961 resultados para Ca2 Channels
Il nucleo accumbens (NAc), il maggior componente del sistema mesocorticolimbico, coinvolto nella mediazione delle propriet di rinforzo e nella dipendenza da diverse sostanze dabuso. Le sinapsi glutammatergiche del NAc possono esprimere plasticit, tra cui una forma di depressione a lungo termine (LTD) dipendente dagli endocannabinoidi (eCB). Recenti studi hanno dimostrato uninterazione tra le vie di segnalazione del sistema eCB e quelle di altri sistemi recettoriali, compreso quello serotoninergico (5-HT); la vasta colocalizzazione di recettori serotoninergici e CB1 nel NAc suggerisce la possibilit di uninterazione tra questi due sistemi. In questo studio abbiamo riscontrato che una stimolazione a 4 Hz per 20 minuti (LFS-4Hz) delle afferenze glutammatergiche in fettine cerebrali di ratto, induce una nuova forma di eCB-LTD nel core del NAc, che richiede lattivazione dei recettori CB1 e 5-HT2 e lapertura dei canali del Ca2+ voltaggio-dipendenti di tipo L. Inoltre abbiamo valutato che lapplicazione esogena di 5-HT (5 M, 20 min) induce una LTD analoga (5-HT-LTD) a livello delle stesse sinapsi, che richiede lattivazione dei medesimi recettori e lapertura degli stessi canali del Ca2+; LFS-4Hz-LTD e 5-HT-LTD sono reciprocamente saturanti. Questi risultati suggeriscono che la LFS-4Hz induce il rilascio di 5-HT, che si lega ai recettori 5-HT2 a livello postsinaptico incrementando linflusso di Ca2+ attraverso i canali voltaggio-dipendenti di tipo L e la produzione e il rilascio di 2-arachidonoilglicerolo; leCB viaggia a ritroso e si lega al recettore CB1 a livello presinaptico, causando una diminuzione duratura del rilascio di glutammato, che risulta in una LTD. Queste osservazioni possono essere utili per comprendere i meccanismi neurofisiologici che sono alla base della dipendenza da sostanze dabuso, della depressione maggiore e di altre malattie psichiatriche caratterizzate dalla disfunzione della neurotrasmissione di 5-HT nel NAc.
Calcium (Ca2+) ist ein ubiquitr vorkommendes Signalmolekl, das an der Regulation zahlreicher zellulrer Prozesse, von der Proliferation bis zum programmierten Zelltod, beteiligt ist. Daher mssen die intrazellulren Ca2+-Spiegel streng kontrolliert werden. Vernderungen der Ca2+-Homostase whrend der altersassoziierten Neurodegeneration knnen dazu beitragen, dass Neuronen vulnerabler sind. So wurden erhhte Ca2+-Konzentrationen in gealterten Neuronen, begleitet von einer erhhten Vulnerabilitt, beobachtet (Hajieva et al., 2009a). Weiterhin wird angenommen, dass der selektive Untergang von dopaminergen Neuronen bei der Parkinson Erkrankung auf eine erhhte Ca2+-Last zurckzufhren sein knnte, da diese Neuronen einem stndigen Ca2+-Influx,rnaufgrund einer besonderen Isoform (CaV 1.3) spannungsgesteuerter Ca2+-Kanle des L-Typs, ausgesetzt sind (Chan et al., 2007). Bislang wurden die molekularen Mechanismen, die einem Ca2+-Anstieg zu Grunde liegen und dessen Auswirkung jedoch nicht vollstndig aufgeklrt und daher in der vorliegenden Arbeit untersucht. Um Vernderungen der Ca2+-Homostase whrend der altersassoziiertenrnNeurodegeneration zu analysieren wurden primre Mittelhirnzellen aus Rattenembryonen und SH-SY5Y-Neuroblastomazellen mit dem Neurotoxin 1-Methyl-4-Phenyl-Pyridin (MPP+), das bei der Etablierung von Modellen der Parkinson-Erkrankung breite Anwendung findet, behandelt. Vernderungen der intrazellulren Ca2+-Konzentration wurden mit einem auf dem grn fluoreszierenden Protein (GFP)-basierten Ca2+-Indikator,rnCameleon cpYC 3.6 (Nagai et al., 2004), ermittelt. Dabei wurde in dieser Arbeit gezeigt, dass MPP+ die Abregulation der neuronenspezifischen ATP-abhngigen Ca2+-Pumpe der Plasmamembran (PMCA2) induziert, die mit der Ca2+-ATPase des endoplasmatischen Retikulums (SERCA) und dem Na+/Ca2+-Austauscher (NCX) das zellulre Ca2+-Effluxsystem bildet, was zu einer erhhten zytosolischen Ca2+-Konzentration fhrt. Die PMCA2-Abnahme wurde sowohl auf Transkriptionsebene als auch auf Proteinebene demonstriert, whrend keine signifikanten Vernderungen der SERCA- und NCX-Proteinmengen festgestellt wurden. Als Ursache der Reduktion der PMCA2-Expression wurde eine Abnahme des Transkriptionsfaktors Phospho-CREB ermittelt, dessen Phosphorylierungsstatus abhngig von der Proteinkinase A (PKA) war. Dieser Mechanismus wurde einerseits unter MPP+-Einfluss und andererseits vermittelt durch endogene molekulare Modulatoren gezeigt. Interessanterweise konnten die durch MPP+ induzierte PMCA2-Abregulation und der zytosolische Ca2+-Anstieg durch die Aktivierung der PKA verhindert werden. Parallel dazu wurde eine MPP+-abhngige verringerte mitochondriale Ca2+-Konzentration nachgewiesen, welche mit einer Abnahme des mitochondrialen Membranpotentials korrelierte. Darber hinaus kam es als Folge der PMCA2-Abnahme zu einem verminderten neuronalen berleben.rnVernderungen der Ca2+-Homostase wurden auch whrend der normalen Alterung inrnprimren Fibroblasten und bei Musen nachgewiesen. Dabei wurden verringerte PMCA und SERCA-Proteinmengen in gealterten Fibroblasten, einhergehend mit einem Anstieg der zytosolischen Ca2+-Konzentration demonstriert. Weiterhin wurden verringerte PMCA2-Proteinmengen im Mittelhirn von gealterten Musen (C57B/6) detektiert.rnDer zellulre Ca2+-Efflux ist somit sowohl im Zuge der physiologischen Alterung als auch in einem altersbezogenen Krankheitsmodell beeintrchtigt, was das neuronale berleben beeinflussen kann. In zuknftige Studien soll aufgeklrt werden, welche Auswirkungen einer PMCA2-Reduktion genau zu dem Verlust von Neuronen fhren bzw. ob durch eine PMCA2-berexpression neurodegenerative Prozesse verhindert werden knnen.
Osteopontin (OPN) is a highly-phosphorylated extracellular matrix protein localized in bone, kidney, placenta, T-lymphocytes, macrophages, smooth muscle of the vascular system, milk, urine, and plasma. In ROS 17/2.8 osteoblast-like osteosarcoma cells, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25(OH)2D 3] regulates OPN at the transcriptional level resulting in increased steady state mRNA levels and increased production of OPN protein, maximal at 48 hours. Using ROS 17/2.8 cells as an osteoblast model, OPN was purified from culture medium after three hour treatments of either vehicle (ethanol) or 1,25(OH)2D3 via barium citrate precipitation followed by immunoaffinity chromatography. ^ Here, further evidence of regulation of OPN by 1,25(OH)2D 3 at the posttranslational level is presented. Prior to the up-regulation of OPN at the transcriptional level, 1,25(OH)2D3 induces a shift in OPN isoelectric point (pI) detected on two-dimensional gels from pI 4.6 to pI 5.1. Loading equal amounts of [32P]-labeled OPN recovered from ROS 17/2.8 cells exposed to 1,25(OH)2D3 or vehicle alone for three hours reveals that the shift from pI 4.6 to 5.1 is the result of reduced phosphorylation. Using structural analogs to 1,25(OH) 2D3, analog AT [25-(OH)-16-ene-23-yne-D3], which triggers Ca2+ influx through voltage sensitive Ca2+ channels but does not bind to the vitamin D receptor, mimicked the OPN pI shift while analog BT [1,25(OH)2-22-ene-24-cyclopropyl-D 3], which binds to the vitamin D receptor but does not allow Ca 2+ influx, did not. Inclusion of the Ca2+ channel blocker nifedipine also blocks the charge shift conversion of OPN. Further analysis of the signaling pathway initiated by 1,25(OH)2D3 reveals that inhibition of the cyclic 3,5 -adenosine monophosphate-dependent kinase, protein kinase A, or inhibition of the cyclic 3,5-guanine monophosphate-dependent kinase, protein kinase G, also prevents the charge shift conversion. ^ Isolation of OPN from rat femurs and tibiae provides evidence for the existence of these two OPN charge forms in vivo, evidenced by differential migration on isoelectric focusing gels and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. Peptide sequencing of rat long bone fractions revealed the presence of a presumed dentin specific protein, dentin matrix protein-1 (DMP-1). Western blot analysis confirmed the existence of DMP-1 in these fractions. ^ Using the OPN charge forms in functional assays, it was determined that the charge forms have differential roles in both cell surface and mineralization functions. In cell attachment assays and Ca2+ influx assays using PC-3 prostate cancer cells, the pI 5.1 charge form of OPN was found to permit binding and increase intracellular Ca2+ concentrations of PC-3 cells. The increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration was found to be integrin v3-dependent. In mineralization assays, the pI 4.6 charge form of OPN promoted hydroxyapatite formation, while the pI 5.1 charge form had improved Ca2+ binding ability. ^ In conclusion, these findings suggest that 1,25(OH) 2D3 regulates OPN not only at the transcriptional level, but also plays a role in determination of the OPN phosphorylation state. The latter involves a short term (less than three hours) treatment and is associated with membrane-initiated Ca2+ influx. Functional assays utilizing the two OPN charge forms reveal the dependence of OPN post-translational state on its function. ^
Certain allelochemicals of the marine dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense cause lysis of a broad spectrum of target protist cells but the lytic mechanism is poorly defined. We first hypothesized that membrane sterols serve as molecular targets of these lytic compounds, and that differences in sterol composition among donor and target cells may cause insensitivity of Alexandrium and sensitivity of targets to lytic compounds. We investigated Ca2+ influx after application of lytic fractions to a model cell line PC12 derived from a pheochromocytoma of the rat adrenal medulla to establish how the lytic compounds affect ion flux associated with lysis of target membranes. The lytic compounds increased permeability of the cell membrane for Ca2+ ions even during blockade of Ca2+ channels with cadmium. Results of a liposome assay suggested that the lytic compounds did not lyse such target membranes non-specifically by means of detergent-like activity. Analysis of sterol composition of isolates of A. tamarense and of five target protistan species showed that both lytic and non-lytic A. tamarense strains contain cholesterol and dinosterol as major sterols, whereas none of the other tested species contain dinosterol. Adding sterols and phosphatidylcholine to a lysis bioassay with the cryptophyte Rhodomonas salina for evaluation of competitive binding indicated that the lytic compounds possessed apparent high affinity for free sterols and phosphatidylcholine. Lysis of protistan target cells was dose-dependently reduced by adding various sterols or phosphatidylcholine. For three tested sterols, the lytic compounds showed highest affinity towards cholesterol followed by ergosterol and brassicasterol. Cholesterol comprised a higher percentage of total sterols in plasma membrane fractions of A. tamarense than in corresponding whole cell fractions. We conclude therefore that although the molecular targets of the lytic compounds are likely to involve sterol components of membranes, A. tamarense must have a complex self-protective mechanism that still needs to be addressed.
The function(s) of the genes (PKD1 and PKD2) responsible for the majority of cases of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease is unknown. While PKD1 encodes a large integral membrane protein containing several structural motifs found in known proteins involved in cellcell or cellmatrix interactions, PKD2 has homology to PKD1 and the major subunit of the voltage-activated Ca2+ channels. We now describe sequence homology between PKD2 and various members of the mammalian transient receptor potential channel (TRPC) proteins, thought to be activated by G protein-coupled receptor activation and/or depletion of internal Ca2+ stores. We show that PKD2 can directly associate with TRPC1 but not TRPC3 in transfected cells and in vitro. This association is mediated by two distinct domains in PKD2. One domain involves a minimal region of 73 amino acids in the C-terminal cytoplasmic tail of PKD2 shown previously to constitute an interacting domain with PKD1. However, distinct residues within this region mediate specific interactions with TRPC1 or PKD1. The C-terminal domain is sufficient but not necessary for the PKD2TRPC1 association. A more N-terminal domain located within transmembrane segments S2 and S5, including a putative pore helical region between S5 and S6, is also responsible for the association. Given the ability of the TRPC to form functional homo- and heteromultimeric complexes, these data provide evidence that PKD2 may be functionally related to TRPC proteins and suggest a possible role of PKD2 in modulating Ca2+ entry in response to G protein-coupled receptor activation and/or store depletion.
The cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB) is an activity-dependent transcription factor that is involved in neural plasticity. The kinetics of CREB phosphorylation have been suggested to be important for gene activation, with sustained phosphorylation being associated with downstream gene expression. If so, the duration of CREB phosphorylation might serve as an indicator for time-sensitive plastic changes in neurons. To screen for regions potentially involved in dopamine-mediated plasticity in the basal ganglia, we used organotypic slice cultures to study the patterns of dopamine- and calcium-mediated CREB phosphorylation in the major subdivisions of the striatum. Different durations of CREB phosphorylation were evoked in the dorsal and ventral striatum by activation of dopamine D1-class receptors. The same D1 stimulus elicited (i) transient phosphorylation (15 min) in the matrix of the dorsal striatum; (ii) sustained phosphorylation (2 hr) in limbic-related structures including striosomes, the nucleus accumbens, the fundus striati, and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis; and (iii) prolonged phosphorylation (up to 4 hr or more) in cellular islands in the olfactory tubercle. Elevation of Ca2+ influx by stimulation of L-type Ca2+ channels, NMDA, or KCl induced strong CREB phosphorylation in the dorsal striatum but not in the olfactory tubercle. These findings differentiate the response of CREB to dopamine and calcium signals in different striatal regions and suggest that dopamine-mediated CREB phosphorylation is persistent in limbic-related regions of the neonatal basal ganglia. The downstream effects activated by persistent CREB phosphorylation may include time-sensitive neuroplasticity modulated by dopamine.
Nicotine at very low doses (530 nM) induced large amounts of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) release, which was monitored as slow membrane depolarizations in the ganglionic neurons of bullfrog sympathetic ganglia. A nicotinic antagonist, d-tubocurarine chloride, completely and reversibly blocked the nicotine-induced LHRH release, but it did not block the nerve-firing-evoked LHRH release. Thus, nicotine activated nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and produced LHRH release via a mechanism that is different from the mechanism for evoked release. Moreover, this release was not caused by Ca2+ influx through either the nicotinic receptors or the voltage-gated Ca2+ channels because the release was increased moderately when the extracellular solution was changed into a Ca2+-free solution that also contained Mg2+ (4 mM) and Cd2+ (200 M). The release did not depend on Ca2+ release from the intraterminal Ca2+ stores either because fura-2 fluorimetry showed extremely low Ca2+ elevation (30 nM) in response to nicotine (30 nM). Moreover, nicotine evoked LHRH release when [Ca2+] elevation in the terminals was prevented by loading the terminals with 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid and fura-2. Instead, the nicotine-induced release required extracellular Na+ because substitution of extracellular NaCl with N-methyl-d-glucamine chloride completely blocked the release. The Na+-dependent mechanism was not via Na+ influx through the voltage-gated Na+ channels because the release was not affected by tetrodotoxin (150 M) plus Cd2+ (200 M). Thus, nicotine at very low concentrations induced LHRH release via a Na+-dependent, Ca2+-independent mechanism.
Axonal guidance is key to the formation of neuronal circuitry. Semaphorin 3A (Sema 3A; previously known as semaphorin III, semaphorin D, and collapsin-1), a secreted subtype of the semaphorin family, is an important axonal guidance molecule in vitro and in vivo. The molecular mechanisms of the repellent activity of semaphorins are, however, poorly understood. We have now found that the secreted semaphorins contain a short sequence of high homology to hanatoxin, a tarantula K+ and Ca2+ ion channel blocker. Point mutations in the hanatoxin-like sequence of Sema 3A reduce its capacity to repel embryonic dorsal root ganglion axons. Sema 3A growth cone collapse activity is inhibited by hanatoxin, general Ca2+ channel blockers, a reduction in extracellular or intracellular Ca2+, and a calmodulin inhibitor, but not by K+ channel blockers. Our data support an important role for Ca2+ in mediating the Sema 3A response and suggest that Sema 3A may produce its effects by causing the opening of Ca2+ channels.
In the cytoplasm of cells of different types, discrete clusters of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-sensitive Ca2+ channels generate Ca2+ signals of graded size, ranging from blips, which involve the opening of only one channel, to moderately larger puffs, which result from the concerted opening of a few channels in the same cluster. These channel clusters are of unknown size or geometrical characteristics. The aim of this study was to estimate the number of channels and the interchannel distance within such a cluster. Because these characteristics are not attainable experimentally, we performed computer stochastic simulations of Ca2+ release events. We conclude that, to ensure efficient interchannel communication, as experimentally observed, a typical cluster should contain two or three tens of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-sensitive Ca2+ channels in close contact.
Molecular mechanism of use-dependent calcium channel block by phenylalkylamines: Role ofinactivation
The role of channel inactivation in the molecular mechanism of calcium (Ca2+) channel block by phenylalkylamines (PAA) was analyzed by designing mutant Ca2+ channels that carry the high affinity determinants of the PAA receptor site [Hockerman, G. H., Johnson, B. D., Scheuer, T., and Catterall, W. A. (1995) J. Biol. Chem. 270, 2211922122] but inactivate at different rates. Use-dependent block by PAAs was studied after expressing the mutant Ca2+ channels in Xenopus oocytes. Substitution of single putative pore-orientated amino acids in segment IIIS6 by alanine (F-1499-A, F-1500-A, F-1510-A, I-1514-A, and F-1515-A) gradually slowed channel inactivation and simultaneously reduced inhibition of barium currents (IBa) by ()D600 upon depolarization by 100 ms steps at 0.1 Hz. This apparent reduction in drug sensitivity was only evident if test pulses were applied at a low frequency of 0.1 Hz and almost disappeared at the frequency of 1 Hz. ()D600 slowed IBa recovery after maintained membrane depolarization (13 sec) to a comparable extent in all channel constructs. A drug-induced delay in the onset of IBa recovery from inactivation suggests that PAAs promote the transition to a deep inactivated channel conformation. These findings indicate that apparent PAA sensitivity of Ca2+ channels is not only defined by drug interaction with its receptor site but also crucially dependent on intrinsic gating properties of the channel molecule. A molecular model for PAA-Ca2+ channel interaction that accounts for the relationship between drug induced inactivation and channel block by PAA is proposed.
Neuronal Ca2+ channels are inhibited by a variety of transmitter receptors coupled to Go-type GTP-binding proteins. Go has been postulated to work via a direct interaction between an activated G protein subunit and the Ca2+ channel complex. Here we show that the inhibition of sensory neuron N-type Ca2+ channels produced by -aminobutyric acid involves a novel, rapidly activating tyrosine kinase signaling pathway that is mediated by Go and a src-like kinase. In contrast to other recently described G protein-coupled tyrosine kinase pathways, the Go-mediated modulation requires neither protein kinase C nor intracellular Ca2+. The results suggest that this pathway mediates rapid receptor-G protein signaling in the nervous system and support the existence of a previously unrecognized form of crosstalk between G protein and tyrosine kinase pathways.
Hippocampal pyramidal neurons often fire in bursts of action potentials with short interspike intervals (210 msec). These high-frequency bursts may play a critical role in the functional behavior of hippocampal neurons, but synaptic plasticity at such short times has not been carefully studied. To study synaptic modulation at very short time intervals, we applied pairs of stimuli with interpulse intervals ranging from 7 to 50 msec to CA1 synapses isolated by the method of minimal stimulation in hippocampal slices. We have identified three components of short-term paired-pulse modulation, including (i) a form of synaptic depression manifested after a prior exocytotic event, (ii) a form of synaptic depression that does not depend on a prior exocytotic event and that we postulate is based on inactivation of presynaptic N-type Ca2+ channels, and (iii) a dependence of paired-pulse facilitation on the exocytotic history of the synapse.
Cysteine string protein (Csp) is essential for neurotransmitter release in Drosophila. It has been suggested that Csp functions by regulating the activity of presynaptic Ca2+ channels, thus controlling exocytosis. We have examined the effect of overexpressing Csp1 in PC12 cells, a neuroendocrine cell line. PC12 cell clones overexpressing Csp1 did not show any changes in morphology, granule number or distribution, or in the levels of other key exocytotic proteins. This overexpression did not affect intracellular Ca2+ signals after depolarization, suggesting that Csp1 has no gross effect on Ca2+ channel activity in PC12 cells. In contrast, we show that Csp1 overexpression enhances the extent of exocytosis from permeabilized cells in response to Ca2+ or GTPS in the absence of Ca2+. Because secretion from permeabilized cells is not influenced by Ca2+ channel activity, this represents the first demonstration that Csp has a direct role in regulated exocytosis.
Neuronal nitric oxide (NO) synthase (nNOS) is dynamically regulated in response to a variety of physiologic and pathologic stimuli. Although the dynamic regulation of nNOS is well established, the molecular mechanisms by which such diverse stimuli regulate nNOS expression have not yet been identified. We describe experiments demonstrating that Ca2+ entry through voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels regulates nNOS expression through alternate promoter usage in cortical neurons and that nNOS exon 2 contains the regulatory sequences that respond to Ca2+. Deletion and mutational analysis of the nNOS exon 2 promoter reveals two critical cAMP/Ca2+ response elements (CREs) that are immediately upstream of the transcription start site. CREB binds to the CREs within the nNOS gene. Mutation of the nNOS CREs as well as blockade of CREB function results in a dramatic loss of nNOS transcription. These findings suggest that nNOS is a Ca2+-regulated gene through the interactions of CREB on the CREs within the nNOS exon 2 promoter and that these interactions are likely to be centrally involved in the regulation of nNOS in response to neuronal injury and activity-dependent plasticity.
In addition to their well-known functions in cellular energy transduction, mitochondria play an important role in modulating the amplitude and time course of intracellular Ca2+ signals. In many cells, mitochondria act as Ca2+ buffers by taking up and releasing Ca2+, but this simple buffering action by itself often cannot explain the organelle's effects on Ca2+ signaling dynamics. Here we describe the functional interaction of mitochondria with store-operated Ca2+ channels in T lymphocytes as a mechanism of mitochondrial Ca2+ signaling. In Jurkat T cells with functional mitochondria, prolonged depletion of Ca2+ stores causes sustained activation of the store-operated Ca2+ current, ICRAC (CRAC, Ca2+ release-activated Ca2+). Inhibition of mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake by compounds that dissipate the intramitochondrial potential unmasks Ca2+-dependent inactivation of ICRAC. Thus, functional mitochondria are required to maintain CRAC-channel activity, most likely by preventing local Ca2+ accumulation near sites that govern channel inactivation. In cells stimulated through the T-cell antigen receptor, acute blockade of mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake inhibits the nuclear translocation of the transcription factor NFAT in parallel with CRAC channel activity and [Ca2+]i elevation, indicating a functional link between mitochondrial regulation of ICRAC and T-cell activation. These results demonstrate a role for mitochondria in controlling Ca2+ channel activity and signal transmission from the plasma membrane to the nucleus.