910 resultados para CONDUCTION DELAY


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Analytical short time solution of moving boundary in heat conduction in a cylindrical mould under prescribed flux boundary condition has been studied in this paper. Partial differential equations are converted to integro-differential equations. These integro-differential equations which are coupled have been solved analytically for short time by choosing suitable series expansions for the unknown quantitities.


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The propagation constant of a superconducting microstrip transmission delay line is evaluated using the spectral domain immitance approach, modelling the superconductor as a surface current having an equivalent surface impedance found through the complex resistive boundary condition. The sensitivity approach is used to study the beta variations with substrate parameters and film characteristics. Results show that the surface impedance does not have much influence on beta sensitivities with respect to epsilon r, W and h. However, it can be observed that the surface impedance plays a crucial role in determining the optimum design.


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Anion-deficient perovskite oxides of the formula AM(1-x)Al(x)O(3-x) (A = Na or K; M = Nb or Ta) have been prepared for 0 < x less than or equal to 0.5. Diffraction experiments reveal that while the potassium compounds adopt orthorhombic/cubic perovskite structures similar to the parent KNbO3/KTaO3, the sodium compound, NaNb0.5Al0.5O2.5, possesses a brownmillerite/LaSr-CuAlO5-like superstructure. Al-27 NMR spectra show an exclusive tetrahedral oxygen coordination for AI(III) in Na-Nb0.5Al0.5O2.5 (I) and both tetrahedral and octahedral coordination for Al(III) in KNb0.5Al0.5O2.5 (II). The results suggest a long-range and short-range ordering of oxide ion vacancies in I and II respectively. Electrical conductivity measurements show a significant oxide ion conduction for KNb1-xAlxO3-x, with the conductivity increasing with x up to x = 0.5. The differences in the Arrhenius plots of the ionic conductivity of I and II have been rationalized in terms of the long-range and short-range ordering of oxide ion vacancies in the anion-deficient perovskite oxides.


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H-1 Magic Angle Spinning (MAS) NMR of layered HNbWO6 . xH(2)O (x = 1.5, 0.5) is carried out at room temperature and at various spinning speeds (1-12 kHz). Results on the fully hydrated sample (x = 1.5) are consistent with the model of diffusion of H3O+ ions within the layers. In the partially dehydrated sample (x = 0.5) an exchange between the distinctly present cage protons and H3O+ protons leads to protonic conduction.


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We have carried out H-1 Magic Angle Spinning (MAS) NMR measurements at various spinning speeds (1-12 kHz) on HNbWO(6)xH(2)O (x = 0 and 1) defect pyrochlore systems. The variation of the line width with the spinning speed in the two systems points towards the presence of motions with different time scales. We conclude that the mechanism of conduction in both the compounds are similar except that the proton hopping in hydrated form is assisted by the water of hydration.


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We report a systematic study of the electronic transport properties of the metallic perovskite oxide LaNiO3-delta as a function of the oxygen stoichiometry delta (delta less than or equal to 0.14). The electrical resistivity, magnetoresistance, susceptibility, Hall effect and thermopower have been studied, All of the transport coefficients are dependent on the value of delta. The resistivity increases almost exponentially as delta increases. We relate this increase in rho to the creation of Ni2+ with square-planar coordination. We find that there is a distinct T-1.5-contribution to the resistivity over the whole temperature range. The thermopower is negative, as expected for systems with electrons as the carrier, but the Hall coefficient is positive. We have given a qualitative and quantitative explanation for the different quantities observed and their systematic variation with the stoichiometry delta.


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A simplified structural model to study the ionic transport in silver based glasses has been formulated. The diffusion of silver ion under the influence of coulombic interactions of mobile cation and anions has been studied. Monte Carlo simulations of silver ion hopping in glass have suggested two different kinds of population of silver ions. We discuss the results of variation in diffusion constant with dopant (AgI) concentration using the diffusion path model. (C) 1997 Elsevier-Science S.A.


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The use of delayed coefficient adaptation in the least mean square (LMS) algorithm has enabled the design of pipelined architectures for real-time transversal adaptive filtering. However, the convergence speed of this delayed LMS (DLMS) algorithm, when compared with that of the standard LMS algorithm, is degraded and worsens with increase in the adaptation delay. Existing pipelined DLMS architectures have large adaptation delay and hence degraded convergence speed. We in this paper, first present a pipelined DLMS architecture with minimal adaptation delay for any given sampling rate. The architecture is synthesized by using a number of function preserving transformations on the signal flow graph representation of the DLMS algorithm. With the use of carry-save arithmetic, the pipelined architecture can support high sampling rates, limited only by the delay of a full adder and a 2-to-1 multiplexer. In the second part of this paper, we extend the synthesis methodology described in the first part, to synthesize pipelined DLMS architectures whose power dissipation meets a specified budget. This low-power architecture exploits the parallelism in the DLMS algorithm to meet the required computational throughput. The architecture exhibits a novel tradeoff between algorithmic performance (convergence speed) and power dissipation. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights resented.


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Measurements of the dc transport properties and the low-frequency conductivity noise in films of charge-ordered Nd0.5Ca0.5MnO3 grown on Si substrate reveal the existence of a threshold field in the charge-ordered regime beyond which strong nonlinear conduction sets in along with a large broad band conductivity noise. Threshold-dependent conduction disappears as T --> T-CO, the charge-ordering temperature. This observation suggests that the charge-ordered state gets depinned at the onset of the nonlinear conduction. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0003-6951(99)05247-X].


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Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation of lithium phosphate (Li2O-P2O5) glasses with varying Li2O content has been carried out. Two different P-O distances corresponding to phosphorus coordination with bridging oxygen (BO) and non-bridging oxygen (NBO) were identified in the simulated glasses. NBO-BO interconversion or bond switching was noted, which results in a dynamic equilibration of the tetrahedral phosphate units (P-n, n = 1,3 indicates the number of bridging oxygen atoms in the coordination of phosphorus). The NBO-BO bond switching is mildly activated with an effective activation barrier of 0.03-0.05 eV. Lithium ion jumps do not appear to be strongly coupled to bond switching. But the number of Li+ ions coordinated to an optimum number of NBOs and the number of Li+ ions jumping out of their sites appear to be correlated. Detailed analysis was made of the dynamics of P-n species and new insights have been obtained regarding ion migration in network-modified phosphate glasses.


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Lanthanum doped lead titanate (PLT) thin films were identified as the most potential candidates for the pyroelectric and memory applications. PLT thin films were deposited on Pt coated Si by excimer laser ablation technique. The polarization behavior of PLT thin films has been studied over a temperature range of 300 K to 550 K. A universal power law relation was brought into picture to explain the frequency dependence of ac conductivity. At higher frequency region ac conductivity of PLT thin films become temperature independent. The temperature dependence of ac conductivity and the relaxation time is analyzed in detail. The activation energy obtained from the ac conductivity was attributed to the shallow trap controlled space charge conduction in the bulk of the sample. The impedance analysis for PLT thin films were also performed to get insight of the microscopic parameters, like grain, grain boundary, and film-electrode interface etc. The imaginary component of impedance Z" exhibited different peak maxima at different temperatures. Different types of mechanisms were analyzed in detail to explain the dielectric relaxation behavior in the PLT thin films.


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In this paper, we study the problem of wireless sensor network design by deploying a minimum number of additional relay nodes (to minimize network design cost) at a subset of given potential relay locationsin order to convey the data from already existing sensor nodes (hereafter called source nodes) to a Base Station within a certain specified mean delay bound. We formulate this problem in two different ways, and show that the problem is NP-Hard. For a problem in which the number of existing sensor nodes and potential relay locations is n, we propose an O(n) approximation algorithm of polynomial time complexity. Results show that the algorithm performs efficiently (in over 90% of the tested scenarios, it gave solutions that were either optimal or exceeding optimal just by one relay) in various randomly generated network scenarios.


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A wireless Energy Harvesting Sensor (EHS) needs to send data packets arriving in its queue over a fading channel at maximum possible throughput while ensuring acceptable packet delays. At the same time, it needs to ensure that energy neutrality is satisfied, i.e., the average energy drawn from a battery should equal the amount of energy deposited in it minus the energy lost due to the inefficiency of the battery. In this work, a framework is developed under which a system designer can optimize the performance of the EHS node using power control based on the current channel state information, when the EHS node employs a single modulation and coding scheme and the channel is Rayleigh fading. Optimal system parameters for throughput optimal, delay optimal and delay-constrained throughput optimal policies that ensure energy neutrality are derived. It is seen that a throughput optimal (maximal) policy is packet delay-unbounded and an average delay optimal (minimal) policy achieves negligibly small throughput. Finally, the influence of the harvested energy profile on the performance of the EHS is illustrated through the example of solar energy harvesting.


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We study the trade-off between delivery delay and energy consumption in delay tolerant mobile wireless networks that use two-hop relaying. The source may not have perfect knowledge of the delivery status at every instant. We formulate the problem as a stochastic control problem with partial information, and study structural properties of the optimal policy. We also propose a simple suboptimal policy. We then compare the performance of the suboptimal policy against that of the optimal control with perfect information. These are bounds on the performance of the proposed policy with partial information. Several other related open loop policies are also compared with these bounds.