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FAS (also called APO-1 and CD95) and its physiological ligand, FASL, regulate apoptosis of unwanted or dangerous cells, functioning as a guardian against autoimmunity and cancer development. Distinct cell types differ in the mechanisms by which the 'death receptor' FAS triggers their apoptosis. In type I cells, such as lymphocytes, activation of 'effector caspases' by FAS-induced activation of caspase-8 suffices for cell killing, whereas in type II cells, including hepatocytes and pancreatic beta-cells, caspase cascade amplification through caspase-8-mediated activation of the pro-apoptotic BCL-2 family member BID (BH3 interacting domain death agonist) is essential. Here we show that loss of XIAP (X-chromosome linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein) function by gene targeting or treatment with a second mitochondria-derived activator of caspases (SMAC, also called DIABLO; direct IAP-binding protein with low pI) mimetic drug in mice rendered hepatocytes and beta-cells independent of BID for FAS-induced apoptosis. These results show that XIAP is the critical discriminator between type I and type II apoptosis signalling and suggest that IAP inhibitors should be used with caution in cancer patients with underlying liver conditions.


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Despite the fact that mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) antagonist drugs such as spironolactone and eplerenone reduce the mortality in heart failure patients, there is, thus far, no unambiguous demonstration of a functional role of MR in cardiac cells. The aim of this work was to investigate the activation pathway(s) mediating corticosteroid-induced up-regulation of cardiac calcium current (ICa). In this study, using neonatal cardiomyocytes from MR or glucocorticoid receptor (GR) knockout (KO) mice, we show that MR is essential for corticosteroid-induced up-regulation of ICa. This study provides the first direct and unequivocal evidence for MR function in the heart.


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Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-induced apoptosis is important in immunologic cytotoxicity, autoimmunity, sepsis, normal embryonic development, and wound healing. TNF exerts cytotoxicity on many types of tumor cells but not on normal cells. The molecular events leading to cell death triggered by TNF are still poorly understood. We found that enforced expression of an activated H-ras oncogene converted the non-tumorigenic TNF-resistant C3H 10T1/2 fibroblasts into tumorigenic cells (10TEJ) that also became very sensitive to TNF-induced apoptosis. This finding suggested that the oncogenic form of H-Ras, in which the p21 is locked in the GTP-bound form, could play a role in TNF-induced apoptosis of these cells. To investigate whether Ras activation is an obligatory step in TNF-induced apoptosis, we introduced two different molecular antagonists of Ras, namely the Rap1A tumor suppressor gene or the dominant-negative rasN17 gene, into H-ras transformed 10TEJ cells. Expression of either Rap1A or RasN17 in 10TEJ cells resulted in abrogation of TNF-induced apoptosis. Similar results were obtained by expression of either Ras antagonist in L929 cells, a fibroblast cell line that is sensitive to TNF-induced apoptosis but does not have a ras mutation. The effects of Rap-1A and RasN17 appear to be specific to TNF, since cytotoxicity induced by doxorubicin and thapsigargin are unaffected. Additionally, constitutive apoptosis sensitivity in isolated nuclei, as measured by activation of Ca$\sp{2+}$-dependent endogenous endonuclease, is not affected by Rap-1A or RasN17. Moreover, TNF treatment of L929 cells increased Ras-bound GTP, indicating that Ras activation is triggered by TNF. Thus, Ras activation is required for TNF-induced apoptosis in mouse cells. ^


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The goal of this study was to investigate the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which glutathione (GSH) is involved in the process of apoptosis induced by cisplatin [cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II), cis-DDP] in the HL60 human promyelocytic leukemia cell line. The data show that during the onset or induction of apoptosis, GSH levels in cisplatin-treated cells increased 50% compared to control cells. The increase in intracellular GSH was associated with enhanced expression of γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase (γ-GCS), the enzyme that catalyzes the rate- limiting step in the biosynthesis of glutathione. After depletion of intracellular GSH with D,L-buthionine-(S,R)-sulfoximine (BSO), an inhibitor of γ-GCS, biochemical and morphological analysis revealed that the mechanism of cell death had switched from apoptosis to necrosis. In contrast, when intracellular GSH was elevated by exposure of cells to a GSH-ethyl-ester and then treatment with cisplatin, no change in the induction and kinetics of apoptosis were observed. However, when cells were exposed to cisplatin before intracellular GSH levels were increased, apoptosis was observed to occur 6 hours earlier compared to cells without GSH elevation. To further examine the molecular aspects of these effects of GSH on the apoptotic process, changes in the expression of bcl-2 and bax, were investigated in cells with depleted and elevated GSH. Using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction, no significant change in the expression of bcl-2 gene transcripts was observed in cells in either the GSH depleted or elevated state; however, a 75% reduction in GSH resulted in a 40% decrease in the expression of bax gene transcripts. In contrast, a 6-fold increase in GSH increased the expression of bax by 3-fold relative to controls. Similar results were obtained for bax gene expression and protein synthesis by northern analysis and immunoprecipitation, respectively. These results suggest that GSH serves a dual role in the apoptotic process. The first role which is indirect, involves the protection of the cell from extensive damage following exposure to a specific toxicant so as to prevent death by necrosis, possibly by interacting with the DNA damaging agent and/or its active metabolites. The second role involves a direct involvement of GSH in the apoptotic process that includes upregulation of bax expression. ^


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Induction of cell-autonomous apoptosis following oncogene-induced overproliferation is a major tumor-suppressive mechanism in vertebrates. However, the detailed mechanism mediating this process remains enigmatic. In this study, we demonstrate that dMyc-induced cell-autonomous apoptosis in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster relies on an intergenic sequence termed the IRER (irradiation-responsive enhancer region). The IRER mediates the expression of surrounding proapoptotic genes, and we use an in vivo reporter of the IRER chromatin state to gather evidence that epigenetic control of DNA accessibility within the IRER is an important determinant of the strength of this response to excess dMyc. In a previous work, we showed that the IRER also mediates P53-dependent induction of proapoptotic genes following DNA damage, and the chromatin conformation within IRER is regulated by polycomb group-mediated histone modifications. dMyc-induced apoptosis and the P53-mediated DNA damage response thus overlap in a requirement for the IRER. The epigenetic mechanisms controlling IRER accessibility appear to set thresholds for the P53- and dMyc-induced expression of apoptotic genes in vivo and may have a profound impact on cellular sensitivity to oncogene-induced stress.


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Malignant brain tumors are one of the most challenging cancers affecting society today. In a recent survey, an estimated 17,000 annual cases were recorded with a staggering total of 13,300 deaths. A unique degree of heterogeneity typifies glial tumors and presents a challenge for solitary anti-neoplastic treatments. Tumors subsist as heterogeneous masses that progress through dysplasia to astrocytomas, mixed glioma and glioblastoma multiforme. Although traditional therapeutic approaches have provided increments of success, the median survival time remains 12 months. The urgency to improve upon current clinical protocols has encouraged alternative experimental strategies such as p53 adenoviral gene therapy (Ad-p53). This study addresses the efficacy of Ad-p53 for the treatment of glioma. Our model presents a tumor response that is unique among human cancers. Ad-p53 effectively induces apoptosis in mutant p53 expressing cells yet fails to do so in those with wildtype p53. In order to adopt Adp53 as a standard anti-cancer modality, we characterized the role of the tumor suppressor gene p53 in mediating apoptosis. We demonstrate that altering cellular p53 status through the introduction of a dominant negative mutant p53 (175H, 248W, 273H) sensitized cells to Ad-p53. We discovered that wild-type p53 expressing glioma cells retain the apoptotic machinery necessary to accomplish cell death, but have developed mechanisms that interfere with p53 signaling. Earlier studies have not addressed the mechanisms of Ad-p53 apoptosis nor the resistance exhibited by wild-type p53 glioma. To explain the divergent phenotypes, we identified apoptotic pathways activated and effectors of the response. We illustrated that modulation of the death receptor Fas/APO-1 is a principal means of Ad-p53 signaling that is impaired in wild-type p53 glioma. Moreover, the apoptotic response was found to be a multi-faceted process that engaged several caspases, most notably caspases -1, -3 and -8. Lastly, we assessed the ability of anti-apoptotic molecules Bcl-2 and CrmA to inhibit Ad-p53 apoptosis. These studies revealed that Ad-p53 is a powerful tool for inducing apoptosis that can be delayed but not inhibited by anti-apoptotic means. This work is critical for understanding the development of glioma and the phenotypic and genotypic alterations that account for tumor resistance. ^


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A combination of psoralens and ultraviolet-A radiation referred to as PUVA, is widely used in the treatment of psoriasis. PUVA therapy is highly effective in killing hyperproliferative cells, but its mechanism of action has not been fully elucidated. Psoralen binds to DNA, and upon photoactivation by UVA, it forms monofunctional adducts and interstrand cross-links. PUVA treatment has been shown to be mutagenic and to produce tumors in animals. In addition, epidemiological studies have reported a 10 to 15 percent increased risk of developing squamous cell carcinoma in individuals treated chronically with PUVA. However, it remains a treatment for skin disorders such as psoriasis because its benefits outweigh its risks. The widespread use of PUVA therapy and its associated cancer risk requires us to understand the molecular mechanisms by which PUVA induces cell death. Immortalized JB6 mouse epidermal cells, p53−/− mice, and Fas Ligand−/− (gld) mice were used to investigate the molecular mechanism by which PUVA kills cells. Treatment of JB6 cells with 10 μg/ml 8-methoxypsoralen followed by irradiation with 20 kJ/m2 UVA resulted in cell death. The cells exhibited morphological and biochemical characteristics of apoptosis such as chromatin condensation, DNA ladder formation, and TUNEL-positivity. PUVA treatment stabilized and phosphorylated p53 leading to its activation, as measured by nuclear localization and induction of p21Waf/Cip1, a transcriptional target of p53. Subsequent in vivo studies revealed that there was statistically significantly less apoptosis in p53 −/− mice than in p53+/+ mice at 72 hours after PUVA. In addition, immunohistochemical analysis revealed more Fas and FasL expression in p53+/+ mice than in p53−/− mice, suggesting that p53 is required to transcriptionally activate Fas, which in turn causes the cells to undergo apoptosis. Studies with gld mice confirmed a role for Fas/FasL interactions in PUVA-induced apoptosis. There was statistically significantly less apoptosis in gld mice compared with wild-type mice 24, 48, and 72 hours after PUVA. These results demonstrate that PUVA-induced apoptosis in mouse epidermal cells requires p53 and Fas/FasL interactions. These findings may be important for designing effective treatments for diseases such as psoriasis without increasing the patient's risk for skin cancer. ^


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4HPR is a synthetic retinoid that has shown chemopreventive and therapeutic efficacy against premalignant and malignant lesions including oral leukoplakia, ovarian and breast cancer and neuroblastoma in clinical trials. 4HPR induces growth inhibition and apoptosis in various cancer cells including head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) cells. 4HPR induces apoptosis by several mechanisms including increasing reactive oxygen species (ROS), or inducing mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT). 4HPR has also been shown to modulate the level of different proteins by transcriptional activation or posttranslational modification in various cellular contexts. However, the mechanism of its action is not fully elucidated. In this study, we explored the mechanism of 4HPR-induced apoptosis in HNSCC cells. ^ First, we identified proteins modulated by 4HPR by using proteomics approaches including: Powerblot western array and 2-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. We found that 4HPR modulated the levels of several proteins including c-Jun. Further analysis has shown that 4HPR induced activation of Activator Protein 1 (AP-1) components, c-Jun and ATF-2. We also found that 4HPR increased the level of Heat shock protein (Hsp) 70 and phosphorylation of Hsp27. ^ Second, we found that 4HPR induced prolonged activation of JNK, p38/MAPK and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK). We also demonstrated that the activation of these kinases is required for 4HPR-induced apoptosis. JNK inhibitor SP600125 and siRNA against JNK1 and JNK2 suppressed, while overexpression of JNK1 enhanced 4HPR-induced apoptosis. p38/MAPK inhibitor PD169316 and MEK1/2 inhibitor PD98059 also suppressed 4HPR-induced apoptosis. We also demonstrated that activation of JNK, p38/MAPK and ERK is triggered by ROS generation induced by 4HPR. We also found that translation inhibitor, cycloheximide, suppressed 4HPR-induced apoptosis through inhibition of 4HPR-induced events (e.g. ROS generation, cytochrome c release, JNK activation and suppression of Akt). We also demonstrated that MPT is involved in 4HPR-induced apoptosis. ^ Third, we demonstrated the presence of NADPH oxidase in HNSCC 2B cells. We also found that 4HPR increased the level of the p67phox, a subunit of NADPH oxidase which participates in ROS production and apoptosis induced by 4HPR. ^ The novel insight into the mechanism by which 4HPR induces apoptosis can be used to improve design of future clinical studies with this synthetic retinoid in combination with specific MAPK modulators. ^


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The tumor suppressor p16 is a negative regulator of the cell cycle, and acts by preventing the phosphorylation of RB, which in turn prevents the progression from G1 to S phase of the cell cycle. In addition to its role in the cell cycle, p16 may also be able to induce apoptosis in some tumors. Ewing's sarcoma, a pediatric cancer of the bone and soft tissue, was used to study the ability of p16 to induce apoptosis due to the fact that p16 is often deleted in Ewing's sarcoma tumors and may play a role in the oncogenesis or progression of this disease. The purpose of these studies was to determine whether introduction of p16 into Ewing's sarcoma cells would induce apoptosis. We infected the Ewing's sarcoma cell line TC71, which does not express p16, with adenovirus- p16 (Ad-p16). Ad-p16 infection led to the production of functional p16 as measured by the induction of G1 arrest. Ad-p16 infection induced as much as a 100% increase in G1 arrest compared to untreated cells. As measured by propidium iodide (PI) and Annexin V staining, Ad-p16 was able to induce apoptosis to levels 20–30 fold higher than controls. Furthermore, Ad-p16 infection led to loss of RB protein before apoptosis could be detected. The loss of RB protein was due to post-translational degradation of RB, which was inhibited by the addition of the proteasome inhibitors PS-341 and NPI-0052. Downregulation of RB with si-RNA sensitized cells to Ad-p16-induced apoptosis, indicating that RB protects from apoptosis in this model. This study shows that p16 leads to the degradation of RB by the ubiquitin/proteasome pathway, and that this degradation may be important for the induction of apoptosis. Given that RB may protect from apoptosis in some tumors, apoptosis-inducing therapies may be enhanced in tumors which have lost RB expression, or in which RB is artificially inactivated. ^


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Bladder cancer is the fifth most common cancer with more than 50,000 cases diagnosed each year. Interferon-α (IFNα) is mostly used in combination with BCG for the treatment of transitional cell carcinoma (TCC). To examine the effects of IFNα on bladder cancer cells, I analyzed a panel of 20 bladder cancer cell lines in terms of their sensitivity to IFNα-induced apoptosis and the underlying mechanisms. I identified three categories: cells that die after 48hr, after 72h, and cells resistant even after 72hr of IFNα treatment. Examination of the IFN-signal transduction pathway revealed that the defect was not due to abrogation of IFN signaling. Further analysis demonstrated dependency of IFN-induced apoptosis on caspase-8, implicating the role of death receptors in IFN-induced cell death. Of the six most-IFN-sensitive cell lines, the majority upregulated Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) at the mRNA and protein level and IFN-induced cell death was mediated through TRAIL, while a minority of the most IFN-sensitive cells undergo apoptosis through a TNFα-dependent mechanism. IFNα resistance was due to either absence of TRAIL upregulation at the mRNA or protein level, resistance to exogenous rhTRAIL itself or lack of sensitization to IFN-induced cell death. Downregulation of XIAP, or XIAP inactivation through its regulator NFκB has been reported to sensitize tumor cells to death receptor-induced cell death. Baseline and IFN-inducible XIAP levels were examined in the most and least IFN-sensitive cells, knocking down XIAP and the p65 subunit of NFκB enhanced IFN-induced cell death, implicating XIAP downregulation as a mechanism through which bladder cancer cells are sensitized to IFN-induced apoptosis. To determine whether or not the proteasome inhibitor Bortezomib (BZ) sensitizes bladder cancer cells to IFN-induced cell death, the combined effects of IFN+BZ and the underlying molecular mechanisms were examined both in vitro and in vivo using two bladder xenograft models. In both models, tumor growth inhibition was the result of either increased cell death of tumor cells exerted by the two agents and/or inhibition of angiogenesis. In vitro, MAP downregulation in response to the combined treatment of IFN+BZ accounts for one of the mechanisms mediating IFN+BZ cell death in bladder cancer cells. ^


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4HPR is a synthetic retinoid that has shown chemopreventive and therapeutic efficacy against premalignant and malignant lesions including oral leukoplakia, ovarian and breast cancer, and neuroblastoma. 4HPR induces apoptosis in various cancer cells and production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) has been suggested as a possible cause underlying these effects. However, the mechanisms governing these effects by 4HPR are not fully elucidated. In this study, we explored the mechanisms of 4HPR-induced ROS increase and apoptosis in human cancer cells. ^ First, we identified genes modulated by 4HPR using oligonucleotide gene expression arrays and found that they fall into specific functional canonical pathways and gene networks using Ingenuity Pathways Analysis®. Further analysis has shown that 4HPR induced up-regulation of Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)-related genes such as Heat shock proteins 70 and 90 and the transcriptional factor, GADD153. These findings were validated using quantitative real-time PCR. ^ Second, we found that 4HPR induced extensive ER stress evidenced by dilation of the ER and endoribonuclease-mediated splicing and activation of the transcriptional factor, XBP-1. In addition, 4HPR induced the up-regulation of various ER stress-related genes and their protein products, as well as cleavage and activation of the ER specific Caspase-4. Concomitantly with XBP-1 splicing, all of these effects were dependent on ROS generation by 4HPR. Furthermore, chemical inhibition and RNA interference studies revealed a novel pro-apoptotic role for HSP70/A1A in 4HPR-mediated apoptosis. ^ Third, we observed rapid activation of the small GTPase Rac by 4HPR which was upstream of ROS generation. Inhibition of Rac activity or silencing of its expression by RNA interference inhibited ROS generation and apoptosis induction by 4HPR. siRNA targeting PAK1 and expression of a dominant negative Rac, decreased 4HPR-mediated ROS generation, while expression of a constitutive active Rac increased basal and 4HPR-induced ROS generation and PARP cleavage. Furthermore, metastatic cancer cells exhibited higher Rac activation, ROS generation, and cell growth inhibition due to 4HPR exposure compared to their primary cancer cell counterparts. ^ These findings provide novel insights into 4HPR-mediated ROS generation and apoptosis induction and support the use of ROS inducing agents such as 4HPR against metastatic cancer cells. ^


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Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) are oncogene-addicted cancers driven by activating mutations in the genes encoding receptor tyrosine kinases KIT and PDGFR-α. Imatinib mesylate, a specific inhibitor of KIT and PDGFR-α signaling, delays progression of GIST, but is incapable of achieving cure. Thus, most patients who initially respond to imatinib therapy eventually experience tumor progression, and have limited therapeutic options thereafter. To address imatinib-resistance and tumor progression, these studies sought to understand the molecular mechanisms that regulate apoptosis in GIST, and evaluate combination therapies that kill GISTs cells via complementary, but independent, mechanisms. BIM (Bcl-2 interacting mediator of apoptosis), a pro-apoptotic member of the Bcl-2 family, effects apoptosis in oncogene-addicted malignancies treated with targeted therapies, and was recently shown to mediate imatinib-induced apoptosis in GIST. This dissertation examined the molecular mechanism of BIM upregulation and its cytotoxic effect in GIST cells harboring clinically-representative KIT mutations. Additionally, imatinib-induced alterations in BIM and pro-survival Bcl-2 proteins were studied in specimens from patients with GIST, and correlated to apoptosis, FDG-PET response, and survival. Further, the intrinsic pathway of apoptosis was targeted therapeutically in GIST cells with the Bcl-2 inhibitor ABT-737. These studies show that BIM is upregulated in GIST cells and patient tumors after imatinib exposure, and correlates with induction of apoptosis, response by FDG-PET, and disease-free survival. These studies contribute to the mechanistic understanding of imatinib-induced apoptosis in clinically-relevant models of GIST, and may facilitate prediction of resistance and disease progression in patients. Further, combining inhibition of KIT and Bcl-2 induces apoptosis synergistically and overcomes imatinib-resistance in GIST cells. Given that imatinib-resistance and GIST progression may reflect inadequate BIM-mediated inhibition of pro-survival Bcl-2 proteins, the preclinical evidence presented here suggests that direct engagement of apoptosis may be an effective approach to enhance the cytotoxicity of imatinib and overcome resistance.


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The mechanisms involved in the development of pulmonary silicosis have not been well defined, however most current evidence implicates a central role for alveolar macrophages in this process. We propose that the fibrotic potential of a particulate depends upon its ability to cause apoptosis in alveolar macrophage (AM). The overall goal of this study was to determine the mechanism of silica-induced apoptosis of AM. Human AM were treated with fibrogenic, poorly fibrogenic and nonfibrogenic model particulates, such as, silica, amorphous silica and titanium dioxide, respectively (equal surface area). Treatment with silica resulted in apoptosis in human AM as observed by morphology, DNA fragmentation and Cell Death ELISA assays. In contrast, amorphous silica and titanium dioxide demonstrated no significant apoptotic potential. To elucidate the possible mechanism by which silica causes apoptosis, we investigated the role of the scavenger receptor (SR) in silica-induced apoptosis. Cells were pretreated with and without SR ligand binding inhibitors, polyinosinic acid (Poly I), fucoidan and high density lipoprotein (HDL), prior to silica treatment. Pretreatment with Poly I and fucoidan resulted in significant inhibition of silica-induced apoptosis suggesting that silica-induced AM apoptosis is mediated via the SR. Further, we examined the involvement of interleukin converting enzyme (ICE) family of proteases in silica-mediated apoptosis. Silica activated ICE, Ich-1L, cpp32 beta and cleavage of PARP. Taken together, these results suggested that (1) fibrogenic particulates, such as, silica caused apoptosis of alveolar macrophages, (2) this apoptotic potential of fibrogenic particulates may be a critical factor in initiating an inflammatory response resulting in fibrosis, (3) silica-induced apoptosis of alveolar macrophages may be due to the interaction of silica particulates with the SR, and (4) silica-induced apoptosis involves the activation of the ICE family of proteases. An understanding of the molecular events involved in fibrogenic particulate-induced apoptosis may provide a useful insight into the mechanism involved in particulate-induced fibrosis. ^


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The fine balance between proliferation and apoptosis plays a primary role in carcinogenesis. Proto-oncogenes that induce both proliferation and apoptosis provide a powerful inbuilt system to inhibit clonal expansion of cells with high proliferation rates. This provides a restraint to the development of neoplasms. C-myc expressing cells undergo apoptosis in low serum by an unknown mechanism. Several lines of evidence suggested that c-myc induces apoptosis by a transcriptional mechanism. However, the target genes of this program have not been fully defined. Protein synthesis inhibitors induce apoptosis in c-myc over-expressing cells at high serum levels suggesting that inhibition of synthesis of a survival factor may induce apoptosis. We show that the expression of c-myc directly correlates with an increase in the level of a survival protein, bcl-$\rm x\sb{L},$ and a decrease in the pro-apoptotic protein, bax, at both the protein and mRNA level. Furthermore, a significant decrease of the bcl-$\rm x\sb{L}$ protein levels is observed under low serum conditions. In order to investigate the mechanism of regulation of bcl-$\rm x\sb{L}$ and bax by c-myc, the bcl-x and bax promoters were cloned, sequenced and shown to contain c-myc binding sites. The chloramephenicol acetyl transferase (CAT) reporter assay was used to demonstrate activation of the bcl-x promoter by increasing levels of c-myc when co-transfected in COS cells. The bax promoter was also shown to be transrepressed in c-myc expressing cells. The role of bcl-$\rm x\sb{L}$ in apoptosis regulation in c-myc cell lines in normal and low serum was then investigated. Cells lines expressing c-myc and bcl-$\rm x\sb{L}$ were generated and were shown to be resistant to apoptosis induction in low serum. Furthermore, cell lines expressing c-myc, anti-sense bcl-$\rm x\sb{L}$ and $\beta$-galactosidase demonstrated significantly enhanced rates of apoptosis in high serum compared to c-myc Rat 1a cells. These findings suggest that c-myc activates a survival program involving bcl-$\rm x\sb{L}$ upregulation and bax downregulation. However, this survival signal is reduced under low serum conditions by the relative downregulation of bcl-$\rm x\sb{L}$ allowing for apoptosis to proceed. These data also directly demonstrates that downregulation in the level of bcl-$\rm x\sb{L}$ associated with low serum conditions is a critical determinant of c-myc induced apoptosis. ^