993 resultados para Cabaceiras-PB
Os granitoides do Domínio Cambuci, na região limítrofe entre os estados do Rio de Janeiro e Espírito Santo, foram separados em quatro principais grupos: (1) Complexo Serra da Bolívia (CSB) - Ortogranulitos e Ortognaisses Heterogêneos; Ortognaisse Cinza Foliado; e charnockitos da Região de Monte Verde (2) Leucogranitos/leucocharnockitos gnaissificados da Suíte São João do Paraíso (SSJP) (3) Granito Cinza Foliado (4) Leucogranito isotrópico. O CSB é caracterizado pelo magmatismo de caráter calcioalcalino do tipo I, oriundo em ambiente de arco vulcânico (Suíte Monte Verde) e retrabalhamento crustal (ortogranulitos leucocráticos). O Ortogranulito esverdeado fino, é considerado no presente estudo como rocha do embasamento para o Terreno Oriental, cristalizada durante o paleoproterozoico - Riaciano (2184,3 21 Ma) e recristalizada durante o evento metamórfico Brasiliano no neoproterozoico - Edicariano (607,2 1,5 Ma), cuja idade TDM é de 2936 Ma. O Ortogranulito leucocrático médio cristalizou-se no neoproterozoico Edicariano (entre 592 e 609 Ma) e idade TDM ca. 2100 Ma, ao qual apresenta registro de herança no paleoproterozoico. A Suíte Monte Verde caracteriza-se por um magmatismo calcioalcalino e a Suíte Córrego Fortaleza, por um magmatismo calcioalcalino de alto K, ambas com assinatura de arco magmático. Registram dois pulsos magmáticos, em no Neoproterozoico - Edicarano: um em 592 2 Ma, idade do charnoenderbito, com idade TDM 1797 Ma, e outro em 571,2 1,8 Ma (injeção de um charnockitoide). Para todas as rochas do CSB são registradas feições protomiloníticas, miloníticas e localmente ultramiloníticas. Os dados geoquímicos indicam que os granitoides da SSJP são da série calcioalcalina de alto K, gerados no Neoproterozoico (idades que variam desde 610,3 4,7 Ma até, 592,2 1,3 Ma. As idades TDM revelam valores discrepantes para duas amostras: 1918 Ma e 2415 Ma, sugerindo que tenham sido geradas de diferentes fontes. O Granito Cinza Foliado é da Série Shoshonítica, metaluminoso do tipo I e, de ambiência tectônica de granitos intraplaca. Entretanto, poderiam ter sido fomados em ambiente de arco cordilheirano, havendo contaminação de outras fontes crustais. Fato este pode ser confirmado pelas as idades TDM calculadas ≈ 1429 1446 Ma. O Leucogranito isotrópico ocorre em forma de diques de direção NW, possui textura maciça e é inequigranular. Dados geoquímicos revelam que são granitoides metaluminosos do tipo I da série shoshonítica, e, de acordo com a ambiência tectônica, são granitos intraplaca. O Leucogranito Isotrópico representa o magmatismo pós-colisional ao qual ocorreu entre 80 a 90 Ma de anos após o término do evento colisional na região central da Faixa Ribeira. O Leucogranito Issotrópico cristalizou-se no cambriano (512,3 3,3 Ma e 508,6 2,2 Ma) e com idades TDM ca. 1900
A intrusão alcalina do Marapicu é uma intrusão localizada no maciço Marapicu-Gericinó-Mendanha situado na região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro. Este maciço é formado por dois corpos alcalinos: Marapicu e Mendanha que fazem parte do lineamento magmático Poços de Caldas-Cabo Frio. Este lineamento inclui dezenas de corpos ígneos alcalinos de idade Cretácea com uma direção preferencial WNW-ESE. Os litotipos mais abundantes do Maciço Marapicu são representados por nefelina sienitos e sienitos de caráter plutônico, além de, fonolitos caracterizados por intrusões rasas geralmente em forma de diques. Além desses litotipos foram amostradas duas rochas com características químicas de magma parental (lamprófiro e fonolito tefrítico), porém, essas duas amostras não apresentam relação genética com as demais. Também foi amostrado um nefelina sienito que possui sodalita azul como feldspatóide, sendo assim, chamado de nefelina sodalita sienito. Entre os fonolitos coletados para esse trabalho, uma amostra apresenta granada melanita em sua assembleia mineralógica, e esta foi então denominada melanita fonolito. Quimicamente as rochas do Marapicu formam uma série alcalina predominantemente insaturada em sílica, miaskítica e metaluminosa. Dentro desta série se observam duas suítes sendo uma potássica (predominante) e outra sódica. A evolução química do corpo se deu por processo de cristalização fracionada com ou sem assimilação de crosta continental provavelmente dentro de uma fonte mantélica enriquecida. Duas idades de cristalização foram obtidas para o Maciço do Marapicu sendo uma idade 40Ar/39Ar de 80,46 0,58 Ma em hornblenda, e uma idade U-Pb em zircão bastante concordante de 78,0 2,1 Ma. Os dados apresentados aqui em conjunto com dados da literatura apontam para dois modelos geodinâmicos de geração dos corpos alcalinos do sudeste brasileiro, um considera a existência de uma pluma mantélica gerada na astenosfera, o outro tem por base a hipótese de flexura crustal e considera que a carga de sedimentos depositados na plataforma continental exerceria esforços que provocariam fraturas profundas permitindo a ascenção desses magmas. O presente trabalho vem para contribuir no entendimento do alojamento dos corpos alcalinos do sudeste brasileiro através do estudo especifico do Maciço Marapicu em conjunto com dados da literatura
Shells and shell fragments were the principal constituents of the core sediment taken from LakeMariut. Their trace metals were studied to assess their contribution to environmental adjustment. The results indicated that the shells of Biomphalaria alexandrina, Mercierella enigmatica and Melanoida tuberculate contain higher amounts of Cu and Zn than the widely distributed shells of Lucina sp. and Cerastoderma edule. The Pb contents found in different types of shells were higher than the other metals. The Cd contents found in different shell types were the most important fraction in comparison to the total Cd in the sediments of the lake. The relationship between the concentrations of trace metals and mineralogical analysis revealed that lead tended to be more concentrated in aragonite than in calcite.
Biological studies and heavy metal (Ni, v, Fe, Pb,Cd) determination in liver, gonad and muscle of Scomberomorus commerson were carried out from Oct 2006 to Sept 2007 in Hormozgan coastal waters. 599 Samples were gutted for reproduction and nutrition studies, fork length and weight were measured to nearest cm and g respectively. Meanwhile 40 samples were also investigated for heavy metal studies. All specimens were collected from two major landing sites (Bandar Lengeh & Bandar Abbas). Minimums & maximum fork length & weight were 29, 128 cm & 235 and 15350 g respectively.Isometric growth was shown according to our study and b was estimated 2.9 (overall), 2.91(male) & 2.89 (female). The average relative gut length was 0.52± 0.007 and it was determined that S. commerson is a carnivorous. More than 99 percent of gut content was different teleost fishes. Gastro somatic index had two peaks in Nov & Jan (before spawning) and with a decreased trend in July, the spawning period. Occurrence of empty stomach was estimated % 65.77. Maximum amount of condition factor was in Dec. Spawning season was started from June. The average of Absolute & relative fecundity (to weight unit) was 1217149±179315 and 178.2±15.58 respectively. Lm50% was estimated 75 cm for females. Sex ratio was 0.97: 1 (male: female). Chi- Square test showed no significant difference (p>0.05). Maximum amount of hepatosomatic index was estimated in March.Metal concentrations were determined using either Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (for Fe) or Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (for Pb,Cd,Ni and V). The mean concentration (μg/g dry weight)of Pb,Cd,Ni,V and Fe in the liver were 0.0309, 0.0268, 0.0672, 0.0077, 2.5159 in the gonad 0.0440 ,0.0295, 0.1096, 0.0000, 1.4449 and in the muscle 0.0244, 0.0324, 0.0656, 0.0128, 1.6138 respectively. The maximum metal concentrations were below the maximum permissible limits for human consumption recommended by the USEPA, WHO and the UK. The results of Kendall's Tau-b correlation coefficient were as follows: The Liver tissue: There were significant positive linear relationships between accumulation of V, Fe, and Pb with Fork length, Pb and Fe with weight, GSI with Pb, Cd, V and 109 Fe, and a negative linear relationships between HSI with accumulation of V and Fe, Fork length, weight and GSI. The Gonad tissue: There were significant positive linear relationships between GSI with accumulation of Pb, Cd, Fe, Fork length and weight, a negative linear relationship between HSI with Fork length, weight and GSI. The Muscle tissue: There were significant positive linear relationships between accumulations of V, Fe with Fork length and weight factors and as well as GSI with Cd, V, Fe, Pb, Fork length and weight,a negative linear relationship between HSI with Fork length, weight, Cd, Fe and GSI. The results of Mann-Whitney U tests (P≤0.05) show that there were significant differences between summer and autumn from heavy metal contents in the studied tissues point of view. The only exceptions were for Ni in the liver, gonads and muscle and as well as there were significant differences between male and female from heavy metal contents in the studied tissues. The only exceptions were for Pb in muscle, Ni in liver, gonad and muscle, V in muscle, and Cd and Fe in gonads.
Trace elements associated with organic subfractions (humic, fulvic, and non-humic substances) were identified for seven core sediments from Lake Mariut, Egypt. Results indicated that the amounts of trace metals in humic acid and non-humic substances decreased in the following order: Zn>Cu>Pb>Cr>Cd, while in fulvic acid the order the order was Cu>Zn>Pb>Cr>Cd. There is a higher contribution of Zn, Pb, Cu and Cr in humic acid compared to fulvic acid in most samples. Slight changes in the amounts of cadmium bounded with humic and fulvic acids was also found.
研究了不同Pb2+浓度(0.1、1、10、50、100、200、400 mg/L)处理对绿球藻(Chlorococcum sp.)生长、形态结构及生理特性的影响。与对照BG11培养的绿球藻比较,Pb2+浓度≤50 mg/L条件下培养的绿球藻细胞壁无明显增厚,色素变化不大;而暴露到Pb2+浓度>50 mg/L条件下培养,绿球藻细胞壁明显增厚,蛋白核消失。低浓度Pb2+(0.1~10 mg/L)对绿球藻生长基本没有影响;浓度在50 mg/L时,绿球藻仍能维持一定的生长速率;但当Pb2+浓度≥100 mg/L时
对采自东湖 站和 站的沉积物采用210Pb和137Cs相结合的方法测定沉积速率,210Pb法测出东湖 站和 站的沉积速率为8.73mm/a和6.90mm/a,137Cs测出东湖 站和 站的沉积速率为7.4mm/a和5.8mm/a.分析了两种方法测定结果差异产生的原因,并与以往的研究相对比,探讨东湖沉积速率空间分布的规律性,沉积速率变化与人类活动的关系、沉积速率与扰动的关系.
The residual stresses in Pb(Zr
Significant reduction of the bulk resistivity in a ferroelectric Pb(Zr 0.45Ti0.55)O3 thin film is observed before the remnant polarization started to decrease noticeably at the onset of its fatigue switching process. It is associated with the increase of charge carriers within the central bulk region of the film. The decrease of bulk resistivity would result in the increase of Joule heating effect, improving the temperature of the thin film, which is evaluated by the heat conduction analysis. The Joule heating effect in turn accelerates the polarization reduction, i.e. fatigue. Enhancing the heat dissipation of a ferroelectric capacitor is shown to be able to improve the device's fatigue endurance effectively. © 2013 Chinese Physical Society and IOP Publishing Ltd.
The residual stresses in Pb(Zr0.3Ti0.7)O3 thin films were measured by the sin2 Ψ method using the normal X-ray incidence. The spacing of different planes (hkl) parallel to the film surface were converted to the spacing of a set of inclined planes (100). The angles between (100) and (hkl) were equivalent to the tilting angles of (100) from the normal of film surface. The residual stresses were extracted from the linear slope of the strain difference between the equivalent inclined direction and normal direction with respect to the sin2 Ψ. The results were in consistency with that derived from the conventional sin2 Ψ method. © 2013 The Japan Society of Applied Physics.
The performance of a wetland system in treating lead (Pb)/zinc (Zn) mine drainage was evaluated by using the polyurethane foam unit (PFU) microbial community (method), which has been adopted by China as a standardized procedure for monitoring water quality. The wetland system consisted of four cells with three dominant plants: Typha latifolia, Phragmites australis and Paspalum distichum. Physicochemical characteristics [pH, EC, content of total suspended solid (TSS) and metals (Pb, Zn, Cd, and Cu)] and PFU microbial community in water samples had been investigated from seven sampling sites. The results indicated that the concentrations of Pb, Zn, Cd, Cu, and TSS in the mine drainage were gradually reduced from the inlet to the outlet of the wetland system and 99%, 98%, 75%, 83%, and 68% of these metals and TSS respectively, had been reduced in concentration after the drainage passed through the wetland system. A total of 105 protozoan species were identified, the number of protozoa species and the diversity index (DI) gradually increased, while the heterotrophic index (HI) gradually decreased from the inlet to the outlet of the wetland system. The results indicated that DI, HI, and total number species of protozoa could be used as biological indicators indicating the improvement of water quality.