252 resultados para Canola
Os aleloquímicos podem sofrer modificações em diversos tipos de substrato, tanto incorporados quanto na superfície do solo. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os efeitos de diferentes níveis de palha de culturas de cobertura, quando incorporadas ou mantidas na superfície do solo, sobre a emergência e o desenvolvimento inicial de Digitaria spp. (milhã, capim-colchão e capim-de-roça). O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em bloco ao acaso, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram arranjados em esquema fatorial com os seguintes fatores: (A) - manejo das coberturas (incorporado e na superfície do solo); (B) culturas de cobertura de solo (canola, nabo forrageiro, trevo-vesiculoso e azevém); e (C) níveis de palha (0, 1, 2, 4, 6 e 10 t ha-1). Com o aumento dos níveis de palha de canola e nabo forrageiro incorporados ao solo, há em geral aumento na redução das variáveis IVE e porcentagem de emergência de milhã. A presença de palha de azevém na superfície do solo reduz o crescimento de milhã, comparativamente à incorporação, sendo necessário ao menos 6 t ha-1 de palha.
Limited occurrence of resistant radish (Raphanus sativus) to AHAS-inhibiting herbicides in Argentina
Radish has developed feral and weedy biotypes, which is a concern for agriculture around the world. In Argentina, it is one of the most widespread and troublesome crop weeds. In Brazil, this species has developed herbicide-resistance to acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS) inhibiting herbicides. The objective of this study was to record the presence of herbicide-resistant weedy radish plants in Argentina. In spring 2008, we found a small population of radish at the end of the flowering stage in an imidazolinone-tolerant canola field treated with imazethapyr. Screening and dose-response tests were conducted to two successive generations. They proved the biotype resistant status, and showed extensive survival (between 50 and 80% of control) to the application of a double dose of four AHAS‑inhibiting herbicides from two different chemical families (imidazolinones and sulfonylureas). Dose-response assays exhibited very high resistance for imazethapyr (LD50 = 2452.5 g a.i. ha-1, GR50 = 2926.9 g a.i. ha-1) and intermediate for metsulfuron (LD50 = 3.0 g a.i. ha-1, GR50 = 43.2 g a.i. ha-1). The acquisition of cross-resistance to different herbicide families would confer an adaptive and invasive advantage in agricultural environments to this biotype. Due to the herbicide rotation conducted in the field, the dispersion of this biotype was restricted. This is the first report of resistance in weedy radish in Argentina.
Normal aging is accompanied by renal functional and morphological deterioration and dietetic manipulation has been used to delay this age-related decline. We examined the effects of chronic administration of diets containing 5% lipid-enriched diet (LD, w/w) on renal function of rats at different ages. Three types of LD were tested: canola oil, fish oil and butter. Mean systemic tail-cuff blood pressure and glycemia remained within the normal range whatever the age and the diet of the animals. Proteinuria began to rise from the 8th month in the groups ingesting LD, while in the control group it increased significantly (above 10 mg/24 h) only after the 10th month. With age, a significant and progressive decline in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and renal plasma flow was observed in the LD groups but after 6 months of lipid supplementation, the decline in these parameters was more marked in the butter and fish oil groups. By the 18th month, the lowest GFR level was observed in the group ingesting the butter diet (2.93 ± 0.22 vs 5.01 ± 0.21 ml min-1 kg-1 in control, P<0.05). Net acid excretion, evaluated in 9- and 18-month-old rats, was stimulated in the fish oil group when compared both to control and to the other two LD groups. These results suggest that even low levels of LD in a chronic nutritional regimen can modify the age-related changes in renal function and that the impact of different types of lipid-supplemented diets on renal function depends on the kind of lipid present in the diet.
The effects of microwave heating on the oxidative stability of refined canola, corn and soybean oils were determined by absorptivity in the UV spectrum and by chemical analysis (peroxide and acid values). Samples were heated in a microwave oven (800 W, 2,450 MHz) for 0 to 36 min. Microwave heating produced oxidative degradation in the three oils. Absorptivity at 232 and 270 nm increased gradually with an increase in microwave exposure time (0-36 min) for canola, corn and soybean oils. Values of absorptivity at 232 nm increased from 4.812, 3.568 and 4.183 to 10.579, 12.874 and 15.950 after 36 min of heating canola, corn and soybean oil, respectively. The absorptivity at 232nm, due to the formation of conjugated dienes, was a good index for measuring the degradation of microwaved samples. UV scanning (220 - 320 nm) detected alterations in the spectrum of microwaved samples. Acid value also increased within 36 min of heating for all oils. Peroxide value showed a significant difference (P<0.05) in the initial stage of heating (0-6 min) for all oils. After this period it could not be correlated with absorptivity at 232 nm, due to the instability of hydroperoxides at high temperatures.
Foi conduzido um experimento com o objetivo de avaliar níveis de energia metabolizável normalmente utilizado nas rações de frangos de corte, obtidos pela inclusão de óleos vegetais (soja, canola e palma) e seus efeitos sobre o teor de colesterol da pele e músculos da coxa e peito, levando-se em consideração a linhagem e sexo. Foram utilizados 2.400 pintos de 1 dia, das linhagens comerciais Hubbard e Avian Farms, em igual quantidade de machos e fêmeas. As aves receberam uma ração inicial e outra final, com níveis de energia metabolizável de 3.050 e 3.150 kcal, respectivamente, obtidos pela inclusão de óleos vegetais, fornecedores de ácidos graxos, inclusive "w-3". Como ração controle, foi utilizada uma à base de milho e soja, sem a inclusão de óleos, com níveis de energia metabolizável de 2.900 e 3.000 kcal, respectivamente. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância em um delineamento inteiramente ao acaso em um arranjo fatorial de tratamentos, sendo que as diferenças significativas entre tratamentos foram detectadas pelo teste de DMS. Houve efeito significativo devido à inclusão de óleos quanto aos teores de colesterol nas partes das carcaças estudadas.
A partir de extrato solúvel de soja e extrato solúvel de soja desengordurado, foram desenvolvidos dois formulados em pó, os quais foram denominados: FPSA-formulado com extrato solúvel de soja (PSA) e FPS60-formulado com extrato solúvel de soja desengordurado (PS60). Além do PSA e PS60, outros produtos foram utilizados na elaboração dos formulados: clara de ovo desidratada, maltodextrina, óleo de soja, óleo de canola, gordura-de-coco, "mix" de vitaminas e minerais e estabilizante. Zinco, selênio e magnésio foram adicionados para atender a 200% das recomendações diárias sugeridas pela RDA. A avaliação da qualidade protéica foi conduzida por meio de ensaio biológico com animais experimentais, no qual foram analisados NPR, NPU e digestibilidade. Não houve diferença significativa entre o FPSA e FPS60, quanto ao NPR e NPU (p > 0,05), e o mesmo ocorreu em comparação com a caseína. Quanto à digestibilidade, os formulados apresentaram resultados semelhantes, porém inferiores aos da caseína. Os formulados mostraram bom valor biológico, pois apresentaram índices de qualidade protéica próximos aos da caseína.
A gordura vegetal hidrogenada, veículo convencional para aromatização de salgadinhos, foi substituída parcial ou totalmente por óleo de canola, gerando um novo salgadinho com 73,8% de redução da gordura saturada em relação aos salgadinhos disponíveis no mercado e eliminação dos ácidos graxos trans. Foi avaliado o impacto desta substituição sobre as características sensoriais do produto. Ao se substituir totalmente a gordura, a alteração de cor, medida pela variação da somatória dos atributos de cor deltaE, foi de 2,04. A substituição da gordura em até 50% não alterou a textura significativamente (p<0,05); entretanto, quando esta substituição foi igual ou superior a 75% houve diferença em relação à amostra padrão. Foi percebida alteração de textura pelos provadores quando a amostra padrão (22% gordura) foi confrontada com a amostra aromatizada com 22% de óleo. A amostra padrão apresentou maior aceitabilidade sensorial. Pelos resultados, concluiu-se que as características sensoriais do produto são fracamente afetadas pela substituição da gordura vegetal hidrogenada pelo óleo de canola. Abordagens como esta podem ser utilizadas em escala industrial, gerando produtos diferenciados e contribuindo para diminuição da ingestão dos ácidos graxos saturados e ácidos graxos trans.
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo reportar valores experimentais de condutividade térmica e viscosidade dinâmica dos óleos vegetais refinados de soja, milho, girassol, algodão, canola, oliva e de farelo de arroz. As medidas de condutividade térmica foram realizadas em célula acoplada a um banho termostático no intervalo de temperatura de 20 a 70 °C, utilizando uma sonda de fio quente. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que para todos os óleos vegetais investigados a condutividade térmica possui fraca dependência com a temperatura, apresentando ligeiro decréscimo com o aumento desta variável. O método gravimétrico foi empregado para a medida da densidade dos óleos vegetais estudados à temperatura ambiente, não tendo sido verificada diferença significativa entre os valores encontrados. Para as medidas de viscosidade dos óleos vegetais foi utilizado um viscosímetro do tipo Brookfield, acoplado a um banho termostatizado com controle de temperatura. A partir dos resultados obtidos verificou-se que a viscosidade decresce acentuadamente com o aumento da temperatura para todos os óleos vegetais.
Neste trabalho são apresentados os resultados da composição de ácidos graxos, principalmente trans, de óleos vegetais poli-insaturados refinados, coletados no comércio do estado de São Paulo entre os anos de 2005 e 2007. Foram analisadas 34 amostras de óleo de soja, 7 de girassol, 2 de canola e 6 de milho. Os ésteres metílicos de ácidos graxos foram preparados por transesterificação alcalina a frio e analisados por cromatografia gasosa em coluna capilar de 100 m (SP 2560), após a otimização das condições analíticas. Dezesseis amostras de óleo de soja, duas de canola e quatro de girassol apresentaram níveis de ácidos graxos trans acima de 2,0% (p/p de ésteres metílicos). De acordo com a Resolução RDC 360/2003 da ANVISA/MS, é obrigatória a declaração dos níveis de ácidos graxos trans na rotulagem dos alimentos embalados quando os teores forem superiores a 0,2 g na porção do alimento. No caso de óleos vegetais, a porção é de 13 mL (uma colher de sopa) e, portanto, na rotulagem nutricional de várias amostras deverá constar valor superior a zero. A melhoria no processo de refino dos óleos vegetais insaturados como soja, canola e girassol, pelo controle das temperaturas de desodorização, poderá contribuir para atender às recomendações da Organização Mundial de Saúde, no sentido de minimizar os níveis de ácidos graxos trans dos alimentos preservando a saúde da população.
In this work, through the use of thermal analysis techniques, the thermal stabilities of some antioxidants were investigated, in order to evaluate their resistance to thermal oxidation in oils, by heating canola vegetable oil, and to suggest that antioxidants would be more appropriate to increase the resistance of vegetable oils in the thermal degradation process in frying. The techniques used were: Thermal Gravimetric (TG) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) analyses, as well as an allusion to a possible protective action of the vegetable oils, based on the thermal oxidation of canola vegetable oil in the laboratory under constant heating at 180 ºC/8 hours for 10 days. The studied antioxidants were: ascorbic acid, sorbic acid, citric acid, sodium erythorbate, BHT (3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxytoluene), BHA (2, 3-tert-butyl-4-methoxyphenol), TBHQ (tertiary butyl hydroquinone), PG (propyl gallate) - described as antioxidants by ANVISA and the FDA; and also the phytic acid antioxidant and the SAIB (sucrose acetate isobutyrate) additive, which is used in the food industry, in order to test its behavior as an antioxidant in vegetable oil. The following antioxidants: citric acid, sodium erythorbate, BHA, BHT, TBHQ and sorbic acid decompose at temperatures below 180 ºC, and therefore, have little protective action in vegetable oils undergoing frying processes. The antioxidants below: phytic acid, ascorbic acid and PG, are the most resistant and begin their decomposition processes at temperatures between 180 and 200 ºC. The thermal analytical techniques have also shown that the SAIB antioxidant is the most resistant to oxidative action, and it can be a useful choice in the thermal decomposition prevention of edible oils, improving stability regarding oxidative processes.
Vegetable oils are the richest dietary sources of vitamin E. Vitamin E determination levels in foods are of great importance to adjust the ingestion of nutrients by the population. The purpose of this paper is to determine the concentration of alpha-tocopherol and gamma-tocopherol in vegetable oils and compare the alpha-tocopherol value to the nutritional requirement of vitamin E. The analysis was performed using High Performance Liquid Chromatography. The values expressed as mg/kg for alpha and gamma-tocopherol were, respectively, 120.3±4.2 and 122.0±7.9 in canola oil; 432.3±86.6 and 92.3±9.5 in sunflower oil; 173.0±82.3 and 259.7±43.8 in corn oil; 71.3±6.4 and 273.3±11.1 in soybean oil. A significant difference was encountered between the alpha-tocopherol concentrations in vegetable oils. Similar results were found for gamma-tocopherol, except for corn and soybean oils. It was concluded that the soybean oil was not considered a source of vitamin E. The canola and corn oils were considered sources, and the sunflower oil was considered an excellent source.
Plutella xylostella (diamondback moth, DBM) is a globally distributed Lepidopteran that feeds and oviposits almost exclusively on plants in the Brassicaceae family. DBM disperses from the southern United States and Mexico into Canada in the spring and summer. Establishment of DBM in Ontario is partially dependent upon the quantity and quality of host plants available and the preference of DBM for different hosts. Host plants include many crops such as broccoli, canola and cabbage, as well as landscape ornamentals and wild plants. It has previously been established that DBM are attracted to host plants by chemicals, specifically glucosinolates. I examined the preference of DBM among crop, wild and ornamental host plant species and how preference varies with insect life stage (3rd and 4th instar larvae and adults). Experiments included exposing DBM larvae from five populations coming from different locations in Canada to six Brassicaceae species and evaluating the preferences and weight gain over one hour. Then adult females were exposed to these same plant species and their oviposition preferences were examined. Populations from Alberta, Saskatchewan and Ontario were compared to assess differences in preference associated with geographic region or species of host plant. The ultimate goal of my study was to understand the potential of various Brassicaceae species to act as reservoirs to sustain and promote population growth of DBM, as well as sinks that may decrease DBM abundance. Results showed that garden cress (Lepidium sativum) was highly preferred over other species (wintercress, black mustard, aubretia, broccoli and ornamental kale) for both food and oviposition sources. Previous studies report that garden cress contains saponins, chemicals shown to be toxic to developing DBM larvae, however no studies have yet shown a preference for garden cress. These results provide information on a novel host plant with the potential to control DBM population growth. No difference in preferences was found among populations of DBM from various sources in Canada.
L’objectif de cette étude a été d’évaluer l’effet du remplacement total ou partiel du maïs d’une ration alimentaire standard (MS) sur les performances de croissance, le pH ruminal et les paramètres biochimiques sanguins chez les veaux de grain de race Holstein. Quatre groupes de 80 veaux ont été répartisen32 parcs (10 veaux/parc) et ont été assignés au hasard à quatre rations alimentaires. Les rations alimentaires ont été: la ration standard qui est constituée de maïs et un supplément protéique à 43,6% de protéine brute (MS);une ration réduite de maïs, avec tourteau de canola et de drèche de distillerie de maïs avec soluble (MCD); une ration réduite de maïs, avec supplément protéique à 43,6% de protéine brute et de drèche de distillerie de maïs avec soluble (MSD); et finalement une ration d’orge roulé, de tourteau de canola et de drèche de distillerie de maïs avec soluble (OCD). Les rations alimentaires ont été formulées selon une phase de démarrage P1 (j0 à j54), une de croissance P2 (j55 à j85) et une de finition P3 (j86 à j96). Un groupe additionnel de 5 veaux contrôle (CT), a reçu une ration alimentaire non acidogène à base de fourrage et de concentré. Notons qu’avant le début des traitements alimentaires au j0, sauf CT, les veaux ont reçu une ration d’adaptation contenant du maïs et de l’orge (50-50) et un supplément protéique pendant 20j. Les gains moyens quotidiens (GMQ) ont été similaires aux périodes P1 (0j-j27, j28-j54) et P2 (j55-j85), mais à la période P3 (j86-j96), le GMQ de la ration OCD a été plus grand que ceux dans les autres rations (p<0.001). Le rendement carcasse des veaux abattus au poids vifs d’environ 267 kg, de la ration OCD a été plus petit que ceux des rations MS et MSD (p<0.002). La matière sèche ingérée (MSI) a diminué pour le groupe MSD au j96, comparée à celles des groupes MS et BCD (p<0.001). Cependant, les rations alimentaires n’ont pas eu d’effet sur le poids vif des veaux. Les durées moyennes en dessous du pH ruminal de 5.6 (DpH5.6 en h.j.-1) du j68 au j85 (P2) ont été similaires pour les groupes CT et OCD (p=0.09) et plus petites (p<0.001) que celles des groupes du MS, MCD et MSD. Pendant la phase P3, les DpH5.6 des groupes de MS, MCD et MSD, ont été similaires (p>0.83), mais plus grandes que celle du groupe de OCD (p<0.0001). Les DpH5.6 n’ont pas eu d’effet sur les GMQ. Aux j68 et j96, les rations alimentaires n’ont pas eu d’effet sur la L-lactate (p > 0.05), le pH sanguin (p > 0.001; non significatif après l’ajustement de Bonferroni :NSAB) et le trou anionique (p > 0.009; NSAB). La PCO2 des animaux du groupe MS a été plus grande que celle du groupe CT (p = 0.0003). Au j68, HCO3 - du groupe CT a été plus grande que celle du groupe MCD (p = 0.0008). Les traitements alimentaires n’ont pas d’effets sur la lipopolysaccharide binding protein (LBP) aux j0 et j68. Au j96, la LBP du groupe CT a été plus petite que celle du groupe MS et MCD (p=0.001). Les diètes n’ont pas d’effets significatifs sur les épithéliums et les lamina propria du rumen (p0>0.37), ainsi que sur les abcès du foie (p=0.80). Le remplacement total du maïs par l’orge roulé, la drêche de distillerie de maïs avec soluble et le tourteau de canola amélioré le GMQ en phase de finition, a amélioré le pH du rumen, le rapprochant du pH ruminal physiologique, n’a pas modifié les paramètres biochimiques sanguins qui ont été mesurés et a diminué le rendement carcasse moyen de 1,1%.
The results presented in this paper are aim at examining and comparing the migratory events occurred betwixt two countries which have different social and economic conditions. The information developed along this text is, therefore, an initial assessment on migration between Canada and Colombia. The author used hermeneutics as a main methodological tool for conducting this study.This paper concludes that, although there are a range of motivations behind the decision to leaving one’s home country, the pursuit for better economic conditions is the dominant factor.
The significance of Plasmodiophora brassicae Woronin and clubroot disease which it incites in members of the family Brassicaceae is reviewed as the focus for this special edition of the Journal of Plant Growth Regulation. This is a monographic treatment of recent research into the pathogen and disease; previous similar treatments are now well over half a century old. Vernacular nomenclature of the disease indicates that it had a well-established importance in agriculture and horticulture from at least the Middle Ages onward in Europe and probably earlier. Subsequently, the pathogen probably spread worldwide as a result of transfer on and in fodder taken by colonists as livestock feed. It is a moot point, however, whether there was much earlier spread by P. brassicae into China and subsequently Japan as Brassica rapa (Chinese cabbage and many variants) colonized those lands in archaeological time. Symptoms, worldwide distribution, and economic impact are briefly described here to provide a basis for understanding subsequent papers. Clubroot disease devastates both infected field and protected vegetable and agricultural Brassica crops. Particular importance is placed on recent reports of crop losses in tropical countries, albeit where the crops are grown in cooler altitudes, and in the Canadian prairie land canola crops. The latter is of enormous importance because this crop is the single most important and essential source of vegetable oils used in human foodstuffs and in industrial lubricants where mineral oils are inappropriate.