975 resultados para CATHOLIC MONARCHY


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In this paper, conversations between a group of white, middle class, adult Australian mothers and daughters are examined to disclose the symbolic dimensions that mark girlhood, womanhood, motherhood and the mother– daughter dyad within Catholic discourse. In their conversations,women unravel and produce understandings of themselves as women, and as mothers and daughters that operate at both a symbolic and real material level. Thewomen in their intergenerational dialogue depict a visceral account of Catholic desire, guilt, pleasure, piety and anger. They offer insights into the curious patriarchal religious rituals; logic and superstition that shaped their Catholic upbringings and that still permeate their adult lives. For it becomes evident that they are still affected by, and living out, the intensity of this religious force. By constructing traces of the Catholic mother–daughter nexus which relates back to women’s conversations, the intention is not to construct a closed off space but, rather, to construct a place in which women actively talk, listen and read, and by so doing come to a better understanding of their own social gendered embodied selves.


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Teachers’ personality types are reflected in their classroom practices.  Personality type shows in the development of a teaching philosophy and what role the teacher plays in the classroom.  While research is showing a high frequency of particular personality types in the teaching profession, we are interested in looking within the profession to see whether particular personality types are attracted to particular educational environments, in this case Catholic Primary schools and State Primary schools.  


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The Catholic kings government - Fernando of Aragon and Isabel of Castille - (1474-1504) is set in Middle to Modern Age transition period and was considered a period of justice and peace in Castille. It makes us possible to question about implications, to law, of a kingdom organization in a transition era. We propose to verify what characterize the passage from a medieval law to a modern law, and which elements indicate this transition in catholic kings government. We emphasize two main prerrogatives, a medieval tradition, a judge one, and another of modern character, the legislative, that close on Fernando and label tradition.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A polêmica jornalística que, em 1881, envolveu o então 2º Tenente Lauro Sodré, o bispo D. Macedo Costa e o jornal católico A Boa Nova, ocorreu num momento em que já estavam presentes na sociedade brasileira os fatores da desagregação do Império. O que se pretendeu, com este trabalho, foi estudar o confronto como representação discursiva de um choque de ideias nos quadros sociais e intelectuais do Brasil do final do Oitocentos: com o primeiro, a ciência e o progresso, instrumentos apontados como fundamentais para a república; com o segundo, a fé e a religião, instrumentos essenciais para a monarquia. De acordo com a perspectiva filosófico-histórica do positivismo, essas questões fundamentavam o processo de evolução social do Homem, inclusive politicamente entendida. Note-se, igualmente, que na obra máxima da teoria evolucionista, On the origin of species by means of natural selection (1859) de Darwin, o movimento histórico se subordina decididamente às leis naturais e se insere no processo mais amplo da evolução do universo. A evolução é considerada, efetivamente, não como um simples movimento, mas como melhoramento, um progresso. Aos olhos positivistas de Lauro Sodré, a ideia de uma monarquia atrelada à sobrevivência da origem divina do poder aparecia como uma digna representação dos estados não-epistemológicos da humanidade, o metafísico e o teológico; já a república surgia como a única forma de governo “compatível com a dignidade humana”. Projetada esta polêmica sobre as realidades mentais do próprio tempo, tem-se, em última análise, a revelação de um dos componentes da natureza e das formas que assumiu a problemática relação entre pensamento filosófico e objeto político dominante no movimento de ideias no Brasil ao final do século XIX.


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Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS


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The purpose of this thesis is to offer both an exposition and defense for the Catholic Church's traditional understanding of eucharistic transubstantiation. I hope to show how a belief in such a doctrine is in no way irrational nor is it indefensible; butinstead, the doctrine of transubstantiation makes sense when it is viewed in light of what Catholic Christians believe about who the human being is, what the human desires, and the special way in which God personally works in human history. The method I am following investigates how the doctrine of transubstantiation coheres with and follows the other beliefs that Catholics hold; that is, beginning with certain presuppositions, there is a certain rational progression to the Catholic understanding of real presence.