162 resultados para CBCT


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Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) can be considered as a valuable imaging modality for improving diagnosis and treatment planning to achieve true guidance for several craniofacial surgical interventions. A new concept and perspective in medical informatics is the highlight discussion about the new imaging interactive workflow. The aim of this article was to present, in a short literature review, the usefulness of CBCT technology as an important alternative imaging modality, highlighting current practices and near-term future applications in cutting-edge thought-provoking perspectives for craniofacial surgical assessment. This article explains the state of the art of CBCT improvements, medical workstation, and perspectives of the dedicated unique hardware and software, which can be used from the CBCT source. In conclusion, CBCT technology is developing rapidly, and many advances are on the horizon. Further progress in medical workstations, engineering capabilities, and improvement in independent software-some open source-should be attempted with this new imaging method. The perspectives, challenges, and pitfalls in CBCT will be delineated and evaluated along with the technological developments.


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Background: Owing to a lack of symptoms and difficult visualization in routine intraoral radiographs, diagnosis of external root resorptions can be challenging. Aim: The goal of this study was to compare two image acquisition methods, intraoral radiographs and cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), in the diagnosis of external resorption. Material and Methods: Thirty-four maxillary and mandibular bicuspids were divided into three groups. Perforations measuring 0.3 and 0.6 mm in diameter and 0.15 and 0.3 mm in depth, respectively, were made on the lingual root surfaces in thirty teeth, and four were used as controls. Next, teeth were mounted on an apparatus and radiographed at mesial, distal, and orthoradial angulations. CBCT images were also taken. The analysis of the intraoral radiographic and tomographic images was carried out by two experts using standardized scores. Data were then compared statistically. Results: A strong agreement between the examiners was observed in both diagnosis methods, the intraoral radiographic (r = 0.93) and the tomographic analysis (r = 1.0). Tomography had higher statistically significant detection values than intraoral radiography (P < 0.05). In intraoral radiographs, the detection was significantly greater (P < 0.05) in the mandibular bicuspids, compared with their maxillary counterparts. The ability to detect 0.6-mm perforations by intraoral radiography was significantly higher than that of 0.3-mm perforations (P < 0.05). Conclusion: Cone beam computed tomography showed better diagnostic ability compared with intraoral radiography, regardless of the tooth or the dimensions of the resorption evaluated.


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Objectives: A wide variety of manifestations is presented in patients with Gaucher's disease (GD), including bone, haematology and visceral disturbances. This study was conducted to ascertain the main maxillofacial abnormalities by means of clinical survey, panoramic and cone beam CT (CBCT); to compare the patient's group with an age-sex matched control group; and to correlate clinical and radiological data. Methods: Ten patients previously diagnosed with GD were submitted to clinical and radiological surveys (CBCT and panoramic radiographs). The examination consisted of anamnesis, extra- and intraoral examinations and analyses of each patient's records. Imaging data were collected from the point of view of 3 observers, and the results compared with a healthy group (20 individuals) by means of statistical analysis (Fisher's exact test). Results: Gaucher patients had significantly more manifestations than otherwise healthy carriers. The most prevalent findings were enlarged marrow spaces, generalized osteopenia and effacement of jaw structures (mandibular canal, lamina dura and mental foramen). Here we describe a case in which thickening of the maxillary sinus mucosa was observed on CBCT rather than opacification of the sinus as seen on panoramic radiographs. Pathological fractures, root resorption and delay on tooth eruption were not observed. Conclusions: A poor relationship could be observed between clinical and radiological data. Patients showed important bone manifestations, which require careful diagnostic and surgical planning whenever necessary. Although panoramic radiographs have shown significant differences, CBCT is more effective in pointing out differences between patients and a control group, thus showing it as an important tool for evaluation of Gaucher patients. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology (2012) 41, 541-547. doi: 10.1259/dmfr/143023353


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Objective: Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) is a reliable method of assessing the oral cavity and upper airways. We conducted this study to examine the changes introduced by rapid maxillary expansion in the nasal cavity, nasopharynx, and oropharynx as seen with images obtained by CBCT. Materials and Methods: We evaluated 15 patients with maxillary width deficiency treated with RME. Patients were subjected to CBCT at the beginning of RME and after the retention period of 4 months. Results: The nasal cavity presented a significant transverse increase in the lower third, in the anterior (1.08 mm +/- 0.15), medium (1.28 mm +/- 0.15), and posterior regions (0.77 mm +/- 0.12). No significant change occurred in the nasopharynx in volume (P = .11), median sagittal area (P = .33), or lower axial area (P = .29) resulting from the RME. A significant change was noted in the oropharynx in volume (P = .05), median sagittal area (P = .01), and lower axial area (P = .04) before and immediately after the RME. Conclusions: RME is able to increase the transverse width of the nasal cavity, but it does not have the same effect in the nasopharynx. Changes noted in the oropharynx may be due to the lack of a standardized position of the head and tongue at the time of image acquisition. (Angle Orthod. 2012;82:458-463.)


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Objectives: To verify the thickness and level of alveolar bone around the teeth adjacent to the cleft by means of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) in patients with complete bilateral cleft lip and palate prior to bone graft surgery and orthodontic intervention. Method: The sample comprised 10 patients with complete bilateral cleft lip and palate (five boys and five girls) in the mixed dentition. The mean age was 9.5 years, and all subjects showed a G3 interarch relationship according to the Bauru index. The thickness of alveolar bone surrounding the maxillary incisors and the maxillary canines was measured in CBCT axial section using the software iCAT Xoran System. The distance between the alveolar bone crest and the cement-enamel junction (CEJ) was measured in cross sections. Results: The tomography images showed a thin alveolar bone plate around teeth adjacent to clefts. No bone dehiscence was observed in teeth adjacent to clefts during the mixed dentition. A slight increase in the distance between the alveolar bone crest and the CEJ was observed in the mesial and lingual aspects of canines adjacent to cleft. Conclusion: In patients with BCLP in the mixed dentition, teeth adjacent to the alveolar cleft are covered by a thin alveolar bone plate. However, the level of alveolar bone crest around these teeth seems to be normal, and no bone dehiscence was identified at this age.


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Objectives The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of apical periodontitis (AP) detected in cone beam CT (CBCT) images from a database. Methods CBCT images of 300 Brazilian patients were assessed. AP images were measured in three dimensions. Age, gender, number and location of total teeth in each patient were considered. AP location was considered according to tooth groups. The extent of AP was determined by the largest diameter in any of the three dimensions. Percentages and the X2 test were used for statistical analysis. Results AP was found in 51.4% of the patients and in 3.4% of the teeth. Higher prevalence of AP was found in 60- to 69-year-olds (73.1%) and in mandibular molars (5.9%) (p < 0.05). Inadequate endodontic treatment presented higher prevalence of AP (78.1%). Conclusions AP can be frequently found in CBCT examinations. The presence of AP has a significant association with patients' age, and tooth type and condition. CBCT databases are useful for cross-sectional studies about AP prevalence in a population.


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Objectives: The objective of this study is to compare subjective image quality and diagnostic validity of cone-beam CT (CBCT) panoramic reformatting with digital panoramic radiographs. Materials and methods: Four dry human skulls and two formalin-fixed human heads were scanned using nine different CBCTs, one multi-slice CT (MSCT) and one standard digital panoramic device. Panoramic views were generated from CBCTs in four slice thicknesses. Seven observers scored image quality and visibility of 14 anatomical structures. Four observers repeated the observation after 4 weeks. Results: Digital panoramic radiographs showed significantly better visualization of anatomical structures except for the condyle. Statistical analysis of image quality showed that the 3D imaging modalities (CBCTs and MSCT) were 7.3 times more likely to receive poor scores than the 2D modality. Yet, image quality from NewTom VGi® and 3D Accuitomo 170® was almost equivalent to that of digital panoramic radiographs with respective odds ratio estimates of 1.2 and 1.6 at 95% Wald confidence limits. A substantial overall agreement amongst observers was found. Intra-observer agreement was moderate to substantial. Conclusions: While 2D-panoramic images are significantly better for subjective diagnosis, 2/3 of the 3D-reformatted panoramic images are moderate or good for diagnostic purposes. Clinical relevance: Panoramic reformattings from particular CBCTs are comparable to digital panoramic images concerning the overall image quality and visualization of anatomical structures. This clinically implies that a 3D-derived panoramic view can be generated for diagnosis with a recommended 20-mm slice thickness, if CBCT data is a priori available for other purposes.


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La radioterapia guidata da immagini (IGRT), grazie alle ripetute verifiche della posizione del paziente e della localizzazione del volume bersaglio, si è recentemente affermata come nuovo paradigma nella radioterapia, avendo migliorato radicalmente l’accuratezza nella somministrazione di dose a scopo terapeutico. Una promettente tecnica nel campo dell’IGRT è rappresentata dalla tomografia computerizzata a fascio conico (CBCT). La CBCT a kilovoltaggio, consente di fornire un’accurata mappatura tridimensionale dell’anatomia del paziente, in fase di pianificazione del trattamento e a ogni frazione del medisimo. Tuttavia, la dose da imaging attribuibile alle ripetute scansioni è diventata, negli ultimi anni, oggetto di una crescente preoccupazione nel contesto clinico. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è di valutare quantitativamente la dose addizionale somministrata da CBCT a kilovoltaggio, con riferimento a tre tipici protocolli di scansione per Varian OnBoard Imaging Systems (OBI, Palo Alto, California). A questo scopo sono state condotte simulazioni con codici Monte Carlo per il calcolo della dose, utilizzando il pacchetto gCTD, sviluppato sull’architettura della scheda grafica. L’utilizzo della GPU per sistemi server di calcolo ha permesso di raggiungere alte efficienze computazionali, accelerando le simulazioni Monte Carlo fino a raggiungere tempi di calcolo di ~1 min per un caso tipico. Inizialmente sono state condotte misure sperimentali di dose su un fantoccio d’acqua. I parametri necessari per la modellazione della sorgente di raggi X nel codice gCTD sono stati ottenuti attraverso un processo di validazione del codice al fine di accordare i valori di dose simulati in acqua con le misure nel fantoccio. Lo studio si concentra su cinquanta pazienti sottoposti a cicli di radioterapia a intensità modulata (IMRT). Venticinque pazienti con tumore al cervello sono utilizzati per studiare la dose nel protocollo standard-dose head e venticinque pazienti con tumore alla prostata sono selezionati per studiare la dose nei protocolli pelvis e pelvis spotlight. La dose media a ogni organo è calcolata. La dose media al 2% dei voxels con i valori più alti di dose è inoltre computata per ogni organo, al fine di caratterizzare l’omogeneità spaziale della distribuzione.


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Il presente lavoro, svolto presso il servizio di Fisica Sanitaria dell’Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria di Parma, consiste nello sviluppo di un metodo innovativo di radioterapia adattativa. Il metodo è stato applicato a pazienti affetti da varie patologie, trattati con tecnica VMAT, (Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy), altamente conformata al target. Il metodo sviluppato si compone di due fasi: nella prima fase vengono effettuate due analisi su immagini portali, di ricostruzione della dose all'isocentro e l'analisi gamma 2D. Se almeno una di queste fallisce, si interviene con la seconda fase, che vede l'acquisizione della CBCT del paziente e la taratura in densità elettronica della stessa. Si calcola dunque il piano su CBCT, previa operazione di contouring da parte del medico e, infine, si esegue l'analisi gamma 3D sulle matrici di dose calcolate sulla CT e sulla CBCT del paziente, quantificando gli indici gamma sulle strutture PTV, CTV e OAR di interesse clinico. In base ai risultati, se necessario, si può intervenire sul piano di trattamento. Le analisi gamma 2D e 3D sono state svolte avvalendosi di un software toolkit chiamato GADD-23 (Gamma Analysis on 2D and 3D Dose Distributions) implementato e sviluppato appositamente in ambiente Matlab per questo lavoro di tesi; in particolare, la realizzazione di GADD-23 è stata resa possibile grazie all'interazione con due software di tipo open-source, Elastix e CERR, specifici per l’elaborazione e la registrazione di immagini mediche. I risultati ottenuti mostrano come il metodo sviluppato sia in grado di mettere in luce cambiamenti anatomici che alcuni pazienti hanno subìto, di tipo sistematico, in cui è possibile prendere in considerazione una ripianificazione del trattamento per correggerli, o di tipo casuale, sui quali può essere utile condurre l'attenzione del medico radioterapista, sebbene non sia necessario un replanning.


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L'elaborato espone l'iter di un paziente nel reparto di radioterapia e descrive l'evoluzione delle immagini radioterapiche dai portal film alle Cone Beam Computer Tomography. Inoltre espone i vari standard e protocolli usati per archiviare e trasmettere le immagini digitali precedentemente descritte.


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To analyze the dimensions and anatomic characteristics of the nasopalatine canal and the corresponding buccal bone plate of the alveolar process, using limited cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) imaging.


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PURPOSE: The advent of imaging software programs has proved to be useful for diagnosis, treatment planning, and outcome measurement, but precision of 3-dimensional (3D) surgical simulation still needs to be tested. This study was conducted to determine whether the virtual surgery performed on 3D models constructed from cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) can correctly simulate the actual surgical outcome and to validate the ability of this emerging technology to recreate the orthognathic surgery hard tissue movements in 3 translational and 3 rotational planes of space. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Construction of pre- and postsurgery 3D models from CBCTs of 14 patients who had combined maxillary advancement and mandibular setback surgery and 6 patients who had 1-piece maxillary advancement surgery was performed. The postsurgery and virtually simulated surgery 3D models were registered at the cranial base to quantify differences between simulated and actual surgery models. Hotelling t tests were used to assess the differences between simulated and actual surgical outcomes. RESULTS: For all anatomic regions of interest, there was no statistically significant difference between the simulated and the actual surgical models. The right lateral ramus was the only region that showed a statistically significant, but small difference when comparing 2- and 1-jaw surgeries. CONCLUSIONS: Virtual surgical methods were reliably reproduced. Oral surgery residents could benefit from virtual surgical training. Computer simulation has the potential to increase predictability in the operating room.


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The objective of this pilot investigation was to evaluate the utility and precision of already existing limited cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans in measuring the endodontic working length, and to compare it with standard clinical procedures.


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The purpose of this retrospective radiographic study was to analyze the thickness of the facial bone wall at teeth in the anterior maxilla based on cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images, since this anatomical structure is important for the selection of an appropriate treatment approach in patients undergoing postextraction implant placement. A total of 125 CBCT scans met the inclusion criteria, resulting in a sample size of 498 teeth. The thickness of the facial bone wall in the respective sagittal scans was measured perpendicular to the long axis of the tooth at two locations: at the crest level (4 mm apical to the cementoenamel junction; MP1) and at the middle of the root (MP2). No existing bone wall was found in 25.7% of all teeth at MP1 and in 10.0% at MP2. The majority of the examined teeth exhibited a thin facial bone wall (< 1 mm; 62.9% at MP1, 80.1% at MP2). A thick bone wall (? 1 mm) was found in only 11.4% of all examined teeth at MP1 and 9.8% at MP2. There was a statistically significant decrease in facial bone wall thickness from the first premolars to the central incisors. The facial bone wall in the crestal area of teeth in the anterior maxilla was either missing or thin in roughly 90.0% of patients. Both a missing and thin facial wall require simultaneous contour augmentation at implant placement because of the well-documented bone resorption that occurs at a thin facial bone wall following tooth extraction. Consequently, radiographic analysis of the facial bone wall using CBCT prior to extraction is recommended for selection of the appropriate treatment approach.


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To determine the dimensions of the Schneiderian membrane using limited cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) in individuals referred for dental implant surgery, and to determine factors influencing the mucosal thickness.