804 resultados para CGI, HDRI, video


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This article offers an overview of methodological difficulties that arise in the study of religions on video sharing websites (VSW). We suggest how to put these difficulties in perspective and how to overcome them. A typology lists the various forms of religions represented on this type of website. We will also try to understand why some religious groups have created their own video sharing websites. Finally we will give possible interpretations of this phenomenon and suggest some ways to use this type of material in academic research and teaching about religions. Cet article propose une vue d'ensemble des difficultés méthodologiques rencontrées dans l'étude des religions sur les sites web de partage de vidéos. Il propose des pistes pour relativiser et surmonter ces difficultés. Une typologie présente les différentes formes sous lesquelles on trouve des religions dans ce type de sites web. Nous tentons aussi de comprendre pourquoi certains groupes religieux ont créé leurs propres sites de partages de vidéos. Enfin, nous donnerons des possibles interprétations du phénomène et suggérerons comment on pourrait utiliser de ce type de matériel dans la recherche et l'enseignement académiques sur les religions.


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Estudi de pacients prèviament diagnosticats d’epilèpsia i pacients amb episodis nocturns a estudi que acudiren a la Unitat de la Son per somnolència diürna, episodis nocturns o estudi de l’activitat EEG durant la son. Paràmetres valorats: eficiència, temps total de son, percentatge de fases REM i NREM, tipus d´ episodis (motos en forma de crisi, parasomnias, o moviments periòdics de extremitats inferiors; o respiratoris en forma d’apnees e hipopneas), presentació d’activitat EEG paroxística durant l’estudi i la seua possible influència en l’estructura de la son.


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PURPOSE: The goal of this study was to compare magnetic resonance enterography (MRE) and video capsule endoscopy (VCE) in suspected small bowel disease. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Nineteen patients with suspected small bowel disease participated in a prospective clinical comparison of MRE versus VCE. Both methods were evaluated separately and in conjunction with respect to a combined diagnostic endpoint based on clinical, laboratory, surgical, and histopathological findings. The Fisher's exact and j tests were used in comparing MRE and VCE. RESULTS: Small bowel pathologies were found in 15 out of 19 patients: Crohn's disease (n= 5), lymphoma (n= 4), lymphangioma (n= 1), adenocarcinoma (n= 1), postradiation enteropathy (n= 1), NSAID-induced enteropathy (n =1), angiodysplasia (n= 1), and small bowel adhesions (n= 1). VCE and MRE separately and in conjunction showed sensitivities of 92.9, 71.4, and 100% and specificities of 80, 60, and 80% (kappa= 0.73 vs. kappa = 0.29; P= 0.31/kappa = 0.85), respectively. In four patients, VCE depicted mucosal pathologies missed by MRE. MRE revealed 19 extraenteric findings in 11 patients as well as small bowel adhesions not detected on VCE (n= 1). CONCLUSION: VCE can readily depict and characterize subtle mucosal lesions missed at MRE, whereas MRE yields additional mural, perienteric, and extraenteric information. Thus, VCE and MRE appear to be complementary methods which, when used in conjunction, may better characterize suspected small bowel disease.


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This paper analyses the use of open video editing tools to support the creation and production of online collaborative audiovisual projects for higher education. It focuses on the possibilities offered by these tools to promote collective creation in virtual environments.


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Presentació de les dues noves plataformes desenvolupades per la Biblioteca de la Universitat de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: ACCEDA (documentació científica de la ULPGC en accés obert) i BUSTREAMING (documentació multimèdia). Aquestes són dues noves iniciatives de la Biblioteca Universitària emmarcades dins del moviment Open Access, que se sumen a la ja existent Memòria Digital de Canàries, que es va iniciar l'any 2003 amb molt d'èxit. Tot i que el programari utilitzat per al desenvolupament d'ACCEDA és DSpace, la Biblioteca Universitària ha implementat serveis als usuaris i administradors, com per exemple, la possibilitat de dipositar documents sense haver d'utilitzar l'autoarxivament i la incorporació de l'eina BUStreaming desenvolupada per la pròpia Biblioteca.


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Background: In children, video game experience improves spatial performance, a predictor of surgical performance. This study aims at comparing laparoscopic virtual reality (VR) task performance of children with different levels of experience in video games and residents. Participants and methods: A total of 32 children (8.4 to 12.1 years), 20 residents, and 14 board-certified surgeons (total n = 66) performed several VR and 2 conventional tasks (cube/spatial and pegboard/fine motor). Performance between the groups was compared (primary outcome). VR performance was correlated with conventional task performance (secondary outcome). Results: Lowest VR performance was found in children with low video game experience, followed by those with high video game experience, residents, and board-certified surgeons. VR performance correlated well with the spatial test and moderately with the fine motor test. Conclusions: The use of computer games can be considered not only as pure entertainment but may also contribute to the development of skills relevant for adequate performance in VR laparoscopic tasks. Spatial skills are relevant for VR laparoscopic task performance.


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Video presentació projecte .Castells


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Rare Disease Video Portal (RD Video) is a portal web where contains videos from Youtube including all details from 12 channels of Youtube.


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PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Adherence to preventive measures and prescribed medications is the cornerstone of the successful management of hypertension. The role of adherence is particularly important when treatments are not providing the expected clinical results, for example, in patients with resistant hypertension. The goal of this article is to review the recent observations regarding drug adherence in resistant hypertension. RECENT FINDINGS: Today, the role of drug adherence as a potential cause of resistant hypertension is largely underestimated. Most studies suggest that a low adherence to the prescribed medications can affect up to 50% of patients with resistant hypertension.A good adherence to therapy is generally associated with an improved prognosis. Nonetheless, adherence should probably not be a target for treatment per se because data on adherence should always be interpreted in the view of clinical results. In our opinion, the availability of reliable data on drug adherence would be a major help for physicians to manage patients apparently resistant to therapy. SUMMARY: The actual development of new drugs for hypertension is slow. Thus, focusing on drug adherence to the drugs available is an important way to improve blood pressure control in the population. More emphasis should be put on measuring drug adherence in patients with resistant hypertension to avoid costly investigations and treatments.


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Aquest treball de recerca fa un estudi comparatiu del videojoc de terror amb el seu homòleg cinematogràfic. L’objectiu és arribar a saber si els dos mitjans de comunicació usen les mateixes tècniques per transmetre les seves històries i per crear suspens. Aquesta investigació és només una part d'un estudi més ampli amb el que es pretén tenir un coneixement més aprofundit de les emocions de la gent i les reaccions que els provoca un videojoc de terror en comparació amb la visualització de l'adaptació cinematogràfica del corresponent videojoc.


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This research involved two studies: one to determine the local geoid to obtain mean sea level elevation from a global positioning system (GPS) to an accuracy of ±2 cm, and the other to determine the location of roadside features such as mile posts and stop signs for safety studies, geographic information systems (GIS), and maintenance applications, from video imageries collected by a van traveling at traffic speed.


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BACKGROUND: The role of video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery in the treatment of pleural empyema was assessed in a consecutive series of 328 patients between 1992 and 2002. An analysis of the predicting factors for conversion thoracotomy in presumed stage II empyema was performed. METHODS: Empyema stage III with pleural thickening and signs of restriction on computer tomography imaging was treated by open decortication, whereas a thoracoscopic debridement was attempted in presumed stage II disease. Conversion thoracotomy was liberally used during thoracoscopy if stage III disease was found at surgery. Predictive factors for conversion thoracotomy were calculated in a multivariate analysis among several variables such as age, sex, time interval between onset of symptoms and surgery, involved microorganisms, and underlying cause of empyema. RESULTS: Of the 328 patients surgically treated for stage II and III empyema, 150 underwent primary open decortication for presumed stage III disease. One hundred seventy-eight patients with presumed stage II empyema underwent a video-assisted thoracoscopic approach. Of these 178 patients, thoracoscopic debridement was successful in 99 of 178 patients (56%), and conversion thoracotomy and open decortication was judged necessary in 79 of 178 patients (44%). The conversion thoracotomy rate was higher in parapneumonic empyema (55%) as compared with posttraumatic (32%) or postoperative (29%) empyema; however, delayed referral (p < 0.0001) and gram-negative microorganisms (p < 0.01) were the only significant predictors for conversion thoracotomy in a multivariate analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Video-assisted thoracoscopic debridement offers an elegant, minimally invasive approach in a number of patients with presumed stage II empyema. However, to achieve a high success rate with the video-assisted thoracoscopic approach, early referral of the patients to surgery is required. Conversion thoracotomy should be liberally used in case of chronicity, especially after delayed referral (> 2 weeks) and in the presence of gram-negative organisms.


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Instead of standard rigid thoracoscopes, we used a modified gastroscope for video assistance during 12 minimally invasive left internal mammary harvesting. Flexibility and remote control of its last centimeters give to the gastroscope a total freedom of movements, and perfect positioning in every direction. The scope is equipped with cold light, a suction canal and an irrigation canal, which allow for in situ washing without needing to remove it from the thoracic cavity. Thanks to these advantages, vision and lighting are always perfect.


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