867 resultados para Canopy Orientation
Dealing at patient's home with an acute abdominal pain may be particularly challenging for the primary care physician. In such a clinical situation, the part of laboratory and radiological investigations is increasing in the diagnostic process. The decision to keep the patient at home based on a clinical evaluation alone may represent a great medical responsibility for the physician. Emergency departments (ED) are of course in charge of investigating such patients with a wide panel of investigation techniques. But these structures are chronically overcrowded resulting frequently in long and difficult periods of waiting. Based on a literature review, a description of useful clinical symptoms and signs is summarized and should help the decision process for the orientation of the patient.
The Orientation Center newsletter is produced three times a year, and includes articles written by students, staff, and former students. It also contains news about what is happening to other students who have been in the Center.
Ce texte est consacré à la transmission à court terme de l'orientation idéologique gauche- droite entre parents et enfants; il utilise les données du Panel suisse de ménages (www.swisspanel.ch), qui permet de mener des analyses dans les ménages à plusieurs générations. Les résultats confirment qu'il existe bien une transmission de l'orientation idéologique gauche-droite entre parents et enfants, qui se fait différemment selon le sexe des parents et des enfants. A court terme, cette transmission se fait plus facilement dans les milieux éduqués, aisés et politisés, ce qui signifie paradoxalement que parmi les jeunes électeurs, ce sont ceux issus de milieux défavorisés ou non intéressés à la politique qui ont la probabilité la plus élevée de changer l'équilibre des forces politiques en présence.
We studied the decision making process in the Dictator Game and showed that decisions are the result of a two-step process. In a first step, decision makers generate an automatic, intuitive proposal. Given sufficient motivation and cognitive resources, they adjust this in a second, more deliberated phase. In line with the social intuitionist model, we show that one s Social Value Orientation determines intuitive choice tendencies in the first step, and that this effect is mediated by the dictator s perceived interpersonal closeness with the receiver. Self-interested concerns subsequently leadto a reduction of donation size in step 2. Finally, we show that increasing interpersonal closeness can promote pro-social decision-making.
Lucille Bédard a fait un exposé sur l'orientation scolaire et professionnelle et le conseil en carrière québécois à l'Université de Lausanne. Il s'avère que leurs structures leur permettent un champ d'activités nettement plus vaste que celui que nous connaissons en Suisse. La formation des conseillers et conseillères est en conséquence elle aussi plus étendue, et avec un cursus spécifique.
The Orientation Center newsletter is produced three times a year, and includes articles written by students, staff, and former students. It also contains news about what is happening to other students who have been in the Center.
The Orientation Center newsletter is produced three times a year, and includes articles written by students, staff, and former students. It also contains news about what is happening to other students who have been in the Center.
Modélisation d'un domaine de connaissance et orientation conceptuelle dans un hypertexte pédagogique