259 resultados para Calibrations
Ruminant husbandry is a major source of anthropogenic greenhouse gases (GHG). Filling knowledge gaps and providing expert recommendation are important for defining future research priorities, improving methodologies and establishing science-based GHG mitigation solutions to government and non-governmental organisations, advisory/extension networks, and the ruminant livestock sector. The objectives of this review is to summarize published literature to provide a detailed assessment of the methodologies currently in use for measuring enteric methane (CH4) emission from individual animals under specific conditions, and give recommendations regarding their application. The methods described include respiration chambers and enclosures, sulphur hexafluoride tracer (SF6) technique, and techniques based on short-term measurements of gas concentrations in samples of exhaled air. This includes automated head chambers (e.g. the GreenFeed system), the use of carbon dioxide (CO2) as a marker, and (handheld) laser CH4 detection. Each of the techniques are compared and assessed on their capability and limitations, followed by methodology recommendations. It is concluded that there is no ‘one size fits all’ method for measuring CH4 emission by individual animals. Ultimately, the decision as to which method to use should be based on the experimental objectives and resources available. However, the need for high throughput methodology e.g. for screening large numbers of animals for genomic studies, does not justify the use of methods that are inaccurate. All CH4 measurement techniques are subject to experimental variation and random errors. Many sources of variation must be considered when measuring CH4 concentration in exhaled air samples without a quantitative or at least regular collection rate, or use of a marker to indicate (or adjust) for the proportion of exhaled CH4 sampled. Consideration of the number and timing of measurements relative to diurnal patterns of CH4 emission and respiratory exchange are important, as well as consideration of feeding patterns and associated patterns of rumen fermentation rate and other aspects of animal behaviour. Regardless of the method chosen, appropriate calibrations and recovery tests are required for both method establishment and routine operation. Successful and correct use of methods requires careful attention to detail, rigour, and routine self-assessment of the quality of the data they provide.
Neotropical forests have brought forth a large proportion of the world`s terrestrial biodiversity, but the underlying evolutionary mechanisms and their timing require further elucidation. Despite insights gained from phylogenetic studies, uncertainties about molecular clock rates have hindered efforts to determine the timing of diversification processes. Moreover, most molecular research has been detached from the extensive body of data on Neotropical geology and paleogeography. We here examine phylogenetic relationships and the timing of speciation events in a Neotropical flycatcher genus (Myiopagis) by using calibrations from modern geologic data in conjunction with a number of recently developed DNA sequence dating algorithms and by comparing these estimates with those based on a range of previously proposed molecular clock rates. We present a well-supported hypothesis of systematic relationships within the genus. Our age estimates of Myiopagis speciation events based on paleogeographic data are in close agreement with nodal ages derived from a ""traditional"" avian mitochondrial 2%/My clock, while contradicting other clock rates. Our comparative approach corroborates the consistency of the traditional avian mitochondrial clock rate of 2%/My for tyrant-flycatchers. Nevertheless, our results argue against the indiscriminate use of molecular clock rates in evolutionary research and advocate the verification of the appropriateness of the traditional clock rate by means of independent calibrations in individual studies. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The main objective of this paper is to discuss maximum likelihood inference for the comparative structural calibration model (Barnett, in Biometrics 25:129-142, 1969), which is frequently used in the problem of assessing the relative calibrations and relative accuracies of a set of p instruments, each designed to measure the same characteristic on a common group of n experimental units. We consider asymptotic tests to answer the outlined questions. The methodology is applied to a real data set and a small simulation study is presented.
This paper describes a new mechanical samples positioning system that allows the safe placement and removal of biological samples for prolonged irradiation, in a nuclear reactor during full-power continuous operation. Also presented herein the materials of construction and operating principles. Additionally, this sample positioning system is compared with an existing pneumatic and automated transfer system, already available at the research reactors. The system consists of a mechanical arm with a claw, which can deliver the samples for irradiations without reactor shutdown. It was installed in the lEA-R1 research reactor at Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN), Sao Paulo, Brazil, and for the past 5 years, the system has successfully operated and allowed the conducting of important experiments. As a result of its introduction, the facility has been in a position to positively respond to the increased demand in studies of biology, medicine, physics, engineering, detector/dosimeter calibrations, etc. It is one example of the appropriated technologies that save energy and resources. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The influence of the sample matrix in the CC-electron-capture detection analysis of the pesticides dimethoate, diazinon, chlorothalonil.. parathion methyl and fenitrothion in fruits samples has been studied. Experiments have been carried out where the pesticide responses in standard solutions prepared in selected solvent were compared with their response when present in apple, mango, papaya, banana, pineapple and melon extracts. The presence of matrix effects (MEs) and their extent were shown to be simultaneously influenced by several factors (matrix concentration, matrix type, pesticide concentration, analytical range). Pronounced MEs were observed particularly for dimethoate and diazinon in all matrices tested; in lower concentrations, all pesticides presented significant ME. The other pesticides presented variable ME. Higher ME enhancement was detected at lower pesticide concentration levels of and/or at higher matrix concentration solutions. The ME detected for fenitrothion, in the analytical range evaluated, were dependent on matrix type. For each pesticide, solvent and matrix-matched calibrations were compared for all fruit samples, and it could be concluded that quantitation based on standard solutions prepared in blank matrix extract (matrix-matched calibration) should be used to compensate the MEs and to obtain more accurate results for the pesticides studied.
The article suggests a new test for strong hysteresis in international trade. The variables that capture the effects of hysteresis are based on the model of Dixit (1989) with calibrations using a state-space model to determine the parameters for each point in time. These variables are then applied to a cointegration test with breaks, where it is possible to verify whether the hysteresis effect is essential in determining the long-term equilibrium.
Este trabalho objetiva estimar uma série trimestral para a taxa de juros real neutra brasileira via modelo de Equilíbrio Geral Dinâmico Estocástico (DSGE), para o período compreendido entre o primeiro trimestre de 2000 e o último de 2011. O modelo representa uma economia fechada, com famílias maximizando utilidade do tipo CRRA, firmas maximizando lucro em um mercado de concorrência imperfeita e um governo com política fiscal de orçamento equilibrado e regra de política monetária à la Taylor, em um contexto de rigidez de preços. Neste arcabouço, a taxa de juros real neutra foi calculada com base nos choques de produtividade e de gastos de governo, que foram considerados os mais relevantes para a economia brasileira. Adicionalmente, analisou-se o impacto dos choques de produtividade e gastos do governo sobre a taxa neutra, assim como seu comportamento ao longo do período estimado e sua sensibilidade a calibragens alternativas. Por fim, ao comparar o comportamento do hiato de taxa de juros vis-à-vis à inflação, encontramos correlações negativas de 56% e 83% para todo o período estimado e para uma amostra mais recente (do primeiro trimestre de 2006 até o último de 2011), respectivamente, indicando certa consistência na série obtida.
A atual crise econômica internacional mostrou que o combate a hiatos do produto utilizando apenas a política monetária pode não ser suficiente. Neste contexto, questões sobre a eficácia de estímulos fiscais temporários como política anticíclica foram levantadas, e adicionalmente quais estímulos fiscais seriam mais benéficos às economias. Este trabalho desenvolveu um modelo estrutural DSGE com características e calibrações para a economia brasileira. O objetivo era realizar um exercício com choques fiscais expansionistas, de modo a analisar seus multiplicadores fiscais. Os resultados sugerem que o impacto de gastos correntes do governo obteve melhor multiplicador fiscal, tanto no curto quanto no longo prazo, porém teve efeitos acumulativos decrescentes. Por outro lado, o choque de diminuição da alíquota dos impostos sobre consumo obteve baixos multiplicadores fiscais a curto prazo, porém com efeitos crescentes a longo prazo, alcançando multiplicadores de longo prazo similares aos dos gastos do governo.
This work presents a set of intelligent algorithms with the purpose of correcting calibration errors in sensors and reducting the periodicity of their calibrations. Such algorithms were designed using Artificial Neural Networks due to its great capacity of learning, adaptation and function approximation. Two approaches willbe shown, the firstone uses Multilayer Perceptron Networks to approximate the many shapes of the calibration curve of a sensor which discalibrates in different time points. This approach requires the knowledge of the sensor s functioning time, but this information is not always available. To overcome this need, another approach using Recurrent Neural Networks was proposed. The Recurrent Neural Networks have a great capacity of learning the dynamics of a system to which it was trained, so they can learn the dynamics of a sensor s discalibration. Knowingthe sensor s functioning time or its discalibration dynamics, it is possible to determine how much a sensor is discalibrated and correct its measured value, providing then, a more exact measurement. The algorithms proposed in this work can be implemented in a Foundation Fieldbus industrial network environment, which has a good capacity of device programming through its function blocks, making it possible to have them applied to the measurement process
O sistema tradicional para estimativas de safra utiliza-se de relatórios técnicos de fontes diversas. A coleta de informações, se inicia antes da época do plantio e as estimativas são vendo ajustadas de acordo com o desenvolvimento das culturas. O trabalho em questão, pretende mostrar as possibilidades do filme infravermelho colorido na estimativa de safra para a cultura do milho. As informações quantitativas foram obtidas através da densitometria de transmissão. Os trabalhos foram conduzidos na Fazenda Experimental São Manuel da Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas - Campus de Botucatu - UNESP. Os seis tratamentos consistiram em doses diferenciais de adubo, prevendo prováveis quedas em produção. A cultura foi fotografada com filme colorido (Kodak Ektachrome 64 ASA) e infravermelho colorido (Kodak Ektachrome Infrared Film) e a densidade ótica medida em um microdensitômetro de transmissão marca Weston, modelo 877 e abertura de 0,8 mm. Para avaliar a interação entre Produção e Densidade Ótica, utilizou-se das análises de correlação e regressão linear. A análise dos resultados permitiram as seguintes conclusões principais: a) Desde que se faça as necessárias calibrações, o filme infravermelho pode ser utilizado na estimativa de safra para a cultura do milho; b) A utilização do densitômetro de transmissão, para a interpretação quantitativa dos resultados, revelou-se importante sugerindo a aplicação do método em outros tipos de culturas.
New analyses have been performed in order to enhance the data-set on the independent ages of four glasses that have been proposed as reference materials for fission-track dating. The results are as follows. Moldavite - repeated (40)Ar/(39)Ar age determinations on samples from deposits from Bohemia and Moravia yielded an average of 14.34 +/- 0.08 Ma. This datum agrees with other recent determinations and is significantly younger than the (40)Ar/(39)Ar age of 15.21 +/- 0.15 Ma determined in the early 1980s. Macusanite (Peru) -four K-Ar ages ranging from 5.44 +/- 0.06 to 5.72 +/- 0.12 Ma have been published previously. New (40)Ar/(39)Ar ages gave an average of 5.12 +/- 0.04 Ma. Plateau fission-track ages determined using the IRMM-540 certified glass and U and Th thin films for neutron fluence measurements agree better with these new (40)Ar/(39)Ar ages than the previously published ages. Roccastrada glass (Italy) - a new (40)Ar/(39)Ar age, 2.45 +/- 0.04 Ma, is consistent with previous determinations. The Quiron obsidian (Argentina) is a recently discovered glass that has been proposed as an additional reference material for its high spontaneous track density (around 100 000 cm(-2)). Defects that might produce spurious tracks are virtually absent. An independent (40)Ar/(39)Ar age of 8.77 +/- 0.09 Ma was determined and is recommended for this glass. We believe that these materials, which will be distributed upon request to fission-track groups, will be very useful for testing system calibrations and experimental procedures.
A method is proposed for the simultaneous determination of Al, As, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Ni in fuel ethanol by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (ETAAS) using W-Rh permanent modifier together with Pd(NO3)(2) + Mg(NO3)(2) conventional modifier. The integrated platform of a transversely heated graphite atomizer (THGA) was treated with tungsten, followed by rhodium, forming a deposit containing 250 mug W + 200 mug Rh. A 500-muL, volume of fuel ethanol was diluted with 500 muL, of 0.14 mol L-1 HNO3 in an autosampler cup of the spectrometer. Then, 20 muL, of the diluted ethanol was introduced into the pretreated graphite platform followed by the introduction of 5 mug Pd(NO3)(2) + 3 mug Mg(NO3)(2). The injection of this modifier was required to improve arsenic and iron recoveries in fuel ethanol. Calibrations were carried out using multi-element reference solutions prepared in diluted ethanol (1 + 1, v/v) acidified to 0. 14 mol L-1 HNO3. The pyrolysis and atomization temperatures of the heating program were 1200degreesC and 2200degreesC, respectively, which were obtained with multielement reference solutions in acidic diluted ethanol (1 + 1, v/v; 0. 14 mol L-1 HNO3). The characteristic masses for the simultaneous determination in ethanol fuel were 78 pg Al, 33 pg As, 10 pg Cu, 14 pg Fe, 7 pg Mn, and 24 pg Ni. The lifetime of the pretreated tube was about 700 firings. The detection limits (D.L.) were 1.9 mug L-1 Al, 2.9 mug L-1 As, 0.57 mug L-1.Cu, 1.3 mug L-1 Fe, 0.40 mug L-1 Mn, and 1.3 mug L-1 Ni. The relative standard deviations (n = 12) were 4%, 4%, 3%, 1.5%, 1.2%, and 2.2% for Al, As, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Ni, respectively. The recoveries of Al, As, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Ni added to the fuel ethanol samples varied from 81% to 95%, 80% to 98%, 97% to 109%, 85% to 107%, 98% to 106% and 97% to 103%, respectively. Accuracy was checked for the Al, As, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Ni determination in 10 samples purchased at a local gas station in Araraquara-SP City, Brazil. A paired t-test showed that at the 95% confidence level the results were in agreement with those obtained by single-element ETAAS.
Two wafers of the NIST (formerly NBS) glass standard SRM 612 recently irradiated have been compared to the pre-irradiated wafers RT3 and RT4 of glass SRM 962-7, stored for 9 years at 5°C, and SRM 962, stored for 20 years at room temperature. Track area densities on internal surfaces of the glass as well as track size measurements suggest that (1) the old SRM 962 and the more recent SRM 962a calibrations are consistent and (2) annealing of the fission tracks in the pre-irradiated wafers is negligible. This last experimental result enables a direct comparison of contemporary and previous fission track age calibrations. © 1995.
Temporal and spatial acoustic intensity (SATA) of therapeutic ultrasound (US) equipment should be monitored periodically. In order to evaluate the conditions of US equipment in use in the city of Piracicaba-Sao Paulo, Brazil, 31 machines - representing all Brazilian manufacturers - were analysed under continuous and pulsed conditions at a frequency of 1 MHz. Data about temporal and spatial acoustic intensity were collected and the use of equipment was surveyed. Intensities of 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0 Wcm -2, indicated on the equipment panel were analysed using a previously calibrated digital radiation pressure scale, model UPM-DT-1 (Ohmic Instruments Co). The acoustic intensity (I) results were expressed as superior and inferior quartile ranges for transducers with metal surfaces of 9 cm 2 and an effective radiation area (ERA) Of 4 cm 2. The results under continuous conditions were: I 0.1 = -20.0% and -96%. I 0.2 = -3.1% and -83.7%. I 0.5 = -35.0% and -86.5%. I 0.8 = -37.5% and -71.0%. I 2.5 = -49.0% and -69.5%. I 3.0 = -58.1% and -77.6%. For pulsed conditions, intensities were: I 0.1 = -40.0% and -86.2%. I 1.0 = -50.0% and -86.5%. I 1.5 = -62.5% and -82.5%. I 2.0 = -62.5% and -81.6%. I 2.5 = -64.7% and -88.8%. I 3.0 = -87.1% and -94.8%. In reply to the questionnaire drawn up to check the conditions of use of equipment, all users reported the use of hydrosoluble gel as a coupling medium and none had carried out previous calibrations. Most users used intensities in the range of 0.4. to 1.0 Wcm -2 and used machines for 300 to 400 minutes per week. The majority of machines had been bought during the previous seven years and weekly use ranged from less than 100 minutes to 700 minutes (11 hours 40 minutes). Findings confirm previous observations of discrepancy between the intensity indicated on the equipment panel and that emitted by the transducer and highlight the necessity for periodic evaluations of US equipment.
The University of British Columbia (UBC) began performing piezocone penetration tests (CPTU) with electrical resistivity measurements (RCPTU) in 1989. Since then, RCPTU research at UBC has focused on obtaining geo-environmental parameters such as fluid resistivity and soil engineering properties such as porosity and degree of saturation from measurements of bulk soil electrical resistivity using the empirical relationship proposed by Archie (1942). Within this framework, the paper illustrates and discusses important design and calibration issues for resistivity modules such as the use of isolated circuitry to achieve linear calibrations over large ranges of resistivity. The suitability of RCPTU measurements for determination of geo-environmental and geotechnical parameters are assessed using typical ranges of soil and groundwater properties and methods of isolating individual factors for study are discussed. Illustrative examples of RCPTU research efforts including the environmental characterization of mine tailings, delineation of saline water intrusions in fresh water aquifers and the quality control of geotechnical ground densification are presented throughout the text. It is shown that groundwater temperature and hence ion mobility is not significantly altered by frictional heat generated during piezocone penetration and that ratio-based approaches to monitoring soil porosity can be used to eliminate the requirement for extensive groundwater sampling programs. Lastly, it is shown that RCPTU measurements above the water table can only be made using resistivity modules that are stable over a large range of resistivities and that such measurements are the most difficult to interpret because of grain surface conduction effects and generally unknown fluid resistivities.