991 resultados para Canadian High Arcti
What experiences are needed to become a high-performance coach? The present study addressed this question through structured retrospective quantitative interviews with 10 team- and 9 individual-sport coaches at the Canadian interuniversity-sport level. Minimum amounts of certain experiences were deemed necessary but not sufficient to become a high-performance coach (e.g., playing the sport they now coach and interaction with a mentor coach for all coaches, leadership opportunities as athletes for team-sport coaches only). Although coaches reported varying amounts of these necessary experiences, general stages of high-performance coach development were traced. Findings serve to identify and support potential high-performance coaches and increase the effectiveness of formal coaching-education programs.
Global air surface temperatures and precipitation have increased over the last several decades resulting in a trend of greening across the Circumpolar Arctic. The spatial variability of warming and the inherent effects on plant communities has not proven to be uniform or homogeneous on global or local scales. We can apply remote sensing vegetation indices such as the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) to map and monitor vegetation change (e.g., phenology, greening, percent cover, and biomass) over time. It is important to document how Arctic vegetation is changing, as it will have large implications related to global carbon and surface energy budgets. The research reported here examined vegetation greening across different spatial and temporal scales at two disparate Arctic sites: Apex River Watershed (ARW), Baffin Island, and Cape Bounty Arctic Watershed Observatory (CBAWO), Melville Island, NU. To characterize the vegetation in the ARW, high spatial resolution WorldView-2 data were processed to create a supervised land-cover classification and model percent vegetation cover (PVC) (a similar process had been completed in a previous study for the CBAWO). Meanwhile, NDVI data spanning the past 30 years were derived from intermediate resolution Landsat data at the two Arctic sites. The land-cover classifications at both sites were used to examine the Landsat NDVI time series by vegetation class. Climate variables (i.e., temperature, precipitation and growing season length (GSL) were examined to explore the potential relationships of NDVI to climate warming. PVC was successfully modeled using high resolution data in the ARW. PVC and plant communities appear to reside along a moisture and altitudinal gradient. The NDVI time series demonstrated an overall significant increase in greening at the CBAWO (High Arctic site), specifically in the dry and mesic vegetation type. However, similar overall greening was not observed for the ARW (Low Arctic site). The overall increase in NDVI at the CBAWO was attributed to a significant increase in July temperatures, precipitation and GSL.
High-performance liquid chromatography coupled by an electrospray ion source to a tandem mass spectrometer (HPLC-EST-MS/ MS) is the current analytical method of choice for quantitation of analytes in biological matrices. With HPLC-ESI-MS/MS having the characteristics of high selectivity, sensitivity, and throughput, this technology is being increasingly used in the clinical laboratory. An important issue to be addressed in method development, validation, and routine use of HPLC-ESI-MS/MS is matrix effects. Matrix effects are the alteration of ionization efficiency by the presence of coeluting substances. These effects are unseen in the chromatograrn but have deleterious impact on methods accuracy and sensitivity. The two common ways to assess matrix effects are either by the postextraction addition method or the postcolumn infusion method. To remove or minimize matrix effects, modification to the sample extraction methodology and improved chromatographic separation must be performed. These two parameters are linked together and form the basis of developing a successful and robust quantitative HPLC-EST-MS/MS method. Due to the heterogenous nature of the population being studied, the variability of a method must be assessed in samples taken from a variety of subjects. In this paper, the major aspects of matrix effects are discussed with an approach to address matrix effects during method validation proposed. (c) 2004 The Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists. All rights reserved.
Government agencies responsible for riparian environments are assessing the combined utility of field survey and remote sensing for mapping and monitoring indicators of riparian zone health. The objective of this work was to determine if the structural attributes of savanna riparian zones in northern Australia can be detected from commercially available remotely sensed image data. Two QuickBird images and coincident field data covering sections of the Daly River and the South Alligator River - Barramundie Creek in the Northern Territory were used. Semi-variograms were calculated to determine the characteristic spatial scales of riparian zone features, both vegetative and landform. Interpretation of semi-variograms showed that structural dimensions of riparian environments could be detected and estimated from the QuickBird image data. The results also show that selecting the correct spatial resolution and spectral bands is essential to maximize the accuracy of mapping spatial characteristics of savanna riparian features. The distribution of foliage projective cover of riparian vegetation affected spectral reflectance variations in individual spectral bands differently. Pan-sharpened image data enabled small-scale information extraction (< 6 m) on riparian zone structural parameters. The semi-variogram analysis results provide the basis for an inversion approach using high spatial resolution satellite image data to map indicators of savanna riparian zone health.
A compilation of basal dates of peatland initiation across the northern high latitudes, associated metadata including location, age, raw and calibrated radiocarbon ages, and associated references. Includes previously published datasets from sources below as well as 365 new data points.
A sediment-sampling program was carried out in the Nares Strait region during the Nares 2001 Expedition to obtain cores for high-resolution palaeoceanographic studies of late Pleistocene-Holocene climate change. Long cores (>4 m) were obtained from basins near Coburg Island, Jones Sound, John Richardson Fiord off Kane Basin, and in northeastern Hall Basin. Short cores and grab samples were taken on shelves east and west of northern Smith Sound and in Kennedy Channel. Detailed studies of sediment texture, stable isotopes, microfossils and palynomorphs were made on the longest cores from Jones Sound and Hall Basin at the southern and northern ends of the Nares Strait region.
Mineralogical, geochemical, magnetic, and siliciclastic grain-size signatures of 34 surface sediment samples from the Mackenzie-Beaufort Sea Slope and Amundsen Gulf were studied in order to better constrain the redox status, detrital particle provenance, and sediment dynamics in the western Canadian Arctic. Redox-sensitive elements (Mn, Fe, V, Cr, Zn) indicate that modern sedimentary deposition within the Mackenzie-Beaufort Sea Slope and Amundsen Gulf took place under oxic bottom-water conditions, with more turbulent mixing conditions and thus a well-oxygenated water column prevailing within the Amundsen Gulf. The analytical data obtained, combined with multivariate statistical (notably, principal component and fuzzy c-means clustering analyses) and spatial analyses, allowed the division of the study area into four provinces with distinct sedimentary compositions: (1) the Mackenzie Trough-Canadian Beaufort Shelf with high phyllosilicate-Fe oxide-magnetite and Al-K-Ti-Fe-Cr-V-Zn-P contents; (2) Southwestern Banks Island, characterized by high dolomite-K-feldspar and Ca-Mg-LOI contents; (3) the Central Amundsen Gulf, a transitional zone typified by intermediate phyllosilicate-magnetite-K-feldspar-dolomite and Al-K-Ti-Fe-Mn-V-Zn-Sr-Ca-Mg-LOI contents; and (4) mud volcanoes on the Canadian Beaufort Shelf distinguished by poorly sorted coarse-silt with high quartz-plagioclase-authigenic carbonate and Si-Zr contents, as well as high magnetic susceptibility. Our results also confirm that the present-day sedimentary dynamics on the Canadian Beaufort Shelf is mainly controlled by sediment supply from the Mackenzie River. Overall, these insights provide a basis for future studies using mineralogical, geochemical, and magnetic signatures of Canadian Arctic sediments in order to reconstruct past variations in sediment inputs and transport pathways related to late Quaternary climate and oceanographic changes.
Flow, recharge and transport dynamics in fractured rock aquifers with low lying rock outcrops is a largely unexplored area of study in hydrogeology. The purpose of this thesis is to examine these topics in an agricultural area in Eastern Ontario. The study consists of a regional scale groundwater quality study, an infiltration experiment that considers bacteria transport from the ground surface to a well, and a numerical modelling study that tests the parameters that affect surface infiltration of a tracer from a rock outcrop to a deeper horizontal fracture. In the water quality study, approximately 65% of the samples contained total coliform, 16% contained E. coli, and 1% contained nitrate-N at greater than 5 mg/L. Occurrence of E. coli increased when considering seasonality, where wells were drilled on rock outcrops, and for shallow well intervals. Nitrate-N did not occur above the Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality (Health Canada, 2012) of 10 mg/L. Rapid arrival times were observed in the infiltration study for both the microspheres (30 minutes) and a dye tracer (45 minutes) in a well approximately 6.0 m in horizontal and 2.8 m in vertical distance from the tracer source. Transport velocities were approximately 38.9 m/day for the dye tracer and 115.2 m/day for the colloidal tracer. Results of the model runs indicate that overburden can provide an effective protective layer to transport in fractures, that high groundwater velocities occur in larger fracture apertures and higher gradients dilute tracer concentrations, and that lower groundwater velocities occur with smaller fracture apertures and lower gradients result in elevated tracer concentrations. Lower rainfall rates, larger fracture apertures, early tracer time, larger gradients, and lower water levels maintained unsaturated conditions for longer time periods such that tracer transport was delayed until saturated conditions were attained. The overall heterogeneity of this aquifer environment creates a source water protection conundrum where the water quality is generally good, while transport can occur very quickly in proximity to rock outcrops and in areas with limited overburden.
What experiences are needed to become a high-performance coach? The present study addressed this question through structured retrospective quantitative interviews with 10 team- and 9 individual-sport coaches at the Canadian interuniversity-sport level. Minimum amounts of certain experiences were deemed necessary but not sufficient to become a high-performance coach (e.g., playing the sport they now coach and interaction with a mentor coach for all coaches, leadership opportunities as athletes for team-sport coaches only). Although coaches reported varying amounts of these necessary experiences, general stages of high-performance coach development were traced. Findings serve to identify and support potential high-performance coaches and increase the effectiveness of formal coaching-education programs.
Global air surface temperatures and precipitation have increased over the last several decades resulting in a trend of greening across the Circumpolar Arctic. The spatial variability of warming and the inherent effects on plant communities has not proven to be uniform or homogeneous on global or local scales. We can apply remote sensing vegetation indices such as the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) to map and monitor vegetation change (e.g., phenology, greening, percent cover, and biomass) over time. It is important to document how Arctic vegetation is changing, as it will have large implications related to global carbon and surface energy budgets. The research reported here examined vegetation greening across different spatial and temporal scales at two disparate Arctic sites: Apex River Watershed (ARW), Baffin Island, and Cape Bounty Arctic Watershed Observatory (CBAWO), Melville Island, NU. To characterize the vegetation in the ARW, high spatial resolution WorldView-2 data were processed to create a supervised land-cover classification and model percent vegetation cover (PVC) (a similar process had been completed in a previous study for the CBAWO). Meanwhile, NDVI data spanning the past 30 years were derived from intermediate resolution Landsat data at the two Arctic sites. The land-cover classifications at both sites were used to examine the Landsat NDVI time series by vegetation class. Climate variables (i.e., temperature, precipitation and growing season length (GSL) were examined to explore the potential relationships of NDVI to climate warming. PVC was successfully modeled using high resolution data in the ARW. PVC and plant communities appear to reside along a moisture and altitudinal gradient. The NDVI time series demonstrated an overall significant increase in greening at the CBAWO (High Arctic site), specifically in the dry and mesic vegetation type. However, similar overall greening was not observed for the ARW (Low Arctic site). The overall increase in NDVI at the CBAWO was attributed to a significant increase in July temperatures, precipitation and GSL.
Climate warming is predicted to increase summer air temperatures in the Arctic, warming soils and enhancing microbial decomposition of soil organic matter. Given the size of the soil carbon stores in the Arctic, even a fraction of its release as CO2 to the atmosphere could result in a positive feedback to climate warming. Fertilizers have been used in the past to quickly increase soil solution nutrients pools to mimic predicted concentrations under climate warming. However, because it may have inadvertent affects on the soil microbial community, fertilizer-induced patterns in microbial decomposition may be unrealistic. This study aimed to better understand the proposed mechanism of enhanced microbial decomposition under nutrient addition and warming treatments to discern whether warming alone is enough to stimulate enhanced microbial decomposition, or if nutrients in excess (i.e. chronic high nutrient additions) are necessary to yield such a response. I investigated the impacts of 10 years of greenhouse summer warming, chronic low nutrient factorial addition (5 g N and 1g P m-2 year-1, respectively), and chronic high nutrient factorial addition (10 g N and 5g P m-2 year-1, respectively) treatments on a mesic birch hummock tundra ecosystem near Daring Lake, NWT, Canada. Soil microbial nutrient pools, soil solution nutrient pools, and microbial community structure were measured in the upper organic, lower organic, and uppermost mineral soil depth intervals of all treatment plots in Spring 2014. Interestingly, the low nutrient additions did not yield any significant trends, yet the warming treatment increased soil bacterial richness suggesting a legacy effect of warming from the previous summers. Enhanced microbial nutrient uptake occurred only in the high nutrient addition treatments, and did not significantly alter soil carbon at least within the ten year period of this experiment. Together, these results and the absence of significant impacts of the low nutrient and greenhouse warming treatments suggests that nutrient and carbon cycling in these low arctic soils may be resilient against climate warming, at least over the initial decades.
High-grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSC) is the most prevalent epithelial ovarian cancer characterized by late detection, metastasis and resistance to chemotherapy. Previous studies on the tumour immune microenvironment in HGSC identified STAT1 and CXCL10 as the most differentially expressed genes between treatment naïve chemotherapy resistant and sensitive tumours. Interferon-induced STAT1 is a transcription factor, which induces many genes including tumour suppressor genes and those involved in recruitment of immune cells to the tumour immune microenvironment (TME), including CXCL10. CXCL10 is a chemokine that recruits tumour infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) and exhibits angiostatic function. The current study was performed to determine the effects of differential STAT1 and CXCL10 expression on HGSC disease progression and TME. STAT1 expression and intratumoural CD8+ T cells were evaluated as prognostic and predictive biomarkers via immunohistochemistry on 734 HGSC tumours accrued from the Terry Fox Research Institute-Canadian Ovarian Experimental Unified Resource. The combined effect of STAT1 expression and CD8+ TIL density was confirmed as prognostic and predictive companion biomarkers in the second independent biomarker validation study. Significant positive correlation between STAT1 expression and intratumoral CD8+ TIL density was observed. The effects of enforced CXCL10 expression on HGSC tumour growth, vasculature and immune tumour microenvironment were studied in the ID8 mouse ovarian cancer cell engraftment in immunocompetent C57BL/6 mice. Significant decrease in tumour progression in mice injected with ID8 CXCL10 overexpressing cells compared to mice injected with ID8 vector control cells was observed. Multiplexed cytokine analysis of ascites showed differential expression of IL-6, VEGF and CXCL9 between the two groups. Endothelial cell marker staining showed differences in tumour vasculature between the two groups. Immune transcriptomic profiling identified distinct expression profiles in genes associated with cytokines, chemokines, interferons, T cell function and apoptosis between the two groups. These findings provide evidence that STAT1 is an independent biomarker and in combination with CD8+ TIL density could be applied as novel immune-based biomarkers in HGSC. These results provide the basis for future studies aimed at understanding mechanisms underlying differential tumour STAT1 and CXCL10 expression and its role in pre-existing tumour immunologic diversity, thus potentially contributing to biomarker guided immune modulatory therapies.
Canadian young people are increasingly more connected through technological devices. This computer-mediated communication (CMC) can result in heightened connection and social support but can also lead to inadequate personal and physical connections. As technology evolves, its influence on health and well-being is important to investigate, especially among youth. This study aims to investigate the potential influences of computer-mediated communication (CMC) on the health of Canadian youth, using both quantitative and qualitative research approaches. This mixed-methods study utilized data from the 2013-2014 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children survey for Canada (n=30,117) and focus group data involving Ontario youth (7 groups involving 40 youth). In the quantitative component, a random-effects multilevel Poisson regression was employed to identify the effects of CMC on loneliness, stratified to explore interaction with family communication quality. A qualitative, inductive content analysis was applied to the focus group transcripts using a grounded theory inspired methodology. Through open line-by-line coding followed by axial coding, main categories and themes were identified. The quality of family communication modified the association between CMC use and loneliness. Among youth experiencing the highest quartile of family communication, daily use of verbal and social media CMC was significantly associated with reports of loneliness. The qualitative analysis revealed two overarching concepts that: (1) the health impacts of CMC are multidimensional and (2) there exists a duality of both positive and negative influences of CMC on health. Four themes were identified within this framework: (1) physical activity, (2) mental and emotional disturbance, (3) mindfulness, and (4) relationships. Overall, there is a high proportion of loneliness among Canadian youth, but this is not uniform for all. The associations between CMC and health are influenced by external and contextual factors, including family communication quality. Further, the technologically rich world in which young people live has a diverse impact on their health. For youth, their relationships with others and the context of CMC use shape overall influences on their health.
Background: Consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) is an important public health problem in Canada, especially among adolescents. Estimates show that rates of SSB consumption are particularly high in the northern territories, especially in Nunavut. This is concerning given that regular SSB consumption is associated with obesity, diabetes and tooth decay, among other health concerns. Objectives: This thesis has two objectives. The first is to describe SSB consumption patterns among adolescents from Nunavut specifically, all three territories combined and the provinces.The second is to determine the association between individual and cumulative school food programs and SSB consumption. Methods: Data were obtained from the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study (HBSC); a cross-sectional survey of Canadian youth in grades 6-10. All frequencies for food and beverage consumption were obtained from a 7-day food frequency questionnaire. SSB consumption consisted of a composite measure including soft drinks, sports drinks and energy drinks. The types of school food programs were obtained from an administrative questionnaire filled out by each school’s Principal or delegate. Multilevel multivariate Poisson regression models were used to examine the associations between school food programs and SSB consumption. Results: Youth from Nunavut consumed the most SSBs (53.1% in 2010 and 55.0% in 2014 were daily consumers), followed by youth from the territories (31.1% in 2010 and 27.0% in 2014), then youth from the provinces (24.3% in 2010 and 19.1% in 2014). No significant relationships were found between school food programs and daily SSB consumption. Two school food programs were weakly associated with weekly SSB consumption: nutrition month activities (RR=0.93,CI=0.89, 0.98) and healthy options in the snack bar (RR=1.07, CI=1.01, 1.14). Conclusions:Rates of SSB consumption were highest among Nunavummiut youth followed by youth from all three territories combined and then the provinces. Little association was found between school food programs and SSB consumption among Canadian youth in grades 6-10. These findings point to the need for examining other determinants and potential areas for intervention, for reducing SSB consumption among Canadian youth, particularly in high consumer sub-populations.