Foram estudados citogeneticamente um total de 30 animais das espécies D. prymnolopha (N=20), D. leporina (N=6), D. fuliginosa (N=1) e Dasyprocta sp. (N=3) (Dasyproctidae, Histricognathi). As preparações cromossômicas foram obtidas do cultivo de sangue periférico, além de medula óssea e baço em D. prymnolopha e D. leporina. O número diplóide foi de 64/65 em todos os exemplares. O cariótipo mostrou similaridade, não sendo detectado, através de coloração convencional de giemsa e de banda G, polimorfismo cromossômico em qualquer uma das espécies estudadas. A distribuição da heterocromatina constitutiva na região pericentromérica de todos os cromossomos foi similar nas quatro espécies. D. prymnolopha, D. leporina e Dasyprocta sp. apresentaram variação no tamanho do bloco heterocromático em um dos homólogos do par A18. D. fuliginosa apresentou a heterocromatina uniformemente distribuída em todos os cromossomos. Não houve variação no padrão das RONs entre as espécies estudadas.
Oito subespécies do gênero Saguinus (S. f. fuscicollis, S. f. weddelli, S. b. bicolor, S. b. martinsi, S. m. mystax, S. i. imperator, S. m. midas e S. m. niger) foram estudadas citogeneticamente, das quais cinco (S. f. fuscicollis, S. f. weddelli, S. b. martinsi, S. m. mystax e S. i. imperator) tiveram seu cariótipo descrito pela primeira vez neste estudo. Os cariótipos foram analisados por coloração convencional, pelos padrões de bandas G, C e NOR, e pelo método de bandeamento sequencial G/C. Todos os espécimens mostraram o mesmo número diplóide (2n = 46 cromossomos) e os padrões de bandas G, C e NOR foram muito similares entre as subespécies, diferindo apenas na quantidade e distribuição de heterocromatina constitutiva de alguns autossomos. Heterocromatina constitutiva presente na região telomérica de alguns cromossomos foi observada apenas em S. f. fuscicollis e S. f. weddelli. O cromossomo X foi igual em todas subespécies, porém, o cromossomo Y diferiu em morfologia e tamanho. Quimerismo cromossômico XX/XY foi verificado em todas as subespécies.
Cytogenetic studies were carried out on samples of Parapteronotus hasemani, Sternarchogiton preto and Sternarchorhamphus muelleri (Apteronotidae, Gymnotiformes) from the Amazon basin. The first two species exhibited both a 2n = 52 karyotype, but differed in their karyotypic formulae, distribution of constitutive heterochromatin, and chromosomal location of the NOR. The third species, Sternarchorhamphus muelleri, was found to have a 2n = 32 karyotype. In all three species the DAPI and chromomycin A3 staining results were consistent with the C-banding results and nucleolar organizer region (NOR) localization. The 18S rDNA probe confirmed that there was only one pair of ribosomal DNA cistron bearers per species. The telomeric probe did not reveal interstitial telomeric sequences (ITS). The karyotypic differences among these species can be used for taxonomic identification. These data will be useful in future studies of these fishes and help understanding the phylogenetic relationships and chromosomal evolution of the Apteronotidae.
Espécies de Eigenmannia estão amplamente distribuídas na região Neotropical, com oito espécies válidas atualmente reconhecidas. Populações de Eigenmannia de três localidades do leste da Amazônia foram investigadas usando técnicas citogenéticas e morfológicas, revelando dois táxons designados aqui comoEigenmannia sp. "A" e Eigenmannia sp. "B". As espécies diferem em três caracteres morfométricos, dois merísticos e um osteológico. Eigenmannia sp. "A" apresenta 2n = 34 (22 m/sm+12st/a) e Eigenmannia sp. "B" apresenta 2n = 38 (14 m/sm+24st/a) e cromossomos sexuais de diferenciação simples, do tipo XX/XY. Em ambas espécies a Heterocromatina Constitutiva (HC) rica em bases A-T está distribuída na região centromérica de todos os cromossomos. Eigenmannia sp. "B" também apresenta blocos de HC na região intersticial dos pares cromossômicos 8, 9 e X que coraram positivamente para CMA3, indicando regiões ricas em G-C. A NOR está localizada no braço curto do par 17 em Eigenmannia sp. "A" e no braço curto do par 14 em Eigenmannia sp. "B". FISH com sondas de rDNA hibridizaram em regiões de tamanhos diferentes entre os homólogos, sugerindo heteromorfismo. A diferenciação do cromossomo X em Eigenmannia sp. "B" pode ser o resultado de amplificação de sequências repetitivas de DNA.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Genética) - IBB
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBB
The genus Pseudoplatystoma includes catfish species distributed throughout the fresh waters of South America. These species are important fisheries resources and play a significant ecological role due to their piscivorous and migratory habits. The taxonomy of this genus is still debated: traditionally, only three species have been recognised, but recently, this number was raised to eight. The validity of these eight morphospecies, however, was not confirmed by two subsequent molecular phylogenetic studies, which identified either five or four main clades. In this study, we focused on the two morphospecies restricted to the Orinoco basin, P. metaense and P. orinocoense, which have been assigned to either the same or different clades in previous studies. We carried out cytogenetic analyses to describe their unknown karyotypes and to look for cytotaxonomic markers. We also analysed their mitochondrial sequences in order to assign the sampled specimens to the previously identified molecular clades. The two presumptive species show similar karyotypes (2n=56, 42 biarmed and 14 uniarmed chromosomes) and cytogenetic features in terms of the constitutive heterochromatin distribution and the number and location of minor and major ribosomal genes. Thus, no species-specific chromosome markers could be identified. The analysis of cytochrome b and cytochrome oxidase I mitochondrial genes (carried out by retrieving all the mtDNA Pseudoplatystoma sequences available in GenBank) distributed the sampled specimens into two distinct molecular clades and confirmed the need to re-evaluate, by parallel morphological and molecular analyses, the monophyly of some lineages.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The present study aimed to cytogenetic analysis and structural and molecular level of four fish species of the genus Trichomycterus: T. diabolus, T. iheringi, T. zonatus and T. cf. mimonha collected in different river basins in Brazil. Techniques were used for classical cytogenetic (Giemsa, Silver nitrate impregnation, C-banding) and molecular with the chromosomal location of genes for 18S and 5S rDNA. All individuals examined had a diploid number 54 chromosomes and karyotype consisting of types of metacentric, submetacentric and subtelocentric. The constitutive heterochromatin identified by C-banding was observed in two small blocks in the karyotype of T. diabolus and large blocks of centromeric several pairs in chromosomal karyotypes of T. iheringi, T. zonatus and T. cf. mimonha. The Silver nitrate impregnation and hybridization with 18S rDNA probe revealed the existence of only a couple carryng nucleolar organizing regions (NORs) on the species T. diabolus, T. iheringi and T. cf mimonha, and two pairs carrying 18S rDNA in T. zonatus. The 5S rDNA was observed in interstitial position 6 of the pair in T. iheringi, the synteny with the two pair in 18S rDNA of T.diabolus in pericentromeric position of and two pairs submetacentric, one being also a case of synteny with the 18S rDNA in T. zonatus and T. cf. mimonha, this rDNA was located in the pairs 3, 18 and 25, and synteny in the 18S rDNA pair 18. Although representatives of these four species Trichomycterus present diploid number and karyotypic formula preserved, three is specific about the distribuition patterns of heterochromatin and location of rDNA sequences, indicating that chromosomal differentiation events in this group of fish are acting directly on these genomic portions
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Chromosomes of Eigenmannia sp. (7 males and 15 females) collected from the Tietê River in Botucatu (SP, Brazil) were examined from gill, kidney and testicular cells. The diploid chromosome number in males was 2n=31 and in females, 2n=32. In both sexes the number of chromosomal arms was 40. The difference in diploid number was due to the fusion of two acrocentrics. Mitotic and meiotic studies suggested that one of the fused acrocentrics was the Y chromosome. The sex-determining mechanism in Eigenmannia sp. could therefore be XX, AA in the female and X, \-YA A in the males. One of the males presented 2n=30 chromosomes due to the occurrence of another fusion of acrocentrics. C-banding analysis of the mitotic chromosomes revealed constitutive heterochromatin in the centromeric regions of all acrocentrics. However, small metacentrics were C-band negative. The YA chromosome is C-band negative except for a small amount of heterochromatin in the centromeric region. The nucleolar organizer region as identified by Ag-staining is present in the interstitial region of chromosome pair No. 10. © 1984 Dr W. Junk Publishers.