206 resultados para CASTE
This study documents the size and nature of “Hindu-Muslim” and “boy-girl” gaps in children’s school participation and attainments in India. Individual-level data from two successive rounds of the National Sample Survey suggest that considerable progress has been made in decreasing the Hindu-Muslim gap. Nonetheless, the gap remains sizable even after controlling for numerous socio-economic and parental covariates, and the Muslim educational disadvantage in India today is greater than that experienced by girls and Scheduled Caste Hindu children. A gender gap still appears within as well as between communities, though it is smaller within Muslim communities. While differences in gender and other demographic and socio-economic covariates have recently become more important in explaining the Hindu-Muslim gap, those differences altogether explain only 25 percent to 45 percent of the observed schooling gap.
We examine spending on consumption items which have signaling value in social interactions across groups with distinctive social identities in India, where social identities are defined by caste and religious affiliations. Using nationally representative micro data on household consumption expenditures, we find that disadvantaged caste groups such as Other Backward Castes spend 8 percent more on visible consumption than Brahmin and High Caste groups while social groups such as Muslims spend 14 percent less, after controlling for differences in permanent income, household assets and household demographic composition. The differences across social groups are significant and robust and these differences persist within different sub populations. We find that the higher spending of OBC households on visible consumption is diverted from education spending, while Muslim households divert spending from visible consumption and education towards greater food spending. Additionally, we find that these consumption patterns can be partly explained as a result of the status signaling nature of the consumption items. We also discuss alternative sources of differences in consumption patterns across groups which stem from religious observance.
In recent years, researchers and policy makers have recognized that nontimber forest products (NTFPs) extracted from forests by rural people can make a significant contribution to their well-being and to the local economy. This study presents and discusses data that describe the contribution of NTFPs to cash income in the dry deciduous forests of Orissa and Jharkhand, India. In its focus on cash income, this study sheds light on how the sale of NTFPs and products that use NTFPs as inputs contribute to the rural economy. From analysis of a unique data set that was collected over the course of a year, the study finds that the contribution of NTFPs to cash income varies across ecological settings, seasons, income level, and caste. Such variation should inform where and when to apply NTFP forest access and management policies.
Small-scale anaerobic digester installation has been a development objective of the Indian government to provide rural households clean fuel. Anaerobic digester installation is heavily subsidised. Depending on caste, the rate of subsidy offered for the smallest system available (1m3) varies between 32.35% and 41.18% of the total installation price. Yet, there are gaps in knowledge regarding the usefulness of such subsidies from a sustainability perspective. A cost-benefit analysis was conducted to evaluate the circumstances required for digester sustainability. The analysis used household data collected from 115 cattle owning households in Odisha, India to evaluate profitability at three levels of subsidy (none, General caste subsidy, and Schedule Caste/Schedule Tribe subsidy). Additional analyses considered the effect of; taking a loan, replacing electric lighting with biogas lighting, and the wealth level of the household. The results indicated that access to subsidy improved profitability. Yet, profitability could be achieved without the use of subsidy. The level of benefit accrued by households was similar independent of wealth. However, the provision of subsidy was essential for ensuring profitability for those households required to take a loan to meet the expense of installation. Such findings highlight the importance of subsidy as a means of including the poor.
A Touch of Glass Witness to History Colby Renews "No-Loan" Commitment Fresh Idea The Anthropology of Air Travel Oak Fellow Fights India's Caste System If the Ring Fits… TwitterFEED New Maisel Fund Opens Doors to the World Goodbye, Oil (Almost)
A series of experiments was performed to assess possible roles of the honey bee Dufour gland secretion. Bioassays with extracts of queen and worker glands from two colonies were made under artificial conditions, in which nestmate and non-nestmate forager workers were tested. The results demonstrate that forager workers display behavioral responses when exposed to Dufour gland extracts of nestmates, but remain indifferent when exposed to non-nestmate extracts. Also, the results demonstrate that forager workers are attracted by virgin queen gland extracts, and repelled by forager worker extracts. The data demonstrate that the Dufour gland secretion is colony- and caste-specific. The attractant remains in the nest. The repellent effect of forager worker extracts is interpreted as an alarm-like pheromone. The attractant effect of virgin queen extracts could be useful in the swarming process to attract scout bees to the eventual founder virgin queen or to attract old foragers to the virgin queen that remains in the nest.
Anexas ao aparelho do ferrão dos himenópteros aculeados encontram-se as glândulas de veneno e as de Dufour. A glândula de veneno é originada das glândulas associadas ao ovopositor dos himenópteros ancestrais não aculeados, já a glândula de Dufour é menos derivada, homóloga das glândulas colateriais dos outros insetos, sendo encontrada em todas as fêmeas dos himenópteros. Nestes insetos sua função é, em grande parte, desconhecida, mas, em formigas, parece estar envolvida com a comunicação e a defesa e, nas abelhas não sociais, com a construção e a proteção do ninho. Nas vespas pode estar relacionada ao reconhecimento parental. Foram observadas diferenças morfológicas e na composição química da secreção da glândula de Dufour entre as espécies, bem como na mesma espécie, entre as castas dos himenópteros sociais e entre indivíduos da mesma casta desempenhando diferentes funções ou pertencentes a ninhos diferentes. Portanto, nos himenópteros, sua função original de produzir substâncias para proteger os ovos ou favorecer a ovoposição parece ter sido substituída ou complementada com a função de produzir semioquímicos com função na comunicação.
As glândulas mandibulares de operárias recém-emergidas, nutridoras e campeiras, rainhas virgens e fisogástricas, e machos maduros de Scaptotrigona postica Latreille foram estudadas histológica e morfometricamente. Estas glândulas apresentam diferenças histológicas características para cada idade e/ou função do indivíduo. de acordo com a morfometria conclui-se que as glândulas mandibulares possuem um ciclo secretor determinado, no qual a secreção começa a ser produzida nas operárias recém-emergidas, e acumula-se no citoplasma e reservatório da glândula das operárias nutridoras. Nas operárias campeiras o citoplasma encontra-se bastante vacuolizado, o que foi interpretado como resultado da eliminação da secreção. Rainhas fisogástricas apresentaram as maiores áreas celulares e nucleares, ao oposto dos machos, os quais apresentaram as menores áreas.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Caste determination in Trigona spinipes Fabricius (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Meliponini) is trophogenic. Larvae that eat about 360 mu l of food become queens, while those who consume 36 mu l develop into workers. We studied the effect of larval nutrition on the number and length of ovarioles and on ovarian development in fifth instar larvae, white eyed, pink eyed and black-eyed pupae as well as newly emerged adults. All larvae have four ovarioles per ovary, while in queen pupae this number ranged from 8 to 15. Cyst formation, the cell death and other characteristics of ovary morphogenesis were the same regardless of the quantity of food consumed. These results are discussed in relation to caste differentiation in other bees.
In order to investigate the action of the juvenile hormone (JH) on honeybee caste differentiation two exocrine glands, Koschewnikow and Dufour glands, were chosen for study. Two combs (I & II) were taken from a single posture of a queen to use for this research. In comb I the larvae were treated with a topical application of JH in Acetone, and those from the comb II (control group) received only Acetone. Immediately after the emergence of the workers, their glands were dissected and prepared for microscopic measurements. The results showed cell area reduction in the Koschewnikow gland induced by the JH application. The results for the Dufour gland displayed taller epithelial cells with the JH application. The difference in glandular responses to the JH relates to gland function, hormone targets, and individual homeostasis.