967 resultados para Brecha vertical
ABSTRACT Based on the hypothesis that diel vertical migration (DVM) is a mechanism of predator avoidance, the objective of the present study was to test for the occurrence of DVM in planktivorous fish larvae of Hypophthalmus edentatus (Spix, 1829) (Siluriformes, Pimelodidae) and Plagioscion squamosissimus (Heckel, 1840) (Perciformes, Sciaenidae), and zooplankton (rotifers, cladocerans and copepods) in an isolated tropical lagoon in the floodplain of the Upper Paraná River, Brazil (region of Parque Nacional de Ilha Grande). We investigated spatial overlap between predators (planktivorous fish larvae) and prey (zooplankton), and tested which physical and chemical variables of the water are related to the DVM of the studied communities. We performed nocturnal (8:00 pm and 4:00 am) and diurnal sampling (8:00 am and 4:00 pm) in the limnetic region of the lagoon for six consecutive months, from October 2010 to March 2011, which comprises the reproductive period of the fish species analyzed. During the day the larvae tried to remain aggregated in the bottom of the lagoon, whereas at night they tried to disperse in the water column. Especially for cladocerans, the diel vertical migration is an important behavior to avoid predation larvae of H. edentatus and P. squamosissimus once decreased spatial overlap between secured and its potential predators, which corroborates the hypothesis that DVM is a mechanism of predator avoidance. Although significant correlations were observed between the abiotic factors and WMD of microcrustaceans at certain times of day, the effect of predation of fish larvae on zooplankton showed more important in this environment, because the small depth and isolation not allow great variation of abiotic factors seasonally and between strata the lagoon.
Analisando dados sôbre a distribuição vertical das Bromeliáceas onde se criam Anopheles do subgênero Kerteszia, o autor obteve as seguintes conclusões: 1 - A influência da luminosidade, na distribuição das Bromeliáceas, e a umidade, com respeito áquelas que são criadouros de Kerteszia, se bem que conspícuas, não se apresentam da maneira esquemática como foram observadas em Trinidad F.I.O); 2 - As alturas preferenciais das três espécies de kerteszia variam de acôrdo com as condições de umidade reinantes na mata, porém, na maior parte da área de distribuição dêsses mosquitos, o A. bellator é uma espécies dos níveis mais elevados, o A. homunculus prefere as bromeliáceas mais baixas e o A. cruzii prolifera em qualquer nível, sendo, entretanto, mais encontradiço nas alturas preferenciais das duas outras espécies; 3 - Como foi mostrado, anteriormente por PITTENDRIGH (1950a) em Trinidad, a densidade de cada espécie está na dependência da amplitude da faixa de alturas que ela pode explorar e, portanto, do número de criadouros de que dispõe; assim, apesar da predominância quase total do A. cruzii, o A. bellator é abundante na orla litorânea, onde pode se criar até ao nível do solo, e o A. homunculus chega a ser a espécie mais numerosa em algumas várzeas da área de relêvo movimentado, onde os seus criadouros são encontrados até nos esgalhamentos das árvores; 4 - As distribuições de freqüência das Bromeliáceas em geral e daquelas que são criadouros de Kerteszia, apresentaram diferenças estatísticamente significativas; 5 - O fato do A. cruzii apresentar duas alturas preferenciais e o de sua distribuição vertical ser significativamente diferente daquela observada para as bromeliáceas das mesmas matas, sugere a hipótese de tratar-se de duas entidades biológicas difíceis de serem distinguidas pelos caracteres morfológicos, atualmente, utilizados na classificação dêsses mosquitos.
By staining females of Anopheles cruzi with fluorescent coloured powders in a forest in the State of Santa Catarina, we showed that they move from canopy to ground and vice-versa to feed. This suggests that in areas where this mosquito is a vector of human and simian malarias sporadic infections of man with monkey plasmodia might be expected.
Em prosseguimento aos estudos sobre a ecologia de culicídeos que vimos realizando no Parque Nacional da Serra dos Orgãos (PNSO), apresentamos nesta oportunidade a sua distribuição vertical. Por meio de capturas feitas em isca humana concomitantemente ao nível do solo e nas imediações da copa das árvores, estabelecemos as tendências das espécies que ali ocorreram de março de 1981 a fevereiro de 1982, por se alimentarem de sangue na copa da floresta ou junto ao solo. A distribuição é analisada comparativamente em ambos os níveis levando-se em consideração as variações de temperatura, umidade, precipitações pluviométricas e estações do ano. Dentre as espécies com nítida preferência à acrodendrofilia encontramos alguns importantes transmissores de doenças: Anopheles cruzii - malária humana e simiana; Culex nigripalpus - encefalite de São Luis (SLE); Haemagogus leucocelaenus e Haemagogus capricornii - febre amarela silvestre, todas também sendo obtidas, embora em menor número, a nível do solo. Os sabetíneos - Wyeomyia Knabi, Phoniomyia theobaldi, Sabethes tarsopus, Sabethes quasicyaneus, Sabethes chloropterus - completam a relação das principais espécies que preferem a copa. Por outro lado, Aedes fluviatilis, Trichoprosopon digitatum, Tr. similis, Tr. frontosus, Tr. theobaldi, Wy, arthrostigma, Wy. aporonoma, Wy. personata, Wy undulata, Wy. mystes, Limatus durhami, Li. pseudomethisticus, Sa. identicus e Sa. undosus foram capturados em grande maioria próximo ao solo.
Durante um ano completo efetuamos capturas de flebótomos em isca humana, simultaneamente no solo e na copa da floresta em plataforma a dez metros de altura. Lutzomyia fischeri foi a espécie mais numerosa na copa. L.sp. 1 (espécie ainda não descrita) também foi mais freqüente neste nivel; L.shannoni, apesar de ser mais ativa ao nivel do solo, compareceu várias vezes na copa; L.pessoai, L.ayrozai, L.davisi. L.sp.2 (espécie também não identificada), L.microps e L.monticola só picaram iscas situadas no solo; L.hirsuta esteve pouco representada na copa, porém sua maior densidade foi no solo, onde figura como espécie dominante nos meses mais frios e secos do ano. Dois aspectos devem ser enfatizados com relação à distribuição vertical: a acrodendrofilia de L. fischeri e, ao contrário, o fato de L.ayrozai alimentar-se exclusivamente ao nível do solo. Este comportamento de L.ayrozai e sua preferência em sugar nas partes mais baixas do corpo fazem supor que seus abrigos naturais sejam as folhas caídas no solo florestal. Dentre os fatores mesológicos que influenciam na estratificação dos flebótomos consideramos que a luminosidade seja preponderante, pois em noites mais claras (lua crescente ou cheia) a atividade foi nula, todos os flebotomíneos capturados na copa das árvores foram obtidos em noites mais escuras (lua nova ou minguante).
The authors observed specimens of Biomphalaria glabrata climbing up the vertical wall of a ditch against the current. The snails that showed this behavior during application of a molluscicide in the breeding site survived and probably played a role in repopulation, which was observed three months later. These observations motivated field and laboratory investigations which led the authors to conclude that: a) this species is able to climb vertical surfaces both in field and laboratory situations; b) the current of water, as a physical stimulus, is sufficient to trigger this behavior (rheotaxis); c) rheotaxis on vertical surfaces depends on the presence of a necessarily moderate current; d) there are indications that B. glabrata may undergo habituation with respect to rheotaxis on vertical walls, e) the relationship between rheotaxis and habituation should be considered as a factor causing snail grouping in water bodies which may contribute to their localization in the field; f) rheotaxis on vertical surfaces may facilitate population dispersal, and its occurrence should be considered when campaigns for the control of schistosomiasis transmission are planned. The authors present some proposals to avoid the manifestation of this behavior in some filed situations.
The choice of income-related health inequality measures in comparative studies is often determined by custom and analytical concerns, without much explicit consideration of the vertical equity judgements underlying alternative measures. This note employs an inequality map to illustrate how it these judgements that affect the ranking of populations by health inequality. In particular, it is shown that relative indices of inequality in health attainments and shortfalls embody distinct vertical equity judgments, where each may represent ethically defensible positions in specific contexts. Further research is needed to explore people’s preferences over distributions of income and health.
There are far-reaching conceptual similarities between bi-static surface georadar and post-stack, "zero-offset" seismic reflection data, which is expressed in largely identical processing flows. One important difference is, however, that standard deconvolution algorithms routinely used to enhance the vertical resolution of seismic data are notoriously problematic or even detrimental to the overall signal quality when applied to surface georadar data. We have explored various options for alleviating this problem and have tested them on a geologically well-constrained surface georadar dataset. Standard stochastic and direct deterministic deconvolution approaches proved to be largely unsatisfactory. While least-squares-type deterministic deconvolution showed some promise, the inherent uncertainties involved in estimating the source wavelet introduced some artificial "ringiness". In contrast, we found spectral balancing approaches to be effective, practical and robust means for enhancing the vertical resolution of surface georadar data, particularly, but not exclusively, in the uppermost part of the georadar section, which is notoriously plagued by the interference of the direct air- and groundwaves. For the data considered in this study, it can be argued that band-limited spectral blueing may provide somewhat better results than standard band-limited spectral whitening, particularly in the uppermost part of the section affected by the interference of the air- and groundwaves. Interestingly, this finding is consistent with the fact that the amplitude spectrum resulting from least-squares-type deterministic deconvolution is characterized by a systematic enhancement of higher frequencies at the expense of lower frequencies and hence is blue rather than white. It is also consistent with increasing evidence that spectral "blueness" is a seemingly universal, albeit enigmatic, property of the distribution of reflection coefficients in the Earth. Our results therefore indicate that spectral balancing techniques in general and spectral blueing in particular represent simple, yet effective means of enhancing the vertical resolution of surface georadar data and, in many cases, could turn out to be a preferable alternative to standard deconvolution approaches.
An anopheline survey was carried out in two simian malaria areas in the Brazilian Amazon, Balbina and Samuel, to determine the potential vectors of Plasmodium brasilianum. The most abundant and/or acrodendrophilic anophelines in the forest and the most likely vector were Anopheles mediopunctatus, An. nuneztovari, An. oswaldoi, An. triannulatus and An. shannoni. An. darlingi and An. marajoara were captured essentially in anthropic habitats outside the forest and are unlikely to be involved in the transmission of P. brasilianum among monkeys within the forests and from monkeys to man in their surroundings in the Amazon.
Ambient vertical flow in long-screen wells: a case study in the Fontainebleau Sands Aquifer (France)
A tritium (H-3) profile was constructed in a long-screened well (LSW) of the Fontainebleau Sands Aquifer (France), and the data were combined with temperature logs to gain insight into the potential effects of the ambient vertical flow (AVF) of water through the well on the natural aquifer stratification. AVF is commonly taken into account in wells located in fracture aquifers or intercepting two different aquifers with distinct hydraulic heads. However, due to the vertical hydraulic gradient of the flow lines intercepted by wells, AVF of groundwater is a common process within any type of aquifer. The detection of 3H in the deeper parts of the studied well ( approximate depth 50m), where H-3-free groundwater is expected, indicates that shallow young water is being transported downwards through the well itself. The temperature logs show a nearly zero gradient with depth, far below the mean geothermal gradient in sedimentary basins. The results show that the age distribution of groundwater samples might be biased in relation to the age distribution in the surroundings of the well. The use of environmental tracers to investigate aquifer properties, particularly in LSWs, is then limited by the effects of the AVF of water that naturally occurs through the well.
In a study of congenital transmission during acute infection of Toxoplasma gondii, 23 pregnant Balb/c mice were inoculated orally with two cysts each of the P strain. Eight mice were inoculated 6-11 days after becoming pregnant (Group 1). Eight mice inoculated on the 10th-15th day of pregnancy (Group 2) were treated with 100 mg/kg/day of minocycline 48 h after inoculation. Seven mice inoculated on the 10th-15th day of pregnancy were not treated and served as a control (Group 3). Congenital transmission was evaluated through direct examination of the brains of the pups or by bioassay and serologic tests. Congenital transmission was observed in 20 (60.6%) of the 33 pups of Group 1, in one (3.6%) of the 28 pups of Group 2, and in 13 (54.2%) of the 24 pups of Group 3. Forty-nine Balb/c mice were examined in the study of congenital transmission of T. gondii during chronic infection. The females showed reproductive problems during this phase of infection. It was observed accentuated hypertrophy of the endometrium and myometrium. Only two of the females gave birth. Our results demonstrate that Balb/c mice with acute toxoplasmosis can be used as a model for studies of congenital T. gondii infection. Our observations indicate the potential of this model for testing new chemotherapeutic agents against congenital toxoplasmosis.
Several factors appear to affect vertical HIV-1 transmission, dependent mainly on characteristics of the mother (extent of immunodeficiency, co-infections, risk behaviour, nutritional status, immune response, genetical make-up), but also of the virus (phenotype, tropism) and, possibly, of the child (genetical make-up). This complex situation is compounded by the fact that the virus may have the whole gestation period, apart from variable periods between membrane rupture and birth and the breast-feeding period, to pass from the mother to the infant. It seems probable that an extensive interplay of all factors occurs, and that some factors may be more important during specific periods and other factors in other periods. Factors predominant in protection against in utero transmission may be less important for peri-natal transmission, and probably quite different from those that predominantly affect transmission by mothers milk. For instance, cytotoxic T lymphocytes will probably be unable to exert any effect during breast-feeding, while neutralizing antibodies will be unable to protect transmission by HIV transmitted through infected cells. Furthermore, some responses may be capable of controlling transmission of determined virus types, while being inadequate for controlling others. As occurence of mixed infections and recombination of HIV-1 types is a known fact, it does not appear possible to prevent vertical HIV-1 transmission by reinforcing just one of the factors, and probably a general strategy including all known factors must be used. Recent reports have brought information on vertical HIV-1 transmission in a variety of research fields, which will have to be considered in conjunction as background for specific studies.
Distinct Toxoplasma gondii antigens were entrapped within liposomes and evaluated for their ability to protect Balb/c mice against congenital transmission: soluble tachyzoite antigen (L/STAg), soluble tissue cyst antigen (L/SCAg), soluble tachyzoite plus tissue cyst (L/STCAg) or purified 32kDa antigen of tachyzoite (L/pTAg). Soluble tachyzoite antigen alone in PBS (STAg) or emulsified in Freund's Complete Adjuvant (FCA/STAg) was also evaluated. Dams were inoculated subcutaneously with these antigens 6, 4 and 2 weeks prior to a challenge with four tissue cysts of the P strain of T. gondii orally between 10 and 14 days of pregnancy. Significant diminution differences were observed between the frequency of infected pups born of the dams immunized with the antigens incorporated into liposomes and that of pups born of the dams immunized with antigen emulsified in FCA or non immunized group (p<0.05). There was a significant decrease in the number of pups born dead in the groups L/STAg, L/SCAg and L/pTAg when compared with pups from all other groups (p <0.05). All dams immunized with or without adjuvant showed an antibody response and a proliferation of T-cells. However, no correlation was found between immune response and protection against the challenge.