987 resultados para Calibration en flux - Galaxies : cinématique


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Le présent rapport constitue une première présentation des résultats de l'Etude pilote des apports en contaminants par la Seine. Il est consacré aux métaux et à l'arsenic et traite de leurs niveaux de concentration, de leurs variations saisonnières et des flux à l'estuaire. Il comporte des fiches-annexes qui contiennent les méthodes de prélèvement, de filtration et de dosage ainsi que des résumés des résultats. A partir des conclusions, des recommandations sont faites quant aux méthodes à privilégier pour tirer les meilleurs enseignements du suivi des contaminants métalliques et de l'arsenic à la limite amont de l'estuaire de la Seine. Les données contenues dans ce rapport ont été produites par la Cellule de lutte contre la pollution (Service de navigation de la Seine), le laboratoire Chimie des contaminants et modélisation (IFREMER) et le Laboratoire municipal et régional de Rouen.


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La réalisation de l’évaluation environnementale, en France, est encouragée par l’existence de règlements, lois, directives et normes Européennes (notamment la Directive 2001/42/CE du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 27 juin 2001 relative à l'évaluation des incidences de certains plans et programmes sur l'environnement et la Loi n° 2015-992 du 17 août 2015 relative à la transition énergétique pour la croissance verte). La compréhension du cadre Drivers – Pressures – State – Impacts – Responses permet de replacer les différentes méthodologies dans un cadre conceptuel plus large. Les méthodes d’analyse de flux de matières (Pressures) et d’analyse de cycle de vie (Impacts) sont les deux familles d’évaluation environnementale considérées dans ce travail. C’est plus précisément l’analyse de flux de matières selon Eurostat et l’analyse de cycle de vie territoriale qui ont été appliquées au territoire métropolitain d’Aix-Marseille-Provence. Un état de l’art relevant les études dans lesquelles sont réalisées des analyses de flux de matières a pu montrer que cette famille de méthodes informe sur le métabolisme des territoires à partir de différents types de flux. L’importance des flux indirects et des ressources minérales dans les métabolismes a ainsi été démontrée. Du côté des études analysant les cycles de vie sur les territoires, comme c’est le cas dans l’analyse de cycle de vie territoriale, la distinction faite entre les impacts et dommages, directs ou globaux, permet d’offrir des recommandations ciblées, améliorant la qualité de vie des citoyens. La mise en œuvre de ces deux méthodes sur le territoire métropolitain a mis en évidence l’importance dominante des flux indirects liés aux importations et exportations que génèrent les activités du territoire, elles-mêmes fortement influencées par la présence du port de Marseille-Fos. L’activité pétrochimique, qui caractérise elle aussi la métropole, est une grande consommatrice de combustibles fossiles, ce qui se reflète dans les volumes de flux calculés et leurs impacts associés. Les deux méthodologies s’avèrent complémentaires, chacune ayant ses forces et faiblesses respectives. Pour l’analyse de cycle de vie, la pensée cycle de vie et la prise en compte de la qualité de la matière, d’une part, et la facilité d’application et la marge d’erreur réduite de l’analyse de flux de matières, d’autre part, en plus de leurs résultats complémentaires, justifient un usage hybride pour la prise d’actions ciblées. En effet, la collecte commune des données rend intéressante leur exploitation et l’interprétation croisée de leurs résultats.


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Dans un contexte environnemental anthropisé, fragmenté et soumis à un changement climatique rapide, l’appréhension des processus d'adaptation locale des organismes marins par l'étude de zones de contact entre taxa proches constitue une approche privilégiée. Dans ces zones, des génotypes hybrides persistent malgré un état de maladaptation liée à des incompatibilités génétiques endogènes et/ou des barrières exogènes. L'histoire biogéographique complexe de la telline baltique Macoma balthica fait émerger quatre zones hybrides européennes, dont l'une, localisée autour de la Pointe Finistère (France), est le résultat d’un contact entre deux stocks génétiques ayant divergé en allopatrie. Ces divergences sont susceptibles de rompre la coadaptation entre génomes nucléaire et mitochondrial en raison de l'émergence d'incompatibilités mitonucléaires (MNIs). Ainsi, les sous-unités protéiques des cinq complexes de la chaine OXPHO sont codées à la fois par des gènes nucléaires et mitochondriaux, et une coévolution intergénomique étroite est requise pour maintenir la production énergétique cellulaire. De précédentes données de transcriptomique dévoilent de probables MNIs chez M. balthica au niveau des complexes respiratoires I et V, Afin d’apporter des éléments de compréhension aux mécanismes de maintien des zones hybrides dans un contexte de pression anthropique, le présent travail se propose de tester l'hypothèse de putatives MNIs dans cette zone de contact. Pour cela, (i) six mitogénomes correspondant à cinq lignées haplotypiques divergentes en Europe ont été séquencés et l'architecture génomique a été étudiée conjointement à une cartographie des mutations des 13 gènes mitochondriaux, (ii) le niveau de transcription de 5 gènes nucléaires et 8 gènes mitochondriaux (complexe I à V) des individus hybrides a été comparé à celui des lignées parentales après détermination du statut d'hybridation de chaque individu (six populations françaises). A défaut d'apporter des éléments de réponses concrets quant à l'existence de MNIs chez M. balthica, et ses répercussions évolutives en terme de dépression d'hybridation, ce travail constitue un tremplin vers une étude approfondie de la zone hybride française en développant de nouveaux outils moléculaires, et de solides techniques expérimentales pour la conduite de futurs croisements artificiels.


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This paper aims to provide aperture corrections for emission lines in a sample of spiral galaxies from the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area Survey (CALIFA) database. In particular, we explore the behavior of the log([O III] λ5007/Hβ)/([N II] λ6583/Hα) (O3N2) and log[N II] lambda 6583/Hα (N2) flux ratios since they are closely connected to different empirical calibrations of the oxygen abundances in star-forming galaxies. We compute the median growth curves of Hα, Hα/Hβ, O3N2, and N-2 up to 2.5R(50) and 1.5 disk R-eff. These distances cover most of the optical spatial extent of the CALIFA galaxies. The growth curves simulate the effect of observing galaxies through apertures of varying radii. We split these growth curves by morphological types and stellar masses to check if there is any dependence on these properties. The median growth curve of the Hα flux shows a monotonous increase with radius with no strong dependence on galaxy inclination, morphological type, and stellar mass. The median growth curve of the Hα/HβH ratio monotonically decreases from the center toward larger radii, showing for small apertures a maximum value of ≈10% larger than the integrated one. It does not show any dependence on inclination, morphological type, and stellar mass. The median growth curve of N-2 shows a similar behavior, decreasing from the center toward larger radii. No strong dependence is seen on the inclination, morphological type, and stellar mass. Finally, the median growth curve of O3N2 increases monotonically with radius, and it does not show dependence on the inclination. However, at small radii it shows systematically higher values for galaxies of earlier morphological types and for high stellar mass galaxies. Applying our aperture corrections to a sample of galaxies from the SDSS survey at 0.02 ≤ z ≤ 0.3 shows that the average difference between fiber-based and aperture-corrected oxygen abundances, for different galaxy stellar mass and redshift ranges, reaches typically to ≈11%, depending on the abundance calibration used. This average difference is found to be systematically biased, though still within the typical uncertainties of oxygen abundances derived from empirical calibrations. Caution must be exercised when using observations of galaxies for small radii (e.g., below 0.5 R_eff) given the high dispersion shown around the median growth curves. Thus, the application of these median aperture corrections to derive abundances for individual galaxies is not recommended when their fluxes come from radii much smaller than either R_50 or R_eff.


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La dynamique sédimentaire à l’embouchure de l’estuaire de Seine est principalement contrôlée par les forçages hydrométéorologiques (débit, vent, vagues, marée) et les fortes pressions anthropiques (endiguement, dragage, clapage). La compréhension et la quantification de la dynamique des flux sédimentaires en suspension (sable/vase) est un enjeu majeur, autant d’un point vu écologique (ex. turbidité, envasement) que financier (ex. gestion des chenaux de navigation). La mise en place de réseaux de mesure in situ permet une meilleure compréhension de la dynamique sédimentaire de l’estuaire, mais leur caractère local rend difficile toute estimation des flux et bilans sédimentaires. Pour répondre à ces questions, cette étude s’appuie sur la modélisation numérique, validée par de nombreuses séries de mesures in situ, afin de quantifier les flux et bilans sédimentaires à différentes échelles caractéristiques de temps et d'espace. Les concentrations simulées dans la zone d'extension du bouchon vaseux sont du même ordre que les observations et leur dynamique associée aux différentes phases et cycles de la marée, ainsi qu'au cycle hydrologique, est satisfaisante. L’analyse des flux résiduels et bilans sédimentaires aux échelles annuelle et trimestrielle a permis d’identifier un schéma de circulation à l’embouchure de l’estuaire et de quantifier l’importance du forçage hydrologique (crue/étiage) sur les échanges sédimentaires. Enfin, ce travail se poursuivra par l’étude de ces flux et bilans pour différents scénarios hydrométéorologiques contrastés.


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The electron Volt Spectrometer (eVS) is an inverse geometry filter difference spectrometer that has been optimised to measure the single atom properties of condensed matter systems using a technique known as Neutron Compton Scattering (NCS) or Deep Inelastic Neutron Scattering (DINS). The spectrometer utilises the high flux of epithermal neutrons that are produced by the ISIS neutron spallation source enabling the direct measurement of atomic momentum distributions and ground state kinetic energies. In this paper the procedure that is used to calibrate the spectrometer is described. This includes details of the method used to determine detector positions and neutron flight path lengths as well as the determination of the instrument resolution. Examples of measurements on 3 different samples are shown, ZrH2, 4He and Sn which show the self-consistency of the calibration procedure.


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The electron Volt Spectrometer (eVS) is an inverse geometry filter difference spectrometer that has been optimised to measure the single atom properties of condensed matter systems using a technique known as Neutron Compton Scattering (NCS) or Deep Inelastic Neutron Scattering (DINS). The spectrometer utilises the high flux of epithermal neutrons that are produced by the ISIS neutron spallation source enabling the direct measurement of atomic momentum distributions and ground state kinetic energies. In this paper the procedure that is used to calibrate the spectrometer is described. This includes details of the method used to determine detector positions and neutron flight path lengths as well as the determination of the instrument resolution. Examples of measurements on 3 different samples are shown, ZrH2, 4He and Sn which show the self-consistency of the calibration procedure.


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The measurement of radon ((222)Rn) activity flux using activated charcoal canisters was examined to investigate the distribution of the adsorbed (222)Rn in the charcoal bed and the relationship between (222)Rn activity flux and exposure time. The activity flux of (222)Rn from five sources of varying strengths was measured for exposure times of one, two, three, five, seven, 10, and 14 days. The distribution of the adsorbed (222)Rn in the charcoal bed was obtained by dividing the bed into six layers and counting each layer separately after the exposure. (222)Rn activity decreased in the layers that were away from the exposed surface. Nevertheless, the results demonstrated that only a small correction might be required in the actual application of charcoal canisters for activity flux measurement, where calibration standards were often prepared by the uniform mixing of radium ((226)Ra) in the matrix. This was because the diffusion of (222)Rn in the charcoal bed and the detection efficiency as a function of the charcoal depth tended to counterbalance each other. The influence of exposure time on the measured (222)Rn activity flux was observed in two situations of the canister exposure layout: (a) canister sealed to an open bed of the material and (b) canister sealed over a jar containing the material. The measured (222)Rn activity flux decreased as the exposure time increased. The change in the former situation was significant with an exponential decrease as the exposure time increased. In the latter case, lesser reduction was noticed in the observed activity flux with respect to exposure time. This reduction might have been related to certain factors, such as absorption site saturation or the back diffusion of (222)Rn gas occurring at the canister-soil interface.


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The metabolism of an organism consists of a network of biochemical reactions that transform small molecules, or metabolites, into others in order to produce energy and building blocks for essential macromolecules. The goal of metabolic flux analysis is to uncover the rates, or the fluxes, of those biochemical reactions. In a steady state, the sum of the fluxes that produce an internal metabolite is equal to the sum of the fluxes that consume the same molecule. Thus the steady state imposes linear balance constraints to the fluxes. In general, the balance constraints imposed by the steady state are not sufficient to uncover all the fluxes of a metabolic network. The fluxes through cycles and alternative pathways between the same source and target metabolites remain unknown. More information about the fluxes can be obtained from isotopic labelling experiments, where a cell population is fed with labelled nutrients, such as glucose that contains 13C atoms. Labels are then transferred by biochemical reactions to other metabolites. The relative abundances of different labelling patterns in internal metabolites depend on the fluxes of pathways producing them. Thus, the relative abundances of different labelling patterns contain information about the fluxes that cannot be uncovered from the balance constraints derived from the steady state. The field of research that estimates the fluxes utilizing the measured constraints to the relative abundances of different labelling patterns induced by 13C labelled nutrients is called 13C metabolic flux analysis. There exist two approaches of 13C metabolic flux analysis. In the optimization approach, a non-linear optimization task, where candidate fluxes are iteratively generated until they fit to the measured abundances of different labelling patterns, is constructed. In the direct approach, linear balance constraints given by the steady state are augmented with linear constraints derived from the abundances of different labelling patterns of metabolites. Thus, mathematically involved non-linear optimization methods that can get stuck to the local optima can be avoided. On the other hand, the direct approach may require more measurement data than the optimization approach to obtain the same flux information. Furthermore, the optimization framework can easily be applied regardless of the labelling measurement technology and with all network topologies. In this thesis we present a formal computational framework for direct 13C metabolic flux analysis. The aim of our study is to construct as many linear constraints to the fluxes from the 13C labelling measurements using only computational methods that avoid non-linear techniques and are independent from the type of measurement data, the labelling of external nutrients and the topology of the metabolic network. The presented framework is the first representative of the direct approach for 13C metabolic flux analysis that is free from restricting assumptions made about these parameters.In our framework, measurement data is first propagated from the measured metabolites to other metabolites. The propagation is facilitated by the flow analysis of metabolite fragments in the network. Then new linear constraints to the fluxes are derived from the propagated data by applying the techniques of linear algebra.Based on the results of the fragment flow analysis, we also present an experiment planning method that selects sets of metabolites whose relative abundances of different labelling patterns are most useful for 13C metabolic flux analysis. Furthermore, we give computational tools to process raw 13C labelling data produced by tandem mass spectrometry to a form suitable for 13C metabolic flux analysis.


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Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are emitted into the atmosphere from natural and anthropogenic sources, vegetation being the dominant source on a global scale. Some of these reactive compounds are deemed major contributors or inhibitors to aerosol particle formation and growth, thus making VOC measurements essential for current climate change research. This thesis discusses ecosystem scale VOC fluxes measured above a boreal Scots pine dominated forest in southern Finland. The flux measurements were performed using the micrometeorological disjunct eddy covariance (DEC) method combined with proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry (PTR-MS), which is an online technique for measuring VOC concentrations. The measurement, calibration, and calculation procedures developed in this work proved to be well suited to long-term VOC concentration and flux measurements with PTR-MS. A new averaging approach based on running averaged covariance functions improved the determination of the lag time between wind and concentration measurements, which is a common challenge in DEC when measuring fluxes near the detection limit. The ecosystem scale emissions of methanol, acetaldehyde, and acetone were substantial. These three oxygenated VOCs made up about half of the total emissions, with the rest comprised of monoterpenes. Contrary to the traditional assumption that monoterpene emissions from Scots pine originate mainly as evaporation from specialized storage pools, the DEC measurements indicated a significant contribution from de novo biosynthesis to the ecosystem scale monoterpene emissions. This thesis offers practical guidelines for long-term DEC measurements with PTR-MS. In particular, the new averaging approach to the lag time determination seems useful in the automation of DEC flux calculations. Seasonal variation in the monoterpene biosynthesis and the detailed structure of a revised hybrid algorithm, describing both de novo and pool emissions, should be determined in further studies to improve biological realism in the modelling of monoterpene emissions from Scots pine forests. The increasing number of DEC measurements of oxygenated VOCs will probably enable better estimates of the role of these compounds in plant physiology and tropospheric chemistry. Keywords: disjunct eddy covariance, lag time determination, long-term flux measurements, proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry, Scots pine forests, volatile organic compounds


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By observing mergers of compact objects, future gravity wave experiments would measure the luminosity distance to a large number of sources to a high precision but not their redshifts. Given the directional sensitivity of an experiment, a fraction of such sources (gold plated) can be identified optically as single objects in the direction of the source. We show that if an approximate distance-redshift relation is known then it is possible to statistically resolve those sources that have multiple galaxies in the beam. We study the feasibility of using gold plated sources to iteratively resolve the unresolved sources, obtain the self-calibrated best possible distance-redshift relation and provide an analytical expression for the accuracy achievable. We derive the lower limit on the total number of sources that is needed to achieve this accuracy through self-calibration. We show that this limit depends exponentially on the beam width and give estimates for various experimental parameters representative of future gravitational wave experiments DECIGO and BBO.


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Calibration of the CCD camera of the 1-m telescope at the Vainu Bappu Observatory, Kavalur, to the BVR system is reported here based on the observations of stars in the 'dipper asterism' in the open cluster M 67 (NGC 2682). Transformations involving B and V have negligible colour terms, while those involving R are slightly colour dependent. The possibility of using scale-down R band fluxes to estimate the continuum flux at H-alpha is investigated by comparing the counts in R band with those through an interference filter centred at H-alpha. The scaling factor is found to remain constant over a wide range of colours. The sensitivity of the telescope-filter-CCD combination is estimated to be 2.0 per cent, 8.3 per cent and 9.7 per cent in B, V and R bands, respectively. The star F117 appears to be a small-amplitude (approximately 0.05 mag) variable.