246 resultados para Brycon hilarii
A análise da alimentação da pirapitinga do sul (Brycon opalinus), peixe ameaçado de extinção de rios da Mata Atlântica da Serra do Mar na região Sudeste, revelou a ocorrência de itens alimentares incomuns. As espécies deste gênero são onívoras oportunistas e alimentam-se de itens vegetais e animais, tais como: flores, folhas, frutos e sementes e grande variedade de insetos. em três rios do Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar - Núcleo Santa Virgínia foram encontrados exemplares de B. opalinus que consumiram três itens animais incomuns, os anfíbios Hypsiboas aff. pardalis (Anura, Hylidae) e Eleutherodactylus guentheri (Anura, Leptodactylidae) e o mamífero Oligoryzomys cf. nigripes (Rodentia, Sigmodontinae). O registro do consumo destas espécies de vertebrados foi relacionado com o período de chuvas, quando o material animal ou vegetal carreado até o rio pode ser consumido por B. opalinus, mesmo que não sejam itens habituais para a espécie. A mata ripária preservada, como foi verificado nos três rios do Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar - Núcleo Santa Virgínia (SP), é de suma importância para o fornecimento de itens alimentares animais e vegetais e pela manutenção das condições bióticas e abióticas para a sobrevivência de B. opalinus.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Os mecanismos que causam o amolecimento e a perda na textura post-mortem da carne de matrinxã foram determinados por meio das mudanças na microestrutura do músculo, imediatamente após a morte e depois de 12 horas de estocagem a -3°C. As observações na microestrutura, realizadas com microscópio eletrônico de transmissão, foram semelhantes aos resultados obtidos na força de ruptura do músculo medidos com o texturômetro. Os valores da força da ruptura foram menores para a carne após o resfriamento. Observou-se que as fibras do colágeno do tecido conectivo pericelular se desintegraram e que as do colágeno do tecido conectivo do miocommata conservaram sua arquitetura e integridade. Houve pouca degradação da linha Z. Isso sugere que o amolecimento post-mortem da carne de mantrinxã, durante a estocagem a -3°C, é causado pela degradação do tecido conectivo pericelular.
O objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar a exigência protéica e correspondente relação energia/proteína em dietas para alevinos de piracanjuba, Brycon orbignyanus. Seis dietas semi-purificadas isocalóricas foram formuladas para conter 3.000 kcal de energia metabolizável (EM)/kg e concentrações de proteína bruta (PB) de 24, 26, 29, 32, 36 e 42%. Para essas concentrações, as relações E/P das dietas foram de 12,3; 11,6; 10,4; 9,2; 8,5 e 7,1 kcal EM/g PB, respectivamente. As fontes de proteína, lipídios e carboidratos digestíveis foram, respectivamente, caseína/gelatina, óleo de fígado de bacalhau/óleo de soja e dextrina. Após condicionamento de cinco dias, as dietas foram fornecidas, até a saciedade, em duas alimentações diárias, a 162 alevinos (27 peixes/dieta), que apresentaram 8,38 ± 0,09 g de peso médio inicial, distribuídos em 18 tanques de fibra-de-vidro de 100 L, conectados a um sistema de recirculação de água. A temperatura média da água foi de 26,3°C, com extremos de 23,7 e 30,2°C. Após 90 dias, a concentração de proteína na dieta que proporcionou ganho em peso máximo aos peixes foi 29% PB, com relação E/P igual a 10,4 kcal EM/g PB. As dietas com concentrações de PB iguais a 32, 36 e 42% não se mostraram superiores para conversão alimentar, taxa de eficiência protéica, valor produtivo da proteína e retenção de energia bruta. A deposição corporal de proteína e gordura não sofreu influência da concentração de PB da dieta
Neste experimento, utilizaram-se cinco aquários cilíndricos com relevo no fundo (em forma de anel) e cinco retangulares com fundo liso para estudo da influência do formato do aquário na sobrevivência e no desenvolvimento de larvas de matrinxã Brycon cephalus. Observou-se melhor eficiência dos aquários retangulares, confirmada pela maior sobrevivência e biomassa. Os valores de temperatura, pH, condutividade e oxigênio dissolvido foram similares entre os tipos de aquários, sugerindo que esses parâmetros não influenciaram os resultados. O relevo no fundo dos aquários cilíndricos afetou negativamente o cultivo de larvas de matrinxã, pela criação de zonas com pequena capacidade da água em suspender partículas, o que resultou em acúmulo de dejetos, predadores, competidores e alimento. Aquários retangulares com fundo liso são mais adequados ao cultivo de larvas de matrinxã, por promover melhor circulação da água.
There are few reports on the genomic organization of 5S rDNA in fish species. To characterize the 5S rDNA nucleotide sequence and chromosomal localization in the Neotropical fishes of the genus Brycon, 5S rDNA copies from seven species were generated by PCR. The nucleotide sequences of the coding region (5S rRNA gene) and the nontranscribed spacer (NTS) were determined, revealing that the 5S rRNA genes were highly conserved, while the NTSs were widely variable among the species analyzed. Moreover, two classes of NTS were detected in each species, characterized by base substitutions and insertions-deletions. Using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), two 5S rDNA chromosome loci that could be related to the two 5S rDNA NTS classes were observed in at least one of the species studied. 5S rDNA sequencing and chromosomal localization permitted the characterization of Brycon spp. and suggest a higher similarity among some of them. The data obtained indicate that the 5S rDNA can be an useful genetic marker for species identification and evolutionary studies.
Haemoglobin, the 'honorary enzyme' [Brunori (1999), Trends Biochem. Sci. 24, 158-161], constitutes a prime prototype for allosteric models. Here, the crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of haemoglobin I from the South American fish Brycon cephalus are reported. X-ray diffraction data have been collected to 2.5 Angstrom resolution using synchrotron radiation (LNLS). Crystals were determined to belong to the space group P6(1)22 and preliminary structural analysis revealed the presence of one dimer (alpha beta) in the asymmetric unit. The structure was determined using standard molecular-replacement techniques.
The phagocytic process in cells depends on lysosomal enzymes, high-energy metabolism and cellular recognition. In this paper, we investigated the presence of energy and recognition factors in thrombocytes of turtle Phrynopys hilarii (a freshwater South American species). Turtle thrombocytes (P. hilarii) present glycogen - possibly β particles - dispersed in their cytoplasm and glycoproteins in the cell surface, as well as a large number of enzymes involved in the endocytic process (Pellizzon, 1996). The activity of these enzymes depends on high-energy metabolism and on cellular recognition provided by specific glycoconjugates (Alberts et al., 1994). This metabolic characterization is demonstrated by the large amount of glycogen particles observed in the cytoplasm by Thiéry's method. Glycogen labeling was also observed when concanavalin A-peroxidase was used as a marker for thrombocytes and for endocyted charcoal particles. Our results show that these cells have phagocytic ability, suggesting that their function in blood circulation is not limited to aggregation but may also involve a great potential for phagocytosis.
Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique was used to examine the genetic variability on an endangered Neotropical fish species, Brycon lundii, collected on two regions with distinct environmental conditions in the São Francisco River (Brazil), downstream from a hydroelectric station. Using decamer oligonucleotides as single primers in Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), genetic similarity index, mean allele frequency and mean heterozigosity were estimated, revealing variations between samples from the two regions. Moreover, a fragment of about 1200 base pairs was found in 100% of the examined animals collected at the region closer to the hydroelectric dam, while its frequency was much lower (27.3%) within the sample from the second collecting site, 30 km downstream from the dam, indicating a possible correlation between genetic variation and geographical area. A dendogram representing the relationships among genotypes was obtained, demonstrating at least two major clusters of animals. Based on the data, a model of population structuring in Brycon lundii is suggested. The described approach holds great promise for further analyses and gives support to biodiversity maintenance and recovery efforts of B. lundii.
This study investigates the thrombocyte aggregation process in the South American fresh water turtle (Phrynopys hilarii) using electron microscopy. Blood was taken from surgically exposed lateral neck vessels often turtles Phrynopys hilarii during the spring and summer seasons, when the mean temperature is 37°C. Blood samples were fixed with Karnovsky solution for processing by transmission electron microscopy. The turtle thrombocytes were spindle-shaped with lobulated nuclei. Prominent vesicles and canaliculi were found throughout the cytoplasm. The cytoplasm organelles showed an agranular endoplasmatic reticulum, Golgi complex near the centrioles and scattered free ribosomes. These cells are similar to bird thrombocytes but distinct from fish and frog thrombocytes. Blood clotting time was 5 min ± 30 sec measured by the Lee and White method. Structural alterations resulting from the aggregation process occurred after activation. Thrombocytes developed numerous filopodial projections, an increased number of vacuoles and changed from spindle to spherical shape. P. hilarii thrombocytes have different morphologic characteristics compared to other non-mammalian vertebrate cells. These cells can participate in the aggregation process, as observed in birds.
Fork length measurements of individuals of Brycon microlepis landed and commercialized at the Porto Market in Cuiabá, MT, from May-October 1996 to May-October 1997 were used to estimate growth and mortality parameters for this species. The average estimated populational parameters were: L∞_ = 705 mm, k = 0.275 year -1, C = 0.775, WP = 0.465, Lc = 164 mm, M = 0.585 year -1, Z = 0.822 year -1, with F = 0.237 year -1. Yield per recruit analysis suggests that the stock is not yet overexploited.
This paper aims at studying the influence of photoperiod on the cultivation of Brycon orbignyanus (Valenciennes, 1849) (Osteichthyes, Characidae) post-larvae submitted to four treatments: 0L-24D (L=Light; D=Dark), 10 - L14D, 14L - 10D and 24L-0D, with 3 repetitions. Post-larvae measuring 7.8±0.7mm and weighting 3.5±0.8mg were distributed in 12 aquariums (10L), stocked with 12 post-larvae per aquarium. Fishes were fed daily with Artemia sp. nanplii, in 10 days experiment. A positive relationship between the survival rate (88.9±9.7%) observed in the treatment with 24 hours of luminosity, and the lowest (58.3±8.3%), in the treatment with 24 hours of darkness. No difference was showed (P>0.05) in the mean length and weight of the post-larvae, although there was greater heterogeneity among the post-larvae cultivated at the longer darkness period.
This paper studied the morphology of oocytes of Brycon orbignyanus, (Osteichthyes, Characidae), through observation in Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Fragments of the ovaries from adult females were collected. During the reproductive period, a hormonal induction in females was carried out to collect the oocytes after extrusion. The samples were fixed and processed for observation in SEM. Results showed that the oocytes of B. orbignyanus had a follicular epithelium formed by a single layer of cells with compressed shape, covering the whole radiatta zone that showed a smooth and regular surface with innumerable pores. The micropyle had a funnel-shaped, containing several furrows. The oocyte surface around the micropyle presented pores closer of each other than the other surface areas of radiatta zone.
The dynamics of plasma cortisol, blood glucose, plasma chloride and liver glycogen were investigated in matrinxã (Brycon cephalus) submitted to capture and various periods of crowding. A total of 400 fish (700 ± 22 g weight) were distributed in four ponds divided into four 50-m2 squares (25 fish/square, 350 gL-1), where they were acclimated for 30 days. On the sampling day, after 24 h without food, all fish from three squares were transferred to the fourth square. Six fish were sampled before the procedure (control group, zero time) and 1, 3, 6 and 24 h after the capture and crowding. Each sampling was performed in a different pond to prevent additional stress. Fish were anaesthetized and blood and liver collected for biochemical analysis. Water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, alkalinity, ammonia and nitrite levels were within acceptable levels for matrinxã rearing. Slight but not significant increases were verified in plasma cortisol and blood glucose levels, as were decreases in plasma chloride and liver glycogen levels. The results suggest that matrinxã is highly tolerant to the procedures of capture and short-term crowding.