905 resultados para CMT-welding
The aim of this study was to value the possibility to join, for pulsed Nd:YAG laser welding, thin foils lap joints for sealing components in corrosive environment. Experimental investigations were carried out using a pulsed neodymium: yttrium aluminum garnet laser weld to examine the influence of the pulse energy in the characteristics of the weld fillet. The pulse energy was varied from 1.0 to 2.5 J at increments of 0.25 J with a 4 ms pulse duration. The base materials used for this study were AISI 316L stainless steel and Ni-based alloys foils with 100 mu m thickness. The welds were analyzed by electronic and optical microscopy, tensile shear tests and micro hardness. The results indicate that pulse energy control is of considerable importance to thin foil weld quality because it can generate good mechanical properties and reduce discontinuities in weld joints. The ultimate tensile strength of the welded joints increased at first and then decreased as the pulse energy increased. In all the specimens, fracture occurred in the top foil heat-affected zone next to the fusion line. The microhardness was almost uniform across the parent metal, HAZ and weld metal. A slight increase in the fusion zone and heat-affected zone compared to those measured in the base metal was observed. This is related to the microstructural refinement in the fusion zone, induced by rapid cooling of the laser welding. The process appeared to be very sensitive to the gap between couples.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Doped barium cerate is a promising solid electrolyte for intermediate temperature fuel cells as a protonic conductor. However, it is difficult to sinter it to high density at a reasonable temperature. Moreover, it presents a high grain boundary resistivity at intermediate temperatures. Flash grain welding was applied to compacted samples, starting from a temperature of 910 degrees C and applying, for a short time, an ac electric polarization of 40 V, 1000 Hz. At that frequency, the resulting current flows through the grain boundaries promoting a welding via a local Joule heating. A large decrease of the grain boundary resistivity was observed by impedance spectroscopy. Scanning electron microscopy observations of polished and etched surfaces revealed highly sintered regions. Attempts were also made to combine flash grain welding with conventional sintering. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Studio della caratterizzazione micromeccanica di provini in alluminio 6082 T6 saldati con la tecnica della rotary friction welding, tecnica innovativa nell’ambito delle tecnologie di giunzione solida, che sfrutta il principio della saldatura per attrito. Dopo un'introduzione teorica sulle principali tematiche affrontate e sui principali sistemi di misura usati, verranno effettuate micrografie dei giunti e prove di microdurezza sugli stessi. Si termina riportando i grafici delle microdurezze trovate, in modo da poter confrontare i risultati ottenuti con le caratteristiche del materiale base. Da questi si osserva che: nonostante la qualità accettabile dei giunti, le elevate temperature raggiunte durante la saldatura hanno alterato il trattamento termico del materiale base, che da T6 assume caratteristiche più simili a un T4. In altre parole il materiale saldato presenta caratteristiche micromeccaniche inferiori a quelle nominalmente assegnabili al materiale base.
Il presente lavoro di tesi si pone come obiettivo la caratterizzazione microstrutturale di una serie di giunti realizzati tramite un innovativo processo di saldatura allo stato solido denominato Rotary Friction Welding. In tale ricerca si descrive il percorso seguito per arrivare a tale caratterizzazione partendo da una discussione delle principali tecniche di saldatura, in particolare quelle per attrito, per passare poi ad un’analisi dettagliata della fase di creazione dei giunti saldati e della successiva fase dedicata alla verifica microstrutturale. I risultati ottenuti, ci forniranno indici di confronto sulla qualità del materiale, sui processi tecnologici, sui trattamenti e su alcune fondamentali proprietà meccaniche
Nel seguente elaborato si propone lo sviluppo di un modello agli elementi finiti (FEM) del processo di friction welding del quale, attraverso i dati rilevati da prove sperimentali di validazione termica, vengono valutati i parametri ottimali di simulazione. Ai risultati così ottenuti vengono applicati anche algoritmi per la valutazione della microstruttura e della qualità della saldatura, sviluppati originariamente per l'analisi dell'estrusione: in entrambi i casi a seguito del confronto con le analisi metallografiche dei provini è stato possibile validare ulteriormente il modello creato.
Costruzione di un modello numerico base per la simulazione del processo Rotary Friction Welding.
ASTM A529 carbon¿manganese steel angle specimens were joined by flash butt welding and the effects of varying process parameter settings on the resulting welds were investigated. The weld metal and heat affected zones were examined and tested using tensile testing, ultrasonic scanning, Rockwell hardness testing, optical microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectroscopy in order to quantify the effect of process variables on weld quality. Statistical analysis of experimental tensile and ultrasonic scanning data highlighted the sensitivity of weld strength and the presence of weld zone inclusions and interfacial defects to the process factors of upset current, flashing time duration, and upset dimension. Subsequent microstructural analysis revealed various phases within the weld and heat affected zone, including acicular ferrite, Widmanstätten or side-plate ferrite, and grain boundary ferrite. Inspection of the fracture surfaces of multiple tensile specimens, with scanning electron microscopy, displayed evidence of brittle cleavage fracture within the weld zone for certain factor combinations. Test results also indicated that hardness was increased in the weld zone for all specimens, which can be attributed to the extensive deformation of the upset operation. The significance of weld process factor levels on microstructure, fracture characteristics, and weld zone strength was analyzed. The relationships between significant flash welding process variables and weld quality metrics as applied to ASTM A529-Grade 50 steel angle were formalized in empirical process models.
Laser Welding (LW) is more often used in manufacturing due to its advantages, such as accurate control, good repeatability, less heat input, opportunities for joining of special materials, high speed, capability to join small dimension parts etc. LW is dedicated to robotized manufacturing, and the fabrication cells are using various level of flexibility, from specialized robots to very flexible setups. This paper features several LW applications using two industrially-scaled manufacturing cells at UPM Laser Centre (CLUPM) of Polytechnical University of Madrid (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid). The one dedicated to Remote Laser Welding (RLW) of thin sheets for automotive and other sectors uses a CO2 laser of 3500 W. The second has a high flexibility, is based on a 6-axis ABB robot and a Nd:YAG laser of 3300 W, and is meant for various laser processing methods, including welding. After a short description of each cell, several LW applications experimented at CLUPM and recently implemented in industry are briefly presented: RLW of automotive coated sheets, LW of high strength automotive sheets, LW vs. laser hybrid welding (LHW) of Double Phase steel thin sheets, and LHW of thin sheets of stainless steel and carbon steel (dissimilar joints). The main technological issues overcame and the critical process parameters are pointed out. Conclusions about achievements and trends are provided.
The present investigation addresse the influence of laser welding process-ing parameters used for joining dis-similar metals (ferritic to austenitic steel), on the induced residual stress field. Welding was performed on a Nd:YAG laser DY033 (3300 W) in a continuous wave (CW), keyhole mode. The base metals (BM) employed in this study are AISI 1010 carbon steel (CS) and AISI 304L austenitic stainless steel (SS). Pairs of dissimilar plates of 200 mm x 45 mm x 3 mm were butt joined by laser welding. Different sets of parameters were used to engineer the base metals apportionment at joint formation, namely distinct dilution rates. Residual strain scanning, carried out by neutron diffraction was used to assess the joints. Through-thickness residual stress maps were determined for the laser welded samples of dis-similar steels using high spatial reso-lution. As a result, an appropriate set of processing parameters, able to mi-nimize the local tensile residual stress associated to the welding process, was found.
In this study, autogenous laser welding was used to join thin plates of low carbon ferritic and austenitic stainless steel. Due to the differences in the thermo-physical properties of base metals, this kind of weld exhibits a complex microstructure, which frequently leads to an overall loss of joint quality. Four welded samples were prepared by using different sets of processing parameters, with the aim of minimizing the induced residual stress field. The dissimilar austenitic-ferritic joints obtained under all welding conditions were uniform and free of defects. Variations in beam position did not influence the weld geometiy, which is a typical keyhole welding. Microstructural characterization and residual strain scanning (by neutron diffraction) were used to assess the features of the joints. By varying laser beam power density and by displacing the laser beam towards the carbon steel side, an optimum combination of processing parameters was found.