1000 resultados para C. wuellerstorfi d18O


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Miocene to Recent species of planktic foraminifera in the Globorotalia (Globoconella) lineage evolved entirely within the thermocline. All species are most abundant within subtropical-temperate watermasses throughout their history. The near stasis in distribution within the thermocline and the subtropical convergence suggests the major morphological changes in Globorotalia (Globoconella) may have occurred through habitat subdivision rather than by vicariant shifts into new watermasses. At the Rio Grande Rise, in the South Atlantic, modern G. inflata is 0.66-0.84? more positive for delta18O than the most enriched coexisting Globigerinoides sacculifer and probably grows in the mid thermocline deeper than 325 m. All extinct globoconellid species have mean delta18O ratios 0.5-0.8? more positive than Globigerinoides trilobus and G. sacculifer and probably lived within the thermocline as well. Major events in skeletal evolution are poorly correlated with changes in delta18O in this group. These include evolutionary transitions to compressed, smooth-walled tests and acquisition of keels. In addition, morphological reversals from the umbilically-inflated G. conomiozea to biconvex G. pliozea and to unkeeled G. puncticulata occur in the absence of changes in delta18O signature. Instead, the ranges of delta18O between different species almost completely overlap once corrected for temporal changes in delta18O of sea water. Foraminifera morphologies have been widely considered to evolve in response to changes in watermasses or depth habitats. However, the variety of skeletal shapes in the globoconellid lineage apparently are not adaptations to a progressive radiation from the surface mixed layer into deeper waters.


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Benthic foraminiferal stable isotope data are presented for Sites 1014 (Tanner Basin, 1176 m) and 1020 (Gorda Ridge, 3040 m) to constrain past changes in Pacific deep- and intermediate-water nutrient chemistry associated with the onset of large-amplitude 100-k.y. climate cycles after ~900 ka. The Site 1014 data were based on analyses of separate species of Cibicidoides, whereas only Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi was used to generate the Site 1020 record. The present data span 380-920 and 620-950 ka at Sites 1014 and 1020, respectively.


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Quantifying the spatial and temporal sea surface temperature (SST) and salinity changes of the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool is essential to understand the role of this region in connection with abrupt climate changes particularly during the last deglaciation. In this study we reconstruct SST and seawater d18O of the tropical eastern Indian Ocean for the past 40,000 years from two sediment cores (GeoB 10029-4, 1°30'S, 100°08'E, and GeoB 10038-4, 5°56'S, 103°15'E) retrieved offshore Sumatra. Our results show that annual mean SSTs increased about 2-3 °C at 19,000 years ago and exhibited southern hemisphere-like timing and pattern during the last deglaciation. Our SST records together with other Mg/Ca-based SST reconstructions around Indonesia do not track the monsoon variation since the last glacial period, as recorded by terrestrial monsoon archives. However, the spatial SST heterogeneity might be a result of changing monsoon intensity that shifts either the annual mean SSTs or the seasonality of G. ruber towards the warmer or the cooler season at different locations. Seawater d18O reconstructions north of the equator suggest fresher surface conditions during the last glacial and track the northern high-latitude climate change during the last deglaciation. In contrast, seawater ?18O records south of the equator do not show a significant difference between the last glacial period and the Holocene, and lack Bølling-Allerød and Younger Dryas periods suggestive of additional controls on annual mean surface hydrology in this part of the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool.


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Numerous studies have shown that delta18O records from benthic and planktonic foraminifera, primarily a proxy of global ice volume variations, reflect Milankovitch periodicities. To study climatic response to orbital forcing at Ocean Drilling Program site 758, we have generated continuous delta18O and delta13C records from a single benthic foraminiferal species Cibicides wuellerstorfi for the last 3.6 m.y. and extended the planktonic foraminiferal isotope records of Farrell and Janecek (1991, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.121.124.1991) (0-2.5 Ma, based on Globigerinoides sacculifer) to 3.6 Ma (Chen, 1994). We then constructed an age model by matching, correlating and tuning the benthic delta18O record to a model simulation of ice volume (Imbrie and Imbrie, 1980, doi:10.1126/science.207.4434.943). The filtered 41- and 23-kyr signals based on the resultant astronomically tuned age model are highly correlated to obliquity (r=0.83) and precession (r=0.75), respectively. Although derived with methodology different from Shackleton et al. (1990) and Hilgen (1991, doi:10.1016/0012-821X(91)90206-W, 1991, doi:10.1016/0012-821X(91)90082-S), our results generally agree with their published astronomical timescales for the time interval from 0 to 3.0 Ma, providing additional support for the newly emerging chronology based on orbital tuning. Slight discrepancies exist in the time interval from 3.0 to 3.6 Ma, suggesting several possibilities, including differences in the approaches of orbital tuning and the relatively low amplitude of delta18O variations in our record. However, even if the discrepancies are due to the relatively low amplitude of the isotope signals in our record at 3.0-3.6 Ma, our resultant timescale as a whole does not adversely affect our evaluation of the paleoclimatology and paleoceanography of the Indian Ocean, such as the evolution of the 100-, 41- and 23-kyr cycles, and variation of global ice volume and deepwater temperature during the past 3.6 m.y.


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Hudson Strait (HS) Heinrich Events, ice-rafting events in the North Atlantic originating from the Laurentide ice sheet (LIS), are among the most dramatic examples of millennial-scale climate variability and have a large influence on global climate. However, it is debated as to whether the occurrence of HS Heinrich Events in the (eastern) North Atlantic in the geological record depends on greater ice discharge, or simply from the longer survival of icebergs in cold waters. Using sediments from Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Site U1313 in the North Atlantic spanning the period between 960 and 320 ka, we show that sea surface temperatures (SSTs) did not control the first occurrence of HS Heinrich(-like) Events in the sedimentary record. Using mineralogy and organic geochemistry to determine the characteristics of ice-rafting debris (IRD), we detect the first HS Heinrich(-like) Event in our record around 643 ka (Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 16), which is similar as previously reported for Site U1308. However, the accompanying high-resolution alkenone-based SST record demonstrates that the first HS Heinrich(-like) Event did not coincide with low SSTs. Thus, the HS Heinrich(-like) Events do indicate enhanced ice discharge from the LIS at the end of the Mid-Pleistocene Transition, not simply the survivability of icebergs due to cold conditions in the North Atlantic.


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We investigate changes in the delivery and oceanic transport of Amazon sediments related to terrestrial climate variations over the last 250 ka. We present high-resolution geochemical records from four marine sediment cores located between 5 and 12° N along the northern South American margin. The Amazon River is the sole source of terrigenous material for sites at 5 and 9° N, while the core at 12° N receives a mixture of Amazon and Orinoco detrital particles. Using an endmember unmixing model, we estimated the relative proportions of Amazon Andean material ("%-Andes", at 5 and 9° N) and of Amazon material ("%-Amazon", at 12° N) within the terrigenous fraction. The %-Andes and %-Amazon records exhibit significant precessional variations over the last 250 ka that are more pronounced during interglacials in comparison to glacial periods. High %-Andes values observed during periods of high austral summer insolation reflect the increased delivery of suspended sediments by Andean tributaries and enhanced Amazonian precipitation, in agreement with western Amazonian speleothem records. Increased Amazonian rainfall reflects the intensification of the South American monsoon in response to enhanced land-ocean thermal gradient and moisture convergence. However, low %-Amazon values obtained at 12° N during the same periods seem to contradict the increased delivery of Amazon sediments. We propose that reorganizations in surface ocean currents modulate the northwestward transport of Amazon material. In agreement with published records, the seasonal North Brazil Current retroflection is intensified (or prolonged in duration) during cold substages of the last 250 ka (which correspond to intervals of high DJF or low JJA insolation) and deflects eastward the Amazon sediment and freshwater plume.


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Three sites, drilled during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 167, were chosen for detailed late Pleistocene paleoceanographic studies of intermediate water along the California margin. These sites are Site 1011 (Animal Basin, 31°17'N, 117°38'W, 2033 m water depth, 1600 m sill depth), Site 1012 (East Cortez Basin, 32°17'N, 118°23'W, 1783 m water depth, 1415 m sill depth), and Site 1018 (Guide Seamount, 36°59'N, 123°17'W, 2476 m water depth). Here we present carbon and oxygen isotopic measurements of benthic foraminifers from these three sites. We made 135 measurements from Site 1011, 387 measurements from Site 1012, and 231 measurements from Site 1018. This data report includes an explanation of the methods used to generate these isotopic records and the age models for each site. Detailed paleoceanographic interpretations of the isotopic records are currently under way.


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Two SST records based on Mg/Ca of G. ruber (pink) from the continental slope off West Africa at 15°N and 12°N shed new light on the thermal bipolar seesaw pattern in the northeastern tropical Atlantic during periods of reduced Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) associated with Heinrich stadials H1 to H6. The two records indicate that the latitudinal position of the bipolar seesaw's zero-anomaly line, between cooling in the North and warming in the South, gradually shifted southward from H6 to H1. A conceptual model is presented that aims to provide a physically consistent mechanism for the southward migration of the seesaw's fulcrum. The conceptual model suggests latitudinal movements of the Intertropical Convergence Zone, driven by a combination of orbital-forced changes in the meridional temperature gradient within the realm of the Hadley cell and the expansion of the Northern Hemisphere cryosphere, as a major factor.


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Oxygen and carbon isotope ratio measurements are presented for Globigerinoides ruber and for benthic species (mainly Uvigerina spp.) in the Pleistocene and uppermost Pliocene section of ODP Hole 677A in the Panama Basin. This provides the best available continuous Pleistocene stable isotope records from any location, fully justifying the recoring of DSDP Site 504. Oxygen isotope stage 22 (age about 0.85 Ma) was of similar magnitude to the most extensive glacials of the Brunhes and constitutes a logical base for the middle Pleistocene. Oxygen isotope stages as defined by Ruddiman et al. (1986, doi:10.1016/0012-821X(86)90024-5) and by Raymo et al. (1989, doi:10.1029/PA004i004p00413) back to stage 104 are recognized. Although the internationally agreed base of the Quaternary at or near stage 62 (about 1.6 Ma) is not marked by a major isotopic event, it does approximate the base of a regime characterized by highly regular 41,000-yr climate cycles. The records at Site 677 are ideal for time-series analyses and will permit a new attempt to develop a chronology for the early Pleistocene based on tuning to the orbital frequencies. The carbon isotope records also appear to contain considerable variance at orbital frequencies throughout the sequence analyzed.


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A stable-isotope stratigraphy at Site 846 (tropical Pacific, 3°06'S, 90°49'W, 3307 m water depth), based on the benthic foraminifers Cibicides wuellerstorfi and Uvigerina peregrina, yields a high-resolution record of deep-sea delta18O and delta13C over the past 1.8 Ma, with an average sampling interval of 3 k.y. Variance in the delta18O and delta13C records is concentrated in the well-known orbital periods of 100, 41, and 23 k.y. In the 100-k.y. band, both isotopic signals grow from relatively low amplitudes prior to 1.2 Ma, to high amplitudes in the late Quaternary since 0.7 Ma. The amplitude of delta18O and especially of delta13C decreases in the 41-k.y. band as it grows in the 100-k.y. band, consistent with a transfer of energy into an orbitally-paced internal oscillation. A weak 30-k.y. rhythm, present in both delta18O and delta13C, may reflect nonlinear interaction between the 41-k.y. and 100-k.y. bands in the evolving climate system. In the 23-k.y. and 19-k.y. bands associated with orbital precession, delta18O and delta13C are not coherent with each other on long time scales, and do not evolve like the 100-k.y. and 41-k.y. bands. This suggests that the source of the growing 100-k.y. oscillation is not a nonlinear response to precession, in contrast to predictions of some climate models. Sedimentation rates at this site also vary with a strong 100-k.y. cycle. Unlike the isotope records, the amplitude of 100-k.y. variations in sedimentation rate is relatively constant over the past 1.8 Ma, ranging from about 15 to 70 m/m.y. Prior to 0.9 Ma, sedimentation rates co-vary with orbital eccentricity, rather than with global climate as reflected by delta18O or delta13C. A source of this 100-k.y. cycle of sedimentation rate in the absence of similar ice volume fluctuations may be precessional heating of equatorial land masses, which in an energy balance climate model drives variations of monsoonal climates with a 100-k.y. rhythm. For the interval younger than 0.9 Ma, high sedimentation rates in the 100-k.y. band are consistently associated with glacial stages. This change of pattern suggests that when the amplitude of glacial cycles become large enough, their global effects overpower a local monsoon-driven variation in sedimentation rate at Site 846.


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Oxygen and carbon isotope measurements have been made in picked planktonic and benthonic foraminifers from the five sites drilled on Leg 74, covering the whole Cenozoic. For the Neogene, the coverage gives good information on the development of the vertical temperature structure of Atlantic deep water. For the Paleogene, vertical gradients were weak and it is possible to combine data from different sites to obtain a very detailed record of both the temperature and carbon isotope history of Atlantic deep waters.


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Detailed faunal, isotopic, and lithic marine records provide new insight into the stability and climate progression of the last interglacial period, Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5, which peaked approximately 125,000 years ago. In the eastern subpolar North Atlantic, at the latitude of Ireland, interglacial warmth of the ice volume minimum of substage 5e (MIS 5e) lasted ~10,000 years (10 ka) and its demise occurred in two cooling steps. The first cooling step marked the end of the climatic optimum, which was 2-3 ka long. Minor ice rafting accompanied each cooling step; the second, larger, step encompassing cold events C26 and C25 was previously identified in the northwestern Atlantic. Approximately 4 °C of cooling occurred between peak interglacial warmth and C25, and the region experienced an additional temporary cooling of at least 1-2 °C during C24, a cooling event associated with widespread ice rafting in the North Atlantic. Beginning with C24, MIS 5 was characterized by oscillations of at least 1-2 °C superimposed on a generally cool baseline. The results of this study imply that the marine climatic optimum of the last interglacial was shorter than previously thought. The finding that the eastern subpolar North Atlantic cooled significantly before C24 reconciles terrestrial evidence for progressive climate deterioration at similar and lower latitudes with marine conditions. Our results also demonstrate a close association between modest ice rafting, cooling, and deep ocean circulation even during the peak of MIS 5e and in the earliest stages of ice growth.


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Downcore records of magnesium/calcium, strontium/calcium, manganese/calcium, and oxygen and carbon isotopes of planktonic and benthic foraminifers from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1237 on the Peru-Chile margin provide critical information regarding the history of climate in the region over the past 6 m.y. Specifically, these records can be used to infer the sea-surface temperature (SST) and sea-surface salinity (SSS) history of a region that today is associated with substantial wind stress curl-driven upwelling (Shipboard Scientific Party, 2003, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.202.108.2003). This report provides data tables and other supporting information for measurements made on planktonic and benthic foraminifers from Site 1237. Items included in this report are (1) oxygen and carbon isotopic measurements of planktonic and benthic foraminifers and (2) Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, and Mn/Ca ratio measurements of planktonic foraminifers from Holes 1237B, 1237C, and 1237D.


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The conversion of surface water to deep water in the North Atlantic results in the release of heat from the ocean to the atmosphere, which may have amplified millennial-scale climate variability during glacial times (Broecker et al., 1990, doi:10.1029/PA005i004p00469) and could even have contributed to the past 11,700 years of relatively mild climate (known as the Holocene epoch) (Bond et al., 2001, doi:10.1126/science.1065680; Alley et al., 1997, doi:10.1130/0091-7613(1997)025<0483:HCIAPW>2.3.CO;2; Keigwin and Boyle, 2000, doi:10.1073/pnas.97.4.1343). Here we investigate changes in the carbon-isotope composition of benthic foraminifera throughout the Holocene and find that deep-water production varied on a centennial-millennial timescale. These variations may be linked to surface and atmospheric events that hint at a contribution to climate change over this period.


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Knowledge of the biology of deep-sea benthic foraminifera was used to interpret the results of multivariate analyses (factor and cluster) on relative abundance data of benthic foraminifera at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 219 (southeastern Arabian Sea; 1764 m depth) in combination with carbon and oxygen isotope data. Faunal data document major changes in deep-sea ventilation and productivity over the past 5.5 Ma, including the end of the Miocene-Pliocene Indo-Pacific 'biogenic bloom' period at ~4.0 Ma. Interestingly, there is no simple correlation between high productivity and low oxygenation. Productivity fluctuated but became overall more pulsed, whereas overall oxygenation increased. We interpret the records as a combination of local to regional fluctuations in productivity probably caused by changes in monsoonal development, particularly its seasonality, and changes in oxygenation of intermediate depth waters in the Indian Ocean caused by global changes in climate and ocean circulation.