809 resultados para Briceño Ruiz, José


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The railway overhead (or catenary) is the system of cables responsible for providing electric current to the train. This system has been reported as wind-sensitive (Scanlon et al., 2000), and particularly to the occurrence of galloping phenomena. Galloping phenomena of the railway overhead consists of undamped cable oscillations triggered by aerodynamic forces acting on the contact wire. As is well known, aerodynamic loads on the contact wire depends on the incident flow mean velocity and the angle of attack. The presence of embankments or hills modifies both vertical velocities profiles and angles of attack of the flow (Paiva et al., 2009). The presence of these cross-wind related oscillations can interfere with the safe operation of the railway service (Johnson, 1996). Therefore a correct modelling of the phenomena is required to avoid these unwanted oscillations.


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The interest of this study is based on the observation that some manufacturing processes of various vehicles wings, such as unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), or blades, such as wind turbine blades, or other devices that use aerodynamic profiles, produce imperfections in the leading edge or open trailing edge with bigger thickness than original airfoil, because, for example, they are manufactured in two parts, top surface and bottom surface and subsequently joined. In this last step might appear a sliding between the top surface and the bottom surface having a small step on the leading edge or a small thickness gain can occur on the trailing edge. Normally these imperfections are corrected through a refill and/or sanding processes using many hours of manual labor. Therefore the initial objective of this research is to determine the level of influence in the aerodynamic characteristics at low Reynolds numbers (Lissaman, 1981, Carmichael, 1981, Nagamatsu and Cuche, 1981, Schmitz, 1957, Cebeci, 1989, Mueller and Batill, 1982) of these imperfections in the manufacture, and determine whether there may be a value for which it would not be necessary to correct them


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A study has been made on the influence of the open trailing edge in airfoils used in different devices relating their aerodynamic performances. Wind tunnel tests have been made at different Reynolds numbers and angles of attack in order to show this effect. Besides, a quantitative study of the aerodynamic properties has been made based on the different trailing edge thickness


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Floating zone melting is used in crystal growth and purification of high melting materials. The use of a reduced gravity environment will remove the constraint imposed on the length of the zone by the hydrostatic pressure. The equilibrium of the fioatmg zone may involve, (1)Hydrostatic forces, when the zone rotates as a whole. (2)Convective driving forces, when the zone is stationary but fluid property gradients appear.(3) Hydrodynamic forces, when some parts of the zone are set into motion with respect to others. The last effects are considered in this paper. The flow pattern of a floating zone held between two discs in relative motion is complicated, and thence the solution of the problem is difficult even assuming a constant property-newtonian liquid Nevertheless, when a small parameter appears m the problem, the complete flow field can be split into zones where simple solutions are found. To illustrate this approach, the spin up from rest of an initially cylindrical floating zone is considered with detail. Here the small parameter is the time elapsed from the impulsive starting of motion. Since the problem which has been considered, as well as some others which can be tackled by use of similar methods, concern the viscous layer close to either plate, they can be simulated experimentally in the ground laboratory with short floating zones. Procedures to produce these zones are indicated.


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This paper shows the actual state of a compilation work on Thermal Control Design Data being done at Madrid (Lamf-ETSIA) under several ESTEC contracts, introducing a Handbook already issued, its additions and updatings.


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The problem of determination of the turbulence onset in natural convection on heated inclined plates in an air environment has been experimentally revisited. The transition has been detected by using hot wire velocity measurements. The onset of turbulence has been considered to take place where velocity fluctuations (measured through turbulence intensity) start to grow. Experiments have shown that the onset depends not only on the Grashof number defined in terms of the temperature difference between the heated plate and the surrounding air. A correlation between dimensionless Grashof and Reynolds numbers has been obtained, fitting quite well the experimental data.


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El presente Trabajo Fin de Máster recoge el estudio experimental realizado para comprobar el comportamiento de CEM II/B-L 32,5 N con la incorporación, por sustitución del árido, de dos residuos procedentes de la explotación minera de la hulla y la galena, llevada a cabo hace más de 50 años en la provincia de Ciudad Real. En primer lugar se han caracterizado los compuestos minerales que tienen los residuos de los que se ha obtenido que en ambas muestras existen SiO2 (cuarzo) en altas propociones, y que la muestra de galena tiene pequeñas concentraciones de plomo y cinc, entre otros metales. En la parte experimental se realiza la incorporación de un 5%, 10% y 20% de cada uno de los residuos por sustitución de la arena de mina utilizada, con una granulometría inferior a 2 mm de diámetro y a temperatura ambiente. Mediante la realización de las probetas con dos consistencias diferentes, una seca y otra plástica para la realización de un revoco en una rasilla cerámica y comprobar su resistencia a adhesión. Después de comprobar que para utilizar el residuo de hulla hay que desprenderse del 39% de la muestra por superar los 2mm de diámetro de grano para realizar un revoco como marca la norma NTE-rpe, se comprueba que las muestras con 5% de hulla y 10% de galena son válidas para su utilización como revoco o enlucido. Respecto a las características de resistencia a flexión y compresión de ambas muestras se aprecia la tendencia en la muestra de hulla a disminuir cuanto mayor es el porcentaje de éste residuo. En el caso del residuo de galena los resultados más óptimos obtenidos han sido con el 10% de galena en la muestra, notándose una disminución de las características considerables en el 20% de la misma.