997 resultados para CLONES
Eucalyptus requires large amounts of nitrogen (N); however, it responds in diverse manners to the application of this nutrient. The aim of this study was to evaluate the differential performance in growth, mineral nutrition, and gas exchanges of N-fertilized Eucalyptus clones. The treatments consisted of two Eucalyptus clones (VM-01 and I-144) and six N application rates (0, 0.74, 2.93, 4.39, 5.85, and 8 mmol L-1 NH4NO3) arranged in a randomized complete block design with five replications. VM-01 had greater plant height and greater height/collar diameter ratio, as well as higher leaf concentrations of all macronutrients and of Cu, Fe, Mo, and Zn. In terms of total and root dry matter production, root/shoot ratio, and collar diameter, as well as stomatal conductance and transpiration, I-144 performed better. The performance of the clones was clearly differentiated, and the growth of I-144, despite lower leaf N concentration, was in general better than VM-01.
The use of leaf total nitrogen concentration as an indicator for nutritional diagnosis has some limitations. The objective of this study was to determine the reliability of total N concentration as an indicator of N status for eucalyptus clones, and to compare it with alternative indicators. A greenhouse experiment was carried out in a randomized complete block design in a 2 × 6 factorial arrangement with plantlets of two eucalyptus clones (140 days old) and six levels of N in the nutrient solution. In addition, a field experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design in a 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 factorial arrangement, consisting of two seasons, two regions, two young clones (approximately two years old), and three positions of crown leaf sampling. The field areas (regions) had contrasting soil physical and chemical properties, and their soil contents for total N, NH+4-N, and NO−3-N were determined in five soil layers, up to a depth of 1.0 m. We evaluated the following indicators of plant N status in roots and leaves: contents of total N, NH+4-N, NO−3-N, and chlorophyll; N/P ratio; and chlorophyll meter readings on the leaves. Ammonium (root) and NO−3-N (root and leaf) efficiently predicted N requirements for eucalyptus plantlets in the greenhouse. Similarly, leaf N/P, chlorophyll values, and chlorophyll meter readings provided good results in the greenhouse. However, leaf N/P did not reflect the soil N status, and the use of the chlorophyll meter could not be generalized for different genotypes. Leaf total N concentration is not an ideal indicator, but it and the chlorophyll levels best represent the soil N status for young eucalyptus clones under field conditions.
ABSTRACT Rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) crop may accumulate significant amounts of carbon either in biomass or in the soil. However, a comprehensive understanding of the potential of the C stock among different rubber tree clones is still distant, since clones are typically developed to exhibit other traits, such as better yield and disease tolerance. Thus, the aim of this study was to address differences among different areas planted to rubber clones. We hypothesized that different rubber tree clones, developed to adapt to different environmental and biological constrains, diverge in terms of soil and plant biomass C stocks. Clones were compared in respect to soil C stocks at four soil depths and the total depth (0.00-0.05, 0.05-0.10, 0.10-0.20, 0.20-0.40, and 0.00-0.40 m), and in the different compartments of the tree biomass. Five different plantings of rubber clones (FX3864, FDR 5788, PMB 1, MDX 624, and CDC 312) of seven years of age were compared, which were established in a randomized block design in the experimental field in Rio de Janeiro State. No difference was observed among plantings of rubber tree clones in regard to soil C stocks, even considering the total stock from 0.00-0.40 m depth. However, the rubber tree clones were different from each other in terms of total plant C stocks, and this contrast was predominately due to only one component of the total C stock, tree biomass. For biomass C stock, the MDX 624 rubber tree clone was superior to other clones, and the stem was the biomass component which most accounted for total C biomass. The contrast among rubber clones in terms of C stock is mainly due to the biomass C stock; the aboveground (tree biomass) and the belowground (soil) compartments contributed differently to the total C stock, 36.2 and 63.8 %, respectively. Rubber trees did not differ in relation to C stocks in the soil, but the right choice of a rubber clone is a reliable approach for sequestering C from the air in the biomass of trees.
La película "La Isla" plantea un problema importante, el de la clonación terapéutica y, en particular, dos de sus aspectos: lo que podemos llamar el estatuto antropológicode los clones y la cuestión de la privatización de la biotecnología.
Although cardiac stem cells have been isolated based on stem cell surface markers, no single marker is stem cell-specific. Clonogenicity is a defining functional property of stemness. We therefore analyzed cardiac cell clones derived from human hearts.Methods: Clonogenic cells were derived from adult human atrial samples. Cells were either cultured in the absence of an initial marker selection or, in separate experiments, they were initially selected for c-kit (CD117), CD31 or CD164 by magnetic immunobeads, or for high aldehyde dehydrogenase activity (ALDH) by FACS. High ALDH activity has been linked to stem/progenitor cells in several tissues. Surface marker analysis was performed by flow cytometry. Cultured cells were also exposed to different factors that modulate cell differentiation, including Dikkopf-1, Noggin, and Wnt-5.Results: Clonogenic cells mainly showed fibroblast-like morphology, ability to grow for more than 30 passages in vitro, and a heterogeneous marker profile even in clones derived from the same cardiac sample. The predominant phenotype was positive for CD13, CD29, CD31, CD44, CD54, CD105 and CD146, but negative for CD10, CD11b, CD14, CD15, CD34, CD38, CD45, CD56, CD106, CD117, CD123, CD133, CD135 and CD271, primarily consistent with endothelial/vascular progenitor cells. However, a minority of clones showed a different profile characterized by expression of CD90, CD106 and CD318, but not CD31 and CD146, consistent with mesenchymal stem/progenitor cells. When initial cell selection was performed, both phenotypes were observed, similarly to unselected cells, irrespective of the selection marker used. Of note, CD117+ sorted cell clones were CD117-negative in culture. Regardless of the immunophenotype, several clones were able to form spheric cell aggregates (cardiospheres), a distinct stem cell property. Dikkopf-1 induced marked CD15 and CD106 upregulation, consistent with stromal differentiation; this effect was prevented by Noggin.Conclusions: The adult human heart contains clonogenic stem/progenitor cells that can be expanded for many passages and form cardiospheres. The surface marker profile of these cells is heterogeneous, consistent with a majority of clones being comprised of endothelial or vascular progenitor cells and a minority of clones consisting of mesenchymal stem/progenitor cells. Dikkopf-1 and Noggin showed opposing effects on stromal differentiation of human cardiac cell clones.
We constructed a microsatellite library from four Crocidura russula Y chromosome-specific bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones. Only one of eight microsatellites was male-specific, despite genome walking to obtain more flanking sequence and testing of 93 primer combinations. Potential reasons for this low success are discussed. The male-specific locus, CRY3, was genotyped in 90 males, including C. russula from across the species range and two related species. The large difference in CRY3 allele size between eastern and western lineages supports earlier reports of high divergence between them. Despite polymorphism of CRY3 in Morocco, only one allele was found throughout the whole of Europe, consistent with previous studies that suggest recent colonization of Europe from a small number of Moroccan founders.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi selecionar clones comerciais de batata-doce para a região do Triângulo Mineiro. Dos clones avaliados, 60 foram obtidos por policruzamentos e cedidos pela Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA), três, entre produtores rurais dos municípios de Araguari, Uberlândia e Machado, todos do Estado de Minas Gerais, e outros nove foram usados como testemunhas (Brazlândia Branca, Brazlândia Rosada, Surpresa, Rio Doce, Morena Roxa, Coquinho, Arroba, Pira 1 e o Clone 042). O experimento foi instalado no espaçamento de 1,10 x 0,45 m, utilizando-se o delineamento blocos casualizados, com 72 tratamentos, quatro repetições e 16 plantas por parcela. Entre os clones avaliados 32,8% apresentaram alta ou moderada resistência a insetos de solo. O clone 95041 foi o mais produtivo, com 28.048,96 kg/ha. Os clones 95009, 95010, 95014, 95020, 95033, 95042 e 95057 foram altamente resistentes a insetos de solo.
É apresentado o resultado da primeira seleção de 25 clones de seringueira (Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex Adr. de Juss.) Müell. Arg.), a maior parte constituída de introduções de diferentes origens. Após multiplicados, foram avaliados em experimentos do tipo pequena escala, obedecendo ao delineamento de blocos ao acaso, instalado na Estação Experimental de Votuporanga, SP. Os caracteres avaliados foram: produção de borracha seca, vigor expresso pelo perímetro do caule, espessura de casca e número de anéis de vasos laticíferos. Com relação à produção de borracha seca, destacaram-se os clones IAN 3156, IAC 40, 7/6, 3/5 e 3/1, produzindo 124%, 105%, 27%, 26% e 19% superiores em relação ao RRIM 600, recomendando-se seu plantio em pequena escala na região de Jaú. Caracteres secundários tais como o vigor, espessura de casca e número de anéis de vasos laticíferos dos clones testados são também discutidos. Sugere-se sua avaliação em experimentos do tipo grande escala com o objetivo de avaliar, além da produção, outros caracteres secundários para futuras recomendações no Estado de São Paulo.
Rubber tree [Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex Adr. de Juss.) Müell. Arg.] budgrafts of seven clones were evaluated on five contrasting sites in the plateau region of the São Paulo State, Brazil. The objective of this work was to study the phenotypic stability for girth growth. The experimental design was a randomized block design with three replications and seven treatments. Analysis of variance of girth at six-year plant growth indicated a highly significant clone x site interaction. Only linear sites and clone x site components of clone x year interaction were significant, indicating that the performance of clones over sites for this trait could be predicted. The clones GT 1 and PB 235 showed the greatest stability in relation to girth growth, with foreseen responses to change, introduced in the sites. The clones PB 235 and IAN 873 showed significative difference in relation to regression coefficient, representing clones with specific adaptability on favorable and unfavorable sites respectively. The clone GT 1 became the most promissory one in the study of stability and adaptability even showing low girth growth. Expected genetic gains from planting sites, along with estimates of clonal variance and repeatability of clonal means are generally greatest or close to the greatest when selection is done at the same site.
Os objetivos deste trabalho foram estimar coeficientes de repetibilidade (r), comparar a eficiência das metodologias utilizadas no processo de estimação, e determinar o número de avaliações necessárias à seleção clonal de cajueiro-anão (Anacardium occidentale L.) precoce. As metodologias aplicadas para estimação do coeficiente de repetibilidade constaram da análise de variância, na qual o efeito temporário do ambiente é removido do erro (ANOVA); de análise dos componentes principais obtidos da matriz de correlações (CPCOR) e da matriz de variâncias e covariâncias fenotípicas (CPCOV); e da análise estrutural, com base no autovalor teórico da matriz de correlações ou correlação média (AECOR). Foram avaliados, em trinta clones, os caracteres altura da planta (AP), diâmetro da copa (DC) e produção de castanha (PC), durante cinco anos. Verificou-se que em relação aos caracteres AP e DC os valores de r variaram de 0,85 (ANOVA) a 0,96 (CPCOV). Quanto à produção, os valores de r foram de 0,51 (ANOVA) a 0,88 (CPCOV). Desta forma, constatou-se que o método de componentes principais utilizando a matriz de variâncias e covariâncias fenotípicas é mais eficiente para estimação do coeficiente de repetibilidade, sobretudo no que se refere ao carácter produção de castanha. Observou-se que são suficientes duas medições da AP e do DC, e três medições da PC no processo seletivo.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o desempenho produtivo e os aspectos econômicos de dez clones de seringueira [Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex Adr. de Juss.) Muell. Arg.] em diferentes freqüências de sangria e com estimulação à base de ethefon. O experimento foi instalado na Fazenda Indiana, no município de Indiana, SP, sob o delineamento de blocos ao acaso com parcelas subdivididas. Os tratamentos principais foram os clones GT 1, RRIM 701, RRIM 600, PB 235, PR 261, PB 252, Fx 4098, Fx 2261, Fx 3864 e IAN 873, submetidos a três sistemas de sangria: 1/2S d/2 6d/7 (testemunha), 1/2S d/4 6d/7.10m/y. ET 5,0% Ba 10y e 1/2S d/6 6d/7.10m/y. ET 5,0% Ba 10/y. As variáveis estudadas foram: perímetro do caule, produção, secamento do painel e os aspectos econômicos. Os resultados mostraram superioridade no sistema 1/2S d/2 6d/7 na maioria dos clones, exceto o GT 1 e o PB 235, que no sistema 1/2S d/4 ET 5,0% apresentaram ganhos líquidos de 12,0% e 54,0%, respectivamente, acima do obtido no sistema testemunha. Somente os clones Fx 3864 e PB 235 apresentaram ganhos líquidos de 18,0% e 28,0% no sistema 1/2S d/6 ET 5% superiores em relação ao obtido no sistema testemunha. A maior porcentagem de secamento do painel foi observada no clone PB 235 no sistema 1/2S d/4 ET 5,0%.