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We present the genome sequences of a new clinical isolate of the important human pathogen, Aspergillus fumigatus, A1163, and two closely related but rarely pathogenic species, Neosartorya fischeri NRRL181 and Aspergillus clavatus NRRL1. Comparative genomic analysis of A1163 with the recently sequenced A. fumigatus isolate Af293 has identified core, variable and up to 2% unique genes in each genome. While the core genes are 99.8% identical at the nucleotide level, identity for variable genes can be as low 40%. The most divergent loci appear to contain heterokaryon incompatibility ( het) genes associated with fungal programmed cell death such as developmental regulator rosA. Cross-species comparison has revealed that 8.5%, 13.5% and 12.6%, respectively, of A. fumigatus, N. fischeri and A. clavatus genes are species-specific. These genes are significantly smaller in size than core genes, contain fewer exons and exhibit a subtelomeric bias. Most of them cluster together in 13 chromosomal islands, which are enriched for pseudogenes, transposons and other repetitive elements. At least 20% of A. fumigatus-specific genes appear to be functional and involved in carbohydrate and chitin catabolism, transport, detoxification, secondary metabolism and other functions that may facilitate the adaptation to heterogeneous environments such as soil or a mammalian host. Contrary to what was suggested previously, their origin cannot be attributed to horizontal gene transfer ( HGT), but instead is likely to involve duplication, diversification and differential gene loss (DDL). The role of duplication in the origin of lineage-specific genes is further underlined by the discovery of genomic islands that seem to function as designated ""gene dumps'' and, perhaps, simultaneously, as "" gene factories''.
Dengue type 3 genotype V viruses have been recently detected in Brazil and Colombia. In this study, we described another Brazilian isolate belonging to this genotype. Phylogenetic analysis including dengue type 3 viruses isolated worldwide showed that Brazilian and Colombian viruses were closely related to viruses isolated in Asia more than two decades ago. The characteristic evolutionary pattern of dengue type 3 virus cannot explain the close similarity of new circulating viruses with old viruses. Further studies are needed to confirm the origin of the new dengue type III genotype circulating in Brazil and Colombia.
Five surveys of the bee communities in four "Cerrado" ecosystem reserves in Sao Paulo State were compared for species richness and similarity. These areas are fragment vegetation reser-reserves located in the Cerrado Corumbata Reserve (Corumbata), Jata Ecological Park (Luiz Antonio), Cajuru (Cajuru), and Vassununga State Park - ""Gleba de Cerrado de Pe-de-Gigante"" (Santa Rita do Passa Quatro). The methodology consisted of capturing bees foraging on flowers along transects, though with small differences between surveys. These ""cerrado"" areas have a large number of species of native bees, which are important pollinators in several Brazilian ecosystems. The community of bees varied among these different fragments. Based on 500 individuals (standardized by rarefaction), Cajuru, Corumbata 1 and Corumbata 2 were the areas with highest species richness, and Jata and Pe-de-Gigante had the lowest species richness in the bee communities. The bee faunas of Corumbata 2 and Pe-de-Gigante had the highest similarity, forming a group with the bee fauna of Cajuru. The bee faunas of Corumbata 1 and Jata were isolated from this group. We found that the bee species richness and similarity found in these ""cerrado"" areas cannot be explained by general factors such as the size of the fragment, the species richness of plants and the distance between the areas. Therefore, we suppose that local factors that differ among areas, such as interactions between populations, and competition and interference from surrounding areas influence and determine bee species richness and similarity in these reserves.
Consider N sites randomly and uniformly distributed in a d-dimensional hypercube. A walker explores this disordered medium going to the nearest site, which has not been visited in the last mu (memory) steps. The walker trajectory is composed of a transient part and a periodic part (cycle). For one-dimensional systems, travelers can or cannot explore all available space, giving rise to a crossover between localized and extended regimes at the critical memory mu(1) = log(2) N. The deterministic rule can be softened to consider more realistic situations with the inclusion of a stochastic parameter T (temperature). In this case, the walker movement is driven by a probability density function parameterized by T and a cost function. The cost function increases as the distance between two sites and favors hops to closer sites. As the temperature increases, the walker can escape from cycles that are reminiscent of the deterministic nature and extend the exploration. Here, we report an analytical model and numerical studies of the influence of the temperature and the critical memory in the exploration of one-dimensional disordered systems.
This article is an introduction to the special issue of Sexuality Research & Social Policy, where we share some of the research of our project, ""Relations among 'race,' sexuality and gender in different local and national contexts."" The goal of this project was to develop broad comparative research on race, sexuality, and gender in Brazil, South Africa, and the USA. New signs of identity and contestation were noted during our research. Given the numerous and important changes which are currently in progress in these interlinked fields, we identified important connections between transformations in the symbolic order and social gains, which cannot necessarily be converted into more widespread decreases in social inequality or which can break apart forms of hierarchization and exclusion. The results of our studies in South Africa and Brazil are the focus of this special issue, given that these two contexts are less well known by the American public.
Background: The Brazilian consensus recommends a short-term treatment course with clarithromycin, amoxicillin and proton-pump inhibitor for the eradication of Helicobacter pylori ( H. pylori). This treatment course has good efficacy, but cannot be afforded by a large part of the population. Azithromycin, amoxicillin and omeprazole are subsidized, for several aims, by the Brazilian federal government. Therefore, a short-term treatment course that uses these drugs is a low-cost one, but its efficacy regarding the bacterium eradication is yet to be demonstrated. The study's purpose was to verify the efficacy of H. pylori eradication in infected patients who presented peptic ulcer disease, using the association of azithromycin, amoxicillin and omeprazole. Methods: Sixty patients with peptic ulcer diagnosed by upper digestive endoscopy and H. pylori infection documented by rapid urease test, histological analysis and urea breath test were treated for six days with a combination of azithromycin 500 mg and omeprazole 20 mg, in a single daily dose, associated with amoxicillin 500 mg 3 times a day. The eradication control was carried out 12 weeks after the treatment by means of the same diagnostic tests. The eradication rates were calculated with 95% confidence interval. Results: The eradication rate was 38% per intention to treat and 41% per protocol. Few adverse effects were observed and treatment compliance was high. Conclusion: Despite its low cost and high compliance, the low eradication rate does not allow the recommendation of the triple therapy with azithromycin as an adequate treatment for H. pylori infection.
Background and Purpose: Chronic unilateral hematuria is characterized by intermittent or continuous gross hematuria that cannot be diagnosed using standard radiology and hematology methods. In the past, it was managed with partial or total nephrectomy. In the age of minimally invasive procedures, however, endoscopy has enabled more accurate diagnosis and management. We analyzed our experience with transurethral ureterorenoscopy using a flexible ureteroscope to determine the feasibility and success of endoscopic management of renal hematuria. Patients and Methods: We reviewed the records of 13 patients who presented with chronic unilateral hematuria, in whom radiologic and laboratory tests failed to reveal the source of bleeding. In the cases in which the lesion was identified, after complete inspection of the collecting systems, the bleeding site was treated ureteroscopically with a holmium: yttrium-aluminum-garnet ( YAG) laser. Results: Follow-up ranged from 4 to 60 months ( mean 26 mos). During the follow-up of the 13 patients, 11 remained symptom-free, with only one session of flexible ureterorenoscopy necessary. Relapse occurred in two patients after 4 months and 6 months, respectively; during a second session of flexible ureteroscopy, the bleeding site was successfully identified and cauterized with a holmium: YAG laser. No surgical complications occurred. Conclusions: Conservative treatment of patients with chronic unilateral hematuria should always be considered. Laser ureteroscopic treatment is an excellent method and should be considered as the first option for the management of chronic unilateral hematuria.
We analyzed lesser diameter and distribution of fiber types in different skeletal muscles from female Wistar rats using a histoenzymology Myofibrillar Adenosine Tri-phosphatase (mATPase) method. Fragments from muscles were frozen and processed by mATPase in different pH. Adult and weanling rat soleus muscles presented a predominance of type I fibers and larger fiber diameters. In the plantar muscle in adult rats, the type IIB fibers demonstrated greater lesser diameter while in the weanling animals, types I and IIB fibers were larger. The plantar muscle of animals of both ages was composed predominantly of the type IID fibers. The type IID fibers were observed in similar amounts in the lateral gastrocnemius and the medial gastrocnemius muscles. Type IIB fibers showed predominance and presented higher size in comparison with other types in the EDL muscle. The present study shows that data on fiber type distribution and fiber lesser diameter obtained in adult animals cannot always be applied to weanling animals of the same species. Using the mATPase, despite the difficult handling, is an important tool to determine the different characteristics of the specific fibers in the skeletal muscle tissue.
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of photodynamic therapy (PDT) on endodontic pathogens by evaluating the decrease in numbers of Enterococcus faecalis colonies in the canals of extracted human teeth. Background Data: Failure in endodontics is usually related to inadequate cleaning and disinfection of the root canal system. This is due to the establishment of microorganisms in areas where the instruments and chemical agents used during root canal preparation cannot eliminate them. PDT is a complementary therapeutic method that could be used to eliminate these remaining bacteria. PDT is a process in which radiation acts on a dye that is applied to the target organism, resulting in bacterial death. Materials and Methods: Forty-six uniradicular teeth had their canals contaminated with bacteria and were incubated for 48 h at 35 degrees C. After that, the teeth were divided into a control group (CG) and a test group (TG). The 23 CG teeth did not undergo any intervention, whereas in the TG the teeth received a solution of 0.0125% toluidine blue for 5 min followed by irradiation using a 50-mW diode laser (Ga-Al-As) at a wavelength of 660 nm. Bacterial samples were taken before and after irradiation. In each of the samples, the number of colony-forming units (CFU) was counted. Results: The mean decrease in CFU was 99.9% in the TG, whereas in the CG an increase of 2.6% was observed. Conclusion: PDT was effective as a bactericidal agent in Enterococcus faecalis-contaminated root canals.
Context. Star activity makes the mass determination of CoRoT-7b and CoRoT 7c uncertain. Investigators of the CoRoT team proposed several solutions, but all but one of them are larger than the initial determinations of 4.8 +/- 0.8 M(Earth) for CoRoT-7b and 8.4 +/- 0.9 M(Earth) for CoRoT 7c. Aims. This investigation uses the excellent HARPS radial velocity measurements of CoRoT-7 to redetermine the planet masses and to explore techniques for determining mass and orbital elements of planets discovered around active stars when the relative variation in the radial velocity due to the star activity cannot be considered as just noise and can exceed the variation due to the planets. Methods. The main technique used here is a self-consistent version of the high-pass filter used by Queloz et al. (2009, A&A, 506, 303) in the first mass determination of CoRoT-7b and CoRoT-7c. The results are compared to those given by two alternative techniques: (1) the approach proposed by Hatzes et al. (2010, A&A, 520, A93) using only those nights in which two or three observations were done; (2) a pure Fourier analysis. In all cases, the eccentricities are taken equal to zero as indicated by the study of the tidal evolution of the system. The periods are also kept fixed at the values given by Queloz et al. Only the observations done in the time interval BJD 2 454 847-873 are used because they include many nights with multiple observations; otherwise, it is not possible to separate the effects of the rotation fourth harmonic (5.91 d = P(rot)/4) from the alias of the orbital period of CoRoT-7b (0.853585 d). Results. The results of the various approaches are combined to give planet mass values 8.0 +/- 1.2 M(Earth) for CoRoT-7b and 13.6 +/- 1.4 M(Earth) for CoRoT 7c. An estimation of the variation of the radial velocity of the star due to its activity is also given. Conclusions. The results obtained with three different approaches agree to give higher masses than those in previous determinations. From the existing internal structure models they indicate that CoRoT-7b is a much denser super-Earth. The bulk density is 11 +/- 3.5 g cm(-3), so CoRoT-7b may be rocky with a large iron core.
The recent interferometric study of Achernar, leading to the conclusion that its geometrical oblateness cannot be explained by the Roche approximation, has stirred substantial interest in the community, in view of its potential impact on many fields of stellar astrophysics. It is the purpose of this Letter to reinterpret the interferometric observations with a fast-rotating, gravity-darkened central star surrounded by a small equatorial disk, whose presence is consistent with contemporaneous spectroscopic data. We find that we can fit the available data only assuming a critically rotating central star. We identified two different disk models that simultaneously fit the spectroscopic, polarimetric, and interferometric observational constraints: a tenuous disk in hydrostatic equilibrium (i.e., with small scale height) and a smaller, scale height enhanced disk. We believe that these relatively small disks correspond to the transition region between the photosphere and the circumstellar environment and that they are probably perturbed by some photospheric mechanism. The study of this interface between photosphere and circumstellar disk for near-critical rotators is crucial to our understanding of the Be phenomenon and the mass and angular momentum loss of stars in general. This work shows that it is nowadays possible to directly study this transition region from simultaneous multitechnique observations.
Context. B[e] supergiants are luminous, massive post-main sequence stars exhibiting non-spherical winds, forbidden lines, and hot dust in a disc-like structure. The physical properties of their rich and complex circumstellar environment (CSE) are not well understood, partly because these CSE cannot be easily resolved at the large distances found for B[e] supergiants (typically greater than or similar to 1 kpc). Aims. From mid-IR spectro-interferometric observations obtained with VLTI/MIDI we seek to resolve and study the CSE of the Galactic B[e] supergiant CPD-57 degrees 2874. Methods. For a physical interpretation of the observables (visibilities and spectrum) we use our ray-tracing radiative transfer code (FRACS), which is optimised for thermal spectro-interferometric observations. Results. Thanks to the short computing time required by FRACS (<10 s per monochromatic model), best-fit parameters and uncertainties for several physical quantities of CPD-57 degrees 2874 were obtained, such as inner dust radius, relative flux contribution of the central source and of the dusty CSE, dust temperature profile, and disc inclination. Conclusions. The analysis of VLTI/MIDI data with FRACS allowed one of the first direct determinations of physical parameters of the dusty CSE of a B[e] supergiant based on interferometric data and using a full model-fitting approach. In a larger context, the study of B[e] supergiants is important for a deeper understanding of the complex structure and evolution of hot, massive stars.
Aims. We present lithium abundance determination for a sample of K giant stars in the Galactic bulge. The stars presented here are the only 13 stars with a detectable lithium line (6767.18 angstrom) among similar to 400 stars for which we have spectra in this wavelength range, half of them in Baade's Window (b = -4 degrees) and half in a field at b = -6 degrees. Methods. The stars were observed with the GIRAFFE spectrograph of FLAMES mounted on VLT, with a spectral resolution of R similar to 20 000. Abundances were derived from spectral synthesis and the results are compared with those of stars with similar parameters, but no detectable Li line. Results. We find 13 stars with a detectable Li line, among which 2 have abundances A(Li) > 2.7. No clear correlations were found between the Li abundance and those of other elements. With the exception of the two most Li rich stars, the others follow a fairly tight A(Li) - T(eff) correlation. Conclusions. There is strong indication of a Li production phase during the red giant branch (RGB), acting either on a very short timescale, or selectively only in some stars. That the proposed Li production phase is associated with the RGB bump cannot be excluded, although our targets are significantly brighter than the predicted RGB bump magnitude for a population at 8 kpc.
Context. The origin of the short-term variability in Be stars remains a matter of controversy. Pulsations and rotational modulation are the components of the favored hypothesis. Aims. We present our analysis of CoRoT data of the B8IIIe star HD 175869 observed during the first short run in the center direction (SRC1). Methods. We review both the instrumental effects visible in the CoRoT light curve and the analysis methods used by the CoRoT Be team. We applied these methods to the CoRoT light curve of the star HD 175869. A search for line-profile variations in the spectroscopic data was also performed. We also searched for a magnetic field, by applying the LSD technique to spectropolarimetric data. Results. The light curve exhibits low-amplitude variations of the order of 300 mu mag with a double wave shape. A frequency within the range determined for the rotational frequency and 6 of its harmonics are detected. The main frequency and its first harmonic exhibit amplitude variations of a few days. Other significant frequencies of low-amplitude from 25 to a few mu mag are also found. The analysis of line profiles from ground-based spectroscopic data does not detect any variation. In addition, no Zeeman signature was found. Conclusions. Inhomogeneities caused by stellar activity in or just above the photosphere are proposed to produce the photometric variability detected by CoRoT in the Be star HD 175869. The hypothesis that non-radial pulsations are the origin of these variations cannot be excluded.
Context. TWA22 was initially regarded as a member of the TW Hydrae association (TWA). In addition to being one of the youngest (approximate to 8 Myr) and nearest (approximate to 20 pc) stars to Earth, TWA22 has proven to be very interesting after being resolved as a tight, very low-mass binary. This binary can serve as a very useful dynamical calibrator for pre-main sequence evolutionary models. However, its membership in the TWA has been recently questioned despite due to the lack of accurate kinematic measurements. Aims. Based on proper motion, radial velocity, and trigonometric parallax measurements, we aim here to re-analyze the membership of TWA22 to young, nearby associations. Methods. Using the ESO NTT/SUSI2 telescope, we observed TWA22 AB during 5 different observing runs over 1.2 years to measure its trigonometric parallax and proper motion. This is a part of a larger project measuring trigonometric parallaxes and proper motions of most known TWA members at a sub-milliarcsec level. HARPS at the ESO 3.6 m telescope was also used to measure the system's radial velocity over 2 years. Results. We report an absolute trigonometric parallax of TWA22 AB, pi = 57.0 +/- 0.7 mas, corresponding to a distance 17.5 +/- 0.2 pc from Earth. Measured proper motions of TWA 22AB are mu(alpha) cos(delta) = -175.8 +/- 0.8 mas/yr and mu delta = -21.3 +/- 0.8 mas/yr. Finally, from HARPS measurements, we obtain a radial velocity V(rad) = 14.8 +/- 2.1 km s(-1). Conclusions. A kinematic analysis of TWA22 AB space motion and position implies that a membership of TWA22 AB to known young, nearby associations can be excluded except for the beta Pictoris and TW Hydrae associations. Membership probabilities based on the system's Galactic space motion and/or the trace-back technique support a higher chance of being a member to the beta Pictoris association. Membership of TWA22 in the TWA cannot be fully excluded because of large uncertainties in parallax measurements and radial velocities and to the uncertain internal velocity dispersion of its members.