143 resultados para Bryozoan Bugula-neritina


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The carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions of selected bryozoan skeletons from upper Pleistocene bryozoan mounds in the Great Australian Bight (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 182; Holes 1129C, 1131A, and 1132B) were determined. Cyclostome bryozoans, Idmidronea spp. and Nevianipora sp., have low to intermediate magnesian calcite skeletons (1.5-10.0 and 0.9-6.4 molar percentage [mol%] MgCO3, respectively), but a considerable number include marine cements. The cheilostome Adeonellopsis spp. are biminerallic, principally aragonite, with some high magnesian calcite (HMC) (6.6-12.1 mol% MgCO3). The HMC fraction of Adeonellopsis has lower d13C and similar d18O values compared with the aragonite fraction. Reexamination of modern bryozoan isotopic composition shows that skeletons of Adeonellopsis spp. and Nevianipora sp. form close to oxygen isotopic equilibrium with their ambient water. Therefore, changes in glacial-interglacial oceanographic conditions are preserved in the oxygen isotopic profiles. The bryozoan oxygen isotopic profiles are correlated well with marine isotope Stages 1-8 in Holes 1129C and 1132B and to Stages 1-4(?) in Hole 1131A. The horizons of the bryozoan mounds that yield skeletons with heavier oxygen isotopic values can be correlated with isotope Stages 2, 4(?), 6, and 8 in Hole 1129C; Stages 2 and 4(?) in Hole 1131A; and Stages 2, 4, 6, and 8 in Hole 1132B. These results provide supporting evidence for a model for bryozoan mound formation, in which the mounds were formed during intensified upwelling and increased trophic resources during glacial periods.


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The remote South Sandwich arc is an archipelago of small volcanic islands and seamounts entirely surrounded by deep water and about 600 km away from the closest island, South Georgia. As some of the youngest islands (< 5 m.y.) in the Southern Ocean they are ideal for studying colonization processes of the seabed by benthic fauna, but are rarely investigated because of remoteness and extreme weather. The current study attempted to quantify the richness and abundance of the epibenthic macrofauna around the Southern Thule group by taking five epibenthic sledge samples along a depth transect including three shelf (one at 300 m and two at 500 m) and two slope stations (1000 and 1500 m). Our aim was to investigate higher taxon richness and community composition in an isolated Antarctic locality, since recent volcanic eruptions between 1964 and 1997. We examined patterns across all epibenthic macrofauna at phylum and class levels, and investigated trends in some model groups of crustaceans to order and family level. We found that abundance was highest in the shallowest sample and decreased with depth. Shelf samples (300 and 500 m) were dominated by molluscs and malacostracans while at the deeper stations (1000 and 1500 m) nematodes were the most abundant taxon. Surprisingly, the shallow shelf was dominated by animals with restricted dispersal abilities, such as direct developing brooders (malacostracans) or those with lecithotrophic larvae (bivalves of the genus Yoldiella, most bryozoan species). Despite Southern Thule's geological youth, recent eruptions, and its remoteness the shallow shelf was rich in higher taxa (phyla/classes) as well as orders and families of our model groups. Future work at higher taxonomic resolution (species level) should greatly increase understanding of how life has reached and established on these young and highly disturbed seabeds.


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Cores from Sites 1129, 1131, and 1132 (Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 182) on the uppermost slope at the edge of the continental shelf in the Great Australian Bight reveal the existence of upper Pleistocene bryozoan reef mounds, previously only detected on seismic lines. Benthic foraminiferal oxygen isotope data for the last 450,000 years indicate that bryozoan reef mounds predominantly accumulated during periods of lower sea level and colder climate since stage 8 at Sites 1129 and 1132 and since stage 4 at the deeper Site 1131. During glacials and interstadials (stages 2-8) the combination of lowered sea level, increased upwelling, and absence of the Leeuwin Current probably led to an enhanced carbon flux at the seafloor that favored prolific bryozoan growth and mound formation at Site 1132. At Site 1129, higher temperatures and downwelling appear to have inhibited the full development of bryozoan mounds during stages 2-4. During that time, favorable hydrographic conditions for the growth of bryozoan mounds shifted downslope from Site 1129 to Site 1131. Superimposed on these glacial-interglacial fluctuations is a distinct long-term paleoceanographic change. Prior to stage 8, benthic foraminiferal assemblages indicate low carbon flux to the seafloor, and bryozoan mounds, although present closer inshore, did not accumulate significantly at Sites 1129 and 1132, even during glacials. Our results show that the interplay of sea level change (eustatic and local, linked to platform progradation), glacial-interglacial carbon flux fluctuations (linked to local hydrographic variations), and possibly long-term climatic change strongly influenced the evolution of the Great Australian Bight carbonate margin during the late Pleistocene.


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