249 resultados para C31


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Different types of seep carbonates were recovered from the 'Kouilou pockmarks' on the Congo deep-sea fan in approximately 3100 m water depth. The carbonate aggregates are represented by pyritiferous nodules, crusts and slabs, tubes, and filled molds. The latter are interpreted to represent casts of former burrows of bivalves and holothurians. The nodules consisting of high-Mg-calcite apparently formed deeper within the sediments than the predominantly aragonitic crusts and slabs. Nodule formation was caused by anaerobic oxidation of methane dominantly involving archaea of the phylogenetic ANME-1 group, whereas aragonitic crusts resulted from the activity of archaea of the ANME-2 cluster. Evidence for this correlation is based on the distribution of specific biomarkers in the two types of carbonate aggregates, showing higher hydroxyarchaeol to archaeol ratios in the crusts as opposed to nodules. Formation of crusts closer to the seafloor than nodules is indicated by higher carbonate contents of crusts, probably reflecting higher porosities of the host sediment during carbonate formation. This finding is supported by lower d18O values of crusts, agreeing with precipitation from pore waters similar in composition to seawater. The aragonitic mineralogy of the crusts is also in accord with precipitation from sulfate-rich pore waters similar to seawater. Moreover, the interpretation regarding the relative depth of formation of crusts and nodules agrees with the commonly observed pattern that ANME-1 archaea tend to occur deeper in the sediment than members of the ANME-2 group. Methane represents the predominant carbon source of all carbonates (d13C values as low as -58.9 per mil V-PDB) and the encrusted archaeal biomarkers (d13C values as low as -140 per mil V-PDB). Oxygen isotope values of some nodular carbonates, ranging from + 3.9 to + 5.1per mil V-PDB, are too high for precipitation in equilibrium with seawater, probably reflecting the destabilization of gas hydrates, which are particularly abundant at the Kouilou pockmarks.


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Hide Intense debate persists about the climatic mechanisms governing hydrologic changes in tropical and subtropical southeast Africa since the Last Glacial Maximum, about 20,000 years ago. In particular, the relative importance of atmospheric and oceanic processes is not firmly established. Southward shifts of the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) driven by high-latitude climate changes have been suggested as a primary forcing, whereas other studies infer a predominant influence of Indian Ocean sea surface temperatures on regional rainfall changes. To address this question, a continuous record representing an integrated signal of regional climate variability is required, but has until now been missing. Here we show that remote atmospheric forcing by cold events in the northern high latitudes appears to have been the main driver of hydro-climatology in southeast Africa during rapid climate changes over the past 17,000 years. Our results are based on a reconstruction of precipitation and river discharge changes, as recorded in a marine sediment core off the mouth of the Zambezi River, near the southern boundary of the modern seasonal ITCZ migration. Indian Ocean sea surface temperatures did not exert a primary control over southeast African hydrologic variability. Instead, phases of high precipitation and terrestrial discharge occurred when the ITCZ was forced southwards during Northern Hemisphere cold events, such as Heinrich stadial 1 (around 16,000 years ago) and the Younger Dryas (around 12,000 years ago), or when local summer insolation was high in the late Holocene, i.e., during the last 4,000 years.


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Sedimentary extractable organic matter was analyzed at three ODP Leg 104 sites in the Norwegian Sea. Organic carbon content ranged from less than 0.1% to a maximum of 1.8%. Extractable organic matter content and unresolved complex mixture concentrations were low and randomly distributed. Low levels of aliphatic (branched and normal) and aromatic hydrocarbons were detected in all of the sediments analyzed. Total aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbon concentrations ranged from 176 to 3,214 and 6 to 820 ppb, respectively. The concentrations of individual aliphatic (n-C15 to n-C32) and aromatic (two- to five-ring) hydrocarbons were generally less than 50 ppb and less than 10 ppb, respectively. No significant trend with sub-bottom depth was observed in either bulk organic matter or individual hydrocarbon concentrations. The predominant source of Cenozoic sedimentary hydrocarbons is concluded to be ice-rafted debris from the adjacent continent. All sites contain a mixture of recycled, mature petroleum-related and terrestrially derived hydrocarbons.


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The book is devoted to fundamental problems of organic geochemistry of ocean sediments. It is based on materials of organic matter and gas studies in cores from DSDP Legs 50 and 64. Experimental results obtained in the Laboratory of Carbon Geochemistry (V.I. Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, Moscow) take the main part of the book. Evolution of organic matter in specific environment of deep ocean sediments, sources of organic matter in the ocean and methods of their identification based on isotopic analysis and other methods are under discussion. Gas geochemistry in normal conditions of diagenesis, and in conditions under intense heating is studied.


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The past climate evolution of southwestern Africa is poorly understood and interpretations of past hydrological changes are sometimes contradictory. Here we present a record of leaf-wax dD and View the MathML source taken from a marine sediment core at 23°S off the coast of Namibia to reconstruct the hydrology and C3 versus C4 vegetation of southwestern Africa over the last 140 000 years (140 ka). We find lower leaf-wax dD and higher View the MathML source (more C4 grasses), which we interpret to indicate wetter Southern Hemisphere (SH) summer conditions and increased seasonality, during SH insolation maxima relative to minima and during the last glacial period relative to the Holocene and the last interglacial period. Nonetheless, the dominance of C4 grasses throughout the record indicates that the wet season remained brief and that this region has remained semi-arid. Our data suggest that past precipitation increases were derived from the tropics rather than from the winter westerlies. Comparison with a record from the Congo Basin indicates that hydroclimate in southwestern Africa has evolved in antiphase with that of central Africa over the last 140 ka.


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Results of geochemical studies of organic matter in black shales from the Cape Verde Basin are reported. Based on these results, in combination with data of petrographic analysis, conclusions are made about sapropelic nature of their organic matter and low degree of its coalification. It corresponds to the proto-catagenetic substage of sedimentary rocks. Black shales of the Cape Verde Basin are classified as potential oil source strata.


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A reconstruction of Milankovitch to millennial-scale variability of sea-surface temperature (SST) and sea-surface productivity in the Pleistocene mid-latitude North Atlantic Ocean (MIS 16-9) and its relationship to ice sheet instability was carried out on sediments from IODP Site U1313. This reconstruction is based on alkenone and n-alkane concentrations, Uk37' index, total organic carbon (TOC) and carbonate contents, X-Ray diffraction (XRD) data, magnetic susceptibility, and accumulation rates. Increased input of ice-rafted debris (IRD) occurred during MIS 16, 12, and 10, characterized by high concentrations of dolomite, quartz, and feldspars and elevated accumulation rates of terrigenous matter. Minimum input values of terrigenous matter, on the other hand, were determined for MIS 13 and 11. Peak values of dolomite, coinciding with quartz, plagioclase, and kalifeldspar peaks and maxima in long-chain n-alkanes indicative for land plants, are interpreted as Heinrich-like Events related to sudden instability of the Laurentide Ice Sheet during early and late (deglacial) phases of the glacials. The coincidence of increased TOC values with elevated absolute concentrations of alkenones suggest increased glacial productivity, probably due to a more southern position of the Polar Front. Alkenone-based SST reached absolute maxima of about 19°C during MIS 11.3 and absolute minima of <10°C during MIS 12 and 10. Within MIS 11, prominent cooling events (MIS 11.22 and 11.24) occurred. The absolute SST minima recorded directly before and after the glacial maxima MIS 10.2 and 12.2, are related to Heinrich-like Event meltwater pulses, as supported by the coincidence of SST minima and maxima in C37:4 alkenones and dolomite. These sudden meltwater pulses - especially during Terminations IV and V - probably caused a collapse of phytoplankton productivity as indicated by the distinct drop in alkenone concentrations. Ice-sheet disintegration and subsequent surges and outbursts of icebergs and meltwater discharge may have been triggered by increased insolation in the Northern High Latitudes.


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Organic-matter-rich Upper Cretaceous claystones from DSDP Hole 603B, lower continental rise, had organic carbon values ranging from 1.7 to 13.7%, C/N ratios from 32 to 72, and d13C values from -23.5 to -27.1 per mil. Lipid class maxima for the unbound alkanes (C29 and C31), unbound fatty acids (C28 and C30), and bound fatty acids (C24, C26 , and C28) and the strong odd-carbon and even-carbon preferences, respectively, suggested that the organic matter in these sediments was partially the result of input from continental plant waxes. Transport of the organic-matter-rich sediments to the deep sea from the near-shore environment probably resulted from turbiditic flow under oxygen-stressed conditions.


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