999 resultados para CELL ULTRASTRUCTURE
Undernutrition elicited by a low-protein diet determines a marked reduction of hypophyseal activity and affects the function of the respective target organs. The objective of the present investigation was to study the ultrastructural and quantitative immunohistochemical changes of the different pituitary cell populations in undernourished monkeys that had been previously shown to have significant changes in craniofacial growth. Twenty Saimiri sciureus boliviensis monkeys of both sexes were used. The animals were born in captivity and were separated into two groups at one year of age, i.e., control and undernourished animals. The monkeys were fed ad libitum a 20% (control group) and a 10% (experimental group) protein diet for two years. Pituitaries were processed for light and electron microscopy. The former was immunolabeled with anti-GH, -PRL, -LH, -FSH, -ACTH, and -TSH sera. Volume density and cell density were measured using an image analyzer. Quantitative immunohistochemistry revealed a decrease in these parameters with regard to somatotrophs, lactotrophs, gonadotrophs and thyrotrophs from undernourished animals compared to control ones. In these populations, the ultrastructural study showed changes suggesting compensatory hyperfunction. On the contrary, no significant changes were found in the morphometric parameters or the ultrastructure of the corticotroph population. We conclude that in undernourished monkeys the somatotroph, lactotroph, gonadotroph, and thyrotroph cell populations showed quantitative immunohistochemical changes that can be correlated with ultrastructural findings.
The objective this study was to determine the effect of phytohemagglutinin (PHA) on survival, growth and gene expression in caprine secondary follicles culturedin vitro. Secondary follicles (∼0.2 mm) were isolated from the cortex of caprine ovaries and cultured individually for 6 days in α-MEM+ supplemented with PHA (0, 1, 10, 50, 100, or 200 µg/mL). After 6 days of culture, follicle diameter and survival, antrum formation, ultrastructure and expression of mRNA for FSH receptors (FSH-R), proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), and neuronal nitric oxide synthase were determined. All treatments maintained follicular survival [α-MEM+ (94.59%); 1 µg/mL PHA (96.43%); 10 µg/mL PHA (84.85%); 50 µg/mL PHA (85.29%); 100 µg/mL PHA (88.57%), and 200 µg/mL PHA (87.50)], but the presence of 10 µg/mL PHA in the culture medium increased the antrum formation rate (21.21%) when compared with control (5.41%, P < 0.05) and ensured the maintenance of oocyte and granulosa cell ultrastructures after 6 days of culture. The expression of mRNA for FSH-R (2.7 ± 0.1) and PCNA (4.4 ± 0.2) was also significantly increased in follicles cultured with 10 µg/mL PHA in relation to those cultured in α-MEM+ (1.0 ± 0.1). In conclusion, supplementation of culture medium with 10 µg/mL PHA maintains the follicular viability and ultrastructure, and promotes the formation of antral cavity after 6 days of culture in vitro.
Frogs have been used as an alternative model to study pain mechanisms. Since we did not find any reports on the effects of sciatic nerve transection (SNT) on the ultrastructure and pattern of metabolic substances in frog dorsal root ganglion (DRG) cells, in the present study, 18 adult male frogs (Rana catesbeiana) were divided into three experimental groups: naive (frogs not subjected to surgical manipulation), sham (frogs in which all surgical procedures to expose the sciatic nerve were used except transection of the nerve), and SNT (frogs in which the sciatic nerve was exposed and transected). After 3 days, the bilateral DRG of the sciatic nerve was collected and used for transmission electron microscopy. Immunohistochemistry was used to detect reactivity for glucose transporter (Glut) types 1 and 3, tyrosine hydroxylase, serotonin and c-Fos, as well as nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate diaphorase (NADPH-diaphorase). SNT induced more mitochondria with vacuolation in neurons, satellite glial cells (SGCs) with more cytoplasmic extensions emerging from cell bodies, as well as more ribosomes, rough endoplasmic reticulum, intermediate filaments and mitochondria. c-Fos immunoreactivity was found in neuronal nuclei. More neurons and SGCs surrounded by tyrosine hydroxylase-like immunoreactivity were found. No change occurred in serotonin- and Glut1- and Glut3-like immunoreactivity. NADPH-diaphorase occurred in more neurons and SGCs. No sign of SGC proliferation was observed. Since the changes of frog DRG in response to nerve injury are similar to those of mammals, frogs should be a valid experimental model for the study of the effects of SNT, a condition that still has many unanswered questions.
During the microspore division in Datura innoxia, the mitotic spindle is oriented in planes both perpendicular (PE) and oblique (OB) to the spore wall against which the nucleus is situated. However, irrespective of polarity, the usual type of hemispherical wall is laid down at cytokinesis and isolates the generative cell from the rest of the pollen grain (type A). In PE spores the vegetative nucleus initially occupies a central position in the pollen grain, whereas in OB spores the vegetative nucleus lies at the periphery of the grain close to the generative cell. In anther cultures initiated just before the microspore division is due to take place, no marked change can be observed in either orientation or symmetry of the mitotic spindle when the spores divide. In some, however, cytokinesis is disrupted and deposition of the hemispherical wall arrested. In the absence of a complete wall, differentiation of the generative cell cannot take place and binucleate pollen grains are formed having 2 vegetative-type nuclei (type B). The 2 nuclei in the B pollens are always situated against the pollen-grain wall, suggesting that the disruption phenomenon is related to the OB spores. The incomplete wall always makes contact with the intine on the intine-side of the spindle. Wall material may be represented merely as short stubs projecting out from the intine into the cytoplasm, in which event the 2 nuclei lie close to each other and are separated by only a narrow zone of cytoplasm. In other grains the wall is partially developed between the nuclei and terminates at varying distances from the tonoplast; in these, the nuclei are separated by a wider zone of cytoplasm. The significance of these binucleate grains in pollen embryogenesis is discussed.
Development of a new species of malacosporean myxozoan (Buddenbrockia allmani n. sp.) in the bryozoan Lophopus crystallinus is described. Early stages, represented by isolated cells or small groups, were observed in the host's body wall or body cavity. Multiplication and rearrangement of cells gave an outer cell layer around a central mass. The outer cells made contact by filopodia and established adherens junctions. Sporoplasmosomes were a notable feature of early stages, but these were lost in subsequent development. Typical malacosporean sacs were formed from these groups by attachment of the inner (luminal) cells by a basal lamina to the outer layer (mural cells). Division of luminal cells gave rise to a population of cells that was liberated into the lumen of the sac. Mitotic spindles in open mitosis and prophase stages of meiosis were observed in luminal cells. Centrioles were absent. Detached luminal cells assembled to form spores with four polar capsules and several valve cells surrounding two sporoplasms with secondary cells. Restoration of sporoplasmosomes occurred in primary sporoplasms. A second type of sac was observed with highly irregular mural cells and stellate luminal cells. A radially striated layer and dense granules in the polar capsule wall, and previous data on 18 rDNA sequences enabled assignment of the species to the genus Buddenbrockia, while specific diagnosis relied on the rDNA data and on sac shape and size.
This work presents the structure and ultrastructure of the interrenal gland and chromaffin cells, as well as the morphology of the head kidney of Brycon cephalus, the head kidney is composed of fused bilateral lobes located anterior to the swim bladder and ventrolateral to the spinal column, the parenchyma revealed lympho-haematopoietic tissue, melano-macrophage centres, interrenal gland and chromaffin cells. The interrenal gland consisted of cords or strands of cells grouped around the posterior cardinal vein and their branches. Chromaffin cells are found in small groups, closely associated with the interrenal gland and/or under the endothelium of the posterior cardinal vein. So far, the ultrastructural analysis has revealed only one interrenal cell type which contained abundant smooth endoplasmic reticulum and numerous mitochondria with tubulo-vesicular cristae, characteristic of steroid-producing cells. Two types of chromaffin cells were observed. The first type was characterized by the presence of vesicles with round, strongly electron-dense granules, which were eccentrically located, Such cells were interpreted as noradrenaline cells, Meanwhile, cells which contained smaller vesicles and electron-lucent granules, with a small halo separating the granule from the vesicular limiting membrane, were identified as adrenaline cells.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The three types of spermatogonia were confirmed. Type A spermatogonia have a large nucleus and loose chromatin and are poor in endoplasmic reticulum. The second type, B spermatogonia, have rounded and smaller nuclei filled with more electron-dense nucleoplasmic material. The endoplasmic reticulum has the aspect of round or elongated cisterns that are free in the cytoplasm or close to the basement membrane. In contrast, intermediate spermatogonia present chromatin material with intermediate condensation compared with the two previous cell types. Primary spermatocytes are characterized by the presence of intercellular bridges and a synaptonemal complex. In the late pachytene stages, the synaptonemal complex was found to be enveloped by chromatin material.
The characteristics of the lining and glandular epithelial types of the wall of the stomach of pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus Holmberg, 1887) were studied by transmission electron microscopy. Columnar mucous cells were observed in the lining epithelial surface and the glandular epithelium that invaginated in the lamina propria showed secretory cells or oxyntopeptic cells as called by some authors in the literature. The columnar epithelial cells are narrow and show a basal nucleus. They are rich in organelles and contain secretory granules of round or rectangular shape heterogeneously electron dense in the apical portion. In the basal region of the glands there are secretory cells. The luminal half of these cells has abundant tubules (tubulo-vesicular system) that communicate with the external medium. Deeper basally in the cytoplasm there are the nucleus, mitochondria of various shapes and other scattered organelles.
Objective: the urethra is the main port of entry of sexually transmitted pathogens. However, papers on the morphology of the urethra are scarce. The Mongolian gerbil is a rodent native of the Mongolia and China and has been utilized as a laboratory animal since the 1960s. This work describes the ultrastructure of the urethra of the Mongolian gerbil to provide data for future experimental studies. Methods: the urethra of ten adult male gerbils was studied by transmission electron microscopy. Results: the epithelium of the pelvic urethra possesses two cell types: I and II, without the formation of cellular layers, while the penile urethra possesses cellular layers: basal, intermediate and superficial. The urethra presents neurosecretory cells belonging to the amine precursor uptake and decarboxylation system. Conclusions: the urethral epithelium of the gerbil is a neurosecretory epithelium, part of the amine precursor uptake and decarboxylation system.
Pearl glands are scattered throughout the lamina of developing leaves and rarely found on adult leaves of Piper regnellii (Piperaceae). The pearl gland is a bicellular secretory trichome composed of a short broad basal cell and a spatula-like, semiglobular apical cell. Four different stages of the pearl grand were determined during its ontogenesis: origin, pre-secretory, secretory and post-secretory. During the pre-secretory stage, mitochondria, ribosomes, dictyosomes, rough endoplasmic reticulum, and plastids with electron dense inclusions were present in the cytoplasm of the apical cell. During the secretory stage, the most remarkable characteristics of the apical cell are the proliferation of dictyosomes and their vesicles, rough endoplasmic reticulum, and modified plastids. At this stage, electron-dense oil drops occur in the plastids as well as scattered within the cytoplasm, proteins and polysaccharides are seen in the plastids, vesicles, and vacuoles. Only polysaccharides are present in the periplasmic space, wall cavities, and on the surface of the apical cell. The polysaccharides are one of the main components of the mucilagenous exudate that covers the developing leaf structures. The apical cell of the senescing trichomes undergoes a progressive degeneration of its cellular components, the plastids being the first organelles to undergo lysis.
Folhas adultas de Paepalanthus superbus mostram protuberâncias intercelulares, entre a parede periclinal interna das células epidérmicas e superfície de células parenquimáticas; depósitos semelhantes ocorrem na superfície das células parenquimáticas do mesofilo. Estas protuberâncias são mais proeminentes ao redor de células parenquimáticas, formando uma estrutura que lembra uma cápsula gelatinosa. Testes histoquímicos com vermelho de rutênio evidenciam sua natureza péctica, com inclusões lipídicas dispersas, detectadas por sudan IV e sudan black B. Ultra-estruturalmente as protuberâncias mostram matriz fibrilar permeada por estruturas fimbriadas e tubulares, com margem distinta formada por estrutura membranosa. Nossos resultados sugerem que estas protuberâncias são derivadas de atividade secretora, sendo formadas após o desenvolvimento dos espaços intercelulares. em P. superbus esta estrutura pode representar uma especialização da parede celular, relacionada com adesão e mecanismos de transporte entre células.
The ultrastructure of spermiogenic stages and spermatozoa of representatives of two gymnotiform families, Gymnotus cf. anguillaris (Gymnotidae) and Brachyhypopomus cf. pinnicaudatus (Hypopomidae) were studied. Spermiogenesis of both species is characterized by lateral development of the flagellum and formation of a nuclear fossa. Some differences were found between these species, such as whether (B. cf. pinnicaudatus) or not (G. cf. anguillaris) nuclear rotation occurs, permanence of the cytoplasmic channel, and type and localization of the nuclear fossa. In the G. cf anguillaris spermatozoon the nucleus is spherical with highly condensed chromatin. The nuclear fossa is shallow and lateral and is associated with the centriolar complex through stabilizing fibrils. The midpiece is short, with many vesicles, a cytoplasmic channel, and elongate mitochondria. In the B. cf. pinnicaudatus spermatozoon the ovoid nucleus is elongated lateral and posterior to the centriolar complex, and has highly condensed chromatin. The eccentric nuclear fossa is of the moderate type, and contains the entire centriolar complex. The midpiece is long, with numerous vesicles, elongate mitochondria, and no cytoplasmic channel. In both species the flagella are laterally disposed in relation to the nucleus and comprise of the classical 9 + 2 axoneme. Most of the characteristics found in the spermatozoa of these two species of Gymnotiformes are shared with species of Characiformes, whereas only a few are also found in Siluriformes. This suggests that Gymnotiformes and Characiformes may be more closely related than previously proposed. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Spermiogenesis in Plagioscion squamosissimus occurs in cysts. It involves a gradual differentiation process of spermatids that is characterized mainly by chromatin compaction in the nucleus and formation of the flagellum, resulting in the spermatozoa, the smallest germ cells. At the end of spermiogenesis, the cysts open and release the newly formed spermatozoa into the lumen of the seminiferous tubules, the spermatozoa do not have an acrosome and are divided into head, midpiece, and tail or flagellum, the spermatozoa of P. squamosissimus are of perciform type with the flagellum parallel to the nucleus and the centrioles located outside the nuclear notch. (C) 1999 Harcourt Publishers Ltd.