260 resultados para COMMENSAL


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Endosymbiosis is a mutualistic, parasitic or commensal symbiosis in which one symbiont is living within the body of another organism. Such symbiotic relationship with free-living amoebae and arthropods has been reported with a large biodiversity of microorganisms, encompassing various bacterial clades and to a lesser extent some fungi and viruses. By contrast, current knowledge on symbionts of nematodes is still mainly restricted to Wolbachia and its interaction with filarial worms that lead to increased pathogenicity of the infected nematode. In this review article, we aim to highlight the main characteristics of symbionts in term of their ecology, host cell interactions, parasitism and co-evolution, in order to stimulate future research in a field that remains largely unexplored despite the availability of modern tools.


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The complete sequence of the 7.07 Mb genome of the biological control agent Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf-5 is now available, providing a new opportunity to advance knowledge of biological control through genomics. P. fluorescens Pf-5 is a rhizosphere bacterium that suppresses seedling emergence diseases and produces a spectrum of antibiotics toxic to plant-pathogenic fungi and oomycetes. In addition to six known secondary metabolites produced by Pf-5, three novel secondary metabolite biosynthesis gene clusters identified in the genome could also contribute to biological control. The genomic sequence provides numerous clues as to mechanisms used by the bacterium to survive in the spermosphere and rhizosphere. These features include broad catabolic and transport capabilities for utilizing seed and root exudates, an expanded collection of efflux systems for defense against environmental stress and microbial competition, and the presence of 45 outer membrane receptors that should allow for the uptake of iron from a wide array of siderophores produced by soil microorganisms. As expected for a bacterium with a large genome that lives in a rapidly changing environment, Pf-5 has an extensive collection of regulatory genes, only some of which have been characterized for their roles in regulation of secondary metabolite production or biological control. Consistent with its commensal lifestyle, Pf-5 appears to lack a number of virulence and pathogenicity factors found in plant pathogen.


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High-molecular-weight (HMW) penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) are divided into class A and class B PBPs, which are bifunctional transpeptidases/transglycosylases and monofunctional transpeptidases, respectively. We determined the sequences for the HMW PBP genes of Streptococcus gordonii, a gingivo-dental commensal related to Streptococcus pneumoniae. Five HMW PBPs were identified, including three class A (PBPs 1A, 1B, and 2A) and two class B (PBPs 2B and 2X) PBPs, by homology with those of S. pneumoniae and by radiolabeling with [3H]penicillin. Single and double deletions of each of them were achieved by allelic replacement. All could be deleted, except for PBP 2X, which was essential. Morphological alterations occurred after deletion of PBP 1A (lozenge shape), PBP 2A (separation defect and chaining), and PBP 2B (aberrant septation and premature lysis) but not PBP 1B. The muropeptide cross-link patterns remained similar in all strains, indicating that cross-linkage for one missing PBP could be replaced by others. However, PBP 1A mutants presented shorter glycan chains (by 30%) and a relative decrease (25%) in one monomer stem peptide. Growth rate and viability under aeration, hyperosmolarity, and penicillin exposure were affected primarily in PBP 2B-deleted mutants. In contrast, chain-forming PBP 2A-deleted mutants withstood better aeration, probably because they formed clusters that impaired oxygen diffusion. Double deletion could be generated with any PBP combination and resulted in more-altered mutants. Thus, single deletion of four of the five HMW genes had a detectable effect on the bacterial morphology and/or physiology, and only PBP 1B seemed redundant a priori.


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At mucosal surfaces, we must co-exist with a high density of diverse microorganisms; therefore, protection against these occurs on multiple levels. Leukocyte- and epithelial derived-antimicrobial peptides and proteins (AMPs) comprise an essential component of immune defense. These molecules possess antibacterial, antifungal and signalling properties and probably contribute to defence and maintenance of homeostasis between the host and commensal microorganisms. Among these AMPs is bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein (BPI), an antimicrobial protein with potent endotoxin-neutralising activity, and several homologs. This review explores the roles of BPI and and its homologs at the mucosal interface. Congeners of BPI are under biopharmaceutical development as novel anti-infective agents, highlighting the potential therapeutic relevance of this protein family.


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The precise mechanisms underlying the interaction between intestinal bacteria and the host epithelium lead to multiple consequences that remain poorly understood at the molecular level. Deciphering such events can provide valuable information as to the mode of action of commensal and probiotic microorganisms in the gastrointestinal environment. Potential roles of such microorganisms along the privileged target represented by the mucosal immune system include maturation prior, during and after weaning, and the reduction of inflammatory reactions in pathogenic conditions. Using human intestinal epithelial Caco-2 cell grown as polarized monolayers, we found that association of a Lactobacillus or a Bifidobacterium with nonspecific secretory IgA (SIgA) enhanced probiotic adhesion by a factor of 3.4-fold or more. Bacteria alone or in complex with SIgA reinforced transepithelial electrical resistance, a phenomenon coupled with increased phosphorylation of tight junction proteins zonula occludens-1 and occludin. In contrast, association with SIgA resulted in both enhanced level of nuclear translocation of NF-κB and production of epithelial polymeric Ig receptor as compared with bacteria alone. Moreover, thymic stromal lymphopoietin production was increased upon exposure to bacteria and further enhanced with SIgA-based complexes, whereas the level of pro-inflammatory epithelial cell mediators remained unaffected. Interestingly, SIgA-mediated potentiation of the Caco-2 cell responsiveness to the two probiotics tested involved Fab-independent interaction with the bacteria. These findings add to the multiple functions of SIgA and underscore a novel role of the antibody in interaction with intestinal bacteria.


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Penicillin resistance in Streptococcus spp. involves multiple mutations in both penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) and non-PBP genes. Here, we studied the development of penicillin resistance in the oral commensal Streptococcus gordonii. Cyclic exposure of bacteria to twofold-increasing penicillin concentrations selected for a progressive 250- to 500-fold MIC increase (from 0.008 to between 2 and 4 microg/ml). The major MIC increase (> or = 35-fold) was related to non-PBP mutations, whereas PBP mutations accounted only for a 4- to 8-fold additional increase. PBP mutations occurred in class B PBPs 2X and 2B, which carry a transpeptidase domain, but not in class A PBP 1A, 1B, or 2A, which carry an additional transglycosylase domain. Therefore, we tested whether inactivation of class A PBPs affected resistance development in spite of the absence of mutations. Deletion of PBP 1A or 2A profoundly slowed down resistance development but only moderately affected resistance in already highly resistant mutants (MIC = 2 to 4 microg/ml). Thus, class A PBPs might facilitate early development of resistance by stabilizing penicillin-altered peptidoglycan via transglycosylation, whereas they might be less indispensable in highly resistant mutants which have reestablished a penicillin-insensitive cell wall-building machinery. The contribution of PBP and non-PBP mutations alone could be individualized in DNA transformation. Both PBP and non-PBP mutations conferred some level of intrinsic resistance, but combining the mutations synergized them to ensure high-level resistance (> or = 2 microg/ml). The results underline the complexity of penicillin resistance development and suggest that inhibition of transglycosylase might be an as yet underestimated way to interfere with early resistance development.


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RESUME DESTINE A UN LARGE PUBLICL'intestin est le siège d'intenses agressions de la part de l'ensemble des aliments ingérés, de bactéries agressives dites pathogènes mais également de bactéries dites commensales peuplant naturellement les surfaces intestinales muqueuses. Pour faire face, notre organisme arbore de nombreux niveaux de protections tant physiques, chimiques, mécaniques mais aussi immunitaires. La présence d'un type particulier de cellules, les cellules épithéliales (IEC) assurant une protection physique, ainsi que la production d'anticorps spécialisés par le système immunitaire appelés immunoglobulines sécrétoires A (SlgA) servent conjointement de première ligne de défense contre ces agressions externes. Néanmoins, comment le dialogue s'articule entre ces deux partenaires reste incomplet.Nous avons donc décidé de mimer ces interactions en modélisant les surfaces muqueuses par une monocouche de cellules différenciées en laboratoire. Des souches bactériennes isolées de l'intestin humain seules ou associées à des SlgA non-spécifiques ont été mises au contact de ce modèle cellulaire nous permettant de conclure quant à la présence effective d'une modulation du dialogue bactérie/lEC impliquant une activation de la réponse cellulaire vers un état de tolérance mutuelle. De façon surprenante, nous avons par ailleurs mis en évidence un type d'interaction nouveau entre ces anticorps et ces bactéries. Une étude biochimique nous a permis de détailler un nouveau rôle des SlgA médié par les sucres présents à leur surface dans le maintien d'une relation pacifique avec les commensaux perpétuellement présents, relations qualifiées d'homésostase intestinale.Le rôle protecteur des SlgA a par ailleurs été abordé pour avoir une meilleure appréhension de leur impact au niveau cellulaire lors d'infection par Shigella flexneri, bactérie causant la Shigellose, diarrhée sanglante responsable de la mort de plus d'un million de personnes chaque année. Basée sur le même modèle cellulaire, cette étude nous a permis de démontrer une nouvelle entrée de ce pathogène directement via les IEC. La présence d'anticorps spécifiques à la surface des bactéries restreint leur champs d'action contre les cibles intracellulaires identifiées que sont les filaments soutenant le squelette de la cellule, les fibres d'actine ainsi que les jonctions serrées, réseaux de protéines clés des interactions entre cellules. Cette ouverture au niveau cellulaire apporte un nouvel élan quant à la compréhension du rôle protecteur des SlgA lors d'attaques de l'intestin, protection semblant dépendante d'une agrégation des bactéries.Pour finir, nous avons mis en évidence la détection directe par les cellules de la présence d'anticorps libres dans l'intestin ajoutant une nouvelle réplique dans le dialogue complexe entre ces deux piliers de l'équilibre intestinal que sont les SlgA et les cellules épithéliales.RESUMELa muqueuse intestinale est dotée d'un réseau complexe de protections physico-chimiques, mécaniques ou immunologiques. Associées à un système immunitaire omniprésent, les cellules épithéliales intestinales {IEC) bordant la lumière intestinale ont la double tâche de protéger l'intérieur de l'organisme stérile contre l'invasion et la dissémination d'agents pathogènes, et de maintenir une relation pacifique avec la flore intestinale, rôles également joués par les immunoglobulines sécrétoires A (SlgA), anticorps les plus abondamment présents à la surface des muqueuses. Tant les IEC que les SlgA sont ainsi décrites comme convergeant vers le même objectif ; néanmoins, les rouages de leurs interactions restent largement inconnus.Pour répondre à cette question, des monocouches épithéliales reconstituées in vitro ont été incubées avec des souches commensales telles que des Lactobacillus ou des Bifodobacteria, seules ou complexées avec des SlgA non-spécifiques, nous permettant de décrypter l'influence des SlgA sur la détection des bactéries par les IEC, favorisant l'adhésion bactérienne et la cohésion cellulaire, augmentant l'activation de la voie NF-κΒ ainsi que la sécrétion de la cytokine thymic stromal lymphopoietin contrairement à celle de médiateurs pro-inflammatoires qui reste inchangée. Par ailleurs, une interaction Fab-indépendante est suggérée dans l'interaction SlgA/bactéries. Comme une interaction de faible affinité a été décrite comme prenant naturellement place au niveau de l'intestin, nous avons donc disséqué les mécanismes sous- jacents en utilisant un large spectre de bactérie associés à des protéines soit recombinantes soit isolées à partir de colostrum, mettant en évidence un rôle crucial des N-glycanes présents sur la pièce sécrétoire et soulignant une nouvelle propriété des SlgA dans l'homéostase intestinale.Intrinsèquement liés aux caractéristiques des SlgA, nous nous sommes également focalisés sur leur rôle protecteur lors d'infection par l'enteropathogène Shigella flexneri reproduites in vitro sur des monocouches polarisées. Nous avons tout d'abord démontré une nouvelle porte d'entrée pour ce pathogène directement via les IEC. L'agrégation des bactéries par les SlgA confère aux cellules une meilleure résistance à l'infection, retardant croissance bactérienne et entrée cellulaire, affectant par ailleurs leur capacité à cibler le cytosquelette et les jonctions serrées. La formation de tels cargos détectés de façon biaisée par les IEC apparaît comme une explication plausible au maintien de la cohésion cellulaire médiée par les SlgA.Enfin, le retrotransport des SlgA à travers les IEC a été abordé soulignant une participation active de ces cellules dans la détection de l'environnement extérieur, les impliquant possiblement dans l'activation d'un état muqueux stable.Conjointement, ces résultats indiquent que les SlgA représentent l'un des éléments-clés à la surface de la muqueuse et soulignent la complexité du dialogue établi avec l'épithélium en vue du maintien d'un fragile équilibre intestinal.ABSTRACTThe intestinal mucosa is endowed with a complex protective network melting physiochemical, mechanical and immunological features. Beyond the ubiquitous intestinal immune system, intestinal epithelial cells (IEC) lying the mucosal surfaces have also the dual task to protect the sterile core against invasion and dissemination of pathogens, and maintain a peaceful relationship with commensal microorganisms, aims also achieved by the presence of high amounts of secretory immunoglobulins A (SlgA), the most abundant immunoglobulin present at mucosal surfaces. Both IEC and SlgA are thus described to converge toward the same goal but how their interplay is orchestrated is largely unknown.To address this question, in vitro reconstituted IEC monolayers were first apically incubated with commensal bacteria such as Lactobacillus or Bifodobacteria strains either alone or in complexes with non-specific SlgA. Favoring the bacterial adhesion and cellular cohesion, SlgA impacts on the cellular sensing of bacteria, increasing NF-κΒ activation, and leading to cytokine releases restricted to the thymic stromal lymphopoietin and unaffected expression of pro-inflammatory mediators. Of main interest, bacterial recognition by SlgA suggested a Fab-independent interaction. As this low affinity, called natural coating occurs in the intestine, we further dissected the underlying mechanisms using a larger spectrum of commensal strains associated with recombinant as well as colostrum-derived proteins and pinpointed a crucial role of N-glycans of the secretory component, emphasizing an underestimated role of carbohydrates and another properties of SlgA in mediating intestinal homeostasis.As mucosal protection is also anchored in SlgA and IEC features, we focused on the cellular role of SlgA. Using IEC apical infection by the enteropathogen Shigella flexneri, we have first demonstrated a new gate of entry for this pathogen directly via IEC. Specific SlgA bacterial aggregation conferred to the cells a better resistance to infection, delaying bacterial growth and cellular entry, affecting their ability to damage both the cytoskeleton and the tight junctions. Formation of such big cargos differentially detected by IEC appears as a plausible explanation sustaining at the cellular level the antibody-mediated mucosal protection.Finally, SlgA retrotransport across IEC has been tackled stressing an active IEC sensing of the external environment possibly involved in the steady-state mucosal activation.All together, these results indicate that SlgA represents one of the pivotal elements at mucosal surfaces highlighting the complexity of the dialogue established with the epithelium sustaining the fragile intestinal balance.The Intestinal mucosa is endowed with a complex protective network melting physiochemical, mechanical and immunological features. Beyond the ubiquitous intestinal immune system, intestinal epithelial cells (IEC) lying the mucosal surfaces have also the dual task to protect the sterile core against invasion and dissemination of pathogens, and maintain a peaceful relationship with commensal microorganisms, aims also achieved by the presence of high amounts of secretory immunoglobulins A (SlgA), the most abundant immunoglobulin present at mucosal surfaces. Both IEC and SlgA are thus described to converge toward the same goal but how their interplay is orchestrated is largely unknown.To address this question, in vitro reconstituted IEC monolayers were first apically incubated with commensal bacteria such as Lactobacillus or Bifodobacteria strains either alone or in complexes with non-specific SlgA. Favoring the bacterial adhesion and cellular cohesion, SlgA impacts on the cellular sensing of bacteria, increasing NF-κΒ activation, and leading to cytokine releases restricted to the thymic stromal lymphopoietin and unaffected expression of pro-inflammatory mediators. Of main interest, bacterial recognition by SlgA suggested a Fab-independent interaction. As this low affinity, called natural coating occurs in the intestine, we further dissected the underlying mechanisms using a larger spectrum of commensal strains associated with recombinant as well as colostrum-derived proteins and pinpointed a crucial role of N-glycans of the secretory component, emphasizing an underestimated role of carbohydrates and another properties of SlgA in mediating intestinal homeostasis.As mucosal protection is also anchored in SlgA and IEC features, we focused on the cellular role of SlgA. Using IEC apical infection by the enteropathogen Shigella flexneri, we have first demonstrated a new gate of entry for this pathogen directly via IEC. Specific SlgA bacterial aggregation conferred to the cells a better resistance to infection, delaying bacterial growth and cellular entry, affecting their ability to damage both the cytoskeleton and the tight junctions. Formation of such big cargos differentially detected by IEC appears as a plausible explanation sustaining at the cellular level the antibody-mediated mucosal protection.Finally, SlgA retrotransport across IEC has been tackled stressing an active IEC sensing of the external environment possibly involved in the steady-state mucosal activation.All together, these results indicate that SlgA represents one of the pivotal elements at mucosal surfaces highlighting the complexity of the dialogue established with the epithelium sustaining the fragile intestinal balance.


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Septic arthritis of the pubic symphisis is distinguished from osteitis pubis by positive cultures. The symptoms, physical examination and laboratory findings of these two conditions are comparable. We present a case of 57-year-old woman with septic arthritis of pubic symphisis caused by Streptococcus mitis, a commensal oral flora that belongs to viridans group streptococci, which normally reside in the oral cavity, the gastrointestinal and the urogenital tract.


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Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection is one of the most common infections in human beings worldwide. H. pylori express lipopolysaccharides and flagellin that do not activate efficiently Toll-like receptors and express dedicated effectors, such as γ-glutamyl transpeptidase, vacuolating cytotoxin (vacA), arginase, that actively induce tolerogenic signals. In this perspective, H. pylori can be considered as a commensal bacteria belonging to the stomach microbiota. However, when present in the stomach, H. pylori reduce the overall diversity of the gastric microbiota and promote gastric inflammation by inducing Nod1-dependent pro-inflammatory program and by activating neutrophils through the production of a neutrophil activating protein. The maintenance of a chronic inflammation in the gastric mucosa and the direct action of virulence factors (vacA and cytotoxin-associated gene A) confer pro-carcinogenic activities to H. pylori. Hence, H. pylori cannot be considered as symbiotic bacteria but rather as part of the pathobiont. The development of a H. pylori vaccine will bring health benefits for individuals infected with antibiotic resistant H. pylori strains and population of underdeveloped countries.


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Protein electrophoresis was used to assess the phylogenetic relationships of populations of the phenotypically variable Asian house shrew Suncus murinus. These populations represent a sample of both commensal and wild forms. They were compared to another taxon, S. montanus, which was formerly considered conspecific with S. murinus. Suncus dayi was used as an outgroup in all phylogenetic reconstructions. Within the S. murinus lineage, the allozyme data show very low levels of genetic differentiation among both wild and commensal Southeast Asian and Japanese samples when compared to the Indian populations. This pattern is consistent with the classical hypothesis of a recent introduction by man in Eastern Asia. The higher genetic diversity found within S. murinus from India, as well as previous mitochondrial and karyological results suggest that this area is the probable centre of origin for the species. Although the lack of gene flow between S. murinus and S. montanus is clearly established in an area of sympatry in Southern India, one Asian house shrew sampled in Nepal was more closely related to S. montanus. This could either reflect the retention of an ancestral polymorphism, or result from a hybridization episode between S. murinus and S. montanus. Similar conclusions were also suggested in mitochondrial DNA studies dealing with animals sampled in the Northern parts of the Indian subcontinent. Clearly, further data on Suncus from this area are needed in order to assess these hypotheses. (C) 1995 The Linnean Society of London


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Humans live in symbiosis with 10(14) commensal bacteria among which >99% resides in their gastrointestinal tract. The molecular bases pertaining to the interaction between mucosal secretory IgA (SIgA) and bacteria residing in the intestine are not known. Previous studies have demonstrated that commensals are naturally coated by SIgA in the gut lumen. Thus, understanding how natural SIgA interacts with commensal bacteria can provide new clues on its multiple functions at mucosal surfaces. Using fluorescently labeled, nonspecific SIgA or secretory component (SC), we visualized by confocal microscopy the interaction with various commensal bacteria, including Lactobacillus, Bifidobacteria, Escherichia coli, and Bacteroides strains. These experiments revealed that the interaction between SIgA and commensal bacteria involves Fab- and Fc-independent structural motifs, featuring SC as a crucial partner. Removal of glycans present on free SC or bound in SIgA resulted in a drastic drop in the interaction with Gram-positive bacteria, indicating the essential role of carbohydrates in the process. In contrast, poor binding of Gram-positive bacteria by control IgG was observed. The interaction with Gram-negative bacteria was preserved whatever the molecular form of protein partner used, suggesting the involvement of different binding motifs. Purified SIgA and SC from either mouse hybridoma cells or human colostrum exhibited identical patterns of recognition for Gram-positive bacteria, emphasizing conserved plasticity between species. Thus, sugar-mediated binding of commensals by SIgA highlights the currently underappreciated role of glycans in mediating the interaction between a highly diverse microbiota and the mucosal immune system.


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Beta-hemolytic Streptococcus agalactiae is the leading cause of bacteremia and invasive infections. These diseases are treated with β-lactams or macrolides, but the emergence of less susceptible and even fully resistant strains is a cause for concern. New bacteriophage lysins could be promising alternatives against such organisms. They hydrolyze the bacterial peptidoglycan at the end of the phage cycle, in order to release the phage progeny. By using a bioinformatic approach to screen several beta-hemolytic streptococci, a gene coding for a lysin was identified on a prophage carried by Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis SK1249. The gene product, named PlySK1249, harbored an original three-domain structure with a central cell wall-binding domain surrounded by an N-terminal amidase and a C-terminal CHAP domain. Purified PlySK1249 was highly lytic and bactericidal for S. dysgalactiae (2-log10 CFU/ml decrease within 15 min). Moreover, it also efficiently killed S. agalactiae (1.5-log10 CFU/ml decrease within 15 min) but not several streptococcal commensal species. We further investigated the activity of PlySK1249 in a mouse model of S. agalactiae bacteremia. Eighty percent of the animals (n = 10) challenged intraperitoneally with 10(6) CFU of S. agalactiae died within 72 h, whereas repeated injections of PlySK1249 (45 mg/kg 3 times within 24 h) significantly protected the mice (P < 0.01). Thus, PlySK1249, which was isolated from S. dysgalactiae, demonstrated high cross-lytic activity against S. agalactiae both in vitro and in vivo. These encouraging results indicated that PlySK1249 might represent a good candidate to be developed as a new enzybiotic for the treatment of systemic S. agalactiae infections.


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Horizontal gene transfer between commensal and pathogenic Neisseriae is the mechanism proposed to explain how pathogenic species acquire altered portions of the penA gene, which encodes penicillin binding protein 2. These changes resulted in a moderately penicillin-resistant phenotype in the meningococci, whose frequency of isolation in Spain increased at the end of the 1980s. Little has been published about the possibility of this gene transfer in nature or about its simulation in the laboratory. We designed a simple microcosm, formed by solid and liquid media, that partially mimics the upper human respiratory tract. In this microcosm, penicillin-resistant commensal strains and the fully susceptible meningococcus were co-cultivated. The efficiency of gene transfer between the strains depended on the phase of bacterial growth and the conditions of culture. Resistance of penicillin was acquired in different steps irrespective of the source of the DNA. The presence of DNase in the medium had no effect on gene transfer, but it was near zero when nicked DNA was used. Cell-to-cell contact or membrane blebs could explain these results. The analysis of sequences of the transpeptidase domain of PBP2 from transformants, and from donor and recipient strains demonstrated that the emergence of moderately resistant transformants was due to genetic exchange between the co-cultivated strains. Finally, mechanisms other than penA modification could be invoked to explain decreased susceptibility


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Propionibacterium acnes is a Gram-positive commensal bacterium thought to be involved in the pathogenesis of acne vulgaris. Although the ability of P. acnes in the initiation of pro-inflammatory responses is well documented, little is known about adaptive immune responses to this bacterium. The observation that infiltrating immune cells consist mainly of CD4(+) T cells in the perifollicular space of early acne lesions suggests that helper T cells may be involved in immune responses caused by the intra-follicular colonization of P. acnes. A recent report showing that P. acnes can induce IL-17 production by T cells suggests that acne might be a T helper type 17 (Th17)-mediated disease. In line with this, we show in this work that, in addition to IL-17A, both Th1 and Th17 effector cytokines, transcription factors, and chemokine receptors are strongly upregulated in acne lesions. Furthermore, we found that, in addition to Th17, P. acnes can promote mixed Th17/Th1 responses by inducing the concomitant secretion of IL-17A and IFN-γ from specific CD4(+) T cells in vitro. Finally, we show that both P. acnes-specific Th17 and Th17/Th1 cells can be found in the peripheral blood of patients suffering from acne and, at lower frequencies, in healthy individuals. We therefore identified P. acnes-responding Th17/Th1 cells as, to our knowledge, a previously unreported CD4(+) subpopulation involved in inflammatory acne.


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Résumé: Dans le but de rechercher de nouveaux composés naturels à intérêt thérapeutique, les extraits dichlorométhanique et méthanolique de Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides (Lam.) Zepernick et Timler (Syn. Fagara zanthoxyloides L.) (Rutaceae), une brosse à dents africaine ont été soumis à un criblage chimique et biologique. Un dépistage des activités: antifongiques contre le champignon phytopathogène Cladosporium cucumerinum et la levure commensale responsable de mycoses chez l'homme Candida albicans, antibactérienne contre la bactérie opportuniste Bacillus subtilis, larvicide contre le moustique vecteur de la fièvre jaune Aedes aegypti et molluscicide contre Biomphalaria glabrata, un escargot impliqué dans la transmission de la schistosomiase urinaire a été réalisé. Les propriétés antiradicalaires et inhibitrices de l'acétylcholinestérase de ces extraits ont aussi été dépistées. Sur la base des résultats obtenus lors de ce screening, l'investigation phytochimique de ces extraits a été entreprise. Elle a abouti à l'isolement de 14 composés, actifs pour la majorité contre Cladosporium cucumerinum et Bacillus subtilis, dont la structure a été établie au moyen de méthodes spectroscopiques (UV, MS, IR, 1H- et 13C-NMR). Des méthodes chimiques (hydrolyse, acétylation) ont été requises pour la confirmation de structures. L'extrait dichlorométhanique a fourni un nouveau composé, un dérivé du phényléthane, ainsi que dix composés connus, dont trois dérivés du phénylpropane, un lignane, un alcaloïde de la famille des benzophénanthridines, un triterpène, deux amides phénoliques et deux amides oléfmiques. L'extrait méthanolique a fourni un nouveau composé avec une fonction endoperoxyde, qui avait montré une activité inhibitrice modérée de l'acétylcholinestérase, ainsi que l'hespéridine et un dérivé de la chélérythrine. Par ailleurs, l'analyse LC/UV/APC1-MS de cet extrait a permis de détecter on-une sept produits connus. Parmi ces composés, se trouvent l'acide divanilloylquinique, la chélérythrine et quatre de ses dérivés: norchélérythrin.e, 6-(2-oxybutyl) dihydrochélérythrine, 6-hydroxy-dihydrochélérythrine et avicine, ainsi qu'une amide phénolique, l'amottianamide. La présence de ces dérivés de la chélérythrine a été mise en évidence dans deux autres espèces du même genre lors d'une étude LC/UV/APCI-MS comparative. Les activités fongicides contre Cladosporium cucumerinum et Candida albicans et bactéricides contre Bacillus subtilis et Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175, mises en évidence sur plaque CCM et par les tests de dilution dans l'agar de ces composés, permettent de justifier l'utilisation de Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides (Lam.) Zepemick et Timler comme brosse à dents africaine. Les techniques couplées de pointe utilisées dans cette étude ont montré leur apport inestimable dans le domaine de la recherche phytochimique et les applications futures dans le domaine de déréplication d'extraits bruts. Abstract: With the aim of discovering new natural therapeutics, the dichloromethane and methanol extracts of the African toothbrush tree Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides (Lam.) Zepernick et Timler (Syn. Fagara zanthoxyloides L.) (Rutaceae), were submitted to biological and chemical assays. The former included: the antifimgal activities of the extracts against the phytopathogenic fungus Cladosporium cucumerinum, the commensal yeast which causes human mycoses Candida albicans, the bactericidal activity against the opportunistic bacteria Bacillus subtilis, the larvicidal activity against the yellow fever-transmitting mosquito Aedes aegypti and the molluscicidal effect on the snail Biomphalaria glabrata involved in the transmission of urinary schistosomiasis. The antiradical and acetylcholinesterase-inhibiting properties of these extracts were also investigated. On the basis of these results, a phytochemical investigation of the dichloromethane and methanol extracts of Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides was undertaken. Their fractionation led to the isolation of 14 compounds, the majority of which were active against Cladosporium cucumerinum and Bacillus subtilis, whose structures were elucidated by spectroscopic techniques (UV, MS, IR, 1H- and 13C-NMR). Chemical methods (hydrolysis, acetylation) were performed to confirm the structures. The dichloromethane extract yielded a new phenylethane derivative, together with ten known compounds: three phenylpropane derivatives, a lignan, a benzophenanthridine alkaloid, a triterpene and four phenolic and olefinic amides. The methanol extract yielded a new compound with an endoperoxide moiety, which showed moderate acetylcholinesterase-inhibiting activity, together with hesperidin and a chelerythrine derivative. Seven more compounds were detected on-line by LC/UV/APCI-MS. Among the compounds detected were divanilloylquinic acid, chelerythrine and four chelerythrine derivatives: norchelerythrine, 6-(2-oxybuty1)-dihydrochelerythrine, 6-hydroxy dihydrochelerythrine and avicine, together with the phenolic amide amottianamide. Most of the chelerythrine derivatives were also found in two other Zanthoxylum species following LC/UV/APCI-MS analysis. The antifungal activities against Cladosporium cucumerinum and Candida albicans and antibacterial activities against Bacillus subtilis and Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175, may explain the utilization in traditional medicine of the roots of this plant as a toothbrush. The advanced hyphenated techniques used in this study showed their inestimable contribution to the field of phytochemical research and applications in the field of dereplication of crude extracts.