129 resultados para CEYLON


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5, 1911


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L'objectiu ha estat posar en relació dues realitats que fins al moment havien estat considerades completament alienes, com són l’Índia i Espanya. La recerca de fonts per a les relacions bilaterals de tot tipus es va iniciar al segle XIX. A partir d’aquest moment apareixen tres camps fonamentals on aprofundir. D’una banda tenim les relacions diplomàtiques i la seva vessant política a partir del segle XX. El desenvolupament de representacions consulars té a veure amb el creixement de l’activitat econòmica amb l’Índia britànica, especialment en el camp del proveïment de primeres matèries (cotó i jute). En aquest sentit, la recuperació de les relacions econòmiques va ser clau per al posterior mutu reconeixement diplomàtic el 1957 quan l’Índia ja era un estat independent. Entre mig queden anys de malvolença degut a la vinculació de Nehru amb el govern republicà durant la Guerra Civil i la posició de l’Índia en el cas d’Espanya a l’ONU. Un altre camp d’interès per a les relacions bilaterals es centra en la missió de Bombay que a partir de 1920 fou administrada per jesuïtes catalans, valencians i aragonesos. Finalment, un seguiment de la premsa i la intel•lectualitat espanyola mostra com l’Índia es va convertir a partir de 1920 en un nou focus d’interès informatiu i pel món acadèmic, com no ho havia estat fins llavors. Aquest descobriment de l’Índia per part de viatgers, artistes i periodistes obra una nova via d’intercanvi que es veurà trucada per la Guerra Civil i el posterior establiment d’un règim que destruí el teixit intel•lectual del país.


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Colin Duquemin was born in 1932 in Guernsey, British Channel Islands, and came to Canada as a young adult. He attended McMaster University (B.A.), the University of Toronto (B.Ed.), the State University of New York at Buffalo (M.A.) and the University of London, London, England (M.Sc.). He began his career as a tea taster and tea buyer in Colombo, Ceylon (Sri Lanka), but later became a teacher. He spent most of his teaching career as a manager of the St. Johns Outdoor Studies Centre, north of Fonthill, Ontario, developing environmentally related programmes for elementary and secondary school students. He was also active in many local organizations, serving as Associate Director of the St. Catharines Grape and Wine Festival Board, Chairman of the St. Catharines Historical Museum Board, President of the Niagara Military Institute and President of the Canadian Canal Society. In addition to the numerous curriculum materials he authored, Colin wrote the Driver’s Guide Series, highlighting the many points of interest in the Niagara region, including the Welland Canal, battlefields of the War of 1812, and the Niagara Parkway. He also wrote A Guide to the Grand River Canal (1980) with Daniel Glenney, The Fur Trade in Rupert’s Land: Opening up the Canadian Northwest (1992), Stick to the Guns! A short history of the 10th field battery, Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery (1996), Niagara Rebels: the Niagara Frontier Incidents in the Upper Canada Rebellion, 1837-1838 ( 2001), and edited and contributed to A Lodge of Friendship: the History of Niagara Lodge, No. 2, A.F. & A.M, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada, 1792-1992 (1991). He died in December 2012.


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Envelope postmarked Indo-Ceylon, special flight X’mas 1936, Bombay, Jan. 1937 and Thomas Cook and Son, Jan. 2, 1937. The letter is addressed to Mr. Welland D. Woodruff at Thomas Cook and Son, Columbo, India. This is crossed out and sent on to Royal Trust Co. 3 St. James St., London, England. This is crossed out and finally sent to the Mayfair Hotel, London, England, 1936-1937.


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The vegetative propagation of Dovyalis hebecarpawas studied using herbaceous cuttings of a hybrid introduced in Brazil by the College of Agriculture, Campus of Jaboticabal-UNESP. The treatments consisted of (1) evaluating the effect of five 3-Indolebutyric acid (IBA) doses (0 (control), 1,000, 3,000, 5,000 and 7,000 mg.L -1); (2) the influence of two kinds of herbaceous cuttings (apical and sub-apical) and (3) the collection position on the plant (upper and lower part of the canopy) at two different times of the year (autumn and spring). The experimental design was completely randomized with four replicates of 10 cuttings each; the analysis was on a 5 × 2 × 2 factorial layout. The growth regulator (IBA) did not influence the rooting of cuttings in either sampling season. The best season for the rooting was spring. Apical cuttings were desirable for rooting in both seasons. In autumn cuttings taken from the lower portion of the plant showed significantly higher rooting values than the ones from the upper portion; and in spring cuttings taken from the upper portion had higher rooting percentages. © 2007 by The Haworth Press. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In the present study, mixed systems composed of SDS in the presence of neutral cyclodextrins were considered. Firstly, the effect of the CDs on the CMC of the surfactant was evaluated by CE experiments. Furthermore, a new CE approach based on electric current measurement was developed for the estimation of the stoichiometry as well as of the binding constants of SDS-CDs complexes. The results of these investigations were compared to those obtained with a different technique, electronic paramagnetic resonance (EPR). The obtained results suggested that methylated CDs, in particular (2,6-di-O-methyl)-beta-cyclodextrin (DM-beta-CD), strongly affect the micellization of SDS in comparison to the other studied CDs. This effect also paralleled the chiral CD-MEKC performance, as indicated by the enantioresolution of (+/-)-Catechin, which was firstly selected as a model compound representative of important chiral phytomarkers. Then a CD-MEKC system, composed of sodium dodecyl sulfate as surfactant (90 mM) and hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin (25 mM) as chiral selector, under acidic conditions (25 mM borate – phosphate buffer, pH 2.5) was applied to study the thermal epimerisation of epi-structured catechins, (-)-Epicatechin and (-)-Epigallocatechin, to non epi-structured (-)-Catechin and (-)-Gallocatechin. The latter compounds, being non-native molecules, were for the first time regarded as useful phytomarkers of tea sample degradation. The proposed method was applied to the analysis of more than twenty tea samples of different geographical origins (China, Japan, Ceylon), having undergone different storage conditions and manufacturing processes.


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Margaret Bush Wilson was a woman of highly exceptional stature. Bush accomplished much in her life; the most prominent being the first female on the N.A.A.C.P. national board of Directors. Much of her career consisted of civil rights and urban development. Before Mrs. Bush focused on her civil rights path, she was valedictorian of her graduating high school class. After completing her high school career, she began to study abroad, traveling to over six countries. These included: England, France, Ceylon, Japan, the Hawaiian Islands and her most extraordinary visit to India. Here Margaret met and spoke with Mahatma Gandhi which fueled her passion of the civil rights movement in the United States. Mrs. Bush pursued a law degree at Lincoln University Law School after completing her Bachelor’s at Talladega University. On top of her extraordinary accomplishments, Margaret Bush possessed the unique quality of appearing 10 years younger than her real age, reflecting her strong spirit and compassion towards humanity.


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4, 1907-10