993 resultados para CLEAVAGE SITES


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Evidence for a two-metal ion mechanism for cleavage of the HH16 hammerhead ribozyme is provided by monitoring the rate of cleavage of the RNA substrate as a function of La3+ concentration in the presence of a constant concentration of Mg2+. We show that a bell-shaped curve of cleavage activation is obtained as La3+ is added in micromolar concentrations in the presence of 8 mM Mg2+, with a maximal rate of cleavage being attained in the presence of 3 microM La3+. These results show that two-metal ion binding sites on the ribozyme regulate the rate of the cleavage reaction and, on the basis of earlier estimates of the Kd values for Mg2+ of 3.5 mM and > 50 mM, that these sites bind La3+ with estimated Kd values of 0.9 and > 37.5 microM, respectively. Furthermore, given the very different effects of these metal ions at the two binding sites, with displacement of Mg2+ by La3+ at the stronger (relative to Mg2+) binding site activating catalysis and displacement of Mg2+ by La3+ at the weaker (relative to Mg2+) (relative to Mg2+) binding site inhibiting catalysis, we show that the metal ions at these two sites play very different roles. We argue that the metal ion at binding site 1 coordinates the attacking 2'-oxygen species in the reaction and lowers the pKa of the attached proton, thereby increasing the concentration of the attacking alkoxide nucleophile in an equilibrium process. In contrast, the role of the metal ion at binding site 2 is to catalyze the reaction by absorbing the negative charge that accumulates at the leaving 5'-oxygen in the transition state. We suggest structural reasons why the Mg(2+)-La3+ ion combination is particularly suited to demonstrating these different roles of the two-metal ions in the ribozyme cleavage reaction.


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Stimulation of the androgen receptor via bioavailable androgens, including testosterone and testosterone metabolites, is a key driver of prostate development and the early stages of prostate cancer. Androgens are hydrophobic and as such require carrier proteins, including sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), to enable efficient distribution from sites of biosynthesis to target tissues. The similarly hydrophobic corticosteroids also require a carrier protein whose affinity for steroid is modulated by proteolysis. However, proteolytic mechanisms regulating the SHBG/androgen complex have not been reported. Here, we show that the cancer-associated serine proteases, kallikrein-related peptidase (KLK)4 and KLK14, bind strongly to SHBG in glutathione S-transferase interaction analyses. Further, we demonstrate that active KLK4 and KLK14 cleave human SHBG at unique sites and in an androgen-dependent manner. KLK4 separated androgen-free SHBG into its two laminin G-like (LG) domains that were subsequently proteolytically stable even after prolonged digestion, whereas a catalytically equivalent amount of KLK14 reduced SHBG to small peptide fragments over the same period. Conversely, proteolysis of 5α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT)-bound SHBG was similar for both KLKs and left the steroid binding LG4 domain intact. Characterization of this proteolysis fragment by [(3)H]-labeled DHT binding assays revealed that it retained identical affinity for androgen compared with full-length SHBG (dissociation constant = 1.92 nM). Consistent with this, both full-length SHBG and SHBG-LG4 significantly increased DHT-mediated transcriptional activity of the androgen receptor compared with DHT delivered without carrier protein. Collectively, these data provide the first evidence that SHBG is a target for proteolysis and demonstrate that a stable fragment derived from proteolysis of steroid-bound SHBG retains binding function in vitro.


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Mammalian heparanase is an endo-β-glucuronidase associated with cell invasion in cancer metastasis, angiogenesis and inflammation. Heparanase cleaves heparan sulfate proteoglycans in the extracellular matrix and basement membrane, releasing heparin/heparan sulfate oligosaccharides of appreciable size. This in turn causes the release of growth factors, which accelerate tumor growth and metastasis. Heparanase has two glycosaminoglycan-binding domains; however, no three-dimensional structure information is available for human heparanase that can provide insights into how the two domains interact to degrade heparin fragments. We have constructed a new homology model of heparanase that takes into account the most recent structural and bioinformatics data available. Heparin analogs and glycosaminoglycan mimetics were computationally docked into the active site with energetically stable ring conformations and their interaction energies were compared. The resulting docked structures were used to propose a model for substrates and conformer selectivity based on the dimensions of the active site. The docking of substrates and inhibitors indicates the existence of a large binding site extending at least two saccharide units beyond the cleavage site (toward the nonreducing end) and at least three saccharides toward the reducing end (toward heparin-binding site 2). The docking of substrates suggests that heparanase recognizes the N-sulfated and O-sulfated glucosamines at subsite +1 and glucuronic acid at the cleavage site, whereas in the absence of 6-O-sulfation in glucosamine, glucuronic acid is docked at subsite +2. These findings will help us to focus on the rational design of heparanase-inhibiting molecules for anticancer drug development by targeting the two heparin/heparan sulfate recognition domains.


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EcoP15I is a type III restriction enzyme that requires two recognition sites in a defined orientation separated by up to 3.5 kbp to efficiently cleave DNA. The mechanism through which site- bound EcoP15I enzymes communicate between the two sites is unclear. Here, we use atomic force microscopy to study EcoP15I-DNA pre-cleavage complexes. From the number and size distribution of loops formed, we conclude that the loops observed do not result from translocation, but are instead formed by a contact between site- bound EcoP15I and a nonspecific region of DNA. This conclusion is confirmed by a theoretical polymer model. It is further shown that translocation must play some role, because when translocation is blocked by a Lac repressor protein, DNA cleavage is similarly blocked. On the basis of these results, we present a model for restriction by type III restriction enzymes and highlight the similarities between this and other classes of restriction enzymes.


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The formation of local structure, in short peptides has been probed by examining cleavage patterns and rates of proteolysis of designed sequences with a high tendency to form β-hairpin structures. Three model sequences which bear fluorescence donor and acceptor groups have been investigated: Dab-Gaba-Lys-Pro-Leu-Gly-Lys-Val-Xxx-Yyy-Glu-Val-Ala-Ala-Cys-Lys-NH2 ï EDANS Xxx-Yyy: Peptide 1=DPro-LPro, Peptide 2=DPro-Gly, Peptide 3=Leu-Ala Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) provides a convenient probe for peptide cleavage. MALDI mass spectrometry has been used to probe sites of cleavage and CD spectroscopy to access the overall backbone conformation using analog sequences, which lack strongly absorbing donor and acceptor groups. The proteases trypsin, subtilisin, collagenase, elastase, proteinase K and thermolysin were used for proteolysis and the rates of cleavage determined. Peptide 3 is the most susceptible to cleavage by all the enzymes except thermolysin, which cleaves all three peptides at comparable rates. Peptides 1 and 2 are completely resistant to the action of trypsin, suggesting that β-turn formation acts as a deterrent to proteolytic cleavage.


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Structure at the polypurine-polypyrimidine sequences flanking the HpaII sites (CCGG) in pBR322 form V DNA was probed employing single-hit analysis using HpaII restriction endonuclease. Reduced cleavage efficiency of HpaII sites flanked by polypurine-polypyrimidine sequences suggested that under high torsional stress these sequences adopt unwound structures rendering these sites insensitive to restriction enzyme cleavage. In addition to polypurine-polypyrimidine sequences. HpaII sites flanked by alternating purine-pyrimidine sequence, a potential motif of left handed Z-DNA, were also found to be resistant to HpaII cleavage. Results obtained from various studies implicating structure sensitivity of restriction endonucleases and methylases were compiled and a direct correlation was observed between the occurrence of altered sites in a domain and its G/C content in pBR322 form V DNA.


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Most of the restriction endonucleases (REases) are dependent on Mg2+ for DNA cleavage, and in general, Ca2+ inhibits their activity. RKpnI, an HNH active site containing beta beta alpha-Me finger nuclease, is an exception. In presence of Ca2+, the enzyme exhibits high-fidelity DNA cleavage and complete suppression of Mg2+-induced promiscuous activity. To elucidate the mechanism of unusual Ca2+-mediated activity, we generated alanine variants in the putative Ca-2+ binding motif, E(132)xD(134)xD(136), of the enzyme. Mutants showed decreased levels of DNA cleavage in the presence of Ca2+. We demonstrate that ExDxD residues are involved in Ca2+ coordination; however, the invariant His of the catalytic HNH motif acts as a general base for nucleophile activation, and the other two active site residues, D148 and Q175, also participate in Ca2+-mediated cleavage. Insertion of a 10-amino acid linker to disrupt the spatial organization of the ExDxD and HNH motifs impairs Ca2+ binding and affects DNA cleavage by the enzyme. Although ExDxD mutant enzymes retained efficient cleavage at the canonical sites in the presence of Mg2+, the promiscuous activity was greatly reduced, indicating that the carboxyl residues of the acidic triad play an important role in sequence recognition by the enzyme. Thus, the distinct Ca2+ binding motif that confers site specific cleavage upon Ca2+ binding is also critical for the promiscuous activity of the Mg2+-bound enzyme, revealing its role in metal ion-mediated modulation of DNA cleavage.


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Type I DNA topoisomerases from bacteria catalyse relaxation of negatively supercoiled DNA in a Mg2+ dependent manner. Although topoisomerases of distinct classes have been subjected for anti-cancer and anti-infective drug development, bacterial type I enzymes are way behind in this regard. Our studies with Mycobacterium smegmatis topoisomerase I (MstopoI) revealed several of its distinct properties compared to the well studied Escherichia coli topoisomerase I (EctopoI) suggesting the possibility of targeting the mycobacterial enzyme for inhibitor development. Here, we describe Mycobacterium tuberculosis topoisomerase I (MttopoI) and compare its properties with MstopoI and EctopoI. The enzyme cleaves DNA at preferred sites in a pattern similar to its ortholog from M. smegmatis. Oligonucleotides containing the specific recognition sequence inhibited the activity of the enzyme in a manner similar to that of MstopoI. Substitution of the acidic residues, D111 and E115 which are involved in Mg2+ co-ordination, to alanines affected the DNA relaxation activity. Unlike the wild type enzyme, D111A was dependent on Mg2+ for DNA cleavage and both the mutants were compromised in religation. The monoclonal antibody (mAb), 2F3G4, developed against MstopoI inhibited the relaxation activity of MttopoI. These studies affirm the characteristics of MttopoI to be similar to MstopoI and set a stage to target it for the development of specific small molecule inhibitors. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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DNA recognition is an essential biological process responsible for the regulation of cellular functions including protein synthesis and cell division and is implicated in the mechanism of action of some anticancer drugs. Studies directed towards defining the elements responsible for sequence specific DNA recognition through the study of the interactions of synthetic organic ligands with DNA are described.

DNA recognition by poly-N-methylpyrrolecarboxamides was studied by the synthesis and characterization of a series of molecules where the number of contiguous N-methylpyrrolecarboxamide units was increased from 2 to 9. The effect of this incremental change in structure on DNA recognition has been investigated at base pair resolution using affinity cleaving and MPE•Fe(II) footprinting techniques. These studies led to a quantitative relationship between the number of amides in the molecule and the DNA binding site size. This relationship is called the n + 1 rule and it states that a poly-N methylpyrrolecarboxamide molecule with n amides will bind n + 1 base pairs of DNA. This rule is consistent with a model where the carboxamides of these compounds form three center bridging hydrogen bonds between adjacent base pairs on opposite strands of the helix. The poly-N methylpyrrolecarboxamide recognition element was found to preferentially bind poly dA•poly dT stretches; however, both binding site selection and orientation were found to be affected by flanking sequences. Cleavage of large DNA is also described.

One approach towards the design of molecules that bind large sequences of double helical DNA sequence specifically is to couple DNA binding subunits of similar or diverse base pair specificity. Bis-EDTA-distamycin-fumaramide (BEDF) is an octaamide dimer of two tri-N methylpyrrolecarboxamide subunits linked by fumaramide. DNA recognition by BEDF was compared to P7E, an octaamide molecule containing seven consecutive pyrroles. These two compounds were found to recognize the same sites on pBR322 with approximately the same affinities demonstrating that fumaramide is an effective linking element for Nmethylpyrrolecarboxamide recognition subunits. Further studies involved the synthesis and characterization of a trimer of tetra-N-methylpyrrolecarboxamide subunits linked by β-alanine ((P4)_(3)E). This trimerization produced a molecule which is capable of recognizing 16 base pairs of A•T DNA, more than a turn and a half of the DNA helix.

DNA footprinting is a powerful direct method for determining the binding sites of proteins and small molecules on heterogeneous DNA. It was found that attachment of EDTA•Fe(II) to spermine creates a molecule, SE•Fe(II), which binds and cleaves DNA sequence neutrally. This lack of specificity provides evidence that at the nucleotide level polyamines recognize heterogeneous DNA independent of sequence and allows SE•Fe(II) to be used as a footprinting reagent. SE•Fe(II) was compared with two other small molecule footprinting reagents, EDTA•Fe(II) and MPE•Fe(II).


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A series of eight related analogs of distamycin A has been synthesized. Footprinting and affinity cleaving reveal that only two of the analogs, pyridine-2- car box amide-netropsin (2-Py N) and 1-methylimidazole-2-carboxamide-netrops in (2-ImN), bind to DNA with a specificity different from that of the parent compound. A new class of sites, represented by a TGACT sequence, is a strong site for 2-PyN binding, and the major recognition site for 2-ImN on DNA. Both compounds recognize the G•C bp specifically, although A's and T's in the site may be interchanged without penalty. Additional A•T bp outside the binding site increase the binding affinity. The compounds bind in the minor groove of the DNA sequence, but protect both grooves from dimethylsulfate. The binding evidence suggests that 2-PyN or 2-ImN binding induces a DNA conformational change.

In order to understand this sequence specific complexation better, the Ackers quantitative footprinting method for measuring individual site affinity constants has been extended to small molecules. MPE•Fe(II) cleavage reactions over a 10^5 range of free ligand concentrations are analyzed by gel electrophoresis. The decrease in cleavage is calculated by densitometry of a gel autoradiogram. The apparent fraction of DNA bound is then calculated from the amount of cleavage protection. The data is fitted to a theoretical curve using non-linear least squares techniques. Affinity constants at four individual sites are determined simultaneously. The distamycin A analog binds solely at A•T rich sites. Affinities range from 10^(6)- 10^(7)M^(-1) The data for parent compound D fit closely to a monomeric binding curve. 2-PyN binds both A•T sites and the TGTCA site with an apparent affinity constant of 10^(5) M^(-1). 2-ImN binds A•T sites with affinities less than 5 x 10^(4) M^(-1). The affinity of 2-ImN for the TGTCA site does not change significantly from the 2-PyN value. At the TGTCA site, the experimental data fit a dimeric binding curve better than a monomeric curve. Both 2-PyN and 2-ImN have substantially lower DNA affinities than closely related compounds.

In order to probe the requirements of this new binding site, fourteen other derivatives have been synthesized and tested. All compounds that recognize the TGTCA site have a heterocyclic aromatic nitrogen ortho to the N or C-terminal amide of the netropsin subunit. Specificity is strongly affected by the overall length of the small molecule. Only compounds that consist of at least three aromatic rings linked by amides exhibit TGTCA site binding. Specificity is only weakly altered by substitution on the pyridine ring, which correlates best with steric factors. A model is proposed for TGTCA site binding that has as its key feature hydrogen bonding to both G's by the small molecule. The specificity is determined by the sequence dependence of the distance between G's.

One derivative of 2-PyN exhibits pH dependent sequence specificity. At low pH, 4-dimethylaminopyridine-2-carboxamide-netropsin binds tightly to A•T sites. At high pH, 4-Me_(2)NPyN binds most tightly to the TGTCA site. In aqueous solution, this compound protonates at the pyridine nitrogen at pH 6. Thus presence of the protonated form correlates with A•T specificity.

The binding site of a class of eukaryotic transcriptional activators typified by yeast protein GCN4 and the mammalian oncogene Jun contains a strong 2-ImN binding site. Specificity requirements for the protein and small molecule are similar. GCN4 and 2-lmN bind simultaneously to the same binding site. GCN4 alters the cleavage pattern of 2-ImN-EDTA derivative at only one of its binding sites. The details of the interaction suggest that GCN4 alters the conformation of an AAAAAAA sequence adjacent to its binding site. The presence of a yeast counterpart to Jun partially blocks 2-lmN binding. The differences do not appear to be caused by direct interactions between 2-lmN and the proteins, but by induced conformational changes in the DNA protein complex. It is likely that the observed differences in complexation are involved in the varying sequence specificity of these proteins.


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We have performed density functional theory (DFT) calculations to investigate the reaction mechanism of the cleavage of the carbonyl bond in amides on both flat and stepped Ru surfaces. The simplest amide molecule, N,N-dimethylacetamide (DMA), was used as the exemplar model molecule. Through the calculations, the most stable transition states (TSs) in all the pathways on both flat and stepped Ru surfaces are identified. Comparing the energy profiles of different reaction pathways, we find that a direct cleavage mechanism is always energetically favored as compared with an alternative hydrogen-induced mechanism on either the flat or stepped Ru surface. It is easier for the dissociation process to occur on the stepped surface than on the flat surface. However, as compared with the terrace, the superiority of step sites boosting the C-O bond dissociation is not as evident as that on CO dissociation.


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A density functional theory study of methanol dehydrogenation over stepped Pt(2 1 1) surfaces without and with Ru modification was carried out to understand fuel catalytic reactions on Pt-based catalysts. Two main pathways of the CH3OH dehydrogenation were examined: the O–H pathway which was initiated by O–H bond scission to form the methoxy (CH3O) intermediate followed by sequential cleavage of C–H bonds to CO, and the C–H pathway which was initiated by C–H bond scission to form the hydroxymethyl (CH2OH) followed by two C–H bond cleavages to COH and then CO. Possible crossover reactions between the O–H and C–H pathways were also computed. Compared to flat Pt(1 1 1), stepped Pt(2 1 1) increases the adsorption energies of intermediates, making no significant contribution to decreasing the reaction barriers of most elementary steps involved, except in the first hydrogen scission. However, on the Ru-modified surface, a significant reduction was found in reaction barriers for the first step of the C–H bond scission and a number of further dehydrogenation steps crossing over to the O–H pathway, with the most facile paths identified. Our data reveals the complexity of methanol catalytic reaction processes at the atomic level and contributes to a fundamental understanding of fuel reactions on Pt-based catalysts.


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The mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) is a highly conserved protein complex regulating key pathways in cell growth. Hyperactivation of mTORC1 is implicated in numerous cancers, thus making it a potential broad-spectrum chemotherapeutic target. Here, we characterized how mTORC1 responds to cell death induced by various anticancer drugs such rapamycin, etoposide, cisplatin, curcumin, staurosporine and Fas ligand. All treatments induced cleavage in the mTORC1 component, raptor, resulting in decreased raptor-mTOR interaction and subsequent inhibition of the mTORC1-mediated phosphorylation of downstream substrates (S6K and 4E-BP1). The cleavage was primarily mediated by caspase-6 and occurred at two sites. Mutagenesis at one of these sites, conferred resistance to cell death, indicating that raptor cleavage is important in chemotherapeutic apoptosis.


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We have reexamined the role of yeast RNase III (Rnt1p) in ribosome synthesis. Analysis of pre-rRNA processing in a strain carrying a complete deletion of the RNT1 gene demonstrated that the absence of Rnt1p does not block cleavage at site A0 in the 5' external transcribed spacers (ETS), although the early pre-rRNA cleavages at sites A0, A1, and A2 are kinetically delayed. In contrast, cleavage in the 3' ETS is completely inhibited in the absence of Rnt1p, leading to the synthesis of a reduced level of a 3' extended form of the 25S rRNA. The 3' extended forms of the pre-rRNAs are consistent with the major termination at site T2 (+210). We conclude that Rnt1p is required for cleavage in the 3' ETS but not for cleavage at site A0. The sites of in vivo cleavage in the 3' ETS were mapped by primer extension. Two sites of Rnt1p-dependent cleavage were identified that lie on opposite sides of a predicted stem loop structure, at +14 and +49. These are in good agreement with the consensus Rnt1p cleavage site. Processing of the 3' end of the mature 25S rRNA sequence in wild-type cells was found to occur concomitantly with processing of the 5' end of the 5.8S rRNA, supporting previous proposals that processing in ITS1 and the 3' ETS is coupled.


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Degradation of immunoglobulins is an effective strategy of bacteria to evade the immune system. We have tested whether human IgG is a substrate for gingipain K of Porphyromonas gingivalis and found that the enzyme can hydrolyze subclass 1 and 3 of human IgG. The heavy chain of IgG(1) was cleaved at a single site within the hinge region, generating Fab and Fc fragments. IgG(3) was also cleaved within the heavy chain, but at several sites around the CH2 region. Investigation of the enzyme kinetics of IgG proteolysis by gingipain K, using FPLC- and isothermal titration calorimetry-based assays followed by Hill plots, revealed non-Michaelis-Menten kinetics involving a mechanism of positive cooperativity. In ex vivo studies, it was shown that gingipain K retained its IgG hydrolyzing activity in human plasma despite the high content of natural protease inhibitors; that IgG(1) cleavage products were detected in gingival crevicular fluid samples from patients with severe periodontitis; and that gingipain K treatment of serum samples from patients with high antibody titers against P. gingivalis significantly hindered opsonin-dependent phagocytosis of clinical isolates of P. gingivalis by neutrophils. Altogether, these findings underline a biological function of gingipain K as an IgG protease of pathophysiological importance.