reputazione all’esterno, aiutano a spiegare le scelte di finanziamento delle PMI del campione.
The present work tries to display a comprehensive and comparative study of the different legal and regulatory problems involved in international securitization transactions. First, an introduction to securitization is provided, with the basic elements of the transaction, followed by the different varieties of it, including dynamic securitization and synthetic securitization structures. Together with this introduction to the intricacies of the structure, a insight into the influence of securitization in the financial and economic crisis of 2007-2009 is provided too; as well as an overview of the process of regulatory competition and cooperation that constitutes the framework for the international aspects of securitization. The next Chapter focuses on the aspects that constitute the foundations of structured finance: the inception of the vehicle, and the transfer of risks associated to the securitized assets, with particular emphasis on the validity of those elements, and how a securitization transaction could be threatened at its root. In this sense, special importance is given to the validity of the trust as an instrument of finance, to the assignment of future receivables or receivables in block, and to the importance of formalities for the validity of corporations, trusts, assignments, etc., and the interaction of such formalities contained in general corporate, trust and assignment law with those contemplated under specific securitization regulations. Then, the next Chapter (III) focuses on creditor protection aspects. As such, we provide some insights on the debate on the capital structure of the firm, and its inadequacy to assess the financial soundness problems inherent to securitization. Then, we proceed to analyze the importance of rules on creditor protection in the context of securitization. The corollary is in the rules in case of insolvency. In this sense, we divide the cases where a party involved in the transaction goes bankrupt, from those where the transaction itself collapses. Finally, we focus on the scenario where a substance over form analysis may compromise some of the elements of the structure (notably the limited liability of the sponsor, and/or the transfer of assets) by means of veil piercing, substantive consolidation, or recharacterization theories. Once these elements have been covered, the next Chapters focus on the regulatory aspects involved in the transaction. Chapter IV is more referred to “market” regulations, i.e. those concerned with information disclosure and other rules (appointment of the indenture trustee, and elaboration of a rating by a rating agency) concerning the offering of asset-backed securities to the public. Chapter V, on the other hand, focuses on “prudential” regulation of the entity entrusted with securitizing assets (the so-called Special Purpose vehicle), and other entities involved in the process. Regarding the SPV, a reference is made to licensing requirements, restriction of activities and governance structures to prevent abuses. Regarding the sponsor of the transaction, a focus is made on provisions on sound originating practices, and the servicing function. Finally, we study accounting and banking regulations, including the Basel I and Basel II Frameworks, which determine the consolidation of the SPV, and the de-recognition of the securitized asset from the originating company’s balance-sheet, as well as the posterior treatment of those assets, in particular by banks. Chapters VI-IX are concerned with liability matters. Chapter VI is an introduction to the different sources of liability. Chapter VII focuses on the liability by the SPV and its management for the information supplied to investors, the management of the asset pool, and the breach of loyalty (or fiduciary) duties. Chapter VIII rather refers to the liability of the originator as a result of such information and statements, but also as a result of inadequate and reckless originating or servicing practices. Chapter IX finally focuses on third parties entrusted with the soundness of the transaction towards the market, the so-called gatekeepers. In this respect, we make special emphasis on the liability of indenture trustees, underwriters and rating agencies. Chapters X and XI focus on the international aspects of securitization. Chapter X contains a conflicts of laws analysis of the different aspects of structured finance. In this respect, a study is made of the laws applicable to the vehicle, to the transfer of risks (either by assignment or by means of derivatives contracts), to liability issues; and a study is also made of the competent jurisdiction (and applicable law) in bankruptcy cases; as well as in cases where a substance-over-form is performed. Then, special attention is also devoted to the role of financial and securities regulations; as well as to their territorial limits, and extraterritoriality problems involved. Chapter XI supplements the prior Chapter, for it analyzes the limits to the States’ exercise of regulatory power by the personal and “market” freedoms included in the US Constitution or the EU Treaties. A reference is also made to the (still insufficient) rules from the WTO Framework, and their significance to the States’ recognition and regulation of securitization transactions.
O crescimento de uma empresa pode ser apoiado com recursos de terceiros provenientes do mercado de crédito ou do mercado de capitais. Credores ou potenciais investidores disponibilizam recursos a partir de um processo de avaliação de indicadores de performance. Para as PMEs que consideram o crescimento, conhecer como os indicadores relevantes se comportam ao longo de um ciclo de crescimento é uma questão estratégica. Fatores como tamanho, lucratividade, oportunidades de crescimento, composição de ativos das empresas, risco inerente aos resultados, têm sido vinculados a determinantes de uma estrutura de capital. Assim sendo, este trabalho busca verificar quais indicadores podem nortear o desempenho empresarial de PMEs ao longo de um ciclo de crescimento. Como contribuição original, este trabalho apresenta um painel com indicadores em diferentes estágios de crescimento que resultam na geração de valor para os proprietários e potenciais investidores do mercado de capitais. A amostra inicial é composta por 1.610 empresas para o período de 2010 a 2014. Entretanto, considerando a disponibilidade de informações, a amostra final é composta por 28 empresas de porte médio/grande, 387 empresas grandes e 138 empresas listadas na BM&FBOVESPA, totalizando 553 empresas. A metodologia adotada envolve a classificação de porte de empresa do BNDES como critério para definir ciclo de crescimento, e testes de estatística descritiva, análise fatorial, análise de correlação, regressão múltipla linear e montagem de painel. Como resultado, verificou-se que as variáveis tamanho, composição de ativos e lucratividade são fatores que explicam o endividamento de curto prazo para o estágio médias/grandes empresas. Ainda, que esses fatores explicam o endividamento de longo prazo para os estágios grandes e empresas listadas na BM&FBOVESPA. Tais resultados estão de acordo com estudos prévios, mas as variáveis relacionadas a volatilidade e crescimento não foram significantes nos modelos para os estágios de empresas. O painel montado a partir das variáveis de composição de ativos e lucratividade indicou que endividamento de curto prazo, endividamento de longo prazo, receita líquida, retorno sobre o patrimônio líquido e lucros antes de juros, impostos, depreciação e amortização (EBITDA) sinalizam empresas, em cada estágio de ciclo de crescimento do estudo, que buscam o crescimento com rentabilidade acima da média e atendem a critérios valorizados pelo investidor do mercado de capitais. Estes indicadores podem sinalizar o desempenho empresarial de PMEs ao longo de um ciclo de crescimento
This thesis examines the dynamics of firm-level financing and investment decisions for six Southeast Asian countries. The study provides empirical evidence on the impacts of changes in the firm-level financing decisions during the period of financial liberalization by considering the debt and equity financing decisions of a set of non-financial firms. The empirical results show that firms in Indonesia, Pakistan, and South Korea have relatively faster speed of adjustment than other Southeast Asian countries to attain optimal debt and equity ratios in response to banking sector and stock market liberalization. In addition, contrary to widely held belief that firms adjust their financial ratios to industry levels, the results indicate that industry factors do not significantly impact on the speed of capital structure adjustments. This study also shows that non-linear estimation methods are more appropriate than linear estimation methods for capturing changes in capital structure. The empirical results also show that international stock market integration of these countries has significantly reduced the equity risk premium as well as the firm-level cost of equity capital. Thus stock market liberalization is associated with a decrease in the cost of equity capital of the firms. Developments in the securities markets infrastructure have also reduced the cost of equity capital. However, with increased integration there is the possibility of capital outflows from the emerging markets, which might reverse the pattern of decrease in cost of capital in these markets.
Black and minority ethnic graduate entrepreneurs: motivations, characteristics and access to finance
This paper draws upon four case studies to examine characteristics, entrepreneurial motivations and access to finance of black and minority ethnic (BME) graduates in the UK. We find that BME graduates starting a business are motivated by a desire to “do better”, and rely heavily on personal savings and family sources for start-up capital. In addition: • There is no conclusive evidence that suggests in this study that BME graduates entered entrepreneurship because of unemployment; with the exception of a few, all had jobs prior to entering self employment. • “Glass ceilings” were often cited by participants of the case studies as a kind of barrier, but there was reluctance to specify exactly what that meant. • Also, lack of satisfaction from working for others is considered to be a strong motivator for entering self-employment but other reasons, to be one’s own boss and the prospect of higher earnings, are also strong motivators. There is, therefore, a need for support agencies and universities to recognise the distinctive nature of BME graduate enterprise in order to provide effective solutions for different groups. This might include a) work experience, b) advice on an adequate capital structure at start up, c) adequate funding and training, and d) appropriate training for all graduates in basic business education.
This aim of this paper, from a study funded by the National Council for Graduate Entrepreneurship (NCGE), is to explore access to finance for ethnic minority graduate entrepreneurs (EMGEs) with a particular focus on comparisons between different ethnic groups, and men and women. The authors interviewed selected individuals based upon a review of literature on finance for ethnic minority enterprise. A number of key results from the survey, in that EMGEs: • use external finance significantly (more so than non graduates) and encounter barriers in accessing finance at start-up, in particular those belonging to poor families. • rely excessively on personal savings and family finance, at the start-up and long after the start-up stage, that has implications for the optimal capital structure. • start up businesses that are, on average, larger than non-graduate enterprises and have the potential to reduce economic inactivity amongst the ethnic population. • have, in contrast to general graduate start-ups, a high level of unemployment, take a longer period of time to enter employment and there is a higher level of dissatisfaction with career progression. These findings raise the question whether the right financial advice is taken and whether this behaviour constrains EMGEs' expansion.
In the wake of the global financial crisis, several macroeconomic contributions have highlighted the risks of excessive credit expansion. In particular, too much finance can have a negative impact on growth. We examine the microeconomic foundations of this argument, positing a non-monotonic relationship between leverage and firm-level productivity growth in the spirit of the trade-off theory of capital structure. A threshold regression model estimated on a sample of Central and Eastern European countries confirms that TFP growth increases with leverage until the latter reaches a critical threshold beyond which leverage lowers TFP growth. This estimate can provide guidance to firms and policy makers on identifying "excessive" leverage. We find similar non-monotonic relationships between leverage and proxies for firm value. Our results are a first step in bridging the gap between the literature on optimal capital structure and the wider macro literature on the finance-growth nexus. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.
Renewable energy project development is highly complex and success is by no means guaranteed. Decisions are often made with approximate or uncertain information yet the current methods employed by decision-makers do not necessarily accommodate this. Levelised energy costs (LEC) are one such commonly applied measure utilised within the energy industry to assess the viability of potential projects and inform policy. The research proposes a method for achieving this by enhancing the traditional discounting LEC measure with fuzzy set theory. Furthermore, the research develops the fuzzy LEC (F-LEC) methodology to incorporate the cost of financing a project from debt and equity sources. Applied to an example bioenergy project, the research demonstrates the benefit of incorporating fuzziness for project viability, optimal capital structure and key variable sensitivity analysis decision-making. The proposed method contributes by incorporating uncertain and approximate information to the widely utilised LEC measure and by being applicable to a wide range of energy project viability decisions. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The thesis aims to provide empirical studies towards Chinese corporate governance. Since China initially established its stock exchange system in the 1990s, it has gone through different stages of changes to become a more market-oriented system. Extensive studies have been conducted in Chinese corporate governance, however, many were theoretical discussion focusing on the early stages and there‘s a general lack of empirical analysis. This paper provides three empirical analysis of the Chinese corporate governance: the overall market discipline efficiency, the impact of capital structure on agency costs, the status of 2005- 2006 reform that substantially modified ownership structure of Chinese listed firms and separated ownership and control of listed firms. The three empirical studies were selected to reflect four key issues that need answering: the first empirical study, using event study to detect market discipline on a collective level. This study filled a gap in the Chinese stock market literature for being the first one ever using cross-market data to test market discipline. The second empirical study endeavoured to contribute to the existing corporate governance literature regarding capital structure and agency costs. Two conclusions can be made through this study: 1) for Chinese listed firms, higher gearing means higher asset turnover ratios and ROE, i.e. more debts seem to reduce agency costs; 2) concentration level of shares appears to be irrelevant with company performance, controlling shareholders didn‘t seem to commit to the improvement of corporate assets utilization or contribute to reducing agency costs. This study addressed a key issue in Chinese corporate governance since the state has significant shareholding in most big listed companies. The discussion of corporate governance in the Chinese context would be completely meaningless without discussing the state‘s role in corporate governance, given that about 2/3 of the almost all shares were non-circulating shares controlled by the state before the 2005-2006 overhaul ownership reform. The third study focused on the 2005-2006 reform of ownership of Chinese listed firms. By collecting large-scale data covering all 64 groups of Chinese listed companies went through the reform by the end of 2006 (accounting for about 97.86% and 96.76% of the total market value of Shanghai (SSE) and Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE) respectively), a comprehensive study about the ownership reform was conducted. This would be first and most comprehensive empirical study in this area. The study of separated ownership and control of listed firm is the first study conducted using the ultimate ownership concept in Chinese context.
Why are some entrepreneurs able to start a new firm more quickly than others in the venture creation process? Drawing on pecking order and agency theory, this study investigates how start-up capital structure influences the time to either new firm founding or quitting the start-up process. The temporal aspect of the start-up process is one that is often discussed, but rarely studied. Therefore, we utilize competing risk and Cox regression event history analysis on a nationally representative sample of US entrepreneurs to investigate how start-up capital structure impacts the time in gestation to particular kinds of start-up outcomes. Our findings suggest that external equity has an appreciable impact on new firm emergence over time, and that the percentage of ownership held by the founders attenuates the benefits of external equity.
This dissertation focused on the longitudinal analysis of business start-ups using three waves of data from the Kauffman Firm Survey. ^ The first essay used the data from years 2004-2008, and examined the simultaneous relationship between a firm's capital structure, human resource policies, and its impact on the level of innovation. The firm leverage was calculated as, debt divided by total financial resources. Index of employee well-being was determined by a set of nine dichotomous questions asked in the survey. A negative binomial fixed effects model was used to analyze the effect of employee well-being and leverage on the count data of patents and copyrights, which were used as a proxy for innovation. The paper demonstrated that employee well-being positively affects the firm's innovation, while a higher leverage ratio had a negative impact on the innovation. No significant relation was found between leverage and employee well-being.^ The second essay used the data from years 2004-2009, and inquired whether a higher entrepreneurial speed of learning is desirable, and whether there is a linkage between the speed of learning and growth rate of the firm. The change in the speed of learning was measured using a pooled OLS estimator in repeated cross-sections. There was evidence of a declining speed of learning over time, and it was concluded that a higher speed of learning is not necessarily a good thing, because speed of learning is contingent on the entrepreneur's initial knowledge, and the precision of the signals he receives from the market. Also, there was no reason to expect speed of learning to be related to the growth of the firm in one direction over another.^ The third essay used the data from years 2004-2010, and determined the timing of diversification activities by the business start-ups. It captured when a start-up diversified for the first time, and explored the association between an early diversification strategy adopted by a firm, and its survival rate. A semi-parametric Cox proportional hazard model was used to examine the survival pattern. The results demonstrated that firms diversifying at an early stage in their lives show a higher survival rate; however, this effect fades over time.^
The purpose of this paper is to understand whether multinational restaurant firms (MNRF’s) have higher agency and expected bankruptcy costs. Given this expectation, this may have an impact on the amount of debt incurred by MNRF’s. Overall, the findings are consistent with the existing literatue in terms of the positive relationship between MNRF’s and agency and bankruptcy cost. However, it was found that MNRF’s also have more total debt. This is surprising given the higher agency and bankruptcy costs. The importance of this research is that there may be considerations other than agency and bacnkruptcy costs affecting the capital structure decisions of MNRF’s.